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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare December 3, 2014
Author Message
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

12-03-2014, 06:40 PM

[Image: qtjAJzn.png]]

Scandinavium Arena
Gothenburg, Sweden

Luke Kage
- vs -
Lucius Fyre
- vs -
Dwight Schrute
Triple Threat Match

Bobby Z
- vs -
Joey Hawkins
X-treme Rules

- vs -
The Next Level Meta
Standard One Fall

Iris Oppenheimer
- vs -
Standard One Fall

The first four matches will be presented in summary format.

Jill Lorder
- vs -
Standard One Fall

- vs -
Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Azrael Erebus
Triple Threat Match

And A Special Double Main Event!!


X-treme Title Match

- vs -
Doc D'Ville
X-Treme Rules


Trios Tag Team Title Match

The Kings©
(John Madison, Theo Pryce, John Samuels)
The Asylum
(Hysteria, Frodo Smackins, Mick Manson)
X-treme Rules - One Fall

Luke Kage
- vs -
Lucius Frye
- vs -
Dwight Schrute
Triple Threat Match

It's been a pretty one sided affair as the beet farmer from Pennsylvania has been tossing his opponents around like bales of hay. Kage is down in the corner still reeling from the massive assault that Schrute just unloaded on him.

Fyre charges at Schrute who quickly sidesteps the charge and counters with a bulldog. Fyre's face smashes into the mat, his nose broken on impact. A small pool of blood is forming in the ring but Schrute doesn't care.

He lifts Fyre up and tosses him to the ropes and on the rebound destroys Fyre with a clothesline that spins the man completely around. Schrute then pulls up Kage and does the same thing. Whip to the ropes followed by a Schrute Clothesline. He then stacks the two men ontop of each other and pins them both.




Winner: Dwight Schrute

Bobby Zi
- vs -
Joey Hawkins
X-Treme Rules

As the match got to the halfway point, the ring is invaded by 5 hooded men. Two of them go after Bobby, and places him in the corner, while the other three start attacking Joey.

They beat him down. Then they leave the ring. The other two holding Bobby in the corner, let him go, and gesture for him to cover Joey. As they all leave the ring.

Not one to argue a free win Bobby bends down and covers Hawkins...




Winner: Bobby Zi

As the head of TRHP made his way to his match, he'd begin to feel a strong presence, seemingly haunting him. Each step towards the entrance way making him feel as if the presence is drawing closer. Soon an echoing, deep growl would sound out before the voice spoke from the shadows,

" and your minions are through."

That is the last time that Jacob would feel of the haunting aura that crowded him before he went into his match

- vs -
The Next Level Meta
Standard One Fall

This has been a great back and forth battle with neither opponent really getting the upper hand for more than a second or two. Meta pulls The Real Higher Power up to his feet and tosses him into the corner.

Meta follows up with a few chop to the chest and then a knee to the stomach. THRP doubles over in pain and thats when Meta knees him in the face.

Jacob falls backwards into the turnbuckle. Meta grabs him by the head and pulls him into the center of the ring before finishing him off with the most Meta Move of all time that it can't even be described. Needless to say The Real Higher Power is down and he's not getting over. Meta covers for the pin...




Winner: ??? The Next Level Meta

Suddenly the lights turn off, the signature red mist of The Asylum rises and their music hits

Jacob is in the middle of the ring, calling the rest of his group to his aide to the ring. Upon the X-tron then, flashing again and again, are those familiar neon green words

Can You HearThe Screams?

A familiar sound then enters the arena, the sound of metal scraping against metal as if someone is bound and walking towards the ring. However, no one appears, the sound continues to ring out. That is when Ghost Tank's music hits

A minute has gone by, still no sign of Ghost Tank, until the lights return to normal, and everyone can see he is on one of the top turnbuckles with a fifteen foot ladder held in his grasp. Jacob and the group that joined him in the ring would see on the X-tron where he is, and just as they all turned, he threw the ladder at them, and wasted no time in leaping after, his large body adding more force causing TRHP to fall to the ground like bowling pins. Ghost Tank would be the first to get up, and as he did so, he had two of the members by their robe collars. He then walked with them towards one side of the ring, his hands releasing their collars, but quickly they'd find their mark around the throats of the men. He then used his strength to pick them up high, as if they were nothing but children to him. With a growl, he chokeslammed them both with authority, down on to the hard ground outside the ring.

