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Monday Night Madness 12.15.2014
Author Message
Kirk MacClay Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

12-15-2014, 08:57 PM

[Image: J4ZYCXe.jpg]

[Image: Saints-Superdome.jpg]

December 15, 2014
Mercedes-Benz Superdome
New Orleans, LA

- VS -
Joey Hawkins
- VS -
Caroline O'Hara Burchill
Triple Threat Match, One Fall

Adrian Storms
- VS -
Aaron Underwood
Tables Match

- VS -
Ethan Donovan
- VS -
Justin Sane
Three-Way-Dance, Elimination Rules

- VS -
John Samuels
Steel Cage I Quit Match

Television Championship Match
'The Aerial Knight' Johnathan Heartsford ©
- VS -
Ghost Tank
Singles Match, One Fall
As Per Television Championship Rules,
The Champion may post two RPs per day.
The Challenger may only post one RP per day.

Fireworks go off as the screen flips through the opening video showing many of the Madness competitors highlighting on ‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane, ‘The Aerial Knight’ Johnathan Heartsford, Mastermind, Justin Sane, Bobby Zi, and others. The theme song playing is The Sound of Madness.

JOEY STYLES: Welcome, welcome to yet another fantastic edition of Monday Night Madness! We have some excellent matches set out for tonight. A tables match is scheduled tonight between two of the youngest and brightest stars on the Madness roster. Plus we still have a title match and a STEEL CAGE I QUIT match! Ohmygod! Those should be phenomenal!

”Get Back” by Ludacris plays

Out from the curtains walks the General Manager of Madness, Kirk MacClay! He’s flanked by his running mates. Benjamin Fieldler, ‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane, Roxy, ‘Aerial Knight’ Johnathan Heartsford, and Cam-Bot are all surrounding him. Kirk smiles as he gyrates and saunters on down to the ring followed by his comrades who seem to be pretty much focused. They climb in the ring and Kirk, Loverboy, and Knight grab mics. Before saying anything, Kirk MacClay points over at Justin Roberts.

JUSTIN ROBERTS: Introducing to the ring, accompanied by Roxy, ‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane, ‘Aerial Knight’ Johnathan Heartsford, Cam-Bot, Benjamin Fieldler… he is the SOLE general manager of XWF’s Flagship Show Monday Night Madness and the sexiest man on the other side of 30… MR. KIRK MACCLAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Mr. MacClay circles around the room taking in the mixture of boos and cheers whilst he does so.

Bitches and hoes! Welcome to the finest form of wrestling finesse! The most hardcore and hard-hitting show on television. The Epitome of Epicacity! Yeah just made up my own word. Patent that. Welcome to Monday Night MADNESS!

The crowd explodes! New Orleans is ready to go!

New Or-Leans. Or as I like to call it… N’Awlins. Are you ready?

The crowd explodes even more!

I SAID… ARE YOU RE- *cough, cough*

Loverboy rushes up and grabs the mic.

N’Awlins, we’ve got one question for you! Are you ready to roooooooooooockkkkkkkk!?!

The crowd bursts in a boom! The arena seems to be shaking in anticipation!

MacClay clears his throat and proceeds whilst nodding thanks to Loverboy.

Now, as I have been doing on the past several weeks, it’s time to change things up. Now as you remember, I have fired the original ring announcer from this show and replaced him with the charming Mr. Justin Roberts! Well now, we must eradicate this show from that atrocity of a theme song. Now, introducing, the NEW theme song for Monday Night Madness!

The crowd seems torn, but generally likes the new theme song. Kirk nods his head approvingly as he turns to Fieldler who furiously nods his head when Kirk looks in his direction.

Now that we have a new badass intro song, let’s talk about the ca-

”The Winter Movement” from Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” plays

JOEY STYLES: Uh-oh! Looks like the Queen of Madness has something to say.

Now this is tiresome. Every week you come out changing shit up? Who the hell do you think you are? This is MY show. Not your show. Not anyone else’s. Now you seemed to have created a little boy band in that ring, but two three delusional men are not going to stop this woman from taking charge of Madness. You sexist pigs think that a woman such as myself can’t run this ship? Well dub your mops and swab the poop deck because this bitch is the new captain on this vessel.

The crowd burst in ovation at the strong words coming from the Queen of Madness.

JOEY STYLES: It looks as if the ring is dumbfounded and shocked. This is the first time we’ve really heard this sort of tone coming from Miss Tigris in a while! Hell even Roxy seems to have gained a little respect for the Queen!

Roxy is nodding and looking approvingly towards Tigris. No one in the ring seems to notice. Kirk clears his throat and is smirking at Tigris.

Listen here you Queen Bi-

Hold on Mr. Flabby. How’s the stomach doing? Still a little pukey? Hold on, your tissue, Ben, is over there. Better go grab him!

Mr. MacClay is absolutely furious! His whole face has turned red and he’s about to leave the ring when Benjamin grabs him and holds him back.

I’m going to fuck you up! This is my show! This is where the underprivileged and abused come to hone their craft and proof to the bureaucrats up top that they deserve to be the top of the card. I’m fed up with these games. It’s time to put up or shut up, bitch! In three weeks, it’s going to be Team MacClay vs. Team Tigris. The winning team takes claim to Monday Night Madness. The other General Manager is OUT! Also, the members on the winning team… gain future title shots. How do you like that?!

The crowd is coming unglued.

So bitch, get your team together because in three short weeks. I’m going to usher in the New Year on Madness by kicking your bleeding cunt OUT OF IT!

The crowd is jumping up and down and several high-fives are spotted. Miranda Tigris looks pissed off, but looks determined as well.

