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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare February 4th, 2015
Author Message
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-04-2015, 08:09 PM

[Image: qtjAJzn.png]

Royal Farms Arena
Baltimore, Maryland

Iris Oppenheimer
- vs -
Basically anything goes - claws encouraged

Polvo Blanco
- vs -
Elijah Johnson
BodyMore Corner Street Fight
Match will take place on a corner of West Side Baltimore
Anything goes.

Ricky Desmond
- vs -
Flaming Tables Match

Austin Fernando
- vs -
X-Treme Rules

Ruben Mitchell
- vs -
Cage Match

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Game Boy
Mortal Kombat
Match takes place in the Pit
Must win using a Fatality which must be described in each wrestlers first promo.
Or by throwing the opponent into the spike filled pit which results in instadeath

Federweight Title Rumble

Sebastian Duke
- vs -
Eli James
I Quit Match

XWF Trio Championship Match
"The Kings"
John Madison, John Samuels and Theo Pryce©
- vs -
"The Underground"
Aerial Knight, TJ Wallace and Xavier Swann
Standard One Fall

King of King's by Motorhead roars out over the arena's P.A system as the fans already on their feet for the beginning of Warfare get even louder as the Warfare Management team of Ozymandias, Gabrielle House and Matthew Oaktree slowly make their way down to the ring. Once in the ring Ozymandias reaches out through the ropes and takes a microphone that the ring announcer is handing.

"Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to Wednesday Night Warfare!!! And have one got one heck of a show for you all. 9 matches including a few XWF first's like The Pit match and a Body More Street Fight. Not to mention the trios titles are being defended. Not only that but starting tonight you are going to see some changes around here. It's about time Warefare caught up to the 21st century. But before all of that I have a very special announcement to make. As you all know every month the XWF Superstars come together to vote for who they believe was deserving of the previous months Superstar of The Month award and now I am pleased to announce that last month's winner is ironically enough a member of the Monday Night Madness Roster. However because Paul and I have such a good working relationship he was willing to let said roster member and the newest member of the Heyman Alliance appear before you all tonight. Ladies and Gentlemen the February Superstar of the Month........AUSTIN FERNANDO!!!

Edge of A Revolution by Nickleback...seriously Nickleback? For shame Austin for Shame. Anyway as the song plays Austin Fernando comes down to the ring amidst a chorus of cheers.

Fernando climbs through the ropes and shakes hands with each member of the Warfare Management team stopping in front of Ozymandias.

"Hello Austin and welcome to Baltimore, Maryland and Wednesday Night Warfare. First congratulations on your well deserved award. Not only will your face be featured on the XWF Website for the month of February but you will also receive a prize of 50,000 Xbux from XWF Management. Good luck next month hopefully you can ramp it up a notch.

Ozymandias shakes Austin Fernando's hand one last time and then the Warfare Management team as well as Fernando exit the ring and walk to the back as Warfare goes to commercial.

"Nine in the Afternoon" by Panic! at the Disco begins to play and Iris Oppenheimer bounces down to the ring. Yes, bounces. As in so wired up with enthusiasm, she can't help but jump up and down on her way to the ring.

The music fills the arena as Essence enters looking around. She walks down the ramp and crawls underneath the ropes. She jumps to her feet and smiles an adorable smile at the audience as she climbs the buckle and pumps her arms up and down!

Iris Oppenheimer
- vs -
Basically anything goes - claws encouraged

The bell sounds and Essence wastes no time going right at her opponent by locking up with her and then immediately tossing her into the corner. Oppenheimer’s back connects hard with the turnbuckles and before she can react Essence takes her out with a crossbody the result of which leaves Oppenheimer seated up against the bottom turnbuckle. Essence follows up with a few well-placed corner stomps to Oppenheimer’s face and chest.

Essence grabs Oppenheimer by the hair and pulls her towards the center of the ring and plants her with a Reverse Hurricanrana. With Oppenheimer down Essence rolls out of the ring and starts looking under the ring apron for something, anything to spice things up.

Essence pulls out a wooden baseball bat, a kendo stick, barbed wire, a steel chair, a small black cloth bag and tosses them all into the ring one at a time. Essence then pulls out a long wooden table and slides it into the ring.


Just as Essence was turning around to get back into the ring Oppenheimer takes her out with a suicide dive. Both Essence and Oppenheimer are laying on the ground breathing heavily.

Somehow despite smacking her face off the cold hard concrete Oppenheimer is the first to stir.

Oppenheimer gets to one knee, and then the other and Essence rolls over onto her back. Oppenheimer uses the announcers table to pull herself up and once she makes it to her feet she grabs one of the TV’s off the announcers table and swings it wildly at her opponent.

The first swing misses but the second connects with the back of Essence’s head propelling Essence forward and right into the ring post.


Oppenheimer quickly grabs Essence’s leg and hooks her for a pin.



Kick out!!

Oppenheimer quickly reacts to the unsuccessful pin fall by pulling her opponent up and tossing her into the ring and then slides in herself.

Essense is somehow the first to her feet, she picks Oppenheimer up by the throat and tosses her under the bottom rope. With her neck hanging over the ring apron Essence grabs Oppenheimer’s legs like a wheel barrow and using all of her momentum falls backwards which sends Oppenheimer chest first into the bottom rope. Oppenheimer rolls over in an attempt to get away but Essence grabs her by the leg and pulls her into the center of the ring and slaps Iris across the face as hard as she can.




Essence pulls Iris up by her hair and sets her up for a DDT but Iris reverses it into a bridge pin.


Kick out!!

Iris quickly follows up with The Eye of Truth(Elbow to the throat).

With Essence down and gasping for air Iris wastes no time and ascends the turnbuckle and then leaps off connecting with the My Body As A Shield (450 Splash) and then a pin.




Winner - Iris Oppenheimer

Oppenheimer reaches down and grabs her opponent by the forearm and pulls her up to her feet. Oppenheimer bears the brunt of Essence's weight for a second before Essence stands up on her own. She and Iris stare at each other for a few seconds and then Iris extends her hand. Essence looks at it for a second and then out at the crowd and then she reaches out and shakes Iris' hand as the crowd erupts in cheers. Essence then raises Iris' arms and claps for the victorious Iris Oppenheimer.

Cameras are backstage at Warfare in the parking garage when a long black limo pulls up.

[Image: l.jpg]

After several seconds, the limo driver steps out and opens the rear door of the car. Stepping out of the limo is Madness General Manager, Paul Heyman.


Polvo Blanco
- vs -
Elijah Johnson or is it Washington? Who really knows.
BodyMore Corner Street Fight
Match will take place on a corner of West Side Baltimore
Anything goes.

Let’s take the action outside to a busy Baltimore intersection where Polvo Blanco has arrived to meet the already-waiting Elijah Washington… we’ve got a great crowd already for this BodyMore Street Fight!

[Image: EHgjp5o.gif]

Who knew there were Chinese markets in Baltimore???

Polvo Blanco looks to be feeling out Elijah, he’s not ready to get into the big man’s reach just yet… Polvo looking around for something he can use in his environment…

Polvo finds a trash can! Flinging the lid at Elijah like a Frisbee, Polvo uses the momentary distraction to rush in with the can held high, charging at Elijah Washington…

Washington with a big boot to the trash can! Polvo Blanco gets driven right into the STEEL can!

Not letting up, Elijah moves to grab Polvo by the back of the head… oh, but his hand finds one of those nasty elongated spikes instead!

Washington has a bloody hand, and Polvo shakes the cobwebs off in time to take advantage, dropping onto the sidewalk with a low dropkick to Washington’s knee! The big man’s leg is tripped out from under him and he staggers forward, balancing himself in a kind of three-point stance…

Shining wizard from Polvo Blanco! Elijah is sent sprawling and is sitting on his as on the sidewalk!

Looking around, Polvo Blanco positions Elijah’s sitting body in front of a nearby fire hydrant! Polvo backs up and runs forward, leaping for another dropkick!


Elijah Washington ALMOST moved, but Polvo nailed him right in the face, sending the bigger man’s head crashing backward into probably the only toy the kids in this neighborhood have!

Elijah slumps to the side and Polvo Blanco may have this match already won after such a vicious move… Polvo with a senton splash…

Elijah avoided that one! Somehow Washington had the wherewithal to roll to the side, and Polvo Blanco just ate concrete and macadam!

Elijah Washington grabs the trash can lid as the two men both get to their feet… and he slams it right into the midsection of Polvo! Polvo Blanco doubles over… and he catches another shot with the lid to the back!

