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Wednesday Night Warfare February 11th 2015
Author Message
Gabrielle House

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-11-2015, 08:17 AM

[Image: qtjAJzn.png]

Verizon Center
Washington D.C

The Great "Master Lito"
- vs -
Polvo Blanco
X-Treme Rules

TJ Wallace
- vs -
Ghost Tank
First Blood Match

- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Thunderdome Match

XWF Television Championship Match
- vs -
Aerial Knight
15 Minute Time Limit
Standard One Fall
Champions Advantage
Champ may post 2 promos per day
Challenger may post 1 promo per day

As we fade in, pyrotechnics light up the and ramp and stage before one final “BOOM!” signals the opening of of the show. We are LIVE tonight from the sold out Verizon Arena in Washington, DC! Tonight, we'll see TJ Wallace go one on one with Ghost Tank, and a Thunderdome match between Peter F'N Gilmour and Mastermind! Then, in the Main Event, XWF Television Champion Gator defends his title against the 'Aerial Knight' Jonathan Heartsford! Can Heartsford finally get the job done against Gator after three failed attempts? This is the show where anything goes, and extreme gives way to the downright impossible! This.. is Wednesday Night Warfare!

“Tear Away” by Drowning Pool hits and the new Director of Operations for Warfare, Gabrielle House, appears from behind the set to not much of a reaction from the crowd. He seems to care very little as he strides down the ramp, adjusting the button on his suit jacket as he does so. He ascends the steel steps and climbs into the ring, before calling for a microphone. He is handed one as “Tear Away” begins to fade out.

“Let me start of by welcoming you all to the number one wrestling brand on the planet! Welcome.. to Wednesday Night Warfare!”

Gabrielle gets a cheap pop. He smirks, twirling the microphone around in his hand momentarily before continuing.

“Now I bet you were all expecting Ozy to come out here and open the show, but he felt that as Director of Operations, I should take this opportunity to increase my public profile. Don't worry, if you don't know who in the hell Gabrielle House is now, you soon will. Tonight, we've got one hell of a show. You'll see blood..”

Crowd Pops.

“You'll see the Thunderdome..”

Crowd pops again.

“And you'll see Gator defend the XWF Television Championship against Jonathan Heartsford one more time!”

Another pop, although this time there are a few boos in there as well.

“Yeah, I know, I'm sick of seeing those two go at it as well. But hell, who knows, maybe this time we'll get lucky and one of those chumps will put the other on the shelf permanently. But that's not even the best part of the show. Oh no, you see as we speak the boss is currently looking over a little presentation I put together. As Director of Operations, I feel it's my duty to ensure we are one step ahead of that second-rate, day time television show they are running on Mondays.”

The crowd gives a mixed reaction. Clearly a few Madness fans in the house.

“Speaking of that show, Paul Heyman's Money Madness series has brought to my attention the fact that our Warfare locker room has turned into a fucking whore house these past two weeks, because it's now full of pussies. Everyone is fucking plying their trade on Monday nights, and that shit just doesn't fly with Gabrielle House. So I'm raising the stakes. You want a reason to compete on Warfare? You're gonna get a reason to compete on Warfare. As soon as Oz has looked over those documents, I guarantee you he will be down to buy what I'm sellin'. As for you chumps who think you can just jump across the border? Be careful. You'll find out that I am the last sheriff with a badge you want to fuck with.”

House drops the mic and climbs out of the ring as a larger portion of the crowd cheers. What could this announcement be? Will Oz buy in? We'll have to find out later as Warfare cuts to commercial.

Without warning Ozymandias Hot Assistant who has not been seen on XWF Television for several months comes out of the back wearing a white paint suit. Her long blonde hair and gray eyes are instantly draw the attention of the overwhelmingly male crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen tonight's opening match between Master Lito and Polvo Blanco has been cancelled. Additionally by decree of the Warfare General Managers both Master Lito and Polvo Blanco have been suspended without pay until further notice. Thank you."

The Great “Master Lito”
- vs -
Polvo Blanco
X-Treme Rules

Match Cancelled

Backstage, we see Ozymandias sitting behind his large oak desk. Leaning against the wall, chewing on a toothpick whilst continuously flipping a coin into the air and catching it is the newly appointed Director of Operations, Gabrielle House. Ozy is looking over a sheet of paper on his desk. After a moment, he lifts his gaze to House.

“Well, it sounds like a good idea on paper. You really think this will work?”

Gabrielle smirks as he catches the coin in his right hand and holds it. He reaches up and removes the toothpick from his mouth with his left. His New Yorker accent is clear from the moment he speaks.

“Oz, please. Look, you brought me in as Director of Operations for a reason. Now I know that you and Heyman have no beef, but the fact of the matter is, ever since he's been back on Madness throwing dollar signs up in the air, guys are starting to jump ship. Fucking pussies are heading for greener pastures. We need to give them a reason to stay, and trust me, this is it.”

“You're right, I did bring you in for a reason. You and Oaktree, both. Speaking of Oaktree, where is he?”

“The fuck do I look like, his baby sitter? Probably slammin' some broad in the toilets or lighting one up. Does it really matter though? You gonna' give me the all clear for this or not?”

Oz looks back down at the sheet of paper for a brief moment, considering his options. He looks back up at House.

“Okay. But if this fails, it's on you, not me. You sure you can handle this?”

Gabrielle smirks as he looks down at his right hand. He flips the coin, this time in Ozy's direction. Oz catches it in his left hand and Gabrielle looks up at him.

“Boss.. the House always wins.”

Gabrielle turns and takes his leave as the camera zooms in on Ozy, who begins turning the coin over in his fingers, revealing heads on both sides. He smirks as Warfare fades out to a commercial.

"Pay for it" plays over the PA as TJ Wallace walks out from the back onto the ramp. He does a "I can't hear you" chant and raises.his arms up and down, getting the crowd hype. Then he puts his index finger to his lip and quiets the crowd. He walka down the ramp, slapping hands, kissing babies, grabbing titties. He slides in the ring and sits on the far turnbuckle.

