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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
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Bobby Charles Offline
XWF's Prodigal Son

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

12-26-2014, 07:30 AM

The room is dark and cold a small light can be seen in the corner of the room. We know it is cold because we see a shadow of a man and we can see his breath in the light. The room is silent all you really hear is the sound of the man breathing.

“Question have been asked for a few weeks now, where has the monster gone. What happen to the drive that this young man once had. What happen to the monster himself. And why has he been so silent over his new alliance. I stand here today to explain some things possible to you. To hopefully shed some light on the matter of what has been going on with Bobby ZI."

We can hear ZI moving around in the room. But he still hasn’t come to the light to be seen.

“If anyone was paying attention this all started back when I lost the X-title to maverick a few months back. It was like I needed to reboot myself try and figure out really what the hell was going on with me. I lost to a person that I should not and would never ever loss to, but it happens. I needed to look in the mirror look at the man that I have been and will be and figure out truly what was going on. It crushed me when I lost that title. If you didn’t notice I was handed that rematch to Maverick who went on to win that title. I just didn’t want the rematch. I just could find it within myself to get the job done. Yes I have had some matches since then, but they really didn’t mean a damn thing to me. It was like I was just going through the motions each and every week. Like my heart really wasn’t into it.

"You seen first hand this week, the person that is my new partner in "The underground", Knight wanted to make that match personal and you know what? that’s fine with me. If he wanted to take that to new heights after he has done nothing in this company then that’s his problem. But you see Knight, I really don’t give to shits about you. And if I really wanted to, if I really wanted to show you the true power I would have destroyed your ass whenever i wanted to. I would have eaten you alive and never looked back. And possibly made it so that you would not even be able to compete this week. I will be hoping that you will be the last man standing to face me, so that I can show you what kind of so called bitch that I am. Because trust me Knight you are not going to like the man that you think you know. Because what you seen last week. That wasn’t the real me, that is the me that is completely lost at the moment. The man that just isn’t into this right now. all the fun and games are over aerial, Time to put up and shut the fuck up. You have to come up with your title and defend it monday night. Problem is, you have to go through me to survive the belt. I'm NOT the worst former champion like you seem to think I am. Mastermind thought I was that way as well. What happened to him knight? Exactly he lost. He got outsmarted by a more intelligent fighter than he was. You are going to be another victim. I am paving my path in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. My path of spectacular legendary fights, as well as my paved legacy. What you need to understand knight, I'm bigger than you now and when you were here before. I'm not saying that out of arrogance, I am saying it because it is true. I've said this on several occasions, I'm the future of XWF. No one else. Maybe after this match we might stuck in a same team. I really don’t know right now or give a shit. its time to fight Johnathan. No more attempts at sneak attacks or getting me after I've already fought. No it is time for your happy ass to step up and truly prove you have what it takes to retain this title. While you've been either playing the game card thing that most fuckers do when they want something they haven't actually earned,but trust me knight, i will make sure that one of "THE UNDERGROUND" member will walk out as a victor, and that will not be YOU !”

We can see the shadow of Bobby walking past the light in the room.

“It looks like the first people that I have to face off against are someone that I know well. other than that GEEZER, Mastergarbage is in this fight and I find it funny that once again I am going to be going into a match with this dude. That once again I am going to square off against that dude, that I single handedly destroyed by myself. But really I could careless. Its like I have been there before. I have seen him before and listen to him for weeks talk shit only to fall to the hands of me. And it really doesn’t interest me at all..."

Then a weird Moment of silence appears in the dark room..

"..and then you got the former champ, the sarcastic bad bitch, GATOR! "

Bobby’s face then comes to the light.

“. Now I'm sure your prick filled mouth is going to spout off about ignorant horse shit. Maybe about my english or whatever else your twisted peanut brain can come up with. Shit I'm sure you are going to dive deep and attempt to attack me on my in ring record. Which I admit isn't fucking spectacular but guess what it is better than yours Gator. my intentions are bigger than what you think you can bring. I'm sure you are going to run your mouth about your past accomplishments, if there is any, and blah blah blah. The past is the fucking past man, I'm fully and one hundred percent focused on the here and the now. I'm looking forward as well. the dust has settled as well as the bodies of my victims lay around the XWF ring. This weeks special MADFARE is my chance to prove to every single doubter out there including those fucks on the roster that not only am I will be the legit Television Champion, but I deserve to be fighting for that Universal Championship. Gator you are one of the opening act to this action drama about to unfold at monday night The climax and conclusion will be full of action and will conclude with me as the lone survivor...

