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03-01-2015, 10:32 AM
Recently the XWF House show started and had been proceeding according to plan until an unexpected face had appeared to give an announcement. The mystery face it seemed none of the fans remembered which isnt surprising since he had been in Japan for some time. Fans around here tend to forget those not causing action and putting on a show.
Scotty Anderson is his name. This returning veteran made it clear he had a plan for his return. That plan begins with an invitation. Invitations to two new members of the federation, Oni Wolf and Pyro. Pyro had been around for a little while but Oni was fresh off the boat.
Right now Oni is sitting with his brother Isaac in their apartment room watching the House Show. They had just seen Scotty Anderson make his annoucement. Isaac looks over to his older brother.
Isaac: Woaw, already making friends arent ya? You get Mastermind to scope you out and now this guy wants to have a look at ya. Ever seen him before?
Oni: No I havent. Remember I was to busy taking care of everything else at home to watch tv. Obviously including Japanese tv.
Isaac: Yea. So whatcha gonna do? You gonna answer his call?
Oni: I think this is a good opportunity to see some action and make a name for myself.
Isaac: Sweet! Can I go with you?
Oni: No, stay here. Its only on the other end of the building complex. Plus your not a superstar here. Your only here cause I couldnt leave you back home alone.
Isaac: Fine...
Oni stands up and takes his leave. Just like he said it didnt take him to long to get to the other side of the building. He talks with the intro manager and has him queue the music.
Of Wolf and Man by Metallica begins to light up the house show. Fans are relatively silent except those that scream and cheer and holler for anyone coming out. Oni steps up in his normal casual attire(tank top, baggy jeans). Casual strolling down he gives high fives and hand shakes to those leaning over the barricade just for the chance to touch one of the superstars. He slides himself into the ring, stands up and looks at Scotty.
Oni: Good evening.
Scotty: Hello there. Have you thought about my offer? Wanna join me?
Oni:*looks out to the fans and rubs his beard a bit* I think you have yourself an ally Sir, but before I REALLY devote myself to this... whats the objective of our newly founded "group"?
Scotty Anderson's grinning face fades slowly down to a normal smile you would give a someone as you pass them by. He raises the microphone to his mouth.
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03-01-2015, 12:28 PM
Oni gives Scotty an odd glance then shakes his head and extends his hand. Scotty takes the hand shake and then smiles out at the fans raising his arms in victory. Oni makes one last comment and question.
Oni: The whole hunting down bad guys thing sounds a little childish but im up for making a bit of a ruckus. So what about Pyro?
Vladmir The Destroyer
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03-01-2015, 12:43 PM
Suddenly there's a flash on the XWF Tron, and it shows Vladmir the Destroyer standing in a room. He's grunting. Because he had his tongue taken out when he was younger, so he can't talk.
His manager Austin Toolittle walks into camera view, smiles at Vladmir and then looks at the camera.
"Well, well, who do we have here? Some wannabes who want to join a Stable, and search for the Resident Evil of the XWF and destroy them. My friend Vladmir the Destroyer, thinks you guys are a joke. I don't even know why Vladmir himself is wasting his time with you guys. It's seems it's Toolittle Toolate for you both.
"You don't want to hunt Vladmir, because he'll hunt you down first. Just a little warning for you guys to adhere to."
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03-01-2015, 01:35 PM
Oni: Yea... imma disregard the brute too. Anyways, my goals here in the XWF are to become as successful as possible obviously. I was a state wrestling champ two times in High School and a number of us from my hometown enjoyed backyard wrestling in our own crafted ring. So I guess I just wanted to step up a level. How much longer should we wait for Pyro?
Oni Wolf drops the microphone to his side awaiting a response. Oni begins to think to himself "I wonder if Vladamir got a little upset about being completely disregarded or maybe Austin is mad that his "toolittle toolate" catchphrase sucks as bad as Vlad's speech issue."
Vladmir The Destroyer
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03-01-2015, 01:48 PM
Vladmir starts to grunt some more, and then bashes his fists together. Austin looks at him, nods, and looks back at the camera.
