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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Sitdown Interview
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

01-06-2015, 12:48 PM

Steven Sayer has been in the game a long time. Who knows how many years? He's encountered a hundred different people in his career with a hundred different personalities. Champions and chumps have all come before Steve Sayer and he has been a professional the whole time. Treated them all equally.

Today may be considered differently, dependant upon Sayer's beliefs. Surely he has read the Bible, and most definitely he has seen The Devil's Messiah in action. He knows the man is a known killer and deep down, that bothers him. But ever the professional, Sayer has a job today.

Cain stares at Steve like a piece of red meat with the eyes of a hungry lion.
"Well, Steven? You have questions, I know. Everyone does. Every asks the same old, boring questions like "what are your goals", or "where are you from?". All the same. So surprise me. Please."

The ambience is silent, much like the HHH interview a few years after the whole Madison Square Garden incident. Both men on the screen are dressed nicely, Cain even more so than Steve. Steve asks his first question. " do you surprise someone like you? How does one surprise Cain Arkham?"

"Answer? You probably cannot. When you've been alive as long as I have, there isn't much that surprises you. I've been there for a lot of things, Steven. Jesus' crucifiction. Hitler's rise and fall. America's war for independent. For the most part, I kept my nose out of it all and did my master's bidding. Kill. Maim. Garrote. Impale. At the end of the day?" he shrugged. "None of it surprises me. Nothing."

Steve's eyes lit up. "Did it surprise you when Steve Davids showed up out of nowhere and cashed in on Theo Pryce, thereby becoming the Universal Champion?"

The Devil's Messiah of Pain sneered.

"Well Cain?"

We all know that Cain had no love lost for Davids. The two had their go arounds a few times, but it seemed that every time Cain "had him", Hetman would get involved or at least one of his Alliance. Cain took a deep breath and exhaled. "Surprised yes, but not because that waste of sperm won. How could he not? Pryce was already beaten down, I forget by who but the fact remains. I am however surprised that Davids didn't go crying to Paul for help winning the title. Or did he? I don't know, because Davids was insignificant to me until he won the title." Evil chuckle. "And when I am number one contender, I hope he is still champion so that I may take my rightful place as his usurper."

"You seem pretty sure of yourself..."

"Look Steven, if I'm not sure of myself then I don't belong here. I came back to the land of Extreme for a reason and that reason? Oh dark lord, these fuckers who doubt me. These non believers who, every promo, talk about me being worthless. Me being a pussy? Really?" Black eyes flash red. "Grade school insults toward a potential champion. A pussy is what rests between Iris Oppenheimer's legs. No Steven, they discount my power as parlor tricks. But I KNOW what and WHO I am. Not a monster, but a Beast. His Messiah, and I kill in his name. He has made me the creature I am. Goddamned right I'm sure of myself."

"Iris Oppenheimer, your opponent. What..."

"...fuck her. She ignored my offer. She doesn't matter. You know, Steven, the bookers are still pissed.they're angry because of the War Games incident, and I'm taking a lot of shit. Think about it. My first opponent was a man who quotes medical knowledge he learned from medical journals? Then there was Tush, who was a fucking paraplegic who would be I'm the Special Olympics had he not been double booked. Now, we have little miss Oppenheimer. A fucking...a fucking...hell, she's a woman. Man, woman, gimp..." eyes wide with rage. "...jokes. All of them. You will soon learn that I've no time for humor."

"So you feel that you are being punished?"

"No shit, Sherlock."

"But you were one of eight considered for the Number One Contendership. How is that punishment?"

"Perhaps it is not punishment, but you too see a pattern?"


"You know..." Cain begins, frustrated. " humans are all the same. You're all blind Steve. You only see what you want to see, and believe what they tell you. Stupid. You know what Steve? Since you won't even listen to the truth..." Things get scary as he stands. "...this fucking interview is OVER."

"But you still have ten minutes!"

Cain threw the microphone at Steve with an audible "fuck you". One really had to wonder what else he had to say, but the Devil's Messiah cut the promo short, no doubt pissing off a few bookers. He stormed off the set, leaving Steve shaken.


[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
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