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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
One Last Trip To The Past
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Hysteria 'The Prophet' Offline
Can you handle it?

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-28-2014, 11:59 PM

Hysteria walks along the buildings as he passes several people in the busy city. The city is still unknown. He walks up to an alleyway and instantly begins clenching his fists. He looks up and sees that same streetlight that has induced so many flashbacks in his mind when looking at them at the church. He sighs and snaps back to his senses. Looking ahead with a stoic stance, Hysteria reaches within his shirt and withdraws the chain attached to the Time-Turner. He looks at it and begins to spin it. He realizes where he’s standing and stops. He walks across the street to where he has a good vantage point. He begins turning the dial as the world around him changes harshly for every turn.

Blurred images of people hurrying by and the sun shifting in the air as time backs up hour by hour. Luckily for Hysteria, there is a bank not very far from the location in which he can see the date and time. He continues turning it as time continues going back. Finally, Hysteria stops turning the pendant and glances in the direction of the bank. The screen lights up with an offer for cheap loans. It flashes white for a brief second before transitioning into the time and date in red letters on the black screen.

8:32 PM

Hysteria laughs and rubs his hands together. Tonight would be the night that he would prevent the heinous actions of those three assholes.

Hysteria remembered that the action had happened a few minutes past nine. He backed away and took a seat on the bench behind him. The shapes on his mask seem tense and shift every few minutes to firm shapes as if to display his determination as he stares ahead. The minutes tick away as if nothing. The time passes 8:50 and that’s when he hears it. That adorable giggle.

Hysteria’s head turns to the right as he sees the beautiful blonde walking alongside a figure shrouded in the darkness. Or perhaps it only seemed that way as Hysteria’s face was focused on hers solely. As they pass him, they pay him not even the slightest amount of attention. The man kisses her on the neck as she giggles. Hysteria’s hand out reaches towards her but he pulls it down and tries to calm himself down. The very sight of her has him lost for words. So many months…

He focuses and watches her walk across the street and enter that dreaded alleyway. Hysteria watches as himself makes the foolish error of pushing her up against the wall and kisses her neck. She smiles and giggles. That damn giggle drives Hysteria nuts…

Hysteria sticks his hands in his pockets and awaits what he knows is coming next. A few moments pass as the two begin to kiss passionately. Suddenly a cloaked figure walks down the sidewalk and sits right beside Hysteria. Hysteria squeezes his fist and turns to blast whoever is sitting there. He turns and is dumbfounded. The man sitting beside Hysteria is none other than…Hysteria!

Hysteria looks confused at the man beside him. Was it someone dressed like himself? Did someone somehow know he was going to be there? Hysteria throws a punch, but the hand catches it and decks Hysteria back. For some reason, the blow takes Hysteria down to the ground. Hysteria looks surprised as his doppelganger lifts him off his feet by the scruff of his jacket and shirt.

Hyssssteriaaaa. I thought we were stronger than that? Bahahamahaha! Don’t worry, self. The time-turner takes some getting used to. A few more trips and you’ll be at full strength.

Y-you who are…. You?

Who am I? Oh come on, Hys! I’m you from the future! Isn’t it obvious I’m you? I’m lean, angry, and downright delirous! Bahaha! Now, now… I know you/I came here to fuck with the timeline and prevent that beautiful woman from getting raped and murdered, but here’s a little tidbit. There’s nothing you/I can do to alter things. We save her from the three cronies and she gets hit by a bus. We save her from the bus, and she has a heart attack. Good luck preventing that one. It’s shitty luck. No one can deny their fate evidently. This beautiful girl’s fate was to be killed on this night and create one of the most influential beings to ever don wrestling boots and compete in the ring.

Hysssssteriaaaaaa! However, there may be more to the story than you remember.

I… you just expect me to sit here and WATCH!?! You sonovabitch! This is my love! I just can’t do that!

Future Hysteria kicks his legs in the kneecap breaking them instantly. Current Hysteria falls to the ground and reaches out in their direction. Future Hysteria lets him crawl across the road, but stops him and drags him into the shadows to the left of the alley. Current Hysteria looks at Future and seemingly resigns to watching whatever the future self has in store.