AUSTIN TOOLITTLE: "I very much agree with you Vladmir. I agree that Oni and Scotty should form a gay stable, so they can talk about their touchy feely feelings. Come on guys get real. It's just Toolittle Toolate to be serious with you guys now. We have a pest problem to deal with first, but after that, we may come looking for your gay stable next and destroy it."
Austin starts laughing, and looks back at Vladmir who is smiling.
Scotty Anderson
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03-01-2015, 02:07 PM
He looks at the X-Tron with a smirk on his face, then he starts to copy Vlad's movements in a mocking fashion.
"i'm Vlad a monster who can't stop saying toolittle toolate with a manager who is obvisouly trying milk me dry of my money... since I can't speak lick of english, I am just going to have my manager do all the speaking!."
He stops mocking the Vladster and the fans are laughing. Then he looks at the curtains for someone to come out.
"Man, is pryo just going to disregard this partnership? I was really hoping we can have the crazy one in our team. I'll still give him some time, besides that, i'm glad you are on board with this."
He looks directly at the X-Tron again.
"You should worry about that child molester instead of us... if you think you can defeat Pest alone without your low down partner of a manager... I hope you do not have any teenaged daughters who are going to be on Pest dick any times soon!"
Then the fans are giving out mixed reactions as someone in the ring or the curtains speaks.
The Most "Serious" Man Alive
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03-01-2015, 02:30 PM
Pest:You are beneath me. You are vermin. You are less than human. You will do nothing but fall when you face me. If you face me. I will show you pure terror. I will show you why I am the God of Emptiness. I will show you why you check under your bed for monsters. Pardon the plagiarism, but it will be toolittle toolate for you.
Vladmir The Destroyer
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03-01-2015, 08:13 PM
Vladmir starts reacting angrily, stomping his feet on the ground, and grunting a few times. He storms towards the camera, but is held back by Austin. Austin calms him down, before turning back to the camera.
AUSTIN TOOLITTLE: "Plagiarism is right at home for you isn't it Pest. Even sticking your nose into other people's business. To us you are no god, no monster, you can be touched, and you will be touched sooner rather than later, and I guarantee you that it is not toolittle nor toolate for that to happen. And that's no threat. We aren't scared of you."
"And Mr Scotty Anderson, member of the Gay Squad. I would get your story straight first if I were you. You don't know half the things about what happened to Vladmir, nor should you. What you should be worried about is the destruction that Vladmir could rain down on you at any time. It's not toolittle nor toolate for that to happen."
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03-01-2015, 08:35 PM
Pest:I feel you are misguided, boy. You spoke my name, and lo, the Devil did appear. I did not speak your name, I did not mention coming to hunt you. You spoke of me. Unannounced in this conversation. You placed your nose into their business, and summoned me. And after I greeted you prior. Even gave you my name. You took an introduction as a threat, due in no part to the feeling of vast inferiority you both felt when you faced me, and then you began to toss words as if they had meaning to me. No, boy, you should heed your own advice.
Vladmir The Destroyer
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03-01-2015, 09:18 PM
Vladmir and Austin looked at one another and started laughing at Pest's comments. Then they both calmed down to control themselves.
Austin looked at the camera.
AUSTIN TOOLITTLE: "Wow, Pest, you have your head stuck so far up your arse that you don't know what you are talking about. You truly are the god of arses. I did not call you into this conversation, I merely said we needed to deal with a pest problem first, which means we feel we need to focus on bigger people and come back to the not so important people. The Gay Team."
"So you see God of Arses, you stuck your nose where it didn't belong because I did not call you. I'm sorry that you thought I did. But it truly shows how much you think of yourself. Our focus is not on you, yet. But continue to call us into question, then we may have to change tact. Now if you kindly take that stink arse of yours out of here, we can begin to breathe easier."
Vladmir grunted an approval.
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03-01-2015, 10:07 PM
Pest:Oh, you would have us believe that you do not mean me when you say you must deal with a Pest problem? Not after having an altercation with me, over your inferiority complex? Speak the truth now, boy. I do not believe we can hear you, nor your mute fuck, as you attempt to swindle us. Rush along and pretend you are at all intimidating. I believe there is a group of children you can threaten. Because, you do not strike fear into anyone here.