"Supersonic" by Oasis plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: This first match is for one fall. Introducing to the ring first from Sydney Australia, weighing in at 114 lbs... CAROLINE O'HARA BURCHILL!

As Supersonic blasts through the PA system, a tsunami of boos fill the arena as Burchill steps out onto the stage. She looks around and smirks before making her way down the ramp, mocking, taunting, and spewing vulgar insults at the crowd. She slides into the ring and climbs the top turnbuckle, raising her arms and fists up into the air before forming an 'X' with them. She then comes down and leans on the ropes, waiting for the match to get underway.

"Jaws Theme Swimming" by Brand New plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: Introducing next from Somewhere In The Sewers... JAWS!

Jaws comes out dragging the lifeless body of Joey Hawkins. Joey is spitting up blood from the mouth as Jaws throws him into the ring. Justin Roberts shrugs and gets out of the ring.

- VS -
Joey Hawkins
- VS -
Caroline O'Hara Burchill
Triple Threat Match, One Fall

The match starts and the two combatants circle around. Jaws is snapping at Caroline who is keeping just out of the shark’s distance. She throws a kick and hits the chest of Jaws seemingly not affecting it. She throws about three more not really affecting the beast. The shark reaches out and grabs Caroline with its arm/claw/fin thing. It lifts her up into the air and hits a back body drop! The speed and strength seemingly caught Burchill off guard. She rolls away holding her back. Joey Hawkins is standing now and looks ready to fight despite the blood on his chin. He rushes forward and Jaws ducks under his clothesline attempt and chop blocks Hawkins sending him to the ground. Jaws climbs up to the top rope and falls down for the Brain Damage! The falling headbutt makes Hawkins toss and turn in agony.

Jaws goes for the cover.



NO! Caroline breaks it up.

Caroline kicks Jaws in the knee and his leg/fin/flagella buckles! She leaps onto the ropes and connects with the Extreme Makeover! The springboard kneeling facebuster actually takes Jaws to the mat! She kicks Jaws out of the ring and targets Hawkins. Hawkins rushes forward and takes a Frankensteiner for his efforts. Maybe he should stop running. Anyways, Caroline pops back up and hits a shining wizard as he begins to get up. As she goes for the ropes Jaws is there with a punch sending her back into the ring. It pulls Caroline out onto the apron and drills her into the apron with a Skulldriver! The piledriver on the apron has knocked her out. Jaws looks hungrily at the ring when…

Suddenly from out of nowhere 5 Men dressed in hoods jumped over the railings, and they hit the ring. They quickly rush at Joey Hawkins, and force him out of the ring, and while the Jaws watches on in horror, they start attacking him.

Once they've attacked him for long enough. They grab a hook from the ceiling, and place Joey on it, and raise it up halfway leaving Joey dangling over the ring.

The 5 Hooded Men then escape back through the crowd.

With Hawkins propelled above the ring, Jaws rolls Caroline back into the ring. Jaws hits the ropes and hits a cannonball senton onto Caroline! Caroline is holding her ribs in pain at this point. Jaws lifts her up and goes for BiggerFishBiggerPond! The military press drop into a GTS is reversed! Caroline hooks the arm and hits a nasty arm drag sending Jaws face first into the mat! Caroline quickly ascends the turnbuckle albeit hurt! She’s standing up there waiting for Jaws to turn around. It does and she delivers a hurricanrana from the top rope! Jaws is sent flying across the ring. She climbs the turnbuckle nearest Jaws and looks pumped! She goes for it! THE FFG! The Flying Firecrotch Guillotine! The split-legged diving leg drop… MISSES!

Jaws had just enough time to roll away! She hits the ground hard and Jaws gets back up to its feet. They stare off when suddenly a scream is heard! The body of Hawkins falls from the hook and lands on Jaws! They look out cold! Caroline laughs at her luck and pins Hawkins!



NO! Jaws breaks it up!

Jaws grabs Caroline and hits a quick suplex! Jaws leaps off the top rope for a springboard frog splash! THE SHARK SPLASH! On Hawkins! He goes for the cover!





JOEY STYLES: And now, time for two young up- and- comers to start making a name for themselves here, in the XW- hold up! There's an attack going on backstage! We're sending cameramen out there now!


The culprit is Aaron Underwood, beating on his opponent, Adrian Storms, in a one- sided ambush. Underwood is using anything and everything to his advantage, using all sorts of items to attack Storms. After a kendo stick shot to Storm's gut, Underwood hits the Turning Point (Shining Wizard) to Storms! Underwood sets Storms up on a nearby food table... Aaron Underwood is climbing nearby supply crates!

The Final Strike (Corkscrew Frog Splash)! Aaron Underwood with a Final Strike, sending Storms through the food table, battered and broken! There is no way the scheduled match between these two can take place now.

"The Monster" by Rhianna and Eminem plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: This next match is scheduled for two falls and is a Three-Way-Dance match! Introducing first from Alexandra, Central Otago, New Zealand, weighing in at 200 lbs... MASTERMIND!

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

"Tank!" by Seatbelts plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: Introducing next from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs... ETHAN DONOVAN!

Tank! by Seatbelts plays over the P.A. as Ethan walks out puffing on a cigarette. He makes his way to the ring, gets on the apron and steps through the ropes from there he finishes his cigarette as he waits for the match to start.

"Undead" by Hollywood Undead plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: Introducing last from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 265 lbs... JUSTIN SANE!