The lights dim, and crimson fog fills the entranceway as Hysteria and Alysia walk out. "The Asylum" flashes on the X-Tron, as the crowd boos, though there is a smattering of cheers and applause. Hysteria's voice rings out through the arena,

SIIIILENCCCCE, FOOOLSSSS! Rise to your feet, bow your heads, and let us say our prayer to the Higher Power!

Hysteria would then read from a passage of the book he holds, as the lights then begin to get brighter and brighter, then dimmer and dimmer and Alysia begins to dance with juggling torches that had been lit. The lights continue getting brighter, then darker, at least for a few seconds more, before the light darkens, and a strobe light begins its dance as Ghost Tank slowly makes his way out. Alysia would start to bring the torches closer to her body, lighting parts of herself and clothes on fire. The sound of metal scraping against the ground rings through the arena. As the lights begin to brighten, it reveals the source, as he wears shackles around his ankles and wrists, with the chain connecting the two scraping along the ground. At the top of the ramp, he lets out a primal roar, and begins to beat his chest. Hysteria looks over to Ghost Tank, and his voice cuts through the air

The Higher Power givessss unto you, Ghost Tank, the poweeeerrrrr to break your bondssss! NOW BE UNLEASHED AND CLEANSE OUR ENEMIES IN THE NAME OF THE HIGHER POWER!

A Beast Am I starts as Ghost Tank's arms fold across his chest, and then he throws his arms out hard, making a lowercase t with his body, and the bonds break apart. He then bends over, and rips the shackles off his ankles. He grabs Alysia, once free from his bonds, putting out the fire by hand. However, her outfit would be completely changed, as if the fire transformed her clothes. Letting her go after a kiss, he then ran to the ring, leaping from the ground and up to the top rope, which he grabs, using his power and agility to hold him straight upside down on the rope, then flips himself around, landing in the ring, onto his feet and facing the entrance while he lets go of the rope, standing tall with his fists once more thumping against his flesh.

TJ Wallace
- vs -
Ghost Tank
First Blood Match

The bell sounds, and TJ Wallace and Ghost Tank are off! They both bolt right into the centre of the ring, Wallace is appearing to offer a lock-up, but Tank isn’t having any of it! He just slammed Wallace right in the forehead with a wicked punch! Wallace is caught by another punch… and then a headbutt by Ghost Tank! Tank is really trying to end this match quickly! Another punch… interrupted by Wallace!

Wallace swung a boot right into Tank’s mid-section, stopping him from following through with the punch, this time, it was Wallace’s turn to apply the pressure! A punch to the jaw, followed by another kick to the gut, and now… a DROPKICK! Tank isn’t going down, the big man is still standing tall… another DROPKICK from Wallace! Tank still isn’t falling! Wallace doesn’t go for a third, instead kicking Tank in the gut again… he’s setting up for a powerbomb, he has Tank up…

But Tank is able to slide over his head, Tank locks in Wallace from behind… a MASSIVE GERMAN-SUPLEX nearly sending Wallace flying out of the ring! Tank has a wicked grin on his face, as he gets back up to his feet and follows after Wallace, he grabs him by the head and lifts him up with ONE HAND! He’s got Wallace in his grasp… Ghost Tank just flung Wallace out of the ring via the top rope, all with just one hand!

What power!

Wallace fell down to the floor, looking to be in quite a lot of pain, Ghost Tank slid underneath the bottom rope, he waits for Wallace to get up… SPINEBUSTER out on the concrete! Wallace arched his back upward in pain, as Tank is now looking under the ring… he’s pulling something out from underneath the ring… A STEEL CHAIR! Tank has the steel chair in his hand, but he isn’t targeting the head just yet…
CRACK! The sound of a steel chair slamming across the back of Wallace!

CRACK! Another shot from Tank to Wallace!

CRACK! A third hit! This isn’t looking good for Wallace.

The chair is now bent way out of place, Tank looks at it, as another demonic grin slides over his face, he places the chair right underneath Wallace’s head, and pulls out another steel chair from underneath the ring…

He’s going for a CON-CHAIR-TO!

He raises the weapon upwards… he’s bringing it down…!

WALLACE MOVED OUT OF THE WAY! Tank slams the chair on the floor with the chair in his arms, and he yells out in annoyance and pain, as Wallace slowly drifts up to his feet… Tank drops the chair, and charges right at Wallace.

Tank is dropped by a huge punch to the face…

Wait a minute, that wasn’t a regular punch, Wallace had a steel chain wrapped around his wrist… where did he get that from? Wallace smirked, and looked down at Tank, who still wasn’t bleeding after the powerful strike! The smirk turned into a frown, as Wallace waited for Tank to slowly get back up to his feet…


Tank is dropped once more by another punch to the face, the steel chain ricocheting off of his forehead!

There’s still no blood!

Wallace looked annoyed now, he re-wrapped the chain around his wrist, as Tank slowly got up to his feet…Wallace swings his fist out towards Tank!

His punch is caught by Tank! What strength!

Now Tank is lifting him up by the arm… way over his head!


Tank just slammed Wallace on the chair he dropped earlier! He didn’t waste another second, going straight after Wallace once more, gripping him by the waist and tossing him back into the ring, he followed closely behind, and instantly lifted Wallace up from the back…

One German Suplex…

Two German Suplexes!


Ghost Tank is looking fired up, he looks at Wallace on the ground, and then looks up to the top rope, the big man is climbing up to the top! He’s diving off the top rope… he’s twisting away in mid air… 

CORKSCREW… WAIT! Wallace moved out of the way!

Tank slammed off the mat with a ferocious impact, as Wallace stood up from behind him… sizing Tank up…

THE SOUND OF SILENCE (Trouble In Paradise)

He just laid Tank OUT!

