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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Maverick Joins the Battle!
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-14-2015, 08:48 PM

((OOC: I realize during the battle scene, not everyone knows about Smash Bros., and may be confused with some of the terminology used. That being said, as this RP does not offer anything new story- wise, you are more than welcome to not read this.))

Shouldn't you look a little more... I dunno... lively?

The words rang out in my mind as I snapped out of my trance, a cold sweat breaking out. I gasped and sputtered for air out of surprise.

You alright?

Yeah. I'm just thinking.

About what happened after the match?

Not only that, but how the match ended. I'm almost concerned with how little effort Sane put into this match.


Yeah. Because those pussy ass Defiance should fuck off.

That's the confident, foul- mouthed Joshua I know and raised.

I sighed in response, the events whizzing past my head.

Quote:Gator quickly scrambles to his feet and gets the tag on Justin Sane! Gator gets on the apron and takes a breather. Sane rushes Maverick with a lariat but it's dodged! Mav runs over to Gator and hits him with a perfect dropkick! Gator is flung from the apron and smashes his head against the commentator's booth!

JIM ROSS: "By gawd! I think I heard something snap!"

Sane looks to Gator on the outside as Maverick sneaks away behind Sane, and when Justin turns around AGE OF PERFECTION! Sane is out! Maverick considers the pin but looks to Scully holding out his hand bouncing like a child on Christmas. Maverick tags in Scully who goes immediately to the top turnbuckle.


Scully hits the Corkscrew Shooting Star Press and goes for the cover!






Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions: Maverick and Scully

The two celebrate in the ring as Scully's music plays and they are handed the Tag Team titles.

The Pest walks to the ring, he lifts Justin Sane up by his hair and plants him with a I'm the King of Disorder and moves to Gator stirring on the outside, holding his neck in pain. He grabs Gator and delivers a Black Label Driver before moving to Scully. Scully drops to his knees and looks at Pest.

"Please sir, please don't rape me. Please don't kill me. I'm just a boy!"

Pest: Quiet, Michael. I have come to announce something. You, Michael, and that half dead simpleton, Maverick, will be joining me. Along with two others. You know them as Muddy Waters and Goat face Killa. We will be here, and we will handle what I deem worth handling. For starters, Thunderbolt.

The Pest lifts Scully to his feet and they go to exit but are stopped by the music that plays through the arena.

"We Dem Boyz" by Whiz Khalifa hits the airwaves accompanied by the following image on the XWFtron...

The crowd begins to cheer wildly. Men are cheering, some booing. Kids are going crazy. Women are removing their clothes and throwing them at the quartet of Carson Waters, Bruce Blingsteen, Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson and Dick Powers as they calmly walk down to the ring. Once there the three men look over at the tag team champs. Carson calls for a mic and a few seconds later is handed one by the ring announcer.

Hey, champs. Hi, uh remember us? Yeah yeah of course you do anyway there’s one thing wrong with this whole situation and that is that those tag titles aren’t around the waists of the best team up in here. Here’s the deal. You two, Flynn and I. Two weeks, titles on the line. Unless you’re scared.

Brick Squad's theme plays again and the four walk to the back as the crowd showers them with cheers. Leaving the others in the ring and Gator still on the outside.

You aren't... worrying about Brick Squad... aren't you?

You mean Team Flying Fuck? Hah. No. Really, I'm more concerned about their opponents for this week. If I hadn't known that they'd be facing Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dim this week, I'd've set more of a bar.

Speaking of upcoming matches, did you check out your upcoming match for next week?

Nah, I didn't get a chance before. But now...

Almost automatically, I flipped out my phone and went to the official XWF website. I scrolled down until I saw the card on display. I clicked the link that took me to said card, and scrolled down until I saw the match with my name on it.

"The toilet paper mummy versus the sixteen bit- boy versus myself," I read aloud, eyes peered to the screen, "in a-" All of a sudden, my eyes split open until they were the size of quarters, my jaw hanging limply.





Immediately, I got out of my sit, and did a little dance celebrating the match type I was going to be in.

