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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Lethal Lottery 3
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Mia Dim Offline

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(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

03-26-2015, 04:48 PM

Replay from last week's Warfare:

Quote:The camera comes back from commercial and we see an unconscious John Madison being lifted into a cab by XWF Security. One of the security guards then handcuffs Madison to the back seat. He even uses two pairs of handcuffs just to be sure

The other security guard walks around to the drivers side door and hands the driver a roll of cash.

SECURITY: "Here's $1,000.00 drive him as far south as you can go until your meter says $1,000 and then leave him there.

Just when John Madison thought he was screwed after being drugged, possibly raped, and sent on a cab ride down south from North Carolina; John was informed that Lethal Lottery was taking place in Tampa Bay. It just so happens that a $1,000 cab fare from North Carolina puts him smack dab in the middle of Florida.

John Madison: "Tampa Bay, huh? Crazy how that worked out. It's like Corvus knew that he wouldn't be able to get the job done and that my services would be needed in Florida this week. Thanks, Corvus. I hate flying anyway. In other news...

It looks like Ricky Desmond finally put away his box of tissues so that he could cut something that resembled a wrestling promo. I'm glad he did because this is the second week in a row where I've had to watch a man cry over his dead girlfriend. Seriously, what's the deal with all of these so-called wrestlers who come out here every week and cry over some fucking woman? That's probably the reason why Dim and I still make fun of Duke and Corvus because Desmond is giving us the same bullshit to work with this week. It's pretty sad that Dim has been stuck fighting against men who'd rather sit around and cry in their offices than do something productive. I mean, just look at this shit:

Quote:No it’s not okay Fred. Look what I have become. I have killed the woman I loved. That we loved. I have ruined my friendship with the only person that actually likes me for who I am. All of this? This is supposed to be what it’s all about. The money keeps flowing, no matter what. That’s what I said. Greed. Money has driven me. Money. Glory. Success. That’s what it’s all been about. All of that though. What’s the point in all of that if I have no woman who will ever love me? I have no friend that I can trust. Not a single other human being on this world will like me for who I am.

John Madison: "Ugh, I can't watch anymore. Believe it or not that was only half of what this motherfucker was bawling about. And Desmond asks why it wasn't worth my time to respond to all of his self loathing bullshit? It should be pretty clear as to why no one should have to sit through that garbage.

However, there was one thing that stood out in Ricky's latest piece which I feel the need to address."

Quote: Well take me down. It should not be hard, I have an obese child with downs syndrome for a tag team partner who got thrown back into this lottery despite losing, while you have got one of the greatest wrestlers ever standing next to you. How difficult can it be?

John Madison: "Desmond is right, it won't be difficult at all for Dim to defeat Desmond and Gilmour at Lethal Lottery. After all, Dim has already teamed up with the "obese child with downs syndrome" and defeated a team that, between the two of them, carried three championships. What accomplishments does Desmond have under his belt? Well, he's covered that topic in his promos about fifty times now but in case someone needs a refresher, I'll let Desmond blow you away in his own words:"

Quote:I suppose I cannot mock you because although I have failed to have a good run in the XWF the fact remains that I have achieved absolutely nothing.

"That's right, he's failed to have a good run and he's achieved absolutely nothing. That's him admitting that even with this tournament he's achieved-- you guessed it-- NOTHING. In fact, he believes that slipping through the cracks is his only option on Saturday. The only thing that will be slipping through a crack is Dim's fist when he gets a hold of Desmond's ass. Maybe then Desmond can go on his dating website profile and tick the "into anal" check box.

Who did Desmond manage to slip by anyway? TJ Wallace and Cain? Hah! My client has destroyed current and former champions throughout this tournament. He doesn't need to "slip through the cracks" in order to get where he needs to be. I find it funny that Desmond seems to pride himself on slipping by or getting lucky when he's said it himself that my client is teaming up with one of the all time greats. Desmond's partner though? Well, I'll let Desmond fill you all in."

Quote:Peter Gilmour - You have been carried to tag team gold continuously just like I have supposedly been carried to this final. In a way, I have been.

John Madison: "I believe that part of the idea of slipping through the cracks in this tournament is to get paired up with a good tag team partner. Peter even admits in his promos that he was a lousy tag team partner, but I'll have Dim explain that one to you later.