Tank slowly staggered back up to his feet… Wallace runs right up to him, then leaps up into the air!

COMPLETE SHOT! Tank’s skull bounced off the canvas hard! Wallace looked down at Tank, who was laid out on the canvas with his limbs sprawled out, Wallace tried to catch his breath, then made his way out of the ring, still breathing quite heavily… he reaches underneath the ring, and pulls out a Kendo Stick! He slides back into the ring, and starts hammering away at Tank with the Kendo Stick!


Five shots in quick succession… Wallace is waiting patiently now, waiting for Tank to get back up…

A sixth hi- NO! Tank grabbed the Kendo Stick and tore it away from Wallace!


A huge shot off the head of Wallace! Wallace slumps down to the canvas, his face down, the referee slides in and rolls Wallace over, as Tank screams for him to check if he’s bleeding… the referee is taking a look…

No blood yet!

Tank is looking very frustrated, as he drops the kendo stick and walks over to the corner, he’s waiting for Wallace to get back up… this might be it… Tank is charging full speed ahead toward Wallace! 


Avoided by Wallace! Tank dove shoulder first into the ring post! Tank stumbled backward as he removed himself from the corner…


Both men are down! They’re look completely spent after competing in this high-intensity match! They're both sprawled out on the canvas, exhausted! Who can get up to their feet first? Both men are slowly climbing to their feet, but it's Wallace who just gets their before Tank. He lands a thunderous right hand to the jaw of Ghost Tank, keeping him on his knee's.. and another.. and another. Wallace slides out of the ring and grabs a steel chair, folding it and throwing it into the ring, sliding in after it himself. He grabs the left arm of Tank and whips him into the ropes, but GT reverses and tries to catch the rebounding Wallace with a big boot to the face, but Wallace rolls underneath! Ghost Tank spins around, stunned, as Wallace is already on his feet waiting.. he picks the huge mass of Ghost Tank up on his shoulders.. THE SILENCER (Attitude Adjustment into an RKO) ON THE STEEL CHAIR!!

Is he?

YES! Tank is busted wide open! This one is over!

Winner: TJ Wallace

The scene opens up to a locker room, Gator sits on the bench lacing up his boots, Todd walks into the locker room, his camera over his shoulder

T: "You excited to beat Knight for the fourth time?"

"I wouldn't say excited, more expecting to win against Knight again and hopefully never seeing him again."

T: "Ha. Oh, one question. What was the whole magic carpet thing about?"

"... The carpet was magic Todd, like I told you."

T: "I seriously doubt that man."

"Oh ye of little faith."

T: "I'm pretty sure you was high on old carpet fumes or something."

"Dammit Todd! The carpet was magic and I had an adventure! Why does no one believe me!?"

T: "Whatever."

"Can you believe I have to face Johnathon again?"

T: "He's like your number one fan or something."

"But he'll always be number two, such a shame."

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of SICK LIKE ME by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his lovely queen Maria Brink #2 come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and hugs Maria as they wait his next victim. 

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Thunderdome Match

The steel cage is slowly lowered over both men, Mastermind has a look of determination on his face, meanwhile, Peter Glimour has a sinister smirk on his face, as both men look around the cage that is surrounding them, barbed wire explosives have already been positioned evenly around the top of the steel cage, both men stop looking at the cage, and then look toward one another… both men walk right up to the middle of the ring, neither man looking to back down from the beginning...

King of Kings plays over the sound system and Ozymandias walks out from the back but stops at the top of the stage. He brings the microphone to his lips to address the massses.

"Ref, hey ref, how about you climb on out of there and come up here, you can take this match off."

The ref looks around the arena and then at both competitors not sure what to do.

"Seriously, you're not in trouble or anything like that, I'm just giving you the match off."

The ref things about it for another minute and then does as he is told, he climbs down out of the cage, up the ramp and to the back.

"Now because this is an officially sanctioned XWF match it needs a referee and based on recent events and at the suggestion of a friend of mine it seems only fitting that the special guest referee for this next match be none other than....TOMMY GUNNNNNNN!!!"

Both Peter GIlmour and Mastermind look on angrily as Tommy Gunn wearing an official XWF referee's shirt walks out from the back to a chorus of boos. Gilmour starts stomping around the ring like someone killed his favorite Maria Brink while Mastermind remains stoic, refusing to take his eyes off his opponent.

Ozymandias disappears to the back while Gunn climbs into the ring. He steps up to Mastermind and engages in a momentary staredown with the Master of Minds and then does the same with Peter Gilmour before backing up a few paces and signaling for the bell.


The two competitors look at each other for a second and then lock-up in the centre of the ring, Glimour, being the larger man out of the two, is able to slowly force Mastermind back, further and further… Mastermind is nearing the steel cage… Peter Glimour just tossed Mastermind right into the steel cage! Mastermind bounced off the cage, and fell down to the floor, but he’s caught by Glimour once again! Who tosses his violently into the cage again, the back of Mastermind’s head is crashing off that cage with incredible impact! Glimour catches him for a second time, and slams Mastermind into the cage again! Peter Glimour is making good use of this demonic structure! 

Glimour catches Mastermind once more… Belly-To-Belly Suplex!

He just tossed Mastermind from one side of the ring to the other! Mastermind is getting man-handled out here! An evil smirk is etched over Glimour's face, as he makes his way back over to Mastermind, Glimour drops down to the canvas, and hits Mastermind with an elbow drop! Glimour hooks the leg right after the elbow drop, looking for the pinfall!



Mastermind got the shoulder up, he isn’t going down that easily!

So far Tommy Gunn has been calling this one right down the middle not favoring either opponent.