The rest of TRHP were beginning to get up, one in particular was up quicker, and charged Ghost Tank, who would wait for the perfect moment, only to dip down as the man was almost upon him, and with all his might he pushed the man up into the air, but didn't make sure he went straight up for a flapjack, oh no, he flung the robed man up and over the ring, and thanks to gravity, he'd fall down hard, with a crack sounding out, for his body landed in such a way that his arm snapped against the barricade as the rest of him fell on to the ground. A couple figures charged at Ghost Tank, and he ran right at them, clotheslining both, damn near turning them inside out as they flipped in the air and landed on their face! Ghost Tank's charge wasn't done, however, and he speared Jacob and another robed goon hard into a corner. He got up from his knees, grabbing the middle rope and began ramming his shoulders into their guts as the crowd began counting


Ghost Tank then got up, grabbing the last robed figure and throwing him across the ring. Ghost Tank began to unload on Jacob, punch after punch landing square upon Jacob's jaw! The head of TRHP would fall to his ass after one especially hard punch to the jaw. Some of the robed figures that were not hurt as badly, got up and Ghost Tank turned to face them, performing a Kane-like throat thrust to them. He turned back around but Jacob had used the time to escape from Ghost Tank's wrath.

Ghost Tank stood among the carnage, looking towards the retreating Jacob as he headed up the ramp, yelling out to him,


Iris Oppenheimer
- vs -
Standard One Fall

Jack is laying in the center of the ring after exhausting everything he has to try and take the new comer Oppenheimer down but she's a feisty little skirt. Using the ropes Oppenheimer pulls herself up. She then slowly walks over to the corner, pulls herself up to the top and waves to the crowd... before hitting Jack with My Body As A Shield...a 450 Splash.

Oppenheimer lays atop Jack, motionless and the ref begins the count...




Winner: Iris Oppenheimer

Jill Lorder
- vs -
Mr. W. G. W. F.
Standard One Fall

Pest looks at Jill Loader with disgust being that she is far too old for his tastes.

The bell sounds and Pest goes running across the ring with the dildo crown jiggling as the crowd screams! Pest hits Loader with a strong clothes line and quickly brings her to her feet and lifts her setting her up with TANK TRACKS! Pest begins to drop her over and over powerbomb style and finishing with a sit out powerbomb into a pin!

Jill quickly kicked out and Pest chuckles as he quickly gets to his feet and kicks her in the face!

Pest makes his way over to the ropes and begins to climb. Jill Lorder scrambled to her feet and stumbled over to the ropes and shoved Pest off and over to the outside of the ring! His body hit with a loud *WHAP* and a loud groan!

Jill scales the ropes and leaps off driving her knee into the chest of Pest! The impact was both painful for Jill, even more so for Pest who rolled away holding his chest! Jill hobbled over to him sending a few strong punches into the skull of Pest! He attempts to swat her away by using the dildo crown as a Rhino horn and attempting to stab her with its vibrating rubber pleasure-duster!
Jill gets Pest rolled into the ring and begins to climb in herself but is quickly greeted with the crown of dildos jamming into her face! The center dildo enters her mouth, she tries to pull it out, but he uses his strength to ram it down her throat. She’s choking on it, but Pest is unrelenting. The ref rushes over and threatens to DQ unless Pest pulls out. He obliges, before getting to his feet and dropping the ref with a WG.WF Cutter. Jill gets into the ring, and throws one of her boots into Pest's knees sending him down, she then hits a high knee to his face, sending him back to the mat before locking in a Cross Armbar. She's holding it tight, and dropping her heels into Pest as she does. He's fighting to get free. He manages to get his free arm mobile enough to send a punch right into Jill's crotch. The attack does nothing to Jill, but it does send Pest into a fit of twitches at being close to her vagina, that's too old for him.

Pest retches and begins to vomit on the floor! Jill slaps him in the face and begins to choke him with the he heel of her boot! Pest throws a strong fist directly into her vagina scrambling her eggs and causing her to fall grabbing her sensitive gash. Pest gets to his feet and pulls some Purell from his pants and begins to sanitize his fist he then heads over towards Jill and kicks her in the spine causing her to roll on her back in pain! she kicks the hand sanitizer from his hand with such force that is squirts all over Pest's face and burning his eyes! he drops screaming grabbing his face in pain! Jill goes over and rips the crown from his head and throws it outside the ring, Pest grabs around for his crown blind. Jill climbs the ropes and swanton bombs Pest and rolls him for the pin!

................. Pest kicks out with the power of child sexual assault!

Jill chops Pest across the chest gives a quick eye jab to the already blinded Pest!

She allows him to get to his feet and stumble around blinded and Erica starts screaming where Jill is. With Erica being his eyes he lunges at Jill taking her down and starts to headbutt her face! breaking her nose. the blood spills from her face as she struggles to get up. Pest is fighting her to stay down as he begins to punch, missing her face and hitting her in her breasts! Jill in desperation sends a knee directly into his testicles causing him to roll off! she then gets up and sends a few heel kicks into his balls crushing his hand with the pouched pills!

Pest goes down. He's rolling around grabbing at his pesticles while Lorder moves in for a pin...