Polvo falls to his knees, arching his back in pain. Elijah Washington steps behind him and puts his foot in the middle of Polvo’s back… then stomps him down into the sidewalk!

That impact even snapped off some of Blanco’s spikes! Maybe that’s Washington’s strategy?

Polvo Blanco staggers back to his feet, and Elijah Washington nails him in the stomach with a hard right punch! As Blanco’s knees weaken, Washington whips him across to the far end of the sidewalk, right into…

A pay phone??? Seriously Baltimore? You still have pay phones here???

At any rate, Polvo manages to slow himself enough to minimize the impact, but he’s still caught unawares by the huge form of Elijah Washington running at him and hitting him with a big standing splash!

Polvo is crushed between the body of Elijah Washington and the super old pay phone booth! Oh, but Washington got a spike to the eye for his trouble!

Washington stumbles back from the phone booth, clutching his face, and Polvo sees an opportunity… he scampers up to the top of the phone booth and flies off…


Polvo hit Elijah Washington right in the grill with his mask of head spikes, sending himself into the concrete as well! He’s got no regard for his own well-being!

Elijah Washington is knocked for a loop, but still on his feet! Washington, grabbing his face and head, wanders into the road! LOOK OUT!!!!

[Image: hit-by-icecream-truck-o.gif]




I think Elijah Washington is dead! That ice cream truck came out of nowhere and really cleaned him up!

Polvo Blanco rushes over and goes for a cheap pin!




How did Elijah Washington kick out after being run down by that ice cream truck!?!?! Why wasn’t the Wire as good as this match!!?!?!

Polvo Blanco can’t believe it either, but he’s still got a definite upper hand, standing in front of Elijah Washington and waiting as the huge competitor slowly gets to one knee…

Elijah Washington scoops Polvo Blanco up into a bear hug! No, he stands up with him and drapes him headfirst over his own back!


Polvo Blanco is driven head first into the street, and the spikes all break from his mask, rolling away!

Both men are out of it, lying in the middle of the road, who will get up first???

It’s Washington!

No, Polvo Blanco is up too… he swings a lazy right hand, but Washington easily deflects it and returns with – THE BODYMORE SPECIAL!!!!

That windup right hook sends Polvo Blanco spiraling across the street and right onto park bench! How ironic!

Elijah Washington makes his way to the bench, and now the two men are having a full on brawl in front of the bench! Blanco is getting worn down by the vicious onslaught…

… wait a minute, a bus is stopping at the bench! A stream of people are getting off of the bus, getting between the two XWF stars! They’re lost in a crowd!

As the throng finally breaks up and the bus pulls away… Elijah Washington is looking around everywhere to find Blanco.


Polvo Blanco just ran across the length of the roof of that moving city bus and leaped from the top in a twenty foot tall corkscrew!!! He’ll kill him!!!

OH NO!!!!


Elijah Washington caught Blanco in mid motherfucking air and just wrecked him with The Third Strike. An over the head reverse piledriver.

Washington nailed him so hard that spikes in Blanco's helmet are stuck in the street. Blanco is literally standing on his head. Not sure what to do Washington starts kicking Blanco in the chest trying to get him to topple over but to no avail.

Out of nowhere Malik Jefferson comes onto the scene. He pulls a handgun out of his waistband and lights Blanco up like a christmas tree.






Blanco's bullet riddled body slumps forward as smoke starts coming out of the front of Malik's gun. Malik and Washington glance at each other and then the ref who seems to have no idea what to do.

Malik walks up to the ref and puts the gun to his head.

"Call it nigga or you end up like him." Malik says while using the barrel of his gun to point at the rapidly dying Blanco.

The ref quickly and nervously signals for the bell and points to Elijah Washington as the winner of the match.

Winner - Elijah Washington

Money hits the ring. Ricky strolls out onto the stage and he looks across the thousands of fans. He has a eerie smirk on his face, and he punches his fists together as he always does. He strides down the ramp, briskly ignoring the fans as he does so. Ricky slowly climbs the steel steps and brushes his feet on the ring apron before climbing over the middle rope and raising his right arm into the air. The music comes to an end as he jogs on the spot in preparation.

Symphony of Destruction starts to play, and smoke pours into the arena, giving an ominous feeling. Maverick comes out, taunting the crowd every step of the way. After Maverick hops into the ring, he relaxes on a turnbuckle, waiting for the match to start, going on a turnbuckle facing his opponent if entering second, going on a turnbuckle facing the entrance ramp if entering first.

Ricky Desmond
- vs -
Flaming Tables Match

Maverick and Ricky Desmond stand in the ring in their respective corners, four tables line the outside of the ring. The pair stare each other down as the crowd chants.


Maverick's smug face turns to a frown as he looks to the crowd for a brief moment and shaking his head. The ref signals for the bell and the two come from their corners and begin to circle each other, in true wrestling fashion Maverick raises his hand for a lock up, Ricky cautiously locks up with Mav and the two push for control. Maverick throws Desmond's arms away and grabs him from behind, throwing him with a German suplex but Ricky flips in the air and lands on his feet, he rushes towards Maverick who on the ground and jumps for a knee drop but the perfect one rolls out the way and Desmond drives his knee into the mat, clutching it in pain. Maverick gets to his feet and walks over to Desmond, grabbing him by his head and lifts him to his feet, then going for an Irish whip, but Desmond reverses it with a whip of his own, flinging Maverick over the top rope as he lands face first onto one of the propped up tables. Mav clutches his face in pain while Ricky runs against the ropes opposite and rebounds, sprinting across the mat he leaps into the air over the ropes and crashes into Maverick with a cross body and both men smash through the table!

Both men lie in the debris of the broken table, struggling to get to their feet. Desmond crawls toward the apron and uses it to get himself to his feet, Maverick starts to crawl away, still winded from the previous attack. Desmond walks over to the wounded Maverick and gives a stiff boot to his head, and another! Ricky grabs Maverick and throws him into the steel steps, Maverick topples over the steps clutching his shins on the ground. Desmond hops onto the apron as Mav starts to get to his feet, Desmond runs down the apron and leaps off with a beautiful Missile Dropkick into Mav's chest who falls against the barricade as Ricky lands with a thud.

Ricky gets back to his feet as Mav slumps against the barricade, Desmond goes over to Mav to continue his assault but Mav, proving he's still in this, rakes Ricky's eyes. Desmond stumbles back and the perfect one springs to life, rushing Ricky and delivering a brutal clothesline, knocking the temporary blind Desmond on his ass. Maverick looks to table closest to him, realizing he could end this match now he takes the lighter fluid and lighter resting on top of the table and starts to spray the fluid over the wood and igniting the table. Maverick smiles and turns back to Desmond, but is caught with a sucker punch! Ricky caught Mav off guard and grabs his head, pushing it closer to the flames! The front row must smell some burnt hair.

As Ricky pushes Maverick's head closer and closer to the flames, Mav tries to fight back. Throwing an elbow into Ricky's nose which oozes blood instantly. Desmond releases his grip and Mav turns pushing Desmond away, slamming his back into the apron. Maverick runs and tries to grab at Desmond but Ricky rolls back into the ring before Mav can grab him, smart move from the billionaire businessman. Mav climbs onto the apron, but Desmond springs to life, he rushes Maverick going for the Million Dollar Bill! (clothesline form hell) But Maverick telegraphs it and ducks, a shoulder tackle into Ricky's gut and Maverick sets him up for a suplex. A suplex off the apron! And Desmond crashes through the table!!

But, the amount of lighter fluid was too small, the flames have disappeared! It doesn't count! The match continues! Desmond lies in between the broken table, heavily breathing, Maverick crawls away from the wreckage holding his back, staring at the referee from the outside arguing why he hasn't rang the bell. Maverick slowly gets to his feet, holding his back, shouting at the ref and getting in his face before shoving him away and turning his attention back to Desmond. Mav grabs Ricky and throws his head into the barricade, and whips the dazed Ricky into the ring. Maverick walks around the ring and goes to the third table, he takes the light fluid and empty the contents all over the table, Mav searches for the lighter and turns to the ring, seeing Ricky and a baseball slide! Desmond doesn't quit! Mav falls back onto the table and Ricky slides to the outside and begins to smash Maverick's head against the table, again and again. The wood cracking as Maverick's head slams against the table, mixing blood with lighter fluid.