Vladmir The Destroyer
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03-01-2015, 11:12 PM
Vladmir walks over to the camera and grabs the camera man and starts shaking him. He also grunts to him. Austin casually stops Vladmir in his tracks, and tells him to walk away. He turns back to the camera man.
AUSTIN TOOLITTLE: "Vladmir wants the footage of before, get the footage, before it's toolittle toolate."
The camera man, shaking, nods his head, and rushes off. Austin turns back to the camera.
AUSTIN TOOLITTLE: "Pest, Pest, Pest, don't turn something I said into something that's not, because it's only going to turn out bad for you. But okay if you insist."
Austin looks at the camera man who gives him the thumbs up, Austin nods.
What Austin Said: We have a pest problem to deal with first, but after that,
What Pest Said:You would have us believe that you do not mean me when you say you must deal with a Pest problem?
AUSTIN TOOLITTLE: "So do you not hear the difference in annunciation Pest? Clearly I did not call you by your name, I meant a rodent problem, which to us, most of the XWF are rodents.. So stop making it all about you, and turning it into something that's not. Go win a Championship then people can look at you and say wow there's our champion, Pest. But until then just stop."
The Last Son of Eden
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03-02-2015, 05:45 AM
Cut to Cain, who sits at a desk alongside a slumped over receptionist with a long combat knife sticking out of her back. He sits there quietly for a moment, using another knife to clean particles of skin underneath his nails. The young man pretends not to notice the camera for a moment, his hair covering his face. He the looks up from his "work".
"Oh? Did I miss something?"
Reaching into the pocket of his black leather vest, he pulls out a zippo lighter and a stogie, placing the cigar between his lips and lighting it. He takes a few puffs and asks the obvious question.
"So what's going on here?"
The awesome banner was brought to you by Morbid Fuckin Angel.
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03-02-2015, 01:06 PM
(12-10-2014, 08:48 PM)Ozymandias Said: Mr. WG.WF climbs into the ring and looks pissed off. Kendall gets up and takes four rapid knife-edge chops! She responds accordingly! The two begin exchanging chops until Pest hits a quick stunner! Kendall is still standing from the stunner as Pest gets to his feet. He smiles and nails the WG.WF Cutter! The variation of The Gilmour Cutter drives Kendall’s face into the mat! He goes for the cover while smacking her butt as he has the legs rolled up. The referee hits the mat.
Winner and new XWF Tag Team Champions: Mr W. G. W. F and JACK
Pest:That is me winning a title, from Kendall Sawyer. A woman who was nearly undefeated. I won my title, what have you done? Oh, and boy, you don't frighten me. You frighten no one. You, in fact, are deciding to backtrack and cover your words because you are terrified of me.
Vladmir The Destroyer
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03-02-2015, 02:42 PM
Both Vladmir and Austin look at one another and they both shake their heads. Austin looks back at the camera.
AUSTIN TOOLITTLE: "You just don't get it do you Pest. I know you were a former champion, but are you relevant at the moment? The answer to that is no you are not. I know that Vladmir isn't relevant either as he has to prove himself. And prove himself he will. You just love twisting words don't you?"
"I'm not afraid of you, nor is Vladmir. I'm not back tracking on what I said, because I know what I said. And you are still not a monster in our eyes. You are a joke. A joke a minute."
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03-02-2015, 06:57 PM
Pest:I am more than you will ever be, Vlad. Who are you facing again? What is your standing in the Money Madness series? Exactly. You are speaking to someone far above you.
Vladmir The Destroyer
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03-02-2015, 08:19 PM
Vladmir just grunts twice, and Austin nods.
AUSTIN TOOLITTLE: "Man Pest you certainly know how to spin a lot of crap. What's Vladmir's standing in the Money Madness series? Of course Vladmir hasn't even participated, because we've both just arrived. He was late for it. That's okay though Pest. Keep spinning shit. It makes the smell worse."