The opening riff of "Undead" by Hollywood Undead hits the PA system. The stage fills with a low-covering layer of smoke as the main lights dim and are instead replaced with flickering sapphire blue and white lights centrered on the stage and entrance ramp. Justin Sane slowly walks out from behind the curtain, hands at his sides, clenching and un-clenching his fists whilst rolling his next. He approaches the top of the ramp and looks out and the crowd with a smirk on his face. After gazing around the XWF arena, his gaze lands upon the ring in front of him. He makes his way down the ramp, eyes solely on the ring, a look of intent and purpose in his eyes. He slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope and paces a couple of circles around the ring. Just as the chorus of "Undead" is about to kick in, he strides to the corner, grabs the top rope and pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle before throwing both arms out 90 degrees at his sides and letting out a loud war cry. He jumps down from the turnbuckle, unrivaled intensity in his eyes and stares out at the crowd as "undead" begins to fade and the lighting returns to normal.

- VS -
Ethan Donovan
- VS -
Justin Sane
Three-Way-Dance, Elimination Rules

The bell rings and these three men begin circling around testing each other out. Ethan and Mastermind begin exchanging blows as Sane sneaks out to the apron. They continue throwing blows back and forth. Justin Sane leaps from the top rope for a diving forearm smash! It takes down both men. Justin Sane takes turns stomping on both men before pointing to the rafters with a smirk on his face. He goes to stomp on Mastermind, but he grabs Sane’s foot. Donovan gets to his feet and nails Sane with a Cajun Kick! The leaping superkick knocks Sane for a loop as he falls to the mat. Donovan takes advantage quickly as he begins stomping away on Mastermind. Mastermind gets to his feet and pushes Ethan off of him. Donovan kicks Mastermind in the gut and drills him into the mat with a DDT! Ethan goes for the cover!



Thr-NO! Mastermind powers out narrowly.

Mastermind is pulled to his feet by the ears. Donovan runs off the ropes and goes for another Cajun Kick, but Mastermind ducks out of the way. With Ethan off-balance, Mastermind takes his feet out from under him with a leg sweep. Mastermind leaps on top of him and begins hitting mounted blows taking his sweet time delivering them with venom. Mastermind is continually doing so when…


A Screws Loose superkick to the face! Mastermind hits the mat and lays out straight. Justin Sane goes for the pinfall.



NO! Donovan makes the save!

Donovan pulls Sane to his feet and drills him with a DYNAMIC P-NO! Sane ducked under it. Sane begins drilling Ethan with punch after punch to the chin. Ethan is reeling but is covering up. Sane smiles and hits him in the gut with a stiff punch. Donovan releases his head with his hands and Sane grabs his head and rushes towards the corner and pushes off with a tornado DDT! Donovan’s head drills into the mat and he rolls up with a ‘No-One-Home’ Look in his eyes. Sane pins him.



NO! Mastermind breaks it up.

Mastermind climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Sane to get up. He does so and turns right into The Mind Changer Flying Clothesline! Sane goes head over heels and goes across the ring. Mastermind gets up and is pumping his fists. He raises his hand in the air before bringing a thumb across his throat indicating the end is near. Donovan begins to get to his feet. He turns around and…


Mastermind locks on the Mind Sleeper! The Sleeper Hold is wearing down Ethan Donovan. Ethan Donovan has seemingly faded away. Mastermind raises to his feet and motions that this is going to be the end! He goes for his finisher! THE MIND CONTROLLER! The Boston Crab finisher has Ethan screaming out in pain! Ethan is reaching out trying not to tap out!


What?! Sane just kicked Mastermind in the side of the head again with a Screws Loose Superkick! Mastermind slumps to the ground! Justin Sane lifts up Ethan Donovan and hits the Pledge of Insanity! The Death Valley Driver swung into a tombstone piledriver drops Donovan onto his head! Justin Sane goes for the pin!




Ethan Donovan is Eliminated

Justin Sane stands up and points at the audience. He then casually walks over to Mastermind and goes to lift him up. When he grabs Mastermind, Mastermind rolls him up!



THR-NO! Whoa! That was close!

Justin Sane looks surprised and shocked! He stands up and Mastermind hits him with a back kick followed by a DDT! Mastermind locks in THE MIND CONTROLLER!

Justin Sane screams out in pain and tries to crawl towards the ropes. Mastermind is holding firm, but Sane is crawling and crawling! He crawls all the way across the ring and gets to the ropes! The referee pull Mastermind off of Justin Sane. He separates and comes back pulling Sane to his feet. When he does, Sane hits an elbow to Mastermind, nails a Michinoku Driver! Mastermind’s head bounces off of the mat. He lifts up Mastermind, kicks him in the abdomen, and nails THAT’S INSANE! Justin Sane falls on top of Mastermind as the referee begins to count.




JUSTIN ROBERTS: And the winnerrrrrrrrrr is……. JUSTIN SANE!

"Symphony of Destruction" by Steve Tushdar plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: The following match is an I QUIT STEEL CAGE MATCH! Introducing first from Battle Creek, Michigan, weighing in at 220 lbs... MAVERICK!

Symphony of Destruction starts to play, and smoke pours into the arena, giving an ominous feeling. Maverick comes out, taunting the crowd every step of the way.

As Maverick is walking towards the Steel Cage, from out of the crowd jumps 6 Hooded Men. They attack Maverick, and subdue him. They then grab a hook that was hanging from the ceiling and hoist him into the ceiling, and drag him over the cage.

They then force the hook to drop Maverick, and the force of being drop sends Maverick down to the mat hard!

The 6 hooded guys then disappear back into the crowd. Leaving Maverick in a heap in the cage.