"Su- per Sma- sh Br- os! Su- per Sma- sh Br- os!" I chanted in rhythm to my dance.

Isn't it SUPPOSED to be done like a war cry? Kinda like...


Yeah, whatever. I'm just excited to be a character in my damned childhood! I poured hours upon hours into the original game on the N64 and on Melee on the Gamecube. What, with becoming a pro wrestler though, I haven't had a chance to play Brawl on the Wii. But, since I've had a chance to capture some downtime recently, I DO have the Wii U and Smash 4.

Wanna go back to the hotel and play a For Glory match real quick before preparations?

Allllllll for it.

[Image: Spongebob_Time_Card_2.png]

A wide grin was plastered on my face as the wide list of characters to choose from. My opponent, profiled named 'Franco,' was busy choosing his character, finally readying up after a few seconds. I, however, took my time scanning the board, wanting to see who I should go with.

Wanna go with an old favorite like say, Marth? Donkey Kong? Mario? Or maybe someone new?

I'm thinking of someone new. After all, I gotta spice things up for myself.

I slid the counter over the selection screen, carefully analyzing who I want to choose. Finally, I selected my character. And I chose...


You sure about that? It CAN be said that Shulk is a contender for the highest learning curve for this game, and you haven't played this installment all too much.

Eh, stop worrying. Besides, I feel confident.

I readied up, and after a few seconds, the game sent me and the Franco fellow to the Battlefield stage, of course being in Omega form, as with all For Glory maps.

As the timer counted down, I could see that this Franco is a tier- whore, and decided to go with Diddy Kong. I tittered, already attempting to come up with a simple strategy.





Right off the bat, I had Shulk go to his speed form as Diddy rushed towards me. I racked up some percentage of damage after hitting a few attacks, though I noticed this was a standard n00b, as he decided to excessively roll. I groaned, bringing my hand to my face slowly, facepalming.

I punished Diddy for the rolls with a down smash, my speed form finally running out. While Diddy was flying from the down smash, I changed Shulk's form to buster, the purple aura surrounding Shulk's Monado.

I leaped forward with a back slash, thus closing the gap of distance between Shulk and Diddy. I did a few jab combos, before rolling back and quickly hitting a side smash. Due to the lower knockback of Shulk's buster form, this hardly sent Diddy flying, though now his percentage of damage was around the 60 - 70% mark.

The buster form flickered away as Diddy went back to his excessive rolling. I sent Diddy flying with another punishing down smash, this time off the edge. I quickly changed Shulk's form to jump, edgeguarding and quickly doing an aerial maneuver, sending Diddy off the screen, racking the first KO of the match.

The screen quickly paused, the Wii U attempting to reconnect once more. A cocky grin was set onto my face, however, as I knew what was going on.

"GIVE ME YOUR SALTY, DELICIOUS TEARS! BWAHAHAHAHA!" I cackled at the TV screen, giving me the oh- so- delightful news that this Franco boy had rage- quit.

Well. Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine.

I'm sorry, but that just felt really good to do. Just alleviate all that pent- up aggression.

I'll say. So anyway, onto preparations. Considering that we are about to be in a game- like realm, the normal film- watching- and- studying will not really be working here.

Got that right.

However, looking back onto this memory, I can see that you do need a final smash.

Oh, I've always wanted this. Gimme a sec.


Alright, I think I got it. I'll rush forward across the stage, arms stretched out wide at my sides. Should I get one, or both of my opponent's crashing onto my arms, I'll kick them up above the stage. After that will come the main part, a huge mega combo, filled with kicks and punches and all kinds of fun stuff. After that, I'll spike them to the ground with a pele kick. Then, finally, taking a page from Mario, I'll grab their legs, and...

So, what do you think?

Hmmmm... it's VERY elaborate, no doubt about that. But, perhaps if you give it some practice, it might just work out. And before you even question how you should practice it, you should know better than anyone in this match that the realm of the mind is an area where you can think of anything.

The realm of the mind...

Those words kept echoing in my mind as I look outside the window.

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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