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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Game Boy: Prepare To Die Edition
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Game Girl Offline

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

04-13-2015, 07:22 PM Star  Game Boy: Prepare To Die Edition -->


It's the perfect morning in Narfinex as our heroes walk down a dirt trail through fields and over hills, the sun smiling and shining. Yes, smiling, it's freaky to say the least. Game Boy, Paige and Palanius walk side by side down the path, GB let's out a mighty yawn and rubs his eyes. Paige looks to him and his half awake look, then stares at the sword resting on his back.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Is that thing heavy?"

Paige asks as she points to the sword, GB looks at her with half open eyes.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Huh? Nah, it's pretty well balanced."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Looks heavy."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Nah. It's pretty well balanced. . ."

Game boy yawns again. Yaaaaawn. Sorry, you ever noticed when somebody yawns you have to yawn too? Just one of those weird things.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Why are you so tired? Didn't sleep well?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"I watched JACK's video promo last night while you two were asleep. It was a little long and I watched it twice in case I missed anything."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Who's Jack?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"It's JACK in all caps. And he's just some guy, my opponent this week but it looks like he's almost forgot about it."

Paige rolls her eyes and brushes the hair to the side. Palanius snickers but pretends not to pay attention to the pair's conversation.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"What exactly happened to Narfinex first, XWF second?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"That's still the case but I'm not just going to abandon a side quest, do I look like a casual to you? Besides this is easy."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
*Sigh* "Okay, my interest is peaked. What's up with this JACK character?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"He's. . . Different."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Different? And how's that a bad thing?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Well, things usually work out the same way. Like a boss pattern kinda. A video goes up, a reply comes in. The pattern I've discovered is a video of me is put out for the people of Urf to see and a reply comes in with my opponent being mad and talking bad about me. JACK, didn't do that. He just explained stuff. Like he talked about his family, and I know it's not very nice, but I don't care. I mean almost every person I meet in the XWF says the same thing, 'you're life doesn't matter because you're a video game.' Pfft, but those guy's lives matter so much more. Just because what they determine is real to them, I'm getting tired of it."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"I bet it can be exhausting. And, I know you don't quit your side quests, but why do you carry on dealing with them? Why bother joining the XWF in the first place? They all sound like a bunch of buttheads."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Not all of them. And they all work really hard. Well, some of them do some of the time. I'm looking at you Maverick."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"What's a Maverick?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Something inconsequential."

Palanius has moved further away from the other two, he is now walking a little ways ahead up the path. Keeping an eye out most likely. GB cracks his neck and sighs.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"You seem stressed. . .I may not care about XWF, but if you need to vent. I can listen for a minute or two."

Game Boy makes a slight smile and looks away for a moment to the hills before turning back to the path.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"It's just frustrating. Why can one person dictate what's important and what's not? I mean, JACK, I'm sorry. What happened, it sucks. . It's horrible, and truly I am sorry. But I don't care and be honest here, if I told you my life story. Would you care?"

Paige's eyes look around the area in confusion.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Are you talking to me?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Whu? No, I'm talking to JACK but picturing he's in front of me. He'll see this somehow it's cool. Anyway back to JACK. lol that rhymed. . . I'm not insulting you for telling us about your family, I don't hate you for sharing. And, again, I am sorry. But I'm no one's puppet. I'm not doing this for Mr. , I'm doing this for myself. Haha, you think the owner of a wrestling federation has the power to take a character from a video game that's been locked in storage for years? If you do, then you're clearly more deranged than I originally thought."

"I'm doing this to help Urf. Change the people, make your world a better place. And I know television plays a big role in human society, I know wrestling is watched worldwide and since I'm a good fighter and the rules of football confuse me. Here I am. One small step at a time. You are here to kill a man. . . . But you wish to take this long route instead which makes zero sense to me. Why not just go to Mr. 's house and do it there? Why have your revenge in this way? Going from match to match, winning some, losing most just to get to Mr. . Win the Tag Team Championships only to disappear for a while, just for Mr. . Am I getting something wrong here? Because clearly you are not doing this for your family. You're doing this for yourself. Because you find wrestling fun, you want that fake money, you want the fans. It's just idiotic to me. Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm wrong."

"But, there is that last line in your promo that ticked me off. You're doing this for your deceased loved ones. That's just low. Why use your deceased family as a way to earn sympathy points? They don't even help you level up. Once more, I am sorry for your loss. But that! That is not cool. What if I said, I need to win this match to save every single person I love, to save my world! Hahaha. . . *sigh* . . .You wouldn't even care. . . If I die. . No one would care. . . . Your exposition about your life, I feel bad for you, but I'm going to treat you the same way every human has treated me so far. I don't care about you. You're doing this for your family, I'm doing this because I want too. And I'm going to win, because I want too. Because I can. And I can still help your world, and I'm still going to try. Win or lose, I'm going to try. Your problems are in the past, no matter what you do now, that will not change."

"So maybe you're the one who should give up, because my fight can actually change something."

Game Boy looks down, a little sad. Paige walks a little closer to GB and shoves him playfully with her shoulder before wrapping her arm around him, stroking his back, but being careful not to knock the sword.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"You know that's not true right? A lot of people would care if something happened to you."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Here, I would hope so. But XWF, my home away from home so to speak. No one would."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Well screw them. You're too good for them anyway."

GB lets out a quick breath of laughter and Paige gives him a kiss on the cheek. GB lifts his head up with his eyes wide, blushing a little as Paige skips away a few feet. Our hero can't help but smile. Palanius way out in front turns and waves to the two to catch their eyes.

[Image: ulVa5rW.png?2]
"Look sharp! We're approaching Princess' castle!"

The couple look ahead with wide eyes and quicken their pace. Palanius disappears from sight as he walks down a hill. Paige and Game Boy continue to walk and see the majestic castle and the walled off town surrounding it, down the slight hill Princess and 'Handsome' Finn await with a group of 20 soldiers, Palanius is at them now. He bows to Princess who curtsies, he then wraps his gigantic arms around Finn and gives his old friend a tight hug. You can almost see the air leave his body. GB and Paige jog down the hill and go to the group.

[Image: ulVa5rW.png?2]
"About time, was starting to think you forgot about the upcoming war and instead vandalized a tree with your names and a love heart."

Palanius and Flynn laugh, Princess glares at our heroes who look away from one another.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Sorry, I'm a little drained. Walking slow."

[Image: JxjI6Ol.png?3]
"And why exactly are you drained?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Just XWF stuff and XWF stuff alone I swear!"

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"Give the kids a break Princess. Hey, did you visit Andraste?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"We did."

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"So that's his sword on your back. Well. . Thought Palanius drove that sword into that stone so deep he cracked the world. But if you could take it, he mustn't be as tough as he claims."

[Image: ulVa5rW.png?2]
"Still tough enough to beat your ugly in a brawl friend HARHAR!!"

[Image: JxjI6Ol.png?3]
"Gentleman please, we have much to discuss. Come, we'll go to the castle and pre-"

Before Princess can finish a might explosion is heard from the town behind them, and another. The group panic and turn to look at a pillar of black smoke raising from the center. The group stand and wait for a second as everything goes deathly quiet and black clouds begin to form in the sky.


A third explosion, this time from the castle itself as the watchtowers fall apart and the wreckage crashes below. A humongous beastly figure with bright white eyes is spotted through the smoke and it let's out a ear destroying roar/


[Image: mAmAfiJ.png]

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