"Ghetto Superstar" by Pras plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: Introducing next from Austin, Texas, weighing in at 187 lbs... SENATOR JOHN SAMUELS!

Samuels walks to the ring, a glass of whiskey in one hand and his stetson in the other. Samuels stops at the top of the ramp, slams his drink and throws the glass into the crowd. He throws his arms into the air and continues walking down to the ring.

- VS -
John Samuels
Steel Cage I Quit Match

Joey Styles: Ladies and gentlemen, I have been joined at the announce booth by none other than Madness General Manager Kirk MacClay and his new running buddy, XWF megastar “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane! Guys, what brings you to come see this match close up?

Kirk MacClay: Well that’s simple, Styles, how much am I paying you to ask stupid questions anyway? As GM of Madness, it’s my job to make this the best show on television! That means that when we get a dud of a match, like an alleged “number one contender” match featuring a chump like Maverick, I make sure the show doesn’t crap the bed as hard as the talent in the ring does.

Joey Styles: Maverick has yet to move, guys, after being dropped into the ring by that hook… John Samuels is telling the referee to get the match started!

Loverboy: See this is exactly the kind of crap we need to put an end to on Madness! We started by making sure we had a defending Television Champion in Johnathan Heartsford, who we’ll see in another victory later tonight, and we also make sure the power of the Kings and their front office puppets is kept in check. Example one, John Samuels!

Meanwhile, the referee has reluctantly called for the bell, and the match has begun with Maverick motionless on the canvas after his big drop. Samuels slowly wanders over to the prone “Avatar of Perfection,” kicks at his side, and then takes a moment to pose for the fans over Maverick’s body.

Loverboy: Look at him! He got this match spoon fed to him because of his pull with John Madison. The XWF and its administration is a travesty of justice, an oligarchy of cronyism. Kirk here promised he’d help me level the playing field!

In the ring, Samuels has begun slapping at the face of Maverick, getting him to come to a little bit. As Maverick shakes the cobwebs out of his head, Samuels helps him to his feet… then pulls him into a fireman’s carry! Samuels crushes Maverick’s head into the canvas with a fierce Death Valley Driver!

Joey Styles: What a move from John Samuels! Maverick is on dream street!

Loverboy: Maverick has no business being in the ring right now, look at him! You think these fans paid to see John Samuels get a cheap victory over a guy from the lower mid-card like Maverick? You think Samuels ever had any chance of NOT being named the number one contender by his best friend and tag team partner, The Pryce? Don’t you sheeple see what’s going on here?

With Maverick still in a heap, Samuels slowly bounces from one side of the ring ropes to the other, exaggerating every movement. Finally, he stops over Maverick’s prone figure, swings his arm around and drops a huge elbow across his throat.

Loverboy: This match is a joke! Maverick is a joke, and Samuels is a joke for trying to hide behind him week after week and act like he earned a contendership.

Samuels pulls Maverick to his feet, and hooks him for a suplex… suddenly, Maverick drops and rolls the senator into a small package! The referee makes the count…

No, he's waving it off, reminding Maverick that it's a submission match!

Kickout by Samuels for good measure!

Joey Styles: John Samuels, caught off guard by that move from Maverick! He doesn’t look happy about getting fooled!

Samuels is back up and is stomping all over the body of Maverick. Samuels drops a knee across the upper chest of Maverick and starts raining down punches onto the face and head of the barely conscious Maverick.

Kirk MacClay: Hell of a show this is, huh Styles? I bet NOBODY would prefer to watch John Samuels against the most dynamic, most electric and most deserving athlete in the XWF, “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane, instead of this gripping drama, right?

Joey Styles: Well, I…

Back with the action, John Samuels has Maverick up for a suplex… and he drops him in a brainbuster! Samuels floats over and stretches Maverick with a crossface... Maverick's arm is fading, dropping down...



No! Samuels drops Maverick's head and breaks the hold! Maverick was almost out!

Loverboy: This is just ridiculous!

Loverboy rises from the announce booth and walks toward the cage, shouting at John Samuels. Samuels just laughs and ignores him, pulling Maverick up for another move… Maverick shoves him away!

Maverick blocks a right hand from Samuels, and returns one of his own that hits the mark! And another! The crowd starts to come to life as Maverick finds his second wind and runs to the ropes…

Samuels with a clothesline! No!

Maverick ducked under! Maverick hits the far ropes and comes flying back with a crossbody!

And Samuels snaps him to the mat with a powerslam!

Samuels gets up and smirks at Loverboy, who’s right next to them outside of the cage. Samuels grabs Maverick and shoves his face into the cage, inches from Loverboy, mocking him. Loverboy points and shouts… and spits right in the face of John Samuels!

Samuels staggers back, blinded by the saliva in his eyes, and Maverick takes the opportunity to get to his feet!

Maverick grabs Samuels by his head and puts him into position… inverted DDT! He got him! Samuels pops right back up though, barely stunned by the move… Maverick whips him to the ropes and he gets him up… LIGHTS OUT!!!

Maverick hit the spinebuster on John Samuels, and he’s going for the win here, trying to lock in the Lion Tamer... will he shock the world?

NO! Samuels kicks him away!

Samuels quickly shoves Maverick off of him and gets to his feet, and Maverick locks up with him again going for another Irish whips… Samuels reverses and sends Maverick to the ropes…

Maverick runs at Samuels but Samuels boots him in the gut, grabs him by the neck and throws him face first into the cage! Stunned, Maverick turns around...


Samuels starts punching the cage wall, using Maverick's head as a makeshift boxing glove! Maverick's head bounces off the steel cage several times before Samuels pulls his fist out with a disgusted look on his face. Samuels boots Maverick in the gut and wipes the saliva off on Maverick's shoulders.