Glimour doesn’t look deterred, getting up to his feet, still smirking sinisterly. He grips Mastermind by the head, and slowly pulls him up to his feet…

Mastermind clocks Glimour with a vicious punch that cracks off the jaw! Glimour staggers back a step, Mastermind with another punch! Now a kick to the gut! Glimour is getting pushed back… Mastermind is charging right up to Glimour…


But Glimour isn’t going down! Mastermind is looking surprised… he runs to the ropes, rebounds off them… and now…


Glimour is still standing! Mastermind shakes his head. It looks like he’s going for it, he runs away from Glimour, and then charges up at him, he leaps up into the air…!

He’s hit him with the Mind- NO!

Glimour caught him in mid-air! Glimour has a huge grin on his face as he carries Mastermind in the air…

Mastermind locks his arm over Glimour’s head, and drops down to the canvas! 


Glimour thought he had him! Mastermind slides over Glimour for the cover.


Quick kick-out by Glimour! He’s already starting to get back up to his feet, Mastermind shook his head once more, and locked Glimour up again… FISHERMAN SUPLEX! He held onto him! Mastermind has Glimour down for the pin, the leg is hooked!



Another kick-out by Glimour, he’s starting to look flustered now, Mastermind rolls back up to his feet, and waits for Glimour to get up… he’s going for it again! Mastermind charges forward toward Glimour…

THE MIND-CHANGER! (Flying Clothesline.)

That dropped Glimour to the mat! Mastermind got back up to his feet, Glimour staggered back up to his feet slowly, Mastermind slipped behind him, and locked his arm over Glimour’s throat!

He’s going for the Mind-Sleeper!

NO! Glimour rolled Mastermind over…

HOLY SHIT! A Yakuza Kick from Glimour! Mastermind crumples down to the mat, his eyes are glazed over! Mastermind is looking out of it, that kick nearly knocked his head off!




Gilmour looks at Gunn and starts screaming at him but Gunn explains that the count was done the same way all previous counts have been done.

Mastermind popped the shoulder up! Glimour doesn’t looked bother by this at all, he glances up at the barbed wire bombs hanging at the top of the steel cage, he smirks, and picks Mastermind up, he drags Mastermind to his feet, and carries him slowly over to the turnbuckle corner, Glimour places Mastermind on the top turnbuckle, then climbs up himself. Glimour steps away from Mastermind, he’s standing on the top rope, near the middle of the cage! Balancing himself, Glimour grabs Mastermind, and tries to lift him up over his head! He’s going to toss him right toward the explosive! Mastermind wriggled out of his grasp, and dropped down to the ring, he quickly grabs Glimour and tosses him over his back, hitting him with a back body drop, leaving Glimour lying in the middle of the ring! Mastermind stumbles over to him, drops on top of him, and hooks the leg.




Glimour powered out! Mastermind shook his head in disbelief, and gripped Glimour by the head, he slowly got Glimour up to his feet, and he ran straight for the steel cage, dragging Glimour by the head!

Mastermind just slammed Glimour face first into the steel! Glimour bounces off, shaking the steel cage, but Mastermind isn’t done!

Glimour’s head crashes off the cage again!

And again!

Glimour is busted wide open! Blood is running down from the top of his forehead, and is slowly covering the rest of his face, Mastermind looked ready for it… he’s sizing Glimour up. He steps back away from him, then charges straight ahead! He’s going for another flying clothesline…


Holy shit!!! Tommy Gunn just destroyed Mastermind with the Head Shot(Superman Punch).

Gilmour looks down at Mastermind and then up at Tommy Gunn. Gilmour has no idea what to make of this turn of events. Gunn extends his hand out to Peter Gilmour. Gilmour stares at it for a few seconds and then accepts the handshake...

Gunn then pulls Gilmour in close and tosses him to the ropes and on the return....


Tommy Gunn just speared Peter Gilmour!!!

Both men are down.

Now what is Tommy Gunn doing?

Gunn climbs out of the ring, lifts up the ring apron and pulls out a chair and then tosses it into the ring.

Oh no!! What is Gunn going to do with that chair?

Gunn rolls back into the ring, grabs the table and sets it up in the corner of the ring against the turnbuckle. He then pulls out the latest issue of Handguns Magazine, sits in the chair and leans back against the turnbuckles waiting for the two combatants to wake up....


Still waiting.....

A little bit more waiting.....

Gunn looks down at the watch on his hand and as he does Gilmour starts to stir as does Mastermind. Gilmour get's to his feet first and starts to charge at Gunn but Gunn points beyond Gilmour to Mastermind who is now up to his feet and ready to go.

Gilmour grabs Mastermind in a sleeperhold but Mastermind wriggled out of his grasp, he’s hanging onto the cage now!

Glimour isn’t messing around, he’s climbing up the cage as well, both men are nearing the top.

This is getting dangerous!


A huge explosion emits throughout the arena, Mastermind and Glimour are thrown back by the impact of the explosion, and they’re left lying on the ring floor! Both men are wearing a crimson mask over their faces!

Both men are down!

It takes a couple of minutes, but Gilmour finally starts coming to, and crawls over to the lifeless body of Mastermind. Gilmour throws an arms across Masterminds chest for the count.



Gunn is too busy reading Handguns Magazine! He's not even paying attention! Gilmour realises and is livid as he climbs to his feet, screaming at Gunn who does not respond. Peter walks over to the corner and slaps the magazine out of Gunn's hand, asking him what the fuck his problem is. Gunn just smirks as he stands to his feet, engaging in a stare down, face to face with Peter Gilmour. But it's Mastermind! He has gotten to his feet and crept up behind Peter.. MIND SLEEPER! He's got it locked in! But no, Gilmour wriggles free and shoves Mastermind all the way across the ring!

Gilmour goes to follow up with a clothesline, but Mastermind slides towards him causing Peter to jump over the top. Peter spins around, BAM! OH MY GOD! HEAD SHOT (Superman Punch) by Tommy Gunn! He leapt clear over Mastermind and almost broke Peter's jaw, and Gilmour is out cold! Tommy spits on the lifeless body of Peter Gilmour as Mastermind just stares at him, blood pouring down his face, in complete shock. After a brief moment, Mastermind shrugs, and lays on top of Gilmour, hooking the leg. Gunn drops to the mat.




