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Goat Face Killa
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Goat Face Killa Offline
Greatest Of All Time

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-02-2015, 11:32 AM

In-Ring Name: Goat Face Killa

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Marcus Phlin

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: Extremely rude. A goat never tells a pitiful human being their age?

Height: 6ft 2 when I get on my wee hind legs.

Weight: Pretty heavy, however again that is rude. Are you calling me fat?

Hometown: The Farm. I kind of stray from farm to farm but I was raised on the moors.

Personality: I fight for the freedom of all goats and I also kill anyone who stands in my way. If you disrespect another wrestler you'll have to answer to the GFK BABAY!

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face.

Physical Build Description: Pretty muscly. Not very defined.

Ring Attire: A goat mask, red and black trunks, kneepads are red, kickpads and boots are red and black too.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: A farmers outfit. Especially a pitchfork.

Ethnicity: Goat.

Pic Base: Daniel Bryan.

Wrestling Style: As graceful as a goat and as powerful as a ram.

Strengths: Hard hitting, undying will. ((OOC: Without trying to rain on any of the writers parade but he never taps out XD maybe I'll do it in the future so it'll mean something, however the whole ten count arm drop thing is still available.))

Weaknesses: Pretty clumsy, cares too much about goats and would sacrifice himself in the name of goats.

Entrance Theme Music: Patty Mcginty's Goat - Val Doonican or GOAT by Eminem.

Entrance Description: A herd of goats run out from behind the Xtron as the one and only GFK jumps onto the stage riding a goat. He steps off and pyro goes off, killing several of the goats. He falls onto his knees and cries but gets up with a determined look on his face before sliding into the ring ready to start his match dedicated in memory to the goats.

Manager (if applicable): To be announced. It's a leg-end. Trust me.
Manager's Pic Base:

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

Hard Kicks.

Hard Chops.


Hip Toss.


European Uppercut.


Top Rope Senton.

Low Superkick.

Boston Crab.

Mongolian Chop.

Knife Edge Chop.

German Suplex.

Back suplex.


Running Knee to the groin.

Headbutts in corner.

Handspring back elbow.

Trademark Move(s): 1. More Grass For You Goat. 2. Baby Goat Suplex.
Description(s): 1. Rolling Firemans Carry followed by a Moonsault. 2. Stalling Suplex while shouting out goat like trivia.

Primary Finisher: The Goat Ram.
Description: Running Headbutt to the chest.

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Goatplex.
Description: Tiger Suplex.

Favorite Weapon if any: Goats.

Additional notes: Goats.

[Image: KBpvLsI.gif]
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