Kick out!!!

Lorder pulls Pest up she goes for a headlock but Pest counters with kick to the side of Lorder. Pest then honks both of her boobs just for giggles and then putting her down with a WG WF Smackdown(Package Piledriver) and a cover...




Winner: Mr. W. G. W. F!!!

- vs -
Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Azrael Erebus
Triple Threat Match

The bell rings and the three men circle around seemingly testing each other out. Monolith reaches out and punches towards Peter who successfully evades the attack. Monolith changes and punches at Azrael. Azrael does the same, moving out of the way. Monolith takes a charge towards Peter and catches him off guard with a stiff clothesline! Peter hits the mat awkwardly. Azrael looks at Monolith as if assessing him. Monolith rushes forward for a clothesline on Az too. Azrael is just able to duck under it and hit the ropes. Monolith turns around just in time for a crossbody! The big man isn’t taken down though. He actually catches Azrael and begins mouthing about the end to the audience. He pulls Azrael up and locks in a bear hug! Monolith squeezes tight on the ribs of Azrael. Azrael reaches out for the ropes, but is too far away as he’s in the center of the ring!

Azrael thinks for a moment before holding his hand up in the air. Something forms in the pit of his hand. It’s glowing red and orange and yellow! Azrael places his hand on the face of Monolith who yells out in agony as the smell of burned flesh fills the ringside area! Monolith releases the hold and pushes Azrael away. Azrael begins laughing, but not for long. He gets whipped around and Peter nails a Samoan Drop sending Azrael into the mat.

Gilmour stands up with the singed face of Monolith staring back at him angrily. Peter rushes around him and begins delivering shots to the kidney of Mono. Monolith angrily throws an elbow around, but Peter is able to dodge it. Peter bounces off the ropes and tries for a Yakuza Kick which connects. Mono staggers backwards, but doesn’t fall! Peter hits the ropes again and nails a shoulder block! Monolith is barely standing, but still remains on his feet. Peter places a finger across his throat before hitting the ropes again. He rushes even faster this time and nails a SUPERKICK! It floors the behemoth! Peter leaps for the cover!


2… NO! Monolith pushes Peter off over his head!

Peter looks shocked at how soon he kicked out and the way Mono just manhandled him. Peter runs off the ropes and nails a leg drop. Peter contemplates it and climbs the turnbuckle! He flips off Monolith before jumping off for a huge fist drop on the singed temple of Monolith! He goes for the cover again!



Th-BROKEN UP! Az just broke it up.

Peter and Azrael stand up over the fallen Monolith and begin exchanging blows. Peter nails Az in the throat with a forearm that seems to catch the alien off guard. He falls back for a second. Allowing Peter enough time to lift Azrael up for a nasty brainbuster! Peter jumps on top of his downed opponent and begins punching him squarely in the temple. He’s unrelenting until he stops to gloat to the audience. He stands up and walks over to the ropes mouthing off at a little girl in the first row. Azrael slowly gets to his feet, but his hand is glowing! This time it’s blue! Peter finally turns around from badmouthing the kid to see Azrael standing there. Azrael reaches out and touches Peter on the forehead.

Peter’s whole body begins turning into a blue sphere. Not even human shaped anymore. He’s nothing but a glowing blue circle! Finally the circle begins to shrink towards the mat and take a more specific form…

[Image: 96CSX2s.jpg]

Petey the Polar Bear

He’s a teddy polar bear! Azrael laughs as he picks up the bear! He begins tugging at his paws as the bear moves around trying to get away. Azrael rolls out of the ring with him and walks up to the little girl and hands the bear to her. She wraps her arms around it and hugs it to her chest.


Her face turns from happiness to disgust quickly. She pulls the bear away and sniffs him. She begins acting as though she’s going to hurl! Azrael takes the bear away and smells it. He has to pull his face away as well. The bear smells like excessive sweat! Azrael runs into the ring with the bear and taps it with his now-glowing blue hand again. The blue circle appears before shift-changing into the normal ol’ Peter Gilmour. Peter crosses his arms and mouths ‘Really?’ at Azrael. Peter then tries to superkick Azrael, but he ducks under it. Azrael kicks him in the large stomach before drilling his face into the mat with the DARKEST LIGHT. The spinning neckbreaker sends Peter out of the ring. Monolith has now gotten back to his feet.

Azrael runs off the ropes and tries for an uppercut which connects! Monolith is out on his feet again. Azrael slips behind him and locks in a hold around his large waist. Azrael strains as it seems as though he’s trying for a German suplex! That isn’t happening! Monolith grabs his arm and pulls him around. In the same motion, he clobbers him with a clothesline! Azrael is seeing stars as he gets back to his feet. Monolith smiles before hitting a giant chop to the dome of Azrael before following it up with a headbutt! Azrael hits the mat hard. Mono uses his weight to pin Azrael down.