Ricky tosses Maverick's body onto the table and begins to search for the lighter, Ricky quickly darts around looking for it and goes back into the ring, he looks back to Maverick, his arm moving as he starts to stir. Desmond limps to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle, he stares down at Maverick on the table and looks to the crowd holding up his hand, screaming 'give me a damn lighter!' A fan answer his call tossing a Zippo lighter to Desmond who catches it. Ricky flicks open the top and starts the flame, he tosses the lighter in the direction of Maverick and the table, Ricky follows the lighter, leaping off the turnbuckle with a Diving Elbow! The zippo hits! Maverick and the table burst into flames! Ricky follows and hits Maverick with the elbow and they crash through the table!

Winner - Ricky Desmond

The backstage cameras continue to follow Heyman as he greets backstage Warfare employees with a handshake and a smile. Within moments he comes to a closed door. On that door is a red label reading: Warfare General Manager Ozymandias.

Heyman enters without knocking. Ozymandias looks up from his desk and sees Heyman. Ozy stops what he's doing.

"H-Hey, Paulie!"

Ozy comes around his desk, giving Heyman a handshake and a friendly hug.

"I'm glad you made it!"

"I told you I'd be here."

"That was a good show this week."

"Yeah, it was and you know, its only going to get better.

"And do you know why its going to get better?"

"Because you're back?"

"Damn right I'm back! Ha Ha!"

Ozy sits back in his chair, Paul sits across from him.

"I'm back under a week and things are already turning around! Do you see the ratings? Madness placed ahead of Raw for the first time since I left!"

"I did see them, actually. I'm extremely happy about that, because what's good for Madness is good for the XWF and who runs the XWF?"

"We do!"

"Damn right we do."

"Bookings for Madness are up across the board, across the entire company and why? It's all because of Money Madness!"

"When I saw that press release on, even I considered signing up for Madness, ha ha!"

"I'd put you in a cage with MacClay."

"On second thought, maybe I won't."

"These XWF stars, whether they're on Madness or Warfare, they'll soon realize that everything I touch, turns to gold."


"You hurt my heart Ozy."

"Relax, I'm kidding."

"So, this next XWF pay per view."

The scene fades out.

Austin Fernando strides out confidently to the top of the entrance ramp, standing front and centre in front of the entire crowd with an almost sadistic smile on his face, cranking his head from side to side, he paces down to the ring and hops up onto the apron lightly. He stops again for a moment and bounds straight over the top rope, clearing it easily. Bouncing around lightly on his feet he crosses over to the bottom right turnbuckle and steps up onto the top turnbuckle, raising one arm triumphantly into the air. The crowd giving him mixed reactions, he steps down from the top rope and stays in the bottom right corner he placed himself in, stretching himself out and preparing himself for the match ahead.

As the opening riff of "Blacklist" by Exodus brings the crowd to life the lights strobe red and black. Flames erupt from the stage and Cain steps thrugh them, bouncing from foot to foot at the top of the ramp, then he roars and pounds his chest three times as the flames once again erupt behind. He storms down the ramp with purpose, bumping fists with a couple of fans in the front row. He bounces back and forth again as he reaches the ring apron, leaping up on it. As he steps through the ropes, he steps to the middle of the ring, arms outstretched as sparks rain down onto him. As the ambience returns to normal, he slaps his head a few times, psyching himself up for the match.

Austin Fernando
- vs -
X-Treme Rules

Fernando and Cain circle each other as the referee stands between them in the centre of the ring, asking each man if he is ready. Cain offers up a serious nod, whilst Fernando merely smirks and tilts his head forward in acknowledgement. The referee calls for the bell to signal the start of the match and the crowd pops. The referee back away and both men move to the centre of the ring, wasting little time as they engage in a collar and elbow tie-up. Cain uses his strength advantage to drive Austin back into the corner. The referee starts a five count as Cain leans on Austin, driving his head back.





Cain breaks the hold, holding his hands up as he back away. His retreat is only momentary though, as he throws a big right hand clothesline, which Fernando ducks under and Cain staggers into the corner. Fernando begind unleashing with a series off stiff left kicks to the chest of Cain, holding the top rope for balance. After delivering four left kicks, Austin steps up onto the bottom rope for a bit of spring with his left foot and SMACK! He delivers a stiff right boot to the jaw of Cain which drops him to his hands and knees. Cain tries to shake off the blow as Fernando runs and bounces off the ropes, but Cain launches up and nails Fernando with a huge clothesline which folds Austin in half and send him crumpling to the mat as the crowd lets out a loud “OOOOHHHH!”. Cain rolls out of the ring, holding his jaw, and digs around under the ring, coming up with a steel chair and a roll of barbed wire. He slides back in the ring and tosses the barbed wire aside, stalking Austin with the steel chair. Austin is already half way to hit feet, and as he turns around, CRACK! A thunderous blow to the skull of Austin. Cain drops the chair immediately and goes for the quick victory, placing a solitary foot on the chest of the fallen Fernando..



Kick out by Austin! Cain grabs him by the head and drags him to his feet, whipping him into the corner and following him in with a huge clothesline once again! He sends Austin across the ring and follows up with a big lariat once more! Austin falls to the mat as Cain laughs and looks out at the crowd. He drags Fernando to his feet once more, but Austin lands a sharp jab to the stomach of Cain, but his resistance is futile as Cain lands a hard right forearm across the back of Austin, sending him back to his knees. Cain whips Austin into the corner once more and charges in... DAS BOOT! NO! Austin rolled under the boot as Cain's leg went over the top rope and tangled him up. Austin picks up the steels chair and as Cain unhooks himself and turns around, Austin charges and launches himself into the air.. CRACK! Flying chair shot to the skull of Cain! Cain drop to a knee and Austin quickly lands a right boot to the jaw, spinning 360 degrees in the process and then CRACK! Another vile chair shot to the head! Cain falls to onto his back and Austin quickly places the chair on top of him.. Standing moonsault! Austin clutches at his ribs as he removes the chair and the crowd pops! He goes for the cover..



NO! Cain with a shoulder up just before the count of three! Austin smirks as he walks over and grabs the tangled pile of barbed wire and begins wrapping it around the turnbuckles in one of the corners. He walks over and grabs Cain by the hair, dragging him to the centre of the ring and then pulling him to his feet. He grabs the left wrist of Cain and whips him towards the barbed wire, but using his strength Cain is able to reverse the irish whip and catches Fernando in a bearhug position.. he pops his hips.. Belly to Belly into the Barbed Wire!! The crowd begins chanting “Holy Shit! Holy Shit!” as Austin slides painfully down the barbed wire, ripping open the flesh on his back and causing it to bleed instantly. Austin writhes in agony as Cain gets to his feet with a sadistic grin on his face, turning to look at the shredded back of Fernando. Austin begins crawling towards Cain, who drags him to his feet once he arrives, but Cain is met with a stiff right forearm to jaw from Fernando that sends Cain reeling backwards. Austin turns and bounces off the rops, coming back with a clothesline, but Cain ducks under it.. Austin turns around immediately and Cain slaps his right hand on the throat of Austin.. CHOKESLAM FROM HELL! That's it! This one is in the books! Cain drops to the mat and hooks the leg for the win..



3, NO! Austin with a desperate kick out at the last second and Cain can't believe it! He pounds the mat with his fist and grabs the steel chair, placing it with force in the centre of the ring. He waits for Fernando to stagger to his feet and grabs his right wrist, pulling him in and catching him around the waist... The Devastation Of Ma, NO! Fernando floats all the way over the top and lands on his feet, hooking Cain in the suplex position in the process.. He lifts Cain up in a vertical suplex, then twists him around and catches him with a cutter.. END OF THE ROAD ON THE STEEL CHAIR! Cain looks like he is out cold as the crowd pops loudly! Fernando rolls the lifeless body of Cain over onto his back and hooks the leg..




Winner - Austin Fernando

The opening drum line to Orgy's cover of "Blue Monday" echos throughout the speakers as the crowd boos loudly for who's about to burst through the curtain. After it continues to ring out for a little bit, Ruben walks out through the curtain with his parole officer following him not too far behind to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone in the audience. Ruben looks around at the people jeering him with disdain and disgust as he continues to walk to the ring. Quinn is giving him warnings that he cannot knock out this man, even though he clearly isn't listening to what he says. He slides into the ring, where he stares down the opponent with unreasonable rage. He tears off his shirt and dog tags to intimidate the opponent and tosses them to his officer while waiting for the bell to ring.

