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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
This Is How We Do.
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JillLorder Offline
Actions speak louder than words.

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

01-11-2015, 08:45 PM

Riley, what the fuck?! What did you do to it?!

What? It wasn't my fault, honest to God! It was all Gina's idea!

Nuh-uh, don't even dare to think about wrapping this whole shit around me! You were the one who fucked up, Riley. I had nothing to do with this whatsoever.

We fade into a scene where we see Gina, Riley and Jill around a coffee table... well, what was left of the table anyways. As imagined Jill was completely livid at the mere sight of her coffee table being broken into many irreplaceable pieces. Even though the thought of bitch-slapping the hell out of Riley was rather tempting at this moment, Jill simply sighed and placed the tips of her fingers by her temples, trying to alleviate the oncoming raging migraine that was about to ensue. Riley however continued to press on and further defend her case, although it would probably be a good idea not to try and resolute anything with Jill. Especially not now.

Look, Jill, it was all an accident. Honestly! I never meant to break it! Look, how about I just save some money up to go and buy a new one for you, eh?

For fuck's sake Riley, my grandfather made this for my mother as a wedding gift and she passed it down to me! It was like a family heirloom and you just fucking destroyed it. It's not something that you can just waltz into the store, pick it up and buy it. It's just something that you can't replace!

A coffee table as a family heirloom? What the fuck?

Gina, shut the fuck up. The point is that this table was something of value to me and my family and you guys broke it because you two couldn't keep your damn libidos in check and just go upstairs to do your business!

What? Having sex on tables is fun! Maybe if your little knot wasn't so tight and sour you would understand the pleasures of--


At that moment Riley kept her mouth shut and rolled her eyes. However, she did manage to mutter out the word 'whatever' before going off to the kitchen to grab something to drink. Gina's cheeks were slightly flushed, embarrassed that Jill brought up how she and Riley's little ten minute "rendezvous" was the reason why the table broke. Jill sighed yet again and went over to the side table by the couch to pick up her car keys. She later went on upstairs to her room to gather whatever was necessary for her to take with her for Monday Night Madness. Gina and Riley quickly glanced over at each other and rolled their eyes before going outside to wait on Jill. Once she got herself all situated out, Jill quickly went downstairs, unlocked the car doors, got in and the trio were on their way to the airport.

[Image: seattle-washington-skyline-rain-t6kjrmy6.gif]

Seattle, Washington: The Emerald City. A magnet for technology centers and the birthplace of the alternative rock style grunge music. Now this city is the host for Monday Night Madness this week and, like always, the show is expected to be a ticket seller. Seems like the good ol' Washingtonians were huge wrestling fans as many took notice of Jill and her entourage, being quick to instantly recognize the young woman hailing from Port Antonio. Many tried to rush over with high hopes of receiving an autograph and have some pictures taken with Jill. As much as Jill would like to kick back and hang out with the fans there was no time for any interactions. Jill, Gina and Riley just pressed right on through the crowd and quickly slipped into the backseat of an awaiting limo. The girls all sighed with relief in unison as the limo drove off, away from the fans. What a frenzy that was!

Shit, I feel like a celebrity here! Damn Jill, I never knew you were hot like that with the fans! You definitely better not disappoint tomorrow night. Practically everyone is rooting for you.

Yeah... I know. Like I said before, I'm going to give these folks a Jill Lorder experience they never saw coming. Honestly, I can't picture the other opponents in my match as a champion. Sure, I may not be hot right now with my matches and all, but I have a lot of passion and dedication for this federation. Even when I lose I still show no signs of giving up. I keep giving it my all week in and week out and I try my damn hardest. I need this title shot more than anything and anyone else. I --

Jill, seriously? You sound so typical right now. "OMG, I work the hardest out of everyone else. I should get a shot at the championship". Bitch, you said it yourself. You're not doing so good right now. Like you've always said, actions speak louder than words. What ever happened to that? You're only as good as your last match and right now, you're not doing so hot. So quit it with the "at least I tried" excuses, put on your big girl panties and actually show us why we should take notice of you. Nobody gives a shit about you and your indy days. We don't care about how much you "tried". They're not going to take into account any of that irrelevant bullshit. Go out there Monday night and kick their asses. Prove to us and the world why you should be considered the best. Go beast mode on all these niggas and wreck them!

Thanks, "Coach'. Really motivating stuff right there.

Jill sarcastically joked and rolled her eyes, chuckling. We catch a final glimpse of the trio conversing among themselves and the limo driving off into the distance before the scene fades to black.

[Image: tumblr_nhjwe7xN4P1s4wo3so2_1280.png]

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