And with a quick count from Tommy Gunn, this one is over!

Winner: Mastermind

As we come back from commercial, the camera pans around the sold out Verizon Arena and the crowd is jacked after that last match! They wait in anticipation for their main event, which is right n...

What the hell?! That's Justin Sane! He's a Madness guy! Justin walks out from behind the set amidst flickering sapphire blue and white lights, a huge smirk on his face, brandishing his recently defended Money in the Bank briefcase in one hand and his Tag Team Championship in the other. He stops at the top of the ramp, looking out at the crowd as the stage fills with a low covering layer of smoke . As the chorus of “Undead” kicks in, Sane throws his arms into the air, showing off his briefcase and tag championship. He strides down the ramps, the smirk still present on his face and rolls underneath the bottom rope before heading straight for the far corner and ascending to the second turnbuckle, throwing his arms in the air once more to cheers from the crowd. He jumps down from the turnbuckle as “Undead” fades out, and then calls for a microphone, which he receives. He throws the Tag Team Title over his right shoulder, then speaks.

“Now I know you're all probably wondering what the hell I am doing here on Warfare. The truth is, I just couldn't wait seven whole days to come out and say, I told you so.”

There's a mixed reaction from the crowd, but mostly cheers.

“I told each and every one of you.. I told the entire locker room.. and I told Frodo Smackins, that Monday night on Madness would be his last here in the XWF! And guess what? I was right. You see, as I climbed that ladder and I unhooked my Money in the Briefcase, I proved to the world one more time, that I am every thing I say I am! I am the real main event. I am the beast at the top of the food chain. And I am, the man who ended Frodo Smackins' career!”

Cheers emanate from the crowd once more, signifying just how well received Justin is these days.

“But don't get it twisted, I didn't come out here just to gloat. Oh no, see I have another agenda. Frodo is done, that's now in the past, and as I've said before.. my sights are set on the future. From here, things really start to get interesting. As you all know, this case in my hand means that I can cash in for the Universal Title, any time.. any place. And this belt right here? That signifies that I am one half of the XWF Tag Team Champions. But right now, that's irrelevant. Why? Because since CorVus and myself have had these belts, not a damn person has put their hand up to try and rest them from our shoulders. And honestly? I don't blame them. Stepping into the ring with Defiance is pure suicide, and everyone in that damn locker room knows it! So get used to seeing this gold firmly in the possession of yours truly, because it's going to be there for a very.. very, long time!”

Sane smirks wildly as the crowd pops once more.

“So what now then? What's next for Justin Sane? I'll tell you what's next.”

Justin holds up his Money in the Bank briefcase.

“I'm not like everyone else around here who uses their case to take a cheap victory and claim a Universal Championship they never really earned. No, when I want that belt, I'll make damn sure the world knows I've earned it. I'll give the champion plenty of warning. Which is why I hereby cash...”

“Tear Away” by Drowning Pool drowns out the sound of Justin's voice as he lowers the microphone and Gabrielle House walks slowly out from behind the Warfare set, a microphone in his hand. He walks over to the center of the stage and stares down at Justin in the ring as “Tear Away” fades out.

“Well, well, well.. Justin Sane, isn't it? I apologise for interrupting what I am sure was going to be a bombshell of an announcement regarding your Money in the Bank briefcase, but I have a rather important announcement of my own.”

Sane mumbles something under his breath as he looks incensed by the interruption. The crowd seem undecided as to hoe they feel about House at this point.

“But before that, I believe congratulations are in order. That was quite a performance you put on at.. what's that other show called again? Oh well, who cares.”

A smirk spreads across the face of Gabrielle House as a small cheer emits from the crowd.

“Now, here's the thing.. you're kind of cutting into my TV time. Normally, that would piss me off, but given the nature of my announcement here tonight.. I'm actually glad you could join us.”

Sane leans on the ropes and frowns, staring down at Gabrielle.

“See, you did mention something of note in that little ceremony of self-indulgence, but it wasn't the fact you ended Frodo Smackins' career. It wasn't even your Money in the Bank briefcase. No, what really made my ears prick up, was the mention of your Tag Team Championships! You were right.. so far, nobody has made there intention to challenge clear.. but that's all about to change.”

Sane raises the mic to his mouth.

“The hell are you talking about?”

“I'll tell you exactly what I'm talking about. Thing is, Justin, I don't like token champions. You want to keep that belt? Fine, but you are going to earn it. You are going to earn it by facing the best team we can possibly find, and how are we going to do that? The same way we always do.. by holding a tournament! But this won't be any ordinary tournament, oh no. You see, superstars will have the option to opt in for this tournament as a team.. or, alternatively, they can opt in solo and they will be paired up with somebody else at random. The prize at the end of the tournament? Well, that's where you and the bird man come in. The winners will become the new #1 Contenders to the XWF Tag Team Championships!”

Whoa, what an announcement! A tournament to decide the new #1 contenders for the tag titles! Sane looks nonplussed in the ring.

“This tournament will take place on the February 25th edition of Warfare and will be open to all competitors. But, there's a twist. See, I grow tired of listening to you boys come out and bitch and moan all week long, it does my fuckin' head in. So this tournament will be conducted under House Rules! Basically what that means is when you drag your little cameramen around during the week, I don't want to see any of you on my screen more than twice. If you and your partner want to get together and hold hands to send a message to your opponents, then I guess I can live with that, but only once because I hate that fuckin' gay shit. Got it? Five appearances, you can let your performance in the ring do the rest of the talking. And as for the match stipulations? Haha. Stay tuned.. you're going to love those.”

Gabrielle House lowers the microphone as “Tear Away” by Drowning Pool hits the PA once more. House begins backing away, smirking, not taking his eyes off Sane. Justin merely smirks back, pointing to his title and telling House that the belt is going nowhere.