NO! Azrael just barely gets out.

Monolith picks up Azrael who hits another uppercut catching Monolith! Monolith staggers, but Azrael isn’t done! He nails an enzuigiri! He then hits a Stunner on Monolith, but Monolith is still standing. Azrael motions for his finish! But there’s no way he can lift Monolith up for it! He goes to lift Monolith and he can’t! He tries again and gets him off the ground! Azrael raises one finger as if to say ‘One More Time.’ He goes to lift Monolith up and OH MY GOD HE DID IT!

Azrael has Monolith over his head in gorilla press position! Azrael yells before dropping the enormous man across his knee! WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE! Azrael goes for the pinfall!



Thre-NO! Oh my GOD! Peter just barely broke it up.

Suddenly, down from the rafters a huge crow flies down and lands on the announcer's table. It squawks at the announcers and walks slowly across it to Peter's lunchbox!

It levitates itself on top of it and begins picking at the sides and top of it trying to get it open.

Peter notices from inside the ring and begins yelling at the giant crow. The crow stops for a moment, looks at Peter, and let's out a loud squawk at him. Peter gets furious and attempts to climb from the ring, but Azrael grabs him from behind and rolls him up!



Peter kicks out at the last moment. The crow on the outside finally gets the lunchbox open. It pulls out two sandwiches neatly wrapped and a small snack pack pudding cup. It rips through the plastic wrapping and devours the sandwiches on the spot. He it finishes, it grabs the lunchbox by it's small talons and flies away with the empty lunchbox. It circles around the ring just over Peter's head. Peter jumps up and attempts to grab the briefcase several times, but cannot. Finally, his fourth attempt of grabbing it, he finally gets a hold of it. He pulls it down out of the crows grasp as the crow simultaneously shits all over it. White and brown bird shit just exploded out of the crow and all over Peter, his lunch box, and part of the ring. Must've been something in those sandwiches that didn't agree with the crow, because Peter's wearing it now.

Peter now in full rage mode grabs Azrael and nails him with the ENDGAME! The Package Piledriver connects drilling Az’s head into the mat! Gilmour covers Monolith for the pin...



Suddenly the lights dim, the arena going nearly pitch black. Again, a mysterious message starts forming on the X-Tron, while Gilmour leans on the ropes, exhausted, watching the strange hacker's message, who has been stalking him for the past couple of weeks.

What does that mean? Vengeance?

Thanks to the extra time Monolith kicks out.

Peter is absolutely livid. The so called "Sunlight Defect" has screwed him out of the match!

He leaps across the ring and pins Azrael!



Th-NO! Az kicks out as well.

Peter picks up Azrael and looks pissed. Az reverses his hold, kicks Peter in the gut, and puts him into Powerbomb position! Monolith is up though! He charges the two and grabs Azrael by the goozle! He chokeslams him! Monolith grabs Peter and pulls him into a powerbomb position. Monolith raises him up… AVALANCHE POWERBOMB! Monolith goes for the cover on Peter!



Th-NO! Azrael breaks it up!

Azrael bounces off the ropes and nails a SPEAR to Monolith! Monolith bounces around before Az kicks him in the gut. Azrael pulls him into a powerbomb position! No way! The crowd is on their feet in anticipation! Azrael strains and strains, but he manages to get the behemoth up for his patented Crucifix Powerbomb! Azrael’s knees are knocking, but he falls sending Monolith careening over!


Azrael collapses, but slowly crawls over enough to get an arm over the large chest of Monolith.




Winner: Azrael Erebus

X-Treme Title Match
- vs -
Doctor Louis D'Ville
X-Treme Rules

Doc D’Ville is in the ring now, and as “The Monster” by Rianna, and Emmimam starts to play the crowd goes absolutely shitballs NUTS!

Mastermind walks out from behind the curtain holding the X-Treme Championship belt high over his head and the crowd continues to pop hard. One girl in the front row even passes out like she’s at a Michael Jackson concert in 1993.

As Mastermind walks to the ring, he can’t believe all the cheers and attention! A fat chick in the crowd lens over the guardrail and kisses him right on his bald head!

Finally, Mastermind gets to the ring and hands the belt off to the official, who holds it aloft as the crowd continues to chant the name of the champion.

The bell sounds… Mastermind, never one to back down from a challenge, moves in on Doc and grabs him in a rough collar and elbow tie up. Doc, the larger man, gets the better of him and works him toward the corner… but Mastermind uses his momentum against him and slides behind him in a perfectly executed standing switch! Doctor D’Ville tries to pry Mastermind’s hands apart, then drops down and goes for a single ankle pick, but Mastermind transitions into a tight headlock.