The room goes black.


~~~DECEMBER 22, 2014~~~

My wife abigail enters our hotel room and immediately sits down in a chair closest to the door in our suite. She is due in a little over a month. Why she was traveling with me I will never know. But I am damn sure glad. She grabs a bottle of orange juice and opens it, chugging it down. I feintly smile.

"Sweetheart, you okay? What's the matter?"

I kneel close to her not touching her just yet as I peer into her eyes the best I can. She smiles, only having got half of it chugged.

"Yes, sorry. It's hot here and not used to this heat considering we live in New York."

She winks at me. I chuckle some grabbing a hold of her free hand.

"Shit I'm sorry baby. Looks like I'm gonna need to keep this fridge fully stocked for the duration of our stay."

Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, I rise to my feet. It was hot here compared to New York, considering the weather our home has been receiving I must admit, I like the heat. Jesse normally did too, but with the pregnancy. She gets uncomfortable really easy. She gets up and shakes her head, waving a hand.

"Don't go out of your way on my account."

She never wanted me to fuss over her. She's been that way since we met. I watch as she leans against the counter in the room, chugging down the rest of the orange juice, putting a hand over her womb where our son grows more and more each day. He is growing more now then ever in last month or of the pregnancy yeah I've done some research.

"I'm not going out of my way sweetheart. I'm being your husband and partner, plus I can make a phone call and it'll be done."

I chuckle some as I approach her with a smile now. She puts the now empty bottle down and looks at me, smiling right back at me. Her green eyes sparkling.

"If that is what you wish to to do my love"

"Anything to help you feel comfortable my beautiful angel. So what would you like to do this evening?"

I stand in front of her titling my head slightly loving the way those eyes are sparkling. She puts her hands on my chest and gently rubs from my pecs, over my collar bones to my shoulders and back down. It's this back and forth thing abigail does when she is aroused.

"I can think of a few things. Food is definitely on that list."

"Hmmmmm, I do enjoy the things that you have in mind. But let's wait for dessert my love. Where would you like to go for dinner? The choices are infinite."

I place my hands up in her hips with a sly grin. The look on her face matches mine for a brief moment. Then she gets a sour look on her face. She firmly pushes me away and hurries to the bathroom, shutting the door. Soon I hear her in there doing something she hasn't done since the first trimester of her pregnancy. I damn near collapse hearing her go through that.


I move to the bathroom door and press my hand to the door. I hear her groan and then some more. It sounded violent. Dry heaving soon after. Then I hear my wife in there sobbing which is quickly drowned out by the sound of the toilet flushing. Once the toilet stops flushing I hear water running.

"Sweetheart......... What do I need to do to help?"

She was in pain, I could feel it. I hated it because I honestly felt helpless. The door opens and she stands there, looking absolutely flushed.

"Can you get me my tooth brush and tooth paste?"

She rubs her stomach letting out a soft sigh.

"Yes of course my love."

I move to our bags and grab her bathroom stuff and rush it to her.

"Here sweetie. Is everything okay?"

She takes it and steps back to the sink, putting toothpaste on her toothbrush.

"My stomach hurts... So does my back... "

She brushes her teeth quick like and then rinses. She sets everything down and grips the counter, grunting some as she holds the lower part of her stomach. I step toward her.

"What's wrong? Is it labor?"

I was confused now, of all the research I've done this was not in it. I wanted to figure this out and help her. She looks at me and nods her head. She wasn't feeling any pain now, I could tell by the look of relief on her face.

"Yeah. It comes and goes. From front to back."

"So what does this all mean sweetie?"

I move closer to her. I'm sure a look of pure terror plastered over my face.

"I think I'm in labor, Bob"

She says to through clenched teeth. Not because she was angry at me, but because she was in pain again. Oh shit!

"Oh shit, wha....... What do I do my love?"

I was in shock almost quite literally, of all the shit I've survived and been through, seeing my wife in this much pain and the possibility of our son on the way had me freaking the fuck out. She looks at me, grabbing by arm and squeezing.

"Calm down BOB..."

Which is what she called me to get my head back in the game.

"I put the nearest hospital in the GPS of our rental. We'll just go there. Okay?"

I sigh loudly and refocus on her. My eyes lock onto hers.

"Okay sweetie. What do you need from here to come with us?"

Protection mode kicked in, she needed me to help and protect her. Therefore I began to move toward the living area of our suite.

"The dark blue bag I packed is for in case the baby comes."

I move quickly and efficiently. I grab the bag she described and returned to the bathroom.

"Okay sweetheart, got the bag. Let's get going."

I reach to grab her hand and support her walking because of her being in so much pain. She waves me off.

"I'm fine to walk now. It doesn't hurt at the moment."

There's my stubborn red headed wife. The woman who was so independent regardless of how much she needed me. She groans some, her southern accent very much more noticeable.

"If I need'ya. I'll let'ya know... "

"Okay my love..."

I put her bag on my shoulder as I walk beside her ready to support her when the time calls for it. Jess and I gently make our way out of out hotel suite. She was in pain but was able to make to our car rental well. We climb into the rental and she clicks the GPS to the nearest and best hospital. It begins yelling me where to drive to get there, and we were off...

Former 2× X-treme ChampIon
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