Fade to commercial.

As we fade in from commercial, Justin Sane has left the ring and the lights begin to dim for our main event of the evening.

The acoustic strums of a guitar can be heard as the spotlights point directly at the ramp and everyone becomes dead silent. The acoustic strums repeat for a second time as fog begins to seep out of the ramp and towards the ring itself. Just as the song becomes heavy, the Aerial Knight bursts through the curtains and takes a good look at the crowd and the ring. Once the lyrics hit, he slowly walks to the ring, slapping the hands of the fans to his left side as he passes them by. As soon as he gets close to the ring, he stops and looks up at the ring, where the referee (and if he enters second, his opponent) are waiting for him. He smirks at them and circles the ring as the song continues to play, even as the chorus plays out. After annoying the referee and taking a good chunk of air time out of the show, he climbs the stairs and hops over the top rope.

Gardenia by Kyuss plays as Gator walks out, he drops to one knee, with his head down and beats his chest 3 times,on the 3rd chest beat Gator quickly stands raising his arm as his stage pyro goes off. Gator then walks slowly down the ramp, he slides into ring and climbs one of the corners and raises an arm to the crowd. He steps off the turnbuckle and relaxes in the corner, patiently waiting for the ref to start the match.

XWF Television Championship Match
Gator ©
- vs -
“Aerial Knight” Jonathan Heartsford
15 Minute Time Limit
Standard One Fall
Champions Advantage
Champ may post 2 promos per day
Challenger may post 1 promo per day




The bell rings and these two rivals circle around the ring. Gator holds a hand up wanting to establish a test of strength. Knight reaches up and meets his hand. The two men begin pushing with their chests against each other trying to over-power the other. Gator takes a step back before turning his arms below Knight’s and forces his shoulders up! Knight’s face is in agony as Gator grabs his right arm and flings him over his shoulder to the mat.

Gator stands up and brushes off his shoulder. Knight pops back up to his feet and looks poised to go. Gator shakes his head and throws a right hook. It connects to the side of Knight’s head as he reels back. Gator rushes him and hits two more! Knight begins covering up before kicking Gator in the shin!

Ow! Ooh! Owwie!

Gator hops around on one foot while holding the other shin! Knight leaps up and hits a standing dropkick sending Gator down across the ring. Knight rushes over and locks on an armbar. He begins pulling back on the arm as Gator cringes in pain. Gator rolls his feet over and wraps the ropes. The referee begins counting, but Knight releases immediately.

Joey Styles: He obviously didn’t want to be dishonorable there! Mama Heartsford would be proud!

Gator gets to his feet as Knight moves towards him. He looks up just in time to take a clothesline! Knight is on fire as he leaps onto Gator’s body and begins firing shot after shot! The referee gets in there and admonishes him as Knight steps away. He takes a breath as he realizes that he was breaking the rules a bit.

He pulls up Gator and twists his body around by the head as he hits a neckbreaker on his knee! He continues wrenching the head back dealing heavy damage to the head and neck region of the masked champion. Gator tries to reach out, but Knight wrenches it back even further with every attempt! Gator looks up to the screen with the time.




We can’t see it, but Gator is undoubtedly in serious pain. Todd, who is taking pictures on the outside, stops taking pictures and looks around at the audience. He begins clapping his hands together. The crowd begins following in suit! The whole crowd is up in arms in support of Gator! Knight looks enraged! He begins hitting strikes clubs to the chest of Gator! Gator begins fighting out of it though!

He gets to his knees as Knight turns it into a side headlock! The crowd is cheering and clapping unison with Todd! Gator raises his arms and drives a shoulder into Knight! He raises them again and hits another! Knight’s hold is loosening! Gator raises his arms again and goes for a third!

But Knight rips him backwards to the mat!

The crowd boos as Knight extends his arms taking in the hatred from the audience. He walks over to Gator to lift him up, but Gator rolls him up!



NO! Knight barely kicked out!

Knight gets to his feet, but he looks pissed off! He grabs the arm of Gator and flings him into the ropes! Knight rushes towards him and extends his arm, but Gator ducks underneath him! He stops, turns around, and grabs the waists of Knight before flipping him back for a German suplex!

The crowd pops huge!




Knight gets to his feet as Gator rushes forward for a shining wizard! Knight gets back to his feet shortly after and Gator drills him into the mat with a bulldog! The crowd is on their feet! Gator backs into the corner and begins sizing up Knight. Knight slowly stirs and gets to his knees, and Gator charges across the ring for a devastating kick! It connects to the ribs of Knight!


Gator lays across him and grabs a leg!



NO! Knight kicks out.

Gator picks up Knight and begins setting up for the Snapback, but Knight chops him on the neck causing Gator to release his hold! Knight leaps onto the top rope and leaps off in springboard motion grabbing the head of Gator and driving him head first into the ground with a tornado DDT! Gator is out! Knight goes for the cover!




Joey Styles: Oh man! I thought we had a new champion!

Knight looks in shock! He grabs Gator up as he shakes his head and wraps his head up for a DDT! Gator begins fighting out, but before he can… DDT! The damage has been done as Knight begins ascending the top rope. He points at Gator and raises his arms to the sky! He looks like he’s about to leap off for his finisher! Gator seems to notice this as he rolls outside to conference with Todd. Knight is undeterred! He turns around and leaps up! Moonsault!




But Gator jumped out of the way! Only Todd took the moonsault! Knight and Todd are down, but Gator has his hands over his mouth in shock! He runs over to Todd and begins trying to revive him. He places his ear to his mouth to hear his faint breathing. Gator wipes the imaginary sweat from his temple with the back of his hand. He then turns to Knight. His fists are clenched.