D’Ville lifts Mastermind up for a back suplex! But Mastermind kicks until the balance is set forward, landing harmlessly back on his feet, still clutching the doctor’s bald head. Mastermind bears down on the hold, and Doc looks like he’s wearing down… Doc backs into the ropes and attempts to run and shove Mastermind off of him! He does!

Mastermind hits the opposite ropes and ducks under a lazy clothesline from Doc, then kicks him in the gut… and applies another headlock! He’s really working this one deep! Doc goes for the same escape as before, but Mastermind holds on! Mastermind drops to a knee and flips the Doc onto his back with a headlock takeover! It’s a pinning combination!



No! Doc kicks out aggressively!

Mastermind actually extends a hand and helps the Doctor to his feet! He’s so respectful!

Doc D’Ville isn’t though! As soon as he gets to his feet he immediately gouges at the eyes of the X-Treme Champion, plunging his thumbs into the aqueous humor of Mastermind’s eyeballs! Is he looking for more body parts to remove from beloved XWF competitors?

D’Ville slams a forearm into the side of Mastermind’s head, and then another, and another! Mastermind’s knees buckle and Doc sends him to the mat with a stiff kick to the gut… Mastermind collapses into the corner, and Doc follows him in with a series of stomps. Doc backs up, turns and runs in… knee to the face! Mastermind’s head bounces off of the turnbuckle pad, and Doc doesn’t let up.

Doc gathers Mastermind and pulls him up into a suplex position… he’s hooks one leg up, and arches backward! Mastermind is dropped in a fisherman’s buster! Mastermind bounces off the canvas, but Doc immediately slides onto him in a lateral press, grinding his forearm into Mastermind’s face as the referee makes the count.



Kickout by Mastermind!

D’Ville seems to like the fact that Mastermind isn’t finished yet, and he pulls the champ into a sitting position, then backs into the ropes… he dives in with a low lunging clothesline, slamming right into the throat of Mastermind!

Wait, Mastermind grabbed a hold of Doc’s arm! Mastermind backrolls over the doctor and cinches in an armbar as D’Ville’s face twists with pain!

Mastermind was too close to the ropes! Doc slides out of the ring, freeing his arm and getting Mastermind by the ankle. Doc lifts Mastermind’s leg, and slams it knee first into the apron! Mastermind is writhing in agony!

Doctor D’Ville reaches under the ropes and grabs Mastermind’s feet again, pulling him toward the corner… he wraps Mastermind’s leg around the ring post, and locks in a hanging figure four leglock! Doc is really arching his back into the hold, and Mastermind is doing everything he can to hold on.

Wow, Mastermind drags himself with his arms by climbing up the ropes in the corner, fighting against the pressure of the figure four on the outside… such strength! Such intestinal fortitude! You can see the blood rushing to the face of D’Ville as he hangs upside down, still futilely trying to apply more torque to the hold… finally he releases the grip, and both competitors fall to the ground!

D’Ville is quickly up, and he re-enters the ring as Mastermind struggles to find his footing – that knee took a hell of a beating. Doc goes right after it, grabbing a tight single leg, but Mastermind wraps his arm around the Doc’s lowered head and tightens it into a guillotine choke! Doc has to get out of this quick or he’ll lose consciousness!

Doc bears down and rushes Mastermind backwards into the corner, spearing him against the turnbuckles! Doc sends a shoulder into Mastermind’s midsection, then a second, before backing away and catching his breath.

Doc turns and rushes in – Mastermind meets him by exploding out of the corner with a mule kick! Doc is stopped in his tracks and dazed, and Mastermind climbs the ropes… all the way to the top!

Mastermind leaps… Mind Changer flying clothesline! He got all of it! Doc hits the mat hard and he isn’t moving, but can Mastermind take advantage with his bad knee? His body has taken a beating the last three weeks from all of the 24/7 pins and all the matches he’s participated in… he is definitely the worse for wear! Mastermind manages to drape an arm over the prone Doctor…



Kickout at the last second! Unbelievable!

Both men are getting up slowly… how much left to they have in the tank?

Both men up now, and they trade right hands in the center of the ring! Mastermind hits a strong jab, and it snaps the Doctor’s head back! Mastermind with a short arm clothesline…

Ducked! D’Ville slips under and he’s got Mastermind set up… swinging neckbreaker!

No! Mastermind rolls through it, and he turns around… MIND SLEEPER! MIND SLEEPER! Mastermind has it locked in, and they’re right in the center of the ring!

Doc is fading fast! Will he be the second man to submit to the Mind Sleeper, right behind Ghost Tank?

The referee checks Doc’s arm…

It drops!

Doc might be out!

The ref lifts his arm a second time, it’s dropping slowly, and Mastermind squeezes the hold even tighter…

The arm drops again!