The two Hysterias looks down the street and that’s when he sees three…

Four figures walking and staggering down the sidewalk.

Current looks up at Future and looks confused. Future nods towards the group. They walk up to alleyway and that’s when the three lead fellows begin to snicker and jeer.

Guy 1: Whoaaaa look at that babeee Mike!

(Evidently Mike): I know Bill! She looks like she needs a little Mike-lovin’!

Third Guy: *BELCH* Oh man. That bitch need to ride the Bo-train! What do you think Jackson?

The fourth guy steps out into the light and sees the couple. He rolls his eyes.

It’d probably be better if they took that someplace else. Let’s go guys. There’s nothing to see here…

Bill: Hey, wait! That’s the boss, Sutter! That asshole cut my check last week.

Mike: That mother fucker! He cut my check too.

Well you idiots did kill two big clients. What the fuck did you expect to happen?

Bo pushes Jackson back and points a finger in his face.

Bo: You better shut your goddamn trap if you expect to stay with this crew for very long.

Jackson takes a step back and looks at the ground.

Bo, the biggest of the four, looks around at Mike and Bill.

Bo: What say we take matters into our own hands? We can take our cut and beat the shit out of this asshole as well.

What the hell are you doing?! That’s the boss!

Mike walks up to Jackson and stares him directly in the face whilst struggling to stand up straight.

Mike: You got a choice, boy. Sack up or you’ll be next after him.

Jackson steps back and allows the three men to move forward.

Current Hysteria begins to move forward, but can’t due to his injured knees and jaw. He reaches out and begins to grimace as he has to watch the entire scene unfold except this time in third person.

Bo walks up and pulls Hysteria off of the girl and threatens him. He blows a kiss at the girl and Past Hysteria lunges at him throwing a solid left to his jaw. Past Hysteria shields the girl behind him and instructs her to run. She denies and hugs Past Hysteria’s neck. The unmasked Prophet’s face is distorted from the distance, but he has unmistakably dark hair. The three men surround the girl and Past Hysteria. They all three rush in and strip the girl away. The other two men jump Past Hysteria. One of them finds a bottle on the ground and breaks it over Hysteria’s head. He falls to the ground. Bo, the one with the girl begins ripping her clothes off of her as she cries and slaps away at him. He doesn’t relent in the slightest. He gets her stripped down to nothing and throws her to one of the other guys. He pulls down his pants and bends her over. Current Hysteria’s face turns away as does Future Hysteria. Moments pass as the two Hysterias avoid looking at the disgusting scene unfolding.

Current Hysteria returns to see the beautiful girl dead on the concrete and Past Hysteria laid out on the ground unconscious. The big oaf walks over and takes a piss on Past Hysteria. He then lifts him up, getting piss all over himself in the process, and throws Past Hysteria in the dumpster. Bo lifts up the lifeless body of the lady and chunks her in on top.

The three men leave the alley as Jackson is freaking out.

How could you do that? He’s the boss! What if the higher-ups hear about this?

Mike: Then what? They’ll never know we did it.

The crew staggers off with Jackson slowly following behind then looking ashamed at what happened.

As soon as they are out of distance, Current Hysteria speaks up.

There was a fourth man… the whole time there was a fourth man.

Precisely. You know what you must do, right Hysssssteriaaaa?

Yes, but right now… I need to go back home to my time.

Farewell, Hyssssssteriaaaaa and remember… there’s nothing we could do to change tonight. But I think you know what the next step is.

With that, Future Hysteria begins turning his time-turner and disappears with it. Current Hysteria grabs his time-turner and begins turning it the number of times he counted the first time. The time shifts for every turn that he makes. Finally he hits the number and is lying on the ground of the town in which the heinous acts transpired. He pushes himself up and stretches his now perfectly fine legs. He looks at the light above him and sighs.

Jackson Sutter.

You are a dead man.

[Image: 3nOsl9M.jpg]
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