Samuels reaches underneath the ring apron and pulls out a couple pair of handcuffs. He drags Maverick, face down, near the ropes and handcuffs each of his wrists to the bottom rope. As Maverick struggles to break free Samuels locks in the Longhorn Lock! Maverick is writhing in pain as Samuels uses his free arm to grab the microphone.

"Now, before you quit I think it's high time you apologize for that little stunt you pulled with the sledgehammer a couple of weeks ago.Don't you dare quit yet! Now, tell Theo and John that you're sorry."

Samuels reaches back and holds the mic up to Mav, still screaming in pain.

"I QUI--"

Samuels yanks the microphone away from Maverick and torques the hold even harder.

"Don't you dare quit! Apologize!"

Samuels jams the microphone back into Maverick's face.


Samuels pulls the microphone back with a smile on his face and cranks back on the hold even further.

"Now I want you to admit that I'm better than you in every way possible and that you're not worthy to even say my name!"

Samuels puts the mic back into Mavericks face but he says nothing. Samuels looks back with a look of concern on his face to see Mav's head slumped down on the mat. He's passed out from the pain! Samuels jumps to his feet and reaches into his boot.

He's rubbing smelling salts underneath his nose!

Maverick comes to in a haze and Samuels breathes a sigh of relief, pats Maverick on the back and takes a step away.

He re-applies the Longhorn Lock! Maverick cries out in pain!

Samuels grabs the microphone from off the ground and shrugs in disappointment.

"Go ahead and quit, you little bitch."

Samuels jams the microphone into Mavericks face while still applying the submission.


JUSTIN ROBERTS: And the winnerrrrrrr is.... JOHN SAMUELS!

There’s the bell, this match is over… Maverick is dumped into a heap as Samuels has his arms raised over his head.

Kirk MacClay: Now how about we see a real fight, huh Styles?

Joey Styles: Wait, where are you going? What’s happening?

Kirk MacClay drops his headset and rushes over to where Loverboy is standing, just outside of the cage door.

MacClay grabs an outside official and motions towards the door… he’s demanding the lock be opened! MacClay points to his chest, reminding the ref who’s in charge, and then points to the grinning Loverboy! The referee is opening the door!

Joey Styles: Are we having an impromptu match right here and now? John Samuels is just shaking his head and laughing!

Loverboy climbs the steps and rushes into the ring, and Kirk MacClay slams the door shut behind him, securing the lock once again. The crowd is silent as Loverboy marches right up to John Samuels and gets nose to nose with him, staring into his eyes.

Loverboy shoves Samuels… and Samuels smiles and shoves him right back!

Samuels rushes Loverboy, and he backs him into a corner, swinging wild haymakers, right and left, beating the piss out of Loverboy in the corner… Loverboy grabs him and switches position! Now it’s Samuels catching a chin full of knuckles as Loverboy punches him over and over and over!

Loverboy grabs Samuels and whips him across the ring… right into the turnbuckles! Samuels grimaces and takes a step out of the corner, right into a superkick from Loverboy!


Maverick staggered to his feet and caught the kick right on the chin! Maverick drops like a ton of bricks as Loverboy and Samuels both look at him and shrug, rushing back at one another with flurries of punches!

Joey Styles: Now what? That’s Miranda Tigris! Miranda Tigris is coming down to the ring and she’s got a referee with her as well. Kirk MacClay stands in front of her, cutting off her progress to the ring… and Tigris slaps the taste out of MacClay’s mouth!

In the ring, Loverboy has taken the advantage over the more tired Samuels, and he ducks under a clothesline attempt, hooking Samuels by the arm and twisting him into the air… BLACK LABEL DRIVER!!!

Samuels’ head bounces off the mat and Loverboy pops to his feet while the crowd cheers him on!

Meanwhile, Miranda Tigris has shoved her way past Kirk MacClay, but he’s grabbing at her, trying to keep her from the ring… Loverboy is watching intently, walking to the ring ropes and yelling down at Tigris, ending his gloating and celebrating prematurely.

Behind him, John Samuels slowly gets to his feet… he taps Loverboy on the shoulder and when he turns around… FILIBUSTER!!!!

Samuels drilled Loverboy with everything he had left in the fisherman driver! Both men are down!

Joey Styles: Miranda Tigris has pushed MacClay down onto his ass, and she’s got that referee opening the door to the cage… it’s open! Referees flood into the ring and get to Samuels and Loverboy just as the two of them get back to their feet and attempt to go at it again! There’s got to be ten referees in there holding the two men apart!

JUSTIN ROBERTS: The following match is scheduled for one fall with a 15 minute time limit and is for the TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first the challenger from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 327 lbs... GHOST TANK!

The lights dim, and crimson fog fills the entranceway as Hysteria walks out. "The Asylum" flashes on the X-Tron, as the crowd boos, though there is a smattering of cheers and applause. His voice rings out through the arena,

SIIIILENCCCCE, FOOOLSSSS! Rise to your feet, bow your heads, and let us say our prayer to the Higher Power!

Hysteria would then read from a passage of the book he holds, as the lights then begin to get brighter and brighter, then dimmer and dimmer. The lights continue to do this for a few seconds more, before the light darkens, and a strobe light begins its dance as Ghost Tank begins to walk out, and the sound of metal scraping against the ground rings through the arena. As the lights begin to brighten, it reveals the source, as he wears shackles around his ankles and wrists, with the chain connecting the two scraping along the ground. At the top of the ramp, he lets out a primal roar, and begins to beat his chest. Hysteria looks over to Ghost Tank, and his voice cuts through the air

The Higher Power givessss unto you, Ghost Tank, the poweeeerrrrr to break your bondssss! NOW BE UNLEASHED AND CLEANSE OUR ENEMIES IN THE NAME OF THE HIGHER POWER!