The referee lifts Doc’s arm…


NO! He stopped it halfway down! The lights are on in Doc’s head!

Doc rushes backward and slams Mastermind’s back into the corner! He breaks the hold!

D’Ville slams his own skull backwards repeatedly… right into the face of Mastermind! He’s split him wide open! Mastermind is wearing the crimson mask!

D’Ville turns around and he pulls Mastermind up, sitting him on the top turnbuckle… Doc climbs up… he’s got him hooked… EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM THE TOP!

Mastermind hits the mat hard, but Doc has kept his legs hooked under the corner ropes, and he’s hanging upside down, smiling and looking at the broken body of the X-Treme Champion!

Doc does a sit up onto the top again, and he balances atop the turnbuckle, extending his arms to either side… he closes his eyes and dives like a fallen angel! It’s the Trepanation!


Mastermind rolled out of the way just in the nick of time, and Doc D’Ville’s face slams into the canvas! Both men are down, and the crowd is chanting for Mastermind to get up as the referee begins a count…





The Doctor is up...



D'Ville slides into the ring and Mastermind starts laying boots to the back of D'Ville's head but he seems unphased. The Doctor pushes himself up to his feet and just stares at Mastermind as if to say "Is that all you got?".

Mastermind then starts throwing jabs D'Ville's way and again nothing. D'Ville then turns around and propels himself off the ropes with incredible force...knee to the face. Mastermind goes down but he doesn't stay down. He gets right back up only to get hit with the Lobotomy!!! (A swinging brainbuster leading to butterfly/sit-down faceplant)

Could this be it?

D'Ville covers Mastermind...




Winner and NEW X-treme Champion: Doctor Louis D'Ville

The lights in the arena suddenly go out.


‘House of 1000 Corpses’ plays over the sound system leaving spectators and the two wrestlers, in their exhausted and beaten state, in confusion. Static plays over the X-Tron for a few seconds and then cuts to an image of a crude looking doll. It has a few gray hairs coming out of its felt head and is missing one eye.

Ohhhh well hello my friends! It’s your favorite doctor here!

A partial image of a hand can be seen holding the doll, bobbing it up and down as the controller mockingly speaks as D’Ville.

I’m so glad to see all of you turn out for this amazing spectacle! I see you’ve all been intently watching my demise at the hands of Mastermind. Clearly his mind is far stronger than the likes of me Doctor Louis D’Ville. You see I am a doctor of the mind. But even through all my efforts in XWF it’s taken me this long to realize my tricks and games are simply that, games.

A second hand comes up with a shot glass of wine bringing it to the “Doc Doll’s” mouth and spilling it onto the fabric figure leaving a red stain on it’s flesh-like color. In the background the glass can be heard falling and smashing to the floor.

Mastermind my friend. May I call you Mastermind? May I call you my friend? Oh pardon me if I do, just another slip of the tongue, see these little scare tactics as feeble as they may seem just come naturally to me. Just another part of the delusional world I live in, where I know all. I know who you are, I know all of your emotions, I know the exact price on your receipt when you bought that Slurpee and bag of chips at 7/11; 4.67- No! Forgive me 5.34 with tax. How interesting! Interesting in my own little world. Where I feel I’m doing good by throwing men off the totem pole, further and further down, no matter how hard they bust their as- buttocks. It’s all okay because destroying the careers of those hard working men is all for the benefit of XWF my friend!

And now you are next! It’s time for me to stroll on in and take what I feel I deserve, thus saving you my friend! I am saving you, with no concern for how yo- …Oh, oh dear. What is that!

The ‘puppeteers’ second hand slowly comes into picture again with a familiar instrument, a handheld taser.

No! No please! I’m sorry, I’ll give in just tell me what you want, and tell me how you’re feeling! No! Noooooooooo!

The hand sends a spark from the taser to the doll, igniting it. The controller mockingly screams in agony and throws the doll to the ground as it burns, Eventually the small fire is stomped out by a black combat boot. The camera pans in on the destroyed doll.

Well my friends, I’ll leave you with a quote as I always provide you. *Cough* “When you play with fire, you’re going to get scorched”

The boot comes through and kicks the doll yards away in an empty parking lot. The camera then pans to the man in control revealing him as Luke Gunnar. He sarcastically takes a small bow to the camera gloating about his performance.

Thank you! Thank you! I call that masterpiece an interpretation of Doctor Louis D’Ville in the form most flattering to him. A mind game!

...Oh what? Did you think I was gonna- pffftt. You thought I was gonna come to the ring and interfere? Haha! Nahh I like this mind game shit, It's pretty fun when the jokes not on me, but on the "master jokester"

The smile runs off of his face and turns to that of bottled up aggression

You’re playing faarrr too close to the fire D’Ville. And I’m the torch.. Now get back to your match, and for Christ’s sake once you’re done, face the consequences of your actions and stick your hand in the flame.