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

Ruben Mitchell
- vs -
Cage Match

Ruben smashes a punch into the face of Mastermind. Mastermind returns the punch into the face of Rube, but to no affect. Punch by Mastermind, and then a punch by Ruben and Ruben takes advantage with a hard uppercut! He grapples Mastermind and Irish whips him into the turnbuckle. He walks over to Mastermind before smashing his face and body in with a number of punches knocking him around like Mastermind is his bitch. Ruben with a final knee to the gut, then he whips Mastermind to the opposite turnbuckle and Mastermind goes running up the turnbuckle, and he’s trying to escape! Ruben sprints and leaps on the top turnbuckle. Ruben grabs Mastermind’s leg and drags him back into the cage and onto the turnbuckle. Mastermind sitting there punches Ruben in the face and sends him backwards.

Mastermind stands up and dives off of the turnbuckle, but Ruben counters with a Spinning Back Elbow, sending Mastermind crashing to the mat! Ruben flashes a sadistic smile and then walks toward Mastermind, before stomping on the free limbs of Mastermind. Ruben runs the ropes and on the rebound gets caught with a flying clothesline straight to the throat! Ruben slams onto the mat and gasps for air as Mastermind slowly gets back to his feet. Mastermind drags Ruben to his feet and Irish whips him into the corner! Now its Mastermind’s turn! Mastermind throws a few punches at Ruben and then side kicks him a few times. Ruben takes the hits and then explodes out of the corner and clotheslines Mastermind. Mastermind drops to the mat and rolls under the bottom ring rope rolling himself to his feet, using the cage to balance himself. Ruben runs over and grabs Mastermind by the back of the head. He grabs Mastermind by the hair and smashes his face in the steel!





CINCO!!!! 5 Times Ruben smashes Mastermind’s head into the steel, and we can see the blood begin to pour from Mastermind’s face. Ruben grabs Mastermind by the hair and tosses him over the ropes and onto the mat. Ruben drags Mastermind to his feet and whips him to the ropes, Mastermind on the rebound and eats a Lou Thez Press from Ruben, and Ruben is nailing Mastermind with HUGE punches left and right. He jumps off of Mastermind and looks at his fist, Mastermind’s blood covering them. He turns his attention back to Mastermind as Mastermind tries to crawl away from Ruben but he gets a knee drop onto his back! Ruben pulls Mastermind up to his feet and irish whips him into the ropes. Mastermind grabs the ropes and stays put.

Ruben charges at Mastermind with a spear, but Mastermind ducks it! Ruben slams face first into the cage wall and the chain links cause blood to pour from Ruben’s face like he had a period on it! Ruben crumbles to the mat and looks like he may be out now. Mastermind gets to his feet slowly and gets over to a wall of the cage. He starts to climb up the wall! Ruben spots him climbing but isnt getting up too fast. He is covered in blood and he finally gets to his feet. Mastermind gets to the top of the cage and looks down at the hunched over, bloody mess that is Ruben. And, holy shit! Ruben jumps in the air and grabs Mastermind by the leg! Fucking athleticism at it’s finest, my man! Mastermind tries to shake Ruben off, but Ruben with a punch to the knee, and it causes Mastermind to fall to the mat! Ruben looks back at Mastermind and he flies onto Mastermind! Both men are down, but Mastermind takes majority of the damage! Ruben slowly crawls to his feet, and he pulls Mastermind to his feet as well. Ruben with a Lock Down!

Ruben walks over to Mastermind’s body, and pulls him to his feet, but Mastermind with a counter! Mastermind with a knee to the gut, and then The Mind Changer! And immediately after he hits Mastermind with a Mind Controller! And immediately Ruben taps out!

Winner - Mastermind

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Game Boy
Mortal Kombat
Match takes place in the Pit
Must win using a Fatality which must be described in each wrestlers first promo.
Or by throwing the opponent into the spike filled pit which results in instadeath

[Image: latest?cb=20110329232122&path-prefix=es]

As the moon shines through the clouds, Game Boy and Peter Gilmour step out on to the high-rise above a pit filled with piercing elongated spikes. The winner may choose to provide their fatality or… send their opponent careening into the pit with no chance of return.

They square off in their fighting stances, and the booming voice fills the arena.


The two fighter lunge forward and Peter gets the better of this exchange hitting a spinning leg kick sending his rotund body flying through the air! The kicks connects and Game Boy flips over onto his back. He kips up to his feet and Game Boy looks determined. Game Boy begins moving towards Peter and starts hitting A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B! Punch! Kick! Punch! Kick! Punch! Kick! Punch! Kick! Game Boy is spamming kicks and punches!

Joey Styles: What a noob, Mortal Kombat move! Um… so I’m told.

Peter breaks up the monotony by connecting with a Super Kick! Peter’s health bar is now at 50% thanks to that. He grumbles at the annoyingness of that before grabbing Game Boy and hitting a backbreaker! He follows that quickly by grabbing the bouncing GB and connecting with Samoan Drop! Game Boy gets back to his feet but his health bar is now also at 50%!

The two square off once more as Game Boy hits ⇦ ⇦ B - Get Over Here! Game Boy throws a spear rope to drag an opponent close to Game Boy, but Peter grabs the rope and pulls Game Boy towards him! Game Boy goes flying through the air and Peter connects with a shoulderbreaker! Game Boy hits the ground hard as Peter leaps into the air and drops down with a leg drop!

Game Boy bounces back up but is breathing hard. He looks up and sees his bar is now at 30%. Peter is smiling as he licks his lips. Peter looks hungrily at Game Boy.
Joey Styles: Will Peter eat and spit out Game Boy like he promised?!

Game Boy charges forward and connects with ⇩ B - Low Sweep! The low kick takes Peter to the ground. Game Boy begins mashing A, B, A… but they’re all missing. Game Boy is kicking and punching above Peter. You know, the annoying thing that happens in side-fighting games. Game Boy’s face begins turning red as he begins getting frustrated. Peter looks up at Game Boy with a smirk on his face. He leaps to his feet and hits a clothesline knocking Game Boy for a loop! Peter catches Game Boy in the air and hits… HIS FINISHER!


The high-angle swinging facebuster drives Game Boy’s face into the ground! Game Boy’s face is actually lodged in the ground as his health bar falls to 0%!!!

Game Boy gets back to his feet and thumbs his pixelated nose in the direction of Peter Gilmour. Both health bars return to a full 100%.


⇩ ⇩ B - Shift-Slide! Game Boy has energy shoot from his feet as he slides across the ground. As he approaches Gilmour, ⇦ ⇦ ⇦ ⇦ B B B, Hold B - Kitsume-rana! The lightning quick feet of Game Boy devastate the gut of Peter Gilmour which is followed by a hurricanrana DDT! Peter backs away as his bar quickly is down to 72%. Peter looks pissed.

Peter Gilmour suddenly… DISAPPEARS?! Game Boy looks around confused. Suddenly Gilmour appears, charges, and spears Game Boy into the invisible wall on the right side! Game Boy gets laid up against it and Peter hits a facewash followed by a Yakuza kick!

Game Boy is trapped against the wall as Peter is laying in kicks and punches smashing GB into the invisible barricade. Game Boy finally leaps over Peter’s head as his health is depleted to 56%. Peter leaps across and grabs Game Boy nailing a Russian leg sweep! Peter gets to his feet and begins taunting Game Boy.

Game Boy hovers to his feet and looks pissed. He begins rubbing his hands together to develop what appears to be static electricity! Peter is looking on sheer curiousity.

↺ A+B - Hyper Bomb! Game Boy hits an overhead strike with a ball of pure energy! Peter shoots back with his shirt singed around the edges. Peter’s health bar goes down to 61%. Game Boy looks determined. ↺ ↺ A - Atomic Headbutt! Game Boy leaps forward and smashes the nose of Peter with a headbutt. Blood begins to pour from his nose as Peter’s health bar depletes to 41%... 40%... 39%.

As Peter tries to stop his nose, Game Boy’s eye has a certain glint to it. ⇦ ⇧ ⇩ B, B, A - Yoshi Bomb!

A Wild Yoshi ♂ Appeared!
Yoshi ♂ uses… YOSHI BOMB!

Yoshi spits out an egg in which Game Boy catches. He leaps into the air and throws it as it builds flames along the edges! The egg hits the face of Peter Gilmour and…



Fireworks explode off of the face of Peter as tiny red fireworks explode through the air.

[Image: Fireworks.gif]

Peter’s face is now a black face of smut as smoke wisps off of it. His health bar is now reduced to 0%!