A Beast Am I start as Ghost Tank's arms fold across his chest, and then as the drums quicken at 1:43 he throws his arms out hard, making a lowercase t with his body, and the bonds break apart. He then bends over, and rips the shackles off his ankles. Once free from his bonds, he runs to the ring, jumping from the ground and up to the top rope, which he grabs, using his power and agility to hold him straight upside down on the rope, then flips himself around, landing in the ring, onto his feet and facing the entrance while he lets go of the rope, standing tall with his fists once more thumping against his flesh.

"Sentry the Defiant" by Coheed and Cambria plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: Introducing next from Baltimore, Maryland, weighing in at 179 lbs... he is the TELEVISION CHAMPION... 'THE AERIAL KNIGHT' JOHNATHAN HEARTSFORD!

The acoustic strums of a guitar can be heard as the spotlights point directly at the ramp and everyone becomes dead silent. The acoustic strums repeat for a second time as fog begins to seep out of the ramp and towards the ring itself. Just as the song becomes heavy, the Aerial Knight bursts through the curtains and takes a good look at the crowd and the ring. Once the lyrics hit, he slowly walks to the ring, slapping the hands of the fans to his left side as he passes them by. As soon as he gets close to the ring, he stops and looks up at the ring, where the referee and his opponent are waiting for him. He smirks at them and circles the ring as the song continues to play, even as the chorus plays out. After annoying the referee and taking a good chunk of air time out of the show, he climbs the stairs and hops over the top rope. Once inside, he then hops to the top rope of his respective corner and waits for the bell to ring. All the while, he has a cocky smirk on his face.

Television Championship Match
'The Aerial Knight' Johnathan Heartsford ©
- VS -
Ghost Tank
Singles Match, One Fall
As Per Television Championship Rules,
The Champion may post two RPs per day.
The Challenger may only post one RP per day.

The bell rings and the timer begins counting down.


The two men tie up with Tank having the instant weight advantage. Tank overpowers Knight and throws him to the mat! Knight, who’s quick on his feet, bounces up and looks primed to go. Tank rushes forward trying to out-quick Knight. As he charges, Knight evades the spear and sticks out his leg sending Tank facefirst into the mat! Tank leaps up but looks a little embarrassed. Knight laughs and points up at the clock. Tank looks at the clock as it ticks down.


Tank turns back to Knight just in time to eat a dropkick! It sends Tank into the ropes who grabs them for balance. Knight runs forward and hits a clothesline sending Ghost Tank over the top rope. Knight bounces off the ropes and hits a suicide dive taking Tank down to the mat outside! Knight pumps his fists in the air as the crowd cheers him on! Knight rolls back in the ring and massages his shoulder. He looks up at the clock on the X-Tron.


Tank rolls back into the ring and rushes at Knight for another spear! Knight was caught this time! Tank begins pounding away on the face of Knight! Knight is trying to cover up, but Tank is too powerful. He pulls Knight up to his feet and drills him back into the mat with a spinebuster! Tank goes for the cover!



NO! Knight kicks out.

Ghost Tank picks up Knight and hits him with a triple German suplex! He doesn’t release with any of them and rolls up to hit the next. After he releases the third one, Knight is holding the back of his head. Tank lifts up Knight and locks in a tight bear hug! Knight is squirming, but seems to be having a hard time getting his arms free! Tank goes to tighten the hold and Knight worms an arm out. Tank squeezes him tight as Knight begins to fade. The referee goes to raise his hand.

He lifts it once and it falls.

The referee grabs Knight’s hand and it falls again.

The referee grabs the hand to lift it for the third one, but Knight snatches it back! Knight begins coming to life! He’s shaking his fist and Knight begins punching Tank in the head hard with right hand after right hand! The enormous frame of Tank isn’t wavering though! Strike after strike! Tank is squeezing on his body hard! Knight looks conflicted. He looks at his fist and extends the middle knuckle up a bit. He then FROGS Tank’s head! The added pressure on the middle finger really seems to be affecting Tank! After three strikes, Tank’s hold begins to loosen. One more and Tank releases it. A discus forearm from Knight! Tank is thrown for a loop as he drops to a knee. Knight hits the ropes and bounces off for his patented The Kni-NO!

Tank rushes him and spears him hard! Knight’s back of his head bounce off of the ropes! Tank begins beating his chest and bellows! He stops and looks up at the X-Tron.


Tank gets a little pep in his step and climbs onto the top ropes. The ropes seem to be bending more than usual with his enormous weight atop them. Tank is waiting. He’s beckoning and eagerly awaiting Knight to turn right into his diving spear! Knight staggers up to his feet, but feels a little woozy from the headblows and hits the ropes to use them for balance. In doing so, Tank is crotched on the turnbuckle and is in incredulous pain! Knight collects his bearings and sees Tank on the turnbuckle. He runs up the ropes and hits King John’s Fate! The reverse Frankensteiner seems the enormous weight of Ghost Tank into the mat with a huge thump! The entire ring shakes! Knight slowly crawls across the ring and lays an arm across the chest of Ghost Tank. The referee counts!



Th-NO! Tank just barely kicked out!

The two men roll to their feet as the clock ticks on.