Dim and Peter got partnered up and you'd think that they would be equally worthless, but as we've seen in the past "Team Special" isn't like any other team. Team Special, just as the name implies, is special. That's because when I get Team Special on the same page I can manipulate them into being the greatest tag team of all time. Just ask Corvus and Lane.

And sure, you might say that in the case of Unknown Soldier and Dim teaming up that it's a completely different scenario. Only problem with that theory is that Dim's done something similar before. Let's see... One man is blood thirsty devil worshiper and the other is a good Christian boy with special needs. Well, I must remind you that Dim has been placed into a situation similar to this one. It was not too long ago that Dim was brought into a team with Mr. Supernova and as we all know, Dim hates "." However, on that night, Dim did what he had to do and walked out with a Trios Championship around his waist.

Face it, Dim is a tag team specialist and cannot be stopped when he has John Madison as his mentor.

It's too bad that I won't be able to do the same for Peter seeing as how #1 takes priority over #2. Sorry, Peter.

Desmond's crying has gotten so bad that I think it might have rubbed off on Peter. Have you guys seen Peter lately? He's definitely not the same demonic bad boy that I managed in the previous round. I think he's been spending too much time with Desmond. Take this clip for example:

Quote:Peter: But with this whole thing with you getting surgery and add to the fact I got to fight my best friends this Saturday night in the semi-finals of the Lethal Lottery 3 tournament, my mind has been racing. I’ve been very depressed lately and I just don’t know what to do...

Peter puts his head down and puts his hands together. He doesn’t look well. A small tear begins to come down his cheek. Peter’s dad sees this and puts his hand on his son’s shoulder trying to comfort him.

John Madison: "Ugh, I'm gonna be sick. Shut up, Peter, you big fucking baby. Just because Desmond can't deal with his personal issues in private doesn't meant that you can't either. Fuck your daddy and his cancer! Nobody wants to hear about that. In fact me, Soldier, and Sid are the only real father figures that you've ever had in your life. How many Tag and Trio titles has your worthless father helped you obtain? Oh, what, he's too busy sitting on his ass in a stuffy hospital? If he was really fighting cancer, he'd get off of his ass and help his son win this fucking tournament. He's not in your corner, though, is he?

Where was that impostor daddy of yours when you needed someone to get you through Lethal Lottery?

The man in that promo is not your real father, Peter. Don't let him fool you like Corvus did.

I am your father and I'm disappointed in you for allowing that piece of shit a minute of camera time. I don't want to see some pathetic asshole with cancer in a Peter Gilmour promo, damn it!

All you did in your promo was cry, Peter. I thought you were better than that. I thought you were evil or some shit.

I want you to march right back into that hospital, look your "dad" in the eye, and say:

"SUCK MY DICK, !" And then I want you to Gilmour Cutter him through his hospital bed for not being there when you needed him the most. All that he wants is a pity party for his cancer? Fuck him. He's going to die very soon. Not from the cancer but from me shitting down his throat. He's holding you back, Peter, and I'm gonna put a stop to it.

It's almost like how your match will go down on Saturday.

You won't be able to rely on Ricky for anything and you're going to have to watch him slip away just like your biological father will. Oh, and I'm going to shit down Ricky's throat as well.

Sorry, Peter, but a good friend shoots straight with you, buddy. You have no control over what happens at Lethal Lottery. You said it yourself:

Quote:I don’t think Dim would put me on his shoulders. The dude grabbed my ass a few weeks ago.

John Madison: "Who do you think told Dim to do that? Hmm. Perhaps the same guy who's been telling him to shove his arm into other men's assholes. Do you want to know why I had him do that to you, Peter?

Dominance. I wanted Dim to assert his dominance over you. He got not just one but TWO handfuls of that big, squishy butt of yours. I made him smell his hands afterwards too, Peter. He smelled it like a dog so that he could remember your scent. Sure, Dim will come out and say that he only did it in the "heat of the moment," or that he got "carried away," but we all know what really went down that night. On that night you might as well had let Dim lift his leg and piss in your face.

But no, that's just what friends do; right, Peter?

Who do you think Dim is praying to every night when he goes to chapel? Do you actually think it's God's voice that being projected over the speakers?

Dim will do whatever I tell him to because I am his God. If I want to, I'll convince him to wear your asshole like a sock puppet like he did with Duke, Sane, and Corvus.