XWF Trios Tag Team Championship
The Three Kings©
John Madison, John Samuels, Theo Pryce
- vs -
The Asylum
Frodo Smackins, Hysteria, Mick Manson
X-Treme Rules

“And here we go! Trios Tag Titles on the line! The Kings! The Asylum! X-Treme Ruuuules!”

Both teams stand on opposite sides of the ring, staring across at each other. The Asylum stand side by side, whilst in the other corner, Madison is standing just behind Theo Pryce and John Samuels. The referee calls for the bell and the crowd pops. Madison immediately slides out of the ring underneath the bottom rope as the Asylum charges. Manson and Hysteria start going to town on John Samuels, whilst Theo and Frodo trade right hands back and fourth in the middle of the ring. Frodo whips Theo into the ropes, but Theo comes flying back off with a huge forearm smash! Frodo rolls out of the ring and Theo is in hot pursuit. Meanwhile, Hysteria and Manson have worked Samuels back into the corner and are unleashing an array of chops and kicks. They each grab an arm and whip Samuels across the ring and into the turn-buckle, where he leans. Hysteria grabs the arm of Manson and whips him towards Samuels.. Manson leaps into the air for a huge body splash.. CRACK! Out of nowhere, Madison with a steel chair to the skull of Manson in mid-air! The Martyr crumples into a heap and rolls out of the ring. Hysteria then charges at Samuels, who ducks out of the way at the last second, charging at the ropes.. Hysteria bounces off the turn-buckle and spins around into a HUGE running lariat from Samuels! The Senator looks down at Madison and winks.

On the outside, Frodo appears to have taken the upper hand on Theo Pryce as he whips him into the barricade outside the ring, Pryce making contact with a loud “THUD” and arching his back in pain. Frodo then looks under the ring apron for some toys and pulls out a whole box filled with goodies. He goes to reach inside and grab a weapon.. CRACK! Madison again with that steel chair, this time across the back of Frodo Smackins, who writhes in pain. Madison drops the chair and he along with Theo drags Frodo to his feet.. but it's Manson off the top rope! A huge diving moonsault to the outside, nailing all three men! And the four of them are down! Back inside the ring, Samuels has Hysteria in a sleeper hold on the mat, wrenching at the neck of the Asylum's prophet. Hysteria keeps slapping his left arm with his right hand, trying to will himself back into this. He climbs to a knee and almost makes it back to a vertical base, but Samuels releases the hold and lands a large forearm across the back of Hysteria, right between the shoulder blades. Samuels then throws the right arm of Hysteria around his own neck and lifts him up, dropping him back down to the canvas with a huge belly to back suplex. Samuels sits up and dusts his hands as he looks out at the crowd.

Manson is the first to his feet back outside the ring, and he comes in and blind sides Samuels, who is still sitting down, with a front dropkick to the side of the face, the contact making a large “SLAP” to which the crowd responds with 'OOOOHHH'. Manson drags Samuels to his feet and lands three hard kicks to the mid-section before turning and spring boarding off the second rope and catching the Senator with a tornado DDT! Hysteria is back on his feet and tells Manson to ascend to the top turn-buckle, which he does. Hysteria picks up Samuels and whips him into the ropes, catching him as he comes off with a tilt-a-whirl back-breaker, but holds him across his knee.. Manson flies from the top with a leg drop right across the throat of Samuels, sending the back of his head crashing into the mat. Hysteria goes for the cover.



NO! At two and a half it's a desperate Pryce that dives from behind Manson and across the back of Hysteria with a forearm. Manson instantly picks Theo up by the head and shoves him back into the corner and begins raining down on him with hard right hands until Theo is in a seated position. Hysteria notices that Theo is in a vulnerable position and reaches into his jacket, withdrawing from its inner pocket a fork. He motions for Manson to move and then.. A Fork In The Road! He repeatedly starts jabbing at the left shoulder of Theo Price whilst he is down in the corner! The ref can't do anything about it. Madison grabs a hold of Hysteria's leg from the outside and drags him out of the ring. Incensed, Hysteria launches a hard right hand at the jaw of Madison, but he ducks and the knuckles of Hysteria go shattering into the steel ring post. He shakes his hand vigorously. Smackins charges at Madison, but this time it's the evasive Madison with a sidestep that sees Frodo sandwiching Hysteria between he and the ring post! Hysteria drops to the mat as Madison rolls Frodo back into the ring.