After a few moments, Peter slowly stands back up and wipes the black off of his face. He takes a few steps back and gets into his fighting stance. Game Boy looks confident after that last blow. He’s ready to commence…


Game Boy leaps into the air and ⇦ ⇩ ⇨ ⇦ ⇩ ⇨ A B - Power Geyser! A pillar of energy is expelled from the ground! It seems to have caught Peter off guard as it seems him flying back. Peter’s health bar falls to 89%. Peter gets to his feet and squeezes his fists. His jaw is clenched. Peter bellows in the direction of Game Boy.

Game Boy looks at him quizzically before hitting ⇩ ⇩ B - Shift-Slide! He begins moving quickly towards Gilmour as energy shoots from his feet. Gilmour stops him and hits a fireman’s carry! As Game Boy is on the ground, Gilmour drops a roaring elbow drop on him! Game Boy gets up looking alarmed. Peter wastes no time as he hits a Northern Lights suplex on him! Game Boy bounces away from him and sees his health bar at 82%. Gilmour charges forward and begins throwing haymakers. Game Boy hesitates taking a blow on the chin before hitting ⇦ ⇨ ⇦ ⇨ A - Swift Strike! Peter throws more haymakers but Game Boy begins dodging and weaving before connecting with a Sucker Punch! Peter grows more impatient.

Osaka Street Cutter! The suplex into stunner catches Game Boy for some damage. Peter lunges onto Game Boy and begins pounding his face into the ground! Strike after strike! Game Boy kicks Peter off, but Game Boy’s health bar is now at 42%. Peter’s is at 81%.

Game Boy hits ⇩ ⇩ B, A, A, ⇧ ⇧ A, ↺… INTERRUPTED! Gilmour leaped into the air and brought a fist down creating a rock wave that sends Game Boy flying back! Peter smiles before rapidly jumping up and punching the ground with fist drops! Rock wave after rock wave crashes into Game Boy! The digitalized hero finally gets back to a standing position. He’s barely breathing. The bar above his head now reads 2%.

Peter smells blood in the water. He brings a thumb across his throat before leaping across the map for ENDGAME!!!

WAIT! Time appears to have frozen! The camera pans to Game Boy who has hit… ⇧ ⇧ ⇩ ⇩ ⇦ ⇨ ⇦ ⇨ B A - Konami Code!

A small menu has appeared in front of Game Boy. He taps his chin with his finger before tapping the item at the bottom of the list… MIRROR MODE!

Time unfreezes as Game Boy is grabbed by Peter and lifted up high in the air! He drives his head down quickly into the ground as…. Game Boy bounces up looking fine? Peter looks at him with a look of shock on his face. Suddenly he bends over and begins breathing heavily. His health bar goes from 81% down to 44%. He looks confused as Game Boy smiles at him. The menu pops up once more and Game Boy taps… FAST TRAVEL!

He disappears! Peter looks all around for him, but has lost him! Suddenly the sound of a high-pitched scream is heard overhead! ⇦ ⇦ B - Get Over Here! A Spear rope impales Peter as it pulls Peter up into the air as he’s met with a Raging Uppercut! Peter hits the ground and looks in pain. His health bar falls to 27%!

Game Boy lands on the ground and hits ⇩ ⇩ B, A, A, ⇧ ⇧ A, ↺ A+B, ⇩ ⇩ A+B - SUPER COMBO!! Game Boy raises his fist in jubilee after finally hitting it! Shift-Slide! Punch! Punch! Raging Uppercut! Hyper Bomb! Romper Stomper! After that barrage of blows, Peter is out on his feet his health bar has fallen to 1%!

Game Boy leaps back and… ⇦ ⇩ ⇦ ⇩ ⇨ ⇧ ⇦ ⇨ ⇨ B B A - ULTRA COMBO!!! Game Boy glows with a red aura and rushes Peter Gilmour with a high speed flurry of punches before throwing him high into the air and delivering a falling 720 spin package piledriver.

0%!!! Peter looks devastated. His limp body is picked up to a standing position seemingly by an invisible force.

Game Boy grabs Peter Gilmour’s legs, step on his groin and pulls. He rips off his legs and starts beating him to death with them! Game Boy then uses one of the legs to kick Gilmour’s torso high into the air! Game Boy takes a step back, glows a greenish color, and shoots a TRUST ENERGY BLAST that incinerates Peter! It’s now Snowing Gilmour everywhere!!!


Winner - Game Boy

5 man battle royal for the vacant Federweight title.
Polvo Blanco
- vs -
- vs -
Homeless Jimmy
- vs -
- vs -
Frodo Smackins
Elimination Match

The action starts off with Frodo and Mastermind teaming up on Homeless Jimmy in the corner. They each take turns unloading on Polvo with punches to the face. On the opposite side of the ring Polvo Blanco who despite having tampons plugging his bullet holes has managed to find himself in an abdominal stretch thanks to Maverick. Polvo struggles to get out of the hold, however Maverick just wrenches onto it tighter. Polvo grunts in pain as he summons all of his strength to break the hold but Maverick lifts him up into a pumphandle slam! Polvo grabs the back of his head after it violently collides with the canvas and rolls to the corner, where Maverick follows him with stomps to the back. Polvo attempts to make it to his feet but Maverick stomps on the back of his head, sending him back down to the canvas. Maverick mounts Polvo and begins unloading with stiff forearms to the side of the head.

Back on the other side of the ring, Jimmy is collapsed in the corner and Frodo is standing on the middle turnbuckle, grinding his crotch in Jimmy's face! Disgusted, Mastermind pulls Frodo off and delivers a huge shoulder thrust to Jimmy's midsection. Jimmy doubles over in pain and Mastermind hoists him up for a vertical suplex. As Mastermind holds Jimmy in the air, Frodo runs off the ropes and charges towards the two and hits an lolnope(flying superman punch) right to Mastermind's testicles! Mastermind drops Jimmy right on top of his head! Frodo lifts Jimmy to his wobbly legs and quickly eliminates him by throwing him over the top rope.

Homesless Jimmy has been eliminated

The action cuts back to Maverick and Polvo, who are engaged in a struggle in the corner as Polvo has one leg over the top rope and Maverick is pushing as hard as he can. Polvo with an elbow to Maverick's face sends him back a few steps. Polvo follows him back to capitalize on the reeling Maverick. Polvo leans back and throws a haymaker at Maverick

But Maverick ducks underneath him! Mav grabs ahold of Polvo's waist and sends him tumbling over the top rope with a huge German suplex! Polvo hits the back of his head on the ring apron and crashes down to the floor in a heap.

Polvo Blanco has been eliminated.

Maverick turns back toward Frodo who is stomping away viciously at the crotch of Mastermind. Mastermind rolls to his stomach to shield his aching testes but is met with a kick to the ass by Frodo. Maverick walks over and lifts Mastermind up to his feet. He motions for Frodo to come help and the two drop Mastermind to the canvas with a vicious double DDT. They pick him back up and Maverick tosses him over the top rope by the back of the head.

Mastermind has been eliminated.

Maverick stands on the bottom rope taunting the downed Mastermind...

Shayouken! Right to the taint!

Maverick's jaw drops in pain as the fist of Frodo nearly rips him a new hole. Maverick falls forward but saves himself from elimination by grabbing the top rope. Maverick struggles to hang on, leaning forward just in time to be caught with an lolnope right to the jaw! Maverick falls backwards and hits the floor with a loud thud.

Winner and NEW Federweight champion - Frodo Smackins.

Sebastian Duke
- vs -
Eli James
I Quit Match

“Open” by Hellblinki plays.

The lights go out. The music starts to play... the lights come on very dim with a blue haze with fog smoke everywhere. Eli makes his way to the ring smiling and taking his precious time.. he's in no hurry.

As Eli enters the ring....

The lights go out and stay out for several seconds.


The darkness is finally cut as the X-Tron explodes into flames. From the very top of it, the flames travel out on both sides until they surround the tron. From there, flames explode from the ramp then travel down both sides of the ramp. The flames reach the bottom of the ramp and all four corners of the ring explode with more firey flamages igniting the steel lighting structure above the ring into a kind of ring of fire.

“O Fortuna!” by Nevergreen plays.

With the illusion that the entire arena is on fire, O Fortuna hits. The flames continue to burn as Sebastian Duke finally emerges. Not from backstage, but from beneath, as if he's coming from the depths of hell. Once Duke reaches the stage, he slowly makes his way to the ring, the flames raising and lowering to the beat of the drums in O Fortuna.