He climbs in the ring and poises for a big move. Knight slowly starts getting up. He gets to standing position. Gator hits the far ropes and comes running, but Knight knows what’s coming! He goes to run, but he can’t! He looks down and Todd is holding him in place! Knight kicks him away and looks up just in time to take a suicide dive to the face!

Knight flies back and hits the steel barricade hard! Gator gets up and looks fired up! He grabs Knight aggressively and rolls him into the ring. Gator climbs into the ring as well and stalks Knight! Knight gets to a standing position and Gator hits a backstabber! He goes for the pinfall!



NO! Knight kicks out.

Gator looks a bit discouraged. He picks up Knight and kicks him in the gut. He lifts him up for THE DISASTOR DROP!

The crowd is on their feet!

But Knight elbows him in the face and stops it! He looks up at the clock.




Knight gets down and looks exhausted. Gator turns around and discus forearm from Knight! Gator hits the mat hard clutching at his neck which was just snapped back. Knight staggers about before picking up Gator and whipping him into the corner. He walks over and lifts Gator up to the top rope. He sets his legs on the outside of the ropes and stands him up. Knight climbs up and looks like he’s going for his patented KJF! Gator senses this too! He headbutts Knight as he’s about to leap for it and Knight falls back to the mat.

Despite that, Gator is feeling the effects of it as his head is throbbing. He tries to shake it off, but he looks fairly uncomfortable on the top rope. He tries to settle his feet, but he’s too unsure to jump. Knight jumps back up and leaps to the second rope before springing up and connecting with an enzuigiri to the side of Gator’s head!

Joey Styles: Oh my God! What a great move! He took advantage of Gator’s fear of the top rope and hurt his neck in the same motion!

Knight falls down to the mat, but springs back up to his feet. Gator is teetering on falling, but grabs the ropes in front of him. Knight sees his opportunity and leaps back up to the top rope! He leaps up and grabs Gator’s head with his feet as he pulls him off the top rope for…





Gator hits the mat hard after the reverse Frankensteiner and is barely moving. Knight slowly crawls over and lays an arm across his body.



Gator got his foot on the rope!




Knight looks broken after seeing that. He slowly gets to his feet and beckons for Gator to follow. Gator slowly does and Knight delivers a nasty right hand to the jaw. Gator staggers back a foot or two. He leans forward and gives him one back. Knight doesn’t budge, but throws another. Gator takes another step back, but the second one sends Knight back a step or two! Gator then points at his chin as if demanding Knight give him another! Knight goes for it, but Gator goes low and rolls him up again!



NO! Knight kicks out!

They get up and the intensity is through the roof! Punches are being thrown everywhere! These men are out for blood now!

Gator it's now taking control of this match. Irish whip to Knight, sending him to the corner... But he knocked out the ref! The ref stepped to the corner at the wrong time, and the ref got blasted!

Knight turns around... Disaster Drop! A Disaster Drop from outta nowhere, blasting Knight!

Gator goes for the cover... But there's no referee! Before Gator can go wake the ref...

Wait a minute! It's Maverick! Maverick hopes over the guard rail and is starting daggers right at Gator! The exhausted Gator notices Maverick as-


Maverick with a growl of annoyance, but he ignores them for the most part. Gator tries to stand up and combat Maverick as he enters the ring but gets blasted with a SPEAR! I mean an actual fucking spear! Maverick drove that shit straight through Gator's shoulder!

Oh no, no! Lights Out Spinebuster onto the TV Champion! Gator seems to be out cold! Maverick drags Gator near the corner... Maverick ascends up to the top turnbuckle... Knightfall! Maverick stealing Knight's finishing maneuver, humiliating Gator!

Wait, it seems as though Maverick isn't done yet. Maverick goes outside... He gets... a steel chair from under the ring!

Maverick hopes back inside... He- He's placing the steel chair around Gator's throat! Mav ascends the turnbuckle once more... MAVERICK STOMPS ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR, CRUSHING GATOR'S THROAT! Gator sprawls and gasps for air, only for Maverick to kick Gator directly in the face. Mav takes his spear out of Gator's shoulder, places Knight on top of Gator, and wakes the ref up before leaving the exact same way he came.

The referee goes for the count...



THRE-NO! Gator got his hand under the bottom rope! The referee collapses!

A full minute passes as the three men are just lying in the ring.




Finally Gator and Knight get up seeing the referee still down. Gator whistles to Todd who is up now. He throws Gator a barbed wire 2x4 and he throws one to Knight too! Knight catches it and looks at Gator with questions in his eyes. Gator begins mouthing at him and pointing at the referee. He pulls his 2x4 back like a bat, but Knight is shaking his head. He throws the 2x4 away and shakes his head.

Joey Styles: "He didn't want to be dishonorable and use a weapon. It's almost respectable. Almost."

Gator then screams at him finally audible.


It’s stopped by Gator swinging the 2x4 scrapping the face of Knight! His face is now a gory, bloody mess! Gator takes the 2x4 and throws it away. He picks up Knight and kicks him in the gut. He lifts him up onto his shoulders and nails…


The samoan drop rocked Knight who isn’t moving at all. The referee comes to and crawls over.





Winner & STILL XWF Television Champion: Gator

"Behold the King, the King of Kings." The theme song of Warfare General Manager Ozymandias roars over the speakers as the fans jump to their feet. Ozymandias makes his way down to the ring, microphone already in hand. He climbs into the ring and shakes hand with his long time client and current Television Champion Gator.

"Another match, another successful defense. Good job Gator. The future is bright for you. And speaking of the future, you all heard Gabrielle House announce the upcoming Tag Team Tournament and as fantastic as that is I have something even better to announce. Something so big that I can't do it all on my own. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Creator of Champions, the Emperor of X-treme, my friend, PAUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!


Paul Heyman emerges from backstage. Many fans give him a mixed reaction as Heyman makes his way to the ring. Heyman enters the ring and shakes the hand of his friend and colleague Ozymandias.