They stand up and begin to exchange blows. A punch from Knight followed by a stiff elbow from Tank. A kick from Knight followed by a chop from Tank! They both look extremely pissed and begin throwing haymakers back and forth! Tank gets the upper hand and bounces off the ropes for another spear! Knight rolls out of the way and hits The Knighting! The shining wizard connects sending Tank to the mat. He goes for the cover!



Th-NO! Ghost Tank kicks out.

Knight picks up Ghost Tank who throws an elbow up knocking Knight for a loop. Ghost Tank knocks the cobwebs out by slapping his head. He focuses and looks at Knight. He charges forward for a spear! Knight falls out of the way and Tank spears the referee! The referee hits the mat and rolls out of the ring holding his ribs. Tank stands up and turns around to take a hurricanrana from Knight! Knight climbs to the top rope and goes for the KNIGHTFALL! He leaps off the top rope and… connects! With Tank’s knees! Knight rolls off holding his ribs! Ghost Tank grabs Knight and pulls him to his feet. Ghost Tank kicks him in the abdomen and pulls him into a powerbomb! He nails it! He nails another one! A THIRD! Three powerbombs! TANK TRACKS! Ghost Tank falls out from exhaustion. He looks up at the X-Tron.


Ghost Tank goes to pin Knight, but Knight kicks out before a second passes! No referee, but Knight won’t die here. Tank gets to his feet and looks exhausted.

”Cocky” by Kid Rock plays

Ghost Tank looks at the rampway as Xavier Swann walks down the ramp with Security Stan staggering behind him. Xavier Swann grabs a microphone.

“As you saw two weeks ago, I was robbed of being awarded the Television Championship. By my own tag team partner. I think everyone knows that I’m the captain of that team. But you know what, I’m going to prove to these assholes that I deserve it!”

Xavier Swann goes under the ropes and looks absolutely pissed and ready to destroy Knight. He picks Knight up to his feet and points at him as if preparing to take his head off. He leaps onto the second rope and nails a SWANN SONG! TO TANK! Xavier Swann stares down at the body of Ghost Tank and smiles at Knight. Knight smiles back and they shake hands?! Swann rolls out of the ring and lifts the referee up and puts him in the ring. Knight climbs the turnbuckle and hits KNIGHTFALL! The Aerial Knight pins him as the referee slowly counts!





The match has just ended after Knight has won, and Ghost Tank is trying to recover from the match. Suddenly the Ring is invaded by 10 Hooded Men and they start attacking Ghost Tank. It doesn't take them long to subdue him due to the pace of the match he was in.

Suddenly they hook him up to three hooks, not the one hook that they have been using all night. They haul him up and up, to leave him dangling halfway between the ring and the ceiling. As he struggles they give one another high fives. Suddenly from out of nowhere comes Caleb. The new leader of The Real Higher Power.

He stands looking at Ghost Tank.

"Peace to you Mr. Ghost Tank."

He then clicks his fingers, and they all leave the ring, leaving Ghost Tank hanging. Literally.

Kirk MacClay comes down to the ring as Knight is holding Swann back from attacking TRHP. The three men enter the ring as does Loverboy Vinnie Lane from the back.

The four men stand in the center of the ring. Kirk MacClay looks around and smiles.

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to… the rude awakening in the XWF. Welcome to the next generation of the XWF. Welcome to the era of… The Underground. Together, we are going to take this show… hell this company from the bottom up.

Mr. MacClay’s theme song plays as “The Reflection of Perfection” Xavier Swann, “The Aerial Knight” Johnathan Heartsford, and “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane smile and raise their arms in the air as the feed fades to black.
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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
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12-15-2014, 09:14 PM

"How cute, Vinnie Lane trying to stay relevant by attacking me after my match. You hit like a bitch, Pam, and you're still not getting my #1 contender spot. I'm still out of your league, and I'm still the next Universal Champion. Accept it and move on."

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-16-2014, 08:03 AM

Quote:Loverboy: Maverick has no business being in the ring right now, look at him! You think these fans paid to see John Samuels get a cheap victory over a guy from the lower mid-card like Maverick? You think Samuels ever had any chance of NOT being named the number one contender by his best friend and tag team partner, The Pryce? Don’t you sheeple see what’s going on here?

Wow Pam, you really do have the whiny entitled little bitch thing down. You know it's funny, I didn't hear you bitching and moaning when your buddy Peter Gilmour was handed a free title shot by John Madison. Not word fucking one. And what has Peter done to earn a shot besides costs you your trios titles?

Lest you forget that the ENTIRE roster had a chance to fight for the number one contendership to the Universal Title. Let me repeat that, the ENTIRE roster could have had a shot, you included. It's not John's fault that he was one of only two people to opt in for that particular match. Now I can understand why no one else would want to face him, 98% of the roster couldn't hold his jock and the 2% that could are the rest of the Kings. I didn't name John Samuels the number one contender. You did, and everyone else who didn't opt in for the match.

So how about you do all of us a favor and go play seven seconds in Heaven with your new butt buddy Kirk MacClay and leave the title matches to the real wrestlers.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-16-2014, 08:17 AM

"Theo, you should check out my latest promo. I did about 75% of it on just this subject, well that and how much of a crybaby hypocrite Lane is. Especially since he's been crying about how unfair life is for friends of Madison vs the rest of us. Because you and John only got stuff for being Maddy's friend. Which, as we all saw, came right after he was promised a title shot for being friends with Kirk MacGay."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
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12-16-2014, 09:10 AM

It's like you guys only hear the parts you want to hear.

I aligned myself with MacClay BECAUSE the playing the field needed to be evened, not because I prefer to pull strings in management. If I didn't need to, I wouldn't, but, both of you guys work the strings of your puppets all day long - so now I will, too.