The bell rings as Duke steps through the ropes and he immediately goes after Eli James. Eli, never one to back down from a fight, goes right for Duke. The two trade blows in the center of the ring. Back and forth they trade shots. Obviously, there is a lot of bad blood between the two. Several months ago, Eli James was brought from his grave by Duke, only for Eli to cost Duke the Universal Championship.

Both men continue to trade blows until Eli throws a knee into Dukes midsection, then another, stopping Duke from throwing punches. Eli whips Duke toward the ropes, but Eli reverses, sending Duke against the ropes instead. On the rebound, Eli lifts Duke into the air and drops him back first across his knee.

Duke clutches his back as he lays on the mat as Eli begins to lay the boots to the King of Darkness. He continues to stomp on Duke as Duke retreats toward the corner. Eli rushes into the corner, crushing Duke with a huge clothesline.

Duke staggers out of the corner and Eli grabs him, driving him to the mat with a reverse DDT. Eli James smiles and smiles as he retrieves the microphone from the referee.

Oh King of mine, you know you wanna quit, man!

Eat shit, Eli!

James hands the mic back to the referee as Duke starts to get back up. James charges toward Duke and delivers a running big boot. Only Duke counters by trapping Eli's leg and delivering a lariat, taking Eli to the mat in short order.

Duke bounces off the ropes and leaps into the air with a leg drop only for Eli to roll out of the way. Duke grabs his lower back, nursing the shock in his spine from the miss. Eli gets back to his feet, still smiling and exits the ring.

Duke starts to recover and get back to his feet as Eli re-enters the ring with a chair. Eli James charges toward Duke, swinging the chair in the process. Duke ducks and side steps the chair and Eli is caught off guard. As Eli turns, Duke delivers a crushing big boot to the chair, causing it to viciously connect with the face of Eli James.

James hits the mat and the chair falls to the mat. Duke grabs the chair and drives the edge of it into Eli's throat. The referee begs Duke to stop, but instead, Duke increases the pressure. Eli's feet kick wildly as Duke continues choking the life out of him.

Duke finally lets off and Eli writhes around on the mat, desperately trying to regain his breath. Duke sets the chair up near the middle of the ring as Eli starts to retreat toward the ropes a little bit. Duke returns his attention to Eli, then taking advantage of Eli's position as he tries to use the ropes to get up. Duke charges and leaps into the air, landing his body weight on top of Eli, crushing his windpipe against the middle rope. Duke stays on top of Eli though, utilizing the top rope to apply more pressure.

Duke doesn't hold him there for long though and soon lets off. Eli rolls back to the mat, and uses the turnbuckles to pull himself back to his feet. Duke stands back as Eli charges out of the corner. Duke reaches down delivering a snap power slam on Eli James, crushing the set up steel chair in the process.

Duke takes the mic from the referee:

Give it up, Eli! Give it up now, man!

Duke speaks in a southern accent, mocking Eli James. James just swats Dukes hand away as a response. Duke tosses the mic back to the referee and grabs Eli by his beard, pulling him to his feet. Duke tosses Eli to the ropes and on the rebound, Duke lifts Eli and drops him on his knee. Duke then applies pressure under Eli's chin, completing the back breaker submission.

Ask him!

The ref moves into position.


The referee retreats as Duke shoves Eli off his knee. Duke gets back to his feet and goes to the corner. He takes several second to remove the turnbuckle padding off the top turnbuckle. He then turns around where Eli James is waiting for him. Eli lifts Duke in the air and slams him to the mat with a belly to bell suplex, intentionally or unintentionally, right on top of the crushed chair from earlier in the match.

Eli James begins to smile again as he once again exits the ring. He reaches under the ring and drags out a folded table. Eli then lifts and slides the table into the ring as Duke starts to get back to his feet. Eli rolls into the ring as Duke turns to face him. Eli drops him immediately with a big boot to the head.

Eli then turns his attention to the table, and sets it up near, but not in the corner with the exposed turnbuckle. Eli then lifts Duke to his feet and shoves him toward the corner. James lifts Duke up, placing him on the top turnbuckle. Eli follows him up, then Duke starts to fight back, delivering elbows into Eli's chin as he attempts to climb. Eli James then delivers an uppercut between Dukes legs, stopping him for fighting back. Eli finishes his climb, then performs a side Russian leg sweep to Duke, sending both men through the table.

Eli crawls out of the destruction of the table and rips the microphone from the referees hand. He stands over Duke.

C'mon, man! Oh, the King of Darkness! Where are your dark forces now, man?

Hehe! Give it up, man. You know the King of Light is gonna win!

Fuck you, James! You ain't the King of anything besides screwing farm animals!

The smile on Eli's face finally fades some. Eli drops to his knees, straddling Duke. He uses the microphone to beat Duke mercilessly, busting him open in the process. Eli gets back to his feet and spikes the microphone off of Dukes head. Duke winces as the Microphone ricochets off his head. Duke then starts to crawl out of the rubble.

Eli reaches down and lifts Duke to his feet, then tosses him hard into the opposite corner. The referee removes the table wreckage as Eli charges into Dukes corner. Duke lifts his boot up and Eli collides with it face first, dropping him instantly. Duke remains slumped against the corner as he tries to shake out the cobwebs.

Duke then stumbles out of the corner and lifts Eli to his feet, once again by his beard. Duke then tosses Eli toward the corner from which they came, causing Eli to hit his upper back hard against the exposed turnbuckle. Eli staggers out about and Duke lifts him up and drapes him on his shoulders. Duke then advances toward the corner and drops Eli James face first on the exposed steel turnbuckle, busting Eli James open.

Duke then spins around and decks the referee who drops the mic to the mat. Duke picks it up.

I told you that Darkness always surrounds the Light, maaan!

Duke again, mocking Eli James' southern drawl speaking voice.

C'mon Eli. Save yourself some more pain!

Eli says nothing, instead opting to swat Dukes hand away.

Theo Pryce is shown coming out from backstage with a chair. He sits on the stage and watches the action unfold.

Duke looks toward his younger half-brother with a grin, then grabs Eli by his flowing beard and pulls him to his feet again. Duke then tosses Eli over the top rope and to the floor. After Eli hits the ground he starts climbing to his feet. Duke runs to the far side ropes, after he bounces off he picks up speed and momentum, then launches himself into the air and over the top rope hitting a big mans suicide dive on Eli James.

Both men stay motionless for a few moments, before Duke starts to get to his feet. Duke gets to his feet and grabs Eli by his hair pulling him nearly to his feet before dragging him up the ramp. Up near the stage, Duke places Eli in a headlock.


THE CLEANSING! Duke just nailed Eli James with his own finisher!


C'mon, Eli. It's all over now!

A new referee runs out from backstage, he checks on Eli James as Duke and Theo give each other a fist bump. The referee confirms that Eli is still “with us” and the match continues. Duke gives the “get” signal with his hand to Theo Pryce and grabs the chair. He folds it up and drops it to the stage surface.

Duke then grabs a bloodied Eli James and lifts him to his feet. Duke then lifts him up on to his shoulders and nears the chair, setting him up for Darkness Falls!



Eli James manages to reverse it by shifting his weight. Instead, he has Duke in position for his own finisher! Eli then delivers the sitout inverted pile driver, driving Dukes bloodied head into the surface of the steel chair.

It's so nice of you to come, Theo Pryce! To watch the demise of your big brother, man!

The referee checks on Sebastian Duke, then signals for the match to continue. Eli then takes his hand and wipes some blood from Dukes head, then proceeds to lick it from his hand much to the cringing reaction from Theo Pryce standing nearby.

Eli then grabs Duke by his hair and lifts him to his feet. Duke bursts to life though, and grabs Eli James by his throat. Duke lifts him up, then sends him off the stage down to the unprotected cement surface below the stage with a huge chokeslam!

Duke hops off the stage and nears Eli.

What do you say, Eli? You done yet?

Eli reaches up with a shot to Dukes throat! Still with something left in the tank, Eli starts to get to his feet. Duke drops to his knees, trying to shake off the shock of the shot to his throat. James finally gets back to his feet and lifts Duke back to his, rolling him back up onto the ramp. Eli follows him up and then lifts him to his feet once again. Eli places Duke in a headlock.



Duke somehow reverses Eli James' attempt at the Cleansing into his own version of the Anaconda Vise!