"Now Paul the fans have seen you and I hard at work these last few weeks planning the next big XWF Pay Per View. There's been a lot of ideas thrown around but at the end of the day only one of them really made sense. And that is why it is our pleasure to announce to you that the next XWF Pay Per View will be....."

OZHEYMANDIAS both turn and look towards the XWF Tron as it comes to life...

[Image: GqxtcDp.png]

The fans start going insane at revelation. Heyman and Ozymandias look on with massive grins across their faces.

Lethal Lottery is really, quite simply, the largest event that the Xtreme Wrestling Federation ever brings to its fans. It's a simple structure, but a grueling process to make it to the end.

We may start with anywhere from thirty plus names and our goal is to pair you up, sometimes in teams of four and other times in teams of two until we narrow down the field of competitors to a nice round of sixteen. Those preliminary rounds will take place primarily right here on Warfare with Madness always an option to help narrow down the field.

The rules are quite simple: If you are part of a team and your team is eliminated, better luck next time.

Lethal Lottery is not for the faint of heart! It will test you like you've never been tested before. What if a dominant personality like Gator gets paired up in week one of competition with guys equivalent to Swift Ion? Gator could quite easily be one and done. Out of Lethal Lottery with no chance of winning the...

Ozy, tell them what they could win.

"I'd be glad to. The winner of Lethal Lottery III will be given the much coveted 24/7 briefcase. As if the federation didn't have enough of those floating around we are going to toss one more into the mix just to spice things up."

"Sign ups for Lethal Lottery III will be up on the XWF website shortly so be on the lookout for that. To those of you that enter the field, good luck."

Warfare comes to a close as Heyman and Ozymandias take in the roar of the XWF crowd.
Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-11-2015, 08:40 AM

"Shock of the year! I beat Knight... Again. For the fourth and hopefully last fucking time."

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.
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Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-11-2015, 08:58 AM

OOC: Whoever said good help was hard to come by never worked with my team. Nice work House. Great first show.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-11-2015, 09:21 AM

Now Peter if you had just let me finish reading my magazine in peace this could have easily ended differently for you.

No wait that's a lie. You see this is what happens to someone who constantly runs away from me, they get their shit fucked up. Mastermind stepped up and wanted to take me on so I gave him a little gift. It will be the last match he wins for a while but for now he can add you to the list of people he's beat. He'll you should be thinking me because now you get a free shirt. Hopefully Mastermind has shirts in size XX-Fat.

And don't even think about trying to run over to Madness because in case you did the notice I do whatever I want over there. This was the PG version of what you deserve you fat fucking pole smoker.

Maybe if you had a few friends they could try and protect you from me but I'd probably just fuck them up too.

So now, are you ready to stop running and face me or am I going to have to do this every single week?

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Gabrielle House

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-11-2015, 09:21 AM

OOC: Gah, I was tired, but thanks Samuels, I fixed it.

Always a pleasure, Ozman.
John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-11-2015, 09:26 AM

(02-11-2015, 09:21 AM)Gabrielle House Said: OOC: Gah, I was tired, but thanks Samuels, I fixed it.

Always a pleasure, Ozman.

Ooc: Got your back like a buttcrack

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-11-2015, 12:14 PM

Wow, I didn't see that coming, well I did and I sort of didn't.

Commiserations Peter.

That was a great match even with Gunn's interference.

Overall - 62 Wins 104 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 2 Wins 2 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 2 Wins 2 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Television Champion - 129 Days (Just the 4th TV Champion to break 100 days, and now 4th on the all time list)
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-11-2015, 06:08 PM

more bullshit.. whatever.. u all can suck my dick!

and tommy.. ur done!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-11-2015, 06:13 PM

Does that mean you will take the sand out of your twat and finally fight me? Or was that another empty threat like always?

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-11-2015, 10:02 PM

uh other way around asshole. u r scared to fight me

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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John Ross Offline
Drill baby, drill.

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-12-2015, 02:48 AM

By the sounds of it Gilmour, ain't no one afraid to face you. It's like easy win? Right. Face Gilmour.

[Image: HBEAJ1I.jpg]
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-12-2015, 05:30 AM

Scared people don't challenge someone over and over and over again. Scared people run away again and again and again, like you're doing. Pussy.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-12-2015, 10:53 AM

im not running away like you and bob ross er i mean john

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-12-2015, 11:03 AM

[Image: 48d7ec3ef98c11464a1e9c5cc749c378f9661ccb...dc777a.jpg]

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-12-2015, 11:11 AM

Then fight me. If you aren't running then fight me. Simple as that. Stop ducking. Stop stalling. Just man up and take me on. Or continue to be a pussy. Those are your only two options because I am going to show up at every single match you have until you do face me. And you know I will.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

Hate Post Like Post
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-12-2015, 10:15 PM

name the time and place for your death

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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John Ross Offline
Drill baby, drill.

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-12-2015, 11:04 PM

Gilmour, I'm sure Mr. Gunn has more important things to do. I'm sure you won't mind 'schoolin' a rookie. Let me show you how we do it in Texas.

[Image: HBEAJ1I.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-13-2015, 11:14 AM

well let me show you how I do it in LA.. BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-13-2015, 11:22 AM

Actually Peter, since you are finally growing a set of balls and agreeing to face me how about you pick the place. Madness or Warfare doesn't make a difference to me. As for the time, gonna have to be the first week of March since I'm booked up until then. Unless you want to do it on the 25th of February. Your call.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-14-2015, 09:47 PM

booked till march 2.. maybe after that I can kill u

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-14-2015, 09:57 PM

(02-12-2015, 11:04 PM)John Ross Said: Gilmour, I'm sure Mr. Gunn has more important things to do.

"Apologies for barging in uninvited here, but that's untrue, since Gunn has been challenging Gilmour for months on end. Hell, even Gunn's eight- year old nephew had enough and he beat Gilmour."

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-14-2015, 10:29 PM

that shithead got lucky

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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