Theo - you're right, there was an open invite to a number one contendership. Guess what? I did opt in for it. I also readily accepted when Samuels offered the contendership in a match, which then never happened. I then gave him the cash he asked for - no deal. Don't sit back and act like I didn't try to go about doing things differently before resorting to run-ins and help behind the scenes.

And no, Theo, I don't care if Peter gets a shot. I don't care if Eli gets a shot. I don't care who else gets a shot, as long as I get mine.

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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-16-2014, 09:19 AM

"What management strings do I pull? Or Theo? Show us where you saw any of that happen. Or, are you just going to make shit up when things don't go your way? I remember the meeting, you didn't specify you wanted a title shot match, as per instructions, thus you didn't get one. Sorry you can't follow simple directions. You have done jack shit to earn a universal title match. You do not deserve one. Try to earn one instead of crying about deserving it. Eli earned his, Theo earned his case, Duke earned his case, Azrael earned both of his, Morbid won his in a match. Samuels earned his. The only people not earning them are the two biggest pussies crying over it. Fuck, opt in for Madfare and try and get one. This is exactly how you demanded Guppy give you a shot at his title, because you felt you earned it. You're not earning shit but a bunch of people laughing at you. You fucking hypocrite dumbass. Go cry to Roxy some more."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-16-2014, 10:12 AM

If by evened you mean you needed someone to hand you something because you are too chickenshit to earn it then yes, you needed to even the playing field.

Let's talk about all the title's I've won and you can tell me how Management helped me get them. This is going to be fun.

King of the XWF - Voted into the title match by the roster
X-treme Title - Challenged Morbid to a match and he accepted
TV Title - Won John Samuels contendership in a card game then beat Elisha
Trios Titles the first time - Won a tournament
Trios TItles the second time - Called you and your team out. You never declined so the match was set.
Universal Title - Cashed in a briefcase that I won.
United States Title - Held the X title for 4 weeks and cashed in my guaranteed title shot and won.

So now that your bullshit narrative has been shot to shit care to try some other reason why you think I've had some unfair advantage?

Face the facts you fairy fuck, you can't earn shit on your own so now your fluffer is going to hand them to you.

Guess what Pam, I haven't ever gone to management and asked for shit, despite one of the Kings actually being management. But now, now that you decided to go that route I am going to do the exact same thing just to show you what happens when you fuck with the wrong people.

It's ironic, the very thing that you thought would finally thrust you into the spotlight is going to be the very thing that keeps you from it.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-16-2014, 10:27 AM

big deal give him the shot u chickenshit. or when I win Vinnie u got the first shot

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-16-2014, 10:37 AM

Shut the fuck up you fat dickless douchebag. You won't give Vinnie a shot because we've all seen what happens when you win a title. You go crawl into a cave and hope everyone forgets about you.

But that doesn't really matter since you have as much of a chance of beating me as the 49ers do of winning this years Super Bowl.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
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12-16-2014, 10:44 AM

(12-16-2014, 10:27 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: big deal give him the shot u chickenshit. or when I win Vinnie u got the first shot

"Listen here you fucking eunuch, if by some fucking miracle you were to win the Universal Title, you get me first. It'll take me less time to win that belt that it will for a hard dick to go comatose in the presence of your disgusting pet cow, Maria."

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-16-2014, 10:45 AM

"Sherman all the way, right Theo?"

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-16-2014, 11:43 AM

keep making fun guys.. when I win the title none of you get a shot!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-16-2014, 12:04 PM

"And how, pray tell, would you prevent me from taking it from you?"

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-16-2014, 12:53 PM

(12-16-2014, 11:43 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: keep making fun guys.. when I win the title none of you get a shot!

Oh really? What happened to the rematch clause you scream about each and every time you lose a title fatboy?

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-16-2014, 01:55 PM

its in my contract u piece of shit!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-16-2014, 02:03 PM

No it isn't you illiterate mongoloid. I had Madison read over your contract, you know, one of the General Managers and he said that your contract is no different than anyone else's except that yours has a provision allowing for you to lose various parts of your body.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-16-2014, 09:41 PM

read it again u stupid fuck it has no provisions in it other than me kicking your sorry ass!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-17-2014, 03:10 AM

So then if it has no special provisions that would make it a standard contract just like everyone else. Can't even keep up with your own lies. Pathetic.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-17-2014, 11:43 AM

u stupid gasbag my contact is iron clad and has no provisions in it. you're just making shit up as you go along. I bet after I beat you for the Uni Title you'll make up how you weren't ready or some other bullshit that comes from your stupid mouth. Fuck u Theo!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-17-2014, 12:02 PM

[lightblue][b]"He didn't make it up. He asked you about that rematch clause you mention all the time. The one that Gms have said doesn't exist. You said it's in your contract, but none of us have it. That's a special provision, dipshit. One you later said you don't have. Goddamn, you are fucking ]

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-17-2014, 01:07 PM

At this point I'm just going to assume that provision is another one of the half a million words in the English language that Gilmour doesn't understand. I mean, he can't possibly be too stupid to not realize that having an iron clad contract means he has a contract with a provision in it right? Right?

And as for you beating me Gilmour, that will never happen. Ever. So let's just dispense with that bullshit right now.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-17-2014, 08:55 PM

there is always that one day you lose theo.. soon it will be that day

and frodo.. shut the fuck up

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-17-2014, 08:57 PM

Norman materializes in front of a camera. Because walking is for pussies.

"Not nice, Peter. You should be nice to people. Don't make me visit you to teach you that lesson."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-17-2014, 09:12 PM

u need a lesson in learning to respect your elders ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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