Eli struggles while on his back, trying desperately to get out of the devastating hold. Blood pours from Eli's head as he starts to fade. Eli finally falls limp and the referee moves in to check on him. Eli's eyes burst open and he starts to struggle again, but Duke cinches down even tighter. Eli's eyes start to fade before he falls limp and his free arm drops to his side.

The referee moves in, to check on Eli again...

...and signals for the bell. This one is over.

Duke finally lets go of the hold but lays on the ramp way staring up at the lights. Theo Pryce fills his view as Pryce reaches down, helping his older brother to his feet.

I told you Eli! The evil of Darkness ALWAYS engulfs the good of the Light!

“O Fortuna!” plays as Duke, accompanied by Theo Pryce, exits the arena area.

Winner - Sebastian Duke

"Get Back" by Ludacris blasts over the speakers as the fans jump to their feet. A mix reaction greets the three members of The Underground as they make their way down to the ring. Once in the ring the three set up shop at the far corner and await their opponents.

"Clique" by Kanye West hits the airwaves and the fans jump to their feet for the reigning trios champions The Kings. John Madison, Theo Pryce and John Samuels make their way down to the ring. Once there Samuels and Pryce take up residency at the closest turnbuckle while Madison starts pacing back and forth along the side of the ring waiting for the ref to ring the bell.

XWF Trio Championship Match
"The Kings"
John Madison, John Samuels and Theo Pryce©
- vs -
"The Underground"
Aerial Knight, TJ Wallace and Xavier Swann
Standard One Fall

Wallace volunteers to start the match off but Swann steps between the ropes first, which causes Wallace to shrug his shoulders and roll his eyes. Theo steps between the ropes to start the match off for his team and the ref calls for the bell.

The match begins with Theo and Swann circling each other, before simultaneously stepping towards the center of the ring and tying up. They jockey for position, with the slightly bigger Swann starting to take the advantage. John Madison yells out at the referee, which gets the official's attention long enough for Theo to deliver a swift knee to the nuts which drops Swann like a bad habit. Swann, now on his knees and holding his junk, gets blasted by a kick to the side of the head that sends him to the mat. Swann pushes himself up to his knees and then to his feet, shaking loose the cobwebs before hitting the ropes and coming back in with a huge spinning heel kick, clocking Theo right in the forehead! Theo crumbles and collapses to the mat, and Swann dusts off his hands before walking over to his corner. Wallace tags himself in and steps between the ropes, ready to go to work.

Wallace rushes in and delivers a series of stomps to the grounded Theo. Theo pushes himself away from Wallace, without getting back to his feet until he finally crawls over to the ropes. Wallace continues his assault but the ref shoves him off, allowing Theo to get up to his feet with aid of the ropes. He raises both hands in the air as if surrendering. However, when the ref allows Wallace to step back in, he's greeted by a huge slap! Theo laughs and tags in King John II.

Samuels steps between the ropes and scoffs at Wallace. Wallace takes issue with that and throws a wild elbow to Samuels' face. He forces the King into the ropes before whipping him into the opposite set of ropes, lifting him up and dropping him to the mat with a flapjack on the rebound! He rolls Samuels over and goes for the pin!


Madison steps between the ropes and collapses atop the pin, breaking it up!

Wallace gets back to his feet and glares over at where Madison came from, to see him standing back on the apron. He shrugs and drops a clubbing forearm across Samuels' back and then pulls him up to his feet. Wallace lifts Samuels up on his shoulders! He's thinking Silencer! But wait! Samuels throws a vicious series of elbows that connect with Wallace's temple! Dazed, he drops Samuels and the King takes advantage. Spinning around, he connects with a huge discus clothesline that takes Wallace off his feet! Wallace hits the mat hard! Knight slaps the turnbuckle, hoping to stir up some momentum but Samuels turns over to face the cagey Knight and shouts "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Of course Knight doesn't, and Samuels rolls his eyes before delivering a stomp that connects between the fallen Wallace's shoulderblades! Wallace's eyes bulge halfway out of their sockets and he coughs up whatever air he had in his lungs before rolling gingerly over onto his back. Samuels places both hands around TJ's neck and lifts him up to his feet! He then lifts him up in the air!

Welcome to Texas, Motherfucker!


Wallace, with flailing legs, manages to connect with Samuels' gut! Samuels' grip loosens and TJ falls to the mat feet first. He follows up on his maneuver with a quick DDT that takes Samuels off his feet. He rolls Samuels over and goes for another pin.


Madison opens up his briefcase and takes out, something. Theo steps between the ropes.


Theo kicks Wallace in the head, breaking up the pin! Madison steps between the ropes as well and Theo grabs the ref's attention by asking an innocuous enough question about the rules. Specifically, whether or not pepper spray is an illegal weapon in this match. The ref goes on a long winded spiel about how illegal it is, while Madison unloads on TJ with a few bursts of pepper spray! Knight hops over the ropes to chase Madison off, but before he can reach his now fallen teammate, Madison's back on the apron, placing the can back in the briefcase and snapping it shut.

Now, both teams are rallying for their respective representatives to get up. The Underground through raucous cheering and words of encouragement, and The Kings by telling Samuels he sucks and threatening physical violence upon him if Wallace beats him in this little race. To no one's surprise, Samuels gets up first. Psychology, motherfuckers. Samuels drags Wallace by his feet away from his corner over towards his own. He tags in Madison, who steps between the ropes, looks around confused before tagging Theo in.

Theo shrugs and steps between the ropes, before peeling Wallace off his feet. Wallace kicks Theo in the leg and hops diagonally over to his own corner, tagging Knight in! Meanwhile, Madison slaps Theo on the back and steps into the ring. Theo shakes his head and gets back on the apron. Madison scratches his ass and gestures for Knight to bring it on.

Which Knight does.

Knight rushes in and hits an enzuigiri that catches Madison off guard! He drops to his knees and Knight doesn't waste any time, hitting the ropes and coming back in a running basement dropkick that sends Madison sliding out of the ring! Madison lands hard on the concrete and twitches, reaching his hand out and motioning to Samuels. Samuels, who catches the cur grabs the briefcase and tosses it over to his teammate while once more, Theo distracts the ref.

How about briefcases? They legal?

The ref sighs and goes on another long ass spiel, not paying attention as Knight hits the ropes once more. Despite all odds, Madison gets back to his feet, briefcase in hand as Knight leaps through the ropes with a Suicide Dive! Madison sidesteps and swings the briefcase! CRACK! The case hits Knight's skull hard and he flies into the guard rail to add injury to injury. He then snaps the briefcase open, but the ref finally turns his attention back to the action so he quickly closes it and lifts Knight to his feet.


Knight's dazed and confused, so Madison helps him out by charging him into the apron. He drives his shoulder into Knight's midsection, squishing his kidneys between his shoulder and the apron! Knight regains some semblance of where he is and what he's supposed to be doing and drops an elbow down on Madison's neck! Madison spasms and backs away, allowing Knight to hop atop the apron!


Knight grabs onto the ropes, hops up, and hits a kick to the back of Theo's head that drops him to the concrete. Madison doesn't see the fallen Theo and steps on his chest before sliding back into the ring.

Knight stomps on Madison's neck, keeping him pinned to the mat. He then picks Madison up on his own terms and drives a shoulder into Madison's back, before shoving him into the corner chest first. He drives his shoulder into Madison's back not once, not twice, but thrice! Knight then lifts Madison up onto the top rope.

He hops up to the top rope as well!

KJF (King John's Fate)!

Reverse Frankensteiner from the top rope!

Knight hits his head hard on the landing though! He might be out as well!

Neither team is very happy with their representatives right now. They're both giving their own brands of encouragement, hoping their guy is the first to stir.

Theo Pryce climbs down off the ring apron while John Samuels climbs into the ring only to be cut off by the ref. TJ Wallace and Xavier Swann each climb into the ring and start screaming at Samuels who only has a undersized ref between him and 2/3's of his opponents.


From behind Theo Pryce just took out Xavier Swann. Wallace turns around just in time to get shoved backwards by Pryce. Wallace falls backwards right into the ref who then proceeds to fall forward right into the corner turnbuckles knocking him out cold.

Samuels is looking down at Wallace. Pryce is standing over Swann and Aerial Knight is getting to his feet. It's two on one.

Knight with a punch to left to Pryce, then a right to Samuels, a left, a right. Knight is alternating between the two men and behind the cheers of the crowd Knight is building some serious momentum.

Clothesline to Samuels.

DDT to Pryce.