That wouldn't be very friendly of me though, would it? I would hate to split up the two of you but Peter, if you don't get your shit together, I might have to take you behind the woodshed.

John is interrupted.

Dim: "God damn it, John! What are you up to in here? I heard you say something about splittin' up Team Special!"

John: "Oh no, Dim. I was just saying how split I am at the moment with you and Peter. I don't know who should win!"

Dim: "Oh. Well, don't stress too much over it, John. Me and Peter will be friends regardless of how things turn out."

John: "That's the impression I got from his latest promo. By the way, what were your thoughts on that?"

Dim: "Well, again Peter misspoke on a couple of things. Like this..."

Quote:Peter: Last week, I felt that I didn’t fully EARN my way into the semi-finals

Dim: "You see, I think that Desmond boy is really startin' to leave an impression on him. Peter is now comin' out and questioning whether or not he deserves to be in the final four. He's tryin' to make it sound like Corvus stood a chance against Team Special last week. What makes you think that, Peter? Do you think Corvus attacked that referee because he thought that it would give him an advantage in the match? No, that would be stupid. He doubted himself, he let his emotions get the best of him, and he threw everything away. I believe somethin' similar happened with his wife gettin' killed. Again, that boy couldn't control his emotions so he lost everything! Peter, if you wanna go on to say that Corvus gave you a run for your money, you go ahead. I will say no such thing cause I consider Corvus to be one of the easiest opponents that I have ever faced. Does that sound crazy to you, Peter? It shouldn't.

Just think about it for a minute, Pete.

Did I have to pin or make Corvus submit?

Sure didn't.

All's I had to do was kick back and watch Corvus self-destruct after he failed time and time again. He tried to hurt me but he couldn't. That ain't me lyin' to sound tough. That's me statin' a fact. You probably want some evidence to go along with that statement though, don't ya?

Quote:CorVus pulls back tight with the crossface, yanking on Dim’s hurting neck, CorVus begins screaming as the blood spews from his forehead,

Corvus: “TAP YOU BITCH! TAP!!!!!!!

The ref is down in Gilmourdow’s face asking him if he wants to continue… of course he does.


Dim: “FUCK YOU!!!!!!”

Dim: "Now would you look at that. Corvus has me in his favorite submission hold, yellin' at me to tap out. But what was my response? A big ol' "Fuck you," that's what. Last time I checked, guys who get pushed to their limit don't go out of their way to yell "fuck you," when they're takin' a beating. Answer this for me, Peter; who looked more fucked up by the end of the match? Do you see any blood on my face in that clip that I showed you? What about Lane? Do you see any blood on Lane's face?"

Quote:Dim wastes no time and rushes directly to Vinnie Lane blasting him in the face with The Dimsallishment! Instantly busting his nose open and sending Vinnie Lane crashing to the floor!

Dim: "Looks like Lane got busted up pretty bad too. I don't know about you, Pete, but I walked out of that match unscathed.

You can call it a run for your money. I call it Corvus running to his mommy when he couldn't handle the dominant force that is Team Special.

Corvus gave up and got himself disqualified because he's just like any other . He wants to hide what he really is from the world. He'd rather try to stay in the closet and try to keep people guessin' instead of him comin' clean about what he is. In other words he'd rather strike a referee and take the loss that way instead of havin' to take a grade A, country ass whippin' at the hands of Dim and Pete. Don't you dare let that deceive you like that again.

Now that is the real story of what went down on Warfare. Don't listen to what this little bitch is sayin'."

John Madison: "HEY!"

Dim: "Listen to me and God, Peter. Oh and sorry about your papa. I'll pray for your dad to recover from his illness. And I'll pray that you can recover from your loss on Saturday."

Dim leaves the room.

John Madison: "Wow, I'm shocked. Peter... Dim actually brought up a very good point this week. It's fascinating, really. You view last week's match as Team Special barely escaping with the victory whereas Dim views it as a walk through the park basically. The difference is that Dim was able to back up his views with video proof. What about you, Peter? Can you prove to us that you struggled against Corvus and Lane? Can you prove that they were 'challenging' and 'gave you a run for your money?' I feel like you owe that to Dim since he went out of his way to back up his account of the match. Oh and one other thing...

Your father has cancer because he's a ."

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