Knights starts pacing back and forth just as the crowd erupts.

What the hell is this?

Tommy Gunn, Austin Fernando and Kendall Sawyer have come storming out of the back. The ref is down and out which means this visit by the Heyman Alliance is going to spell trouble for someone.

Fernando and Gunn climb into the ring first they look down at the fallen Theo Pryce and John Samuels and then up at Knight. Fernando offers his hand in friendship and after a moments hesitation Knight shakes it.

The Kings reign as trios champions is about to come to an end.



Tommy Gunn just obliterated Aerial Knight's face with a Superman punch. Knight is down and Fernando is laying the boots to him. Swann is back up...KILL SHOT!!!(Jackhammer) Two up two down. Tommy Gunn can not be stopped.

Kendall Sawyer is trying her hardest to revive the ref as Tommy Gunn helps up Theo Pryce.

"Paul Heyman sends his regards."

Aerial Knight rolls out of the ring after taking several boots to the face. Fernando picks up Swann and tosses him out of the ring as well.

With the ref finally waking up Gunn and Fernando climb out of the ring and join Sawyer as they slowly back their way up the entry ramp.

John Samuels is up and he pulls John Madison towards the corner and then starts mouthing something to the ref about a pin.

Pryce look around at the carnage and out of the corner of his eye sees Wallace starting to stir.

Pryce leans up against the ropes and using them as a slingshot propels himself forward....BURNED!!!(Head stomp to TJ Wallace)

Pryce drives TJ Wallace's head right into the mat. Pryce then rolls Wallace over and kneels down for a pin...




Winner and Still XWF Trios Champions - The Kings

Paul Heymans Alliance back there way up the entrance ramp further, having achieved their goals of costing the Underground their shot at the Trios Championship.



Paul Heyman emerges from backstage as his Alliance comes to a stop on the stage. He has a microphone in hand as he passes between Kendall Sawyer and Austin Fernando.

"You guy thought you'd be safe over here on Warfare! You thought you were out of my reach.

"You're never out of my reach.

"Let me tell you, you are on the wrong side of the Madness fence! MacClay, your leader, is going down. You're all just spokes on his wheel. But his wheels are falling off.

"This is my one and only offer, abandon him, join me. Join a winner! You have until Monday night!"

Heymans music strikes up again as Heyman and his Alliance exit the stage

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-04-2015, 08:36 PM


[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Game Girl Offline

XWF FanBase:
Kids, disabled people, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

02-05-2015, 12:48 AM

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"You looked pretty dead to me :P"

[Image: mAmAfiJ.png]

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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-05-2015, 03:01 AM

Eli James....


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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-05-2015, 06:56 AM

"I thought Gilmour couldn't die? Looked pretty dead to me."

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-05-2015, 11:21 AM

oh the swerve im going to give u all... *snickers*

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-05-2015, 01:29 PM

"Are you going to eat a snickers and then reveal yourself to actually be a woman?"

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-06-2015, 10:57 AM

no you're going to eat one and reveal that you're a bitch!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-06-2015, 12:15 PM

"Did you steal a 3rd graders insult book again? Or did you actually come up with that bullshit on your own?

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-06-2015, 12:24 PM

no its called OWNAGE. something you'll never EVER do to me so shut it bitch

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-06-2015, 12:40 PM

Warfare, two weeks from now and I'll beat you like my 8 year old nephew did you fat .

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-06-2015, 02:16 PM

And I would like to take you in 3 weeks Gunn.

Overall - 62 Wins 104 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 2 Wins 2 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 2 Wins 2 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Television Champion - 129 Days (Just the 4th TV Champion to break 100 days, and now 4th on the all time list)
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-06-2015, 04:54 PM

"Talk to Paul he books the matches but I don't see why this can't be arranged."

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-07-2015, 11:10 PM

we'll see

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-08-2015, 07:00 AM

Look at that, Peter Gilmour being a fat fucking pussy who runs his mouth but when it's time to step up he runs away, or well...scampers away like the scared little bitch that he is. You'll fight an 8 year old and assholes like Mastermind but you won't take me on?

Come on everyone join in with me...

You're a pussy!!!

Clap clap clap clap clap

You're a pussy!!!!

Clap clap clap clap clap

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-08-2015, 05:47 PM

Peter picks up a micrphone as the crowd continues to suck up to Tommy Gunn.

Peter: Thanks for letting the women in the audience know what I like you stupid . Hey.. blondie.. get in here.

a security guard picks this blond chick who has to be around 21 out of the crowd and she slowly gets in the ring. she's got a nice set of tits on her eh? She stands in the middle of the ring next to Peter and Tommy.

Peter: Ok toots, who here would you like to fuck tonight.. Me.. the man with a super dick... or the wannabe Peter Gilmour over there with a small dick and is a child molester?

The blonde chicks begins to think a bit..

Blonde Chick: I choose you Peter! Tommy Gunn looks like he came out from the gutter.

Peter: HA! Suck on that ! And far as your little challenge goes, I'll be seeing you REAL SOON.. Oh and uh.. tell Christian Uncle Petey says hi.

Peter leaves the ring with the blonde chick and then flips Tommy off..


[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-08-2015, 06:23 PM

Did you clone her too ?

Oh and by the way, who was that standing next to you in the ring because it certainly wasn't me. I left the arena days ago.

Must have been a doppelganger, that's a thing right?

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-09-2015, 11:01 AM

no it was you boy..

and no the blonde wasn't a clone.. it was my wife!

you're going to get REKT BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Goat Face Killa Offline
Greatest Of All Time

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-09-2015, 11:14 AM

"That's not your wife! That chick looked like 21 and Maria Brinks looks like 64!"

[Image: KBpvLsI.gif]
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-09-2015, 11:20 AM

"No it wasn't. As I told you I left the arena right after the show ended.

Why you are still in the arena with a handful of fans 4 days after the show ended is beyond me but somehow sounds typical of your stupidity.

Nice to see you got that speech impediment worked out by the way.

Fucking idiot.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-09-2015, 09:22 PM


[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-10-2015, 03:14 AM

Aka - I got nothing else so I'll just pretend to not be a massive by telling another man to suck on my two inch tickler.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-10-2015, 12:07 PM

nice to know u care about your penis when I got a SUPER DICK! ask your mother boy.. face it YOU CANT BEAT ME!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-10-2015, 12:23 PM

That literally made no sense at all. I'd tell you to think before you speak but we all know you're incapable of thinking.

If an 8 year old can beat you I'm fairly certain I can. Come to think of it who is the one that keeps running away from my challenges? Oh right, that's you. Come on puss boy fight me. Stop waddling away like a scared little bitch and step into the ring so I can beat you like your daddy used to.

As for my mother, she would sooner choke herself out with a strapon then have to spend two seconds with a child molesting cock sucker like yourself. Had any supremes with pineapple lately?

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-10-2015, 10:23 PM

had any dicks in your mouth lately ? face it im not the one running away. We had a match lined up but wasn't it YOU that pussied out? yeah, shut the fuck up .

and your nephew did NOT beat me. he had to have his little ass classmates gang up on me and pin me. He couldn't do it himself which is something you will not do.

so either nut up or shut the fuck up Tommy. Either way I'm going to knock some RESPECT into your sorry drunk, ass real soon

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-11-2015, 04:02 AM

No Peter, I haven't had any dicks in my mouth lately, or ever. You see what you fail to understand is that calling someone a repeatedly does not make it true.

You see when I call you a I do so with the knowledge that you Peter not me admitted on national TV for the entire world to see that you were raped by Frodo and that you liked it.

That would make you a and me amused.

Secondly my nephew did beat you. The very fact that you couldn't put an 8 year old down 3 seconds after the match started is proof enough that you lost to him.

And your right dickhead, I did walk away from that match. And do you know why? Because as truly fucking terrible as you are, Ghost Tank is worse and since you like to deny everything that ever happens to you, like admitting to being raped, like having your ear taken off, like having your nose taken off, like dying not once but twice and like the fact that you can lose a match without being pinned I decided to walk away from that match so that you wouldn't have the built in excuse of "Well you pinned Ghost Tank so you didn't beat me." No, fuck that shit. When you eventually stop running away from me and accept my challenge it will be for a one on one match so that when I put you down like the rabid dog that you are you will have no excuses.

And lastly, I don't drink, haven't in over 6 months so that would make being a drunk pretty fucking hard. Almost as hard as you being anything but a shit wrestler.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-11-2015, 05:56 PM

keep spreading dem lies homo

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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