Samuels has regained his bearings and has apparently laid out Manson, who lies spread eagled on the floor. Samuels is there to catch Smackins with a swift big boot as he gets to his feet. Madison starts tossing steel chairs, kendo sticks and that box of goodies into the ring. Pryce gets to his feet, grimacing and holding his shoulder as Madison lands a couple of cheap shots on Hysteria on the outside before tossing him back into the ring. Manson has pulled himself back to his feet via the ropes near the entrance as Samuels checks on Theo. Manson shakes off the cobwebs and turns to go for Samuels.. Wait a minute! Is that?! Yes, it's TJ Wallace! Manson looks at Wallace with a "I just sharted my pants expression." - TJ runs to the ring, and Manson climbs out of the ring meeting TJ.

They start to trade blows! Punch by Wallace, punch by Manson, punch by Wallace, punch by Wallace, TJ pushes Manson and hits him with The Sound of Silence! Manson is down! TJ is now in pursuit of Frodo, whom is going blow to blow with John Samuels back inside the ring. TJ grabs Frodo and hits him with The Natural Selection. Wallace and Pryce looks dead into each other's eyes. They fist pump? Theo picks up a downed Hysteria, and tosses him out to the floor. 

“He's all yours.”

TJ nods to Theo and rolls out of the ring. He goes under the ring and pulls out a table. TJ sets up the table, and pulls out a match. He's lighting the table on fire! 

Wallace let's out a sinister smirk and drags Hysteria up. The SILENCER THROUGH THE FLAMING TABLE!!! Hysteria's back has to have suffered 3rd degree burns.

"First I'm gonna take your championship, then I'm gonna take down your Asylum." TJ says before he escapes through the crowd.

Officials race to put out the blaze on Hysteria's back with a fire extinguisher as he rolls around in agony. With Manson and Hysteria both out on the outside, Madison slides back into the ring. Samuels picks up Frodo and grabs him by the back of the next, shoving him towards Pryce who attempts a hard clothesline, but Smackins ducks under and nails Madison with a Shining Wizard! Frodo leaps back to his feet and bounces off the ropes, catching the stunned duo of Pryce and Samuels off-guard with a flying cross body that takes down both men. Smackins grabs a kendo stick off the floor as Theo and Samuels climb back to their feet. CRACK! Shot to the head of Samuels. CRACK! Shot to the head of Pryce. Smackins turns around and takes a baseball swing at Madison, who ducks under. Frodo spins around and catches Madison with a stiff toe kick to the gut before he can mount any offence. He wraps the Kendo stick across the neck of Madison and wrenches back, dropping to the canvas with an explosive side-russian leg sweep! Frodo goes for the pin..



Madison kicks out! Frodo jumps back to his feet and kicks the box of weapons, causing them to be strewn across the ring. He picks up a staple gun and takes to the forehead of Madison! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Madison is writhing but can't get away! He's busted open! Frodo finally gets up and spins around.. SMASH!! Theo Pryce with a laptop to the head of Smackins! The force was so great, the computer shattered and Frodo dropped to the mat like somebody turned out the light switch, right next to the ropes. Pryce goes for the cover..


Manson with the steel steps through the bottom and middle ropes and into the face of Pryce! Samuels then hits a sliding dropkick into the stairs which sends them back into the face of the Martyr! Samuels slides out and grabs Manson, before whipping him into the steel steps with a crash. He calls for Madison to help him. Madison, bleeding profusely, rolls groggily out of the ring and pulls out a couple of tables from under the apron, stacking them on top of each other as Samuels pummels Manson with right hands by the steel steps.

“What the hell have Samuels and Madison got in mind now?!”

Samuels screams at Madison “MORE!” so Madison retrieves two more tables from under the ring and stacks them next to the first two. Samuels then retrieves a ladder and slides it into the ring, setting it up beside the rope as Madison slides Mick Manson back into the ring. Together, Madison and Samuels drag Manson up to the top of the ladder with them. The position themselves in a way that they have Manson hooked for a double suplex through the tables below.. no way! But it's Smackins! He's made it to the top turn-buckle! He walks the tightrope to the centre of the top rope where the ladder is positioned and turns himself so he is facing the tables. He grabs both Madison and Samuels by the junk, and with all his strength pushes them towards the tables! Manson begins to peel of the ladder and go over the top.. momentum is carrying all four men! At the right moment, Frodo leaps with them into a seated position and all four men go blasting through the tables below!!

“OH MY GOD! I don't even know what you would call that! A double sack-grab, seated powerbomb superplex through four tables!”

The crowd erupts into a chant of “HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!” as all four men lie lifelessly on the floor, broken bodies with the strength only to draw sharp, heavy breaths. At this point, Hysteria has rolled back into the ring, just as Pryce was getting back to his feet. Hysteria walks over to Pryce, still holding his back. The Prophet goes to pick up Theo, but Pryce lands a quick right to the mid section. He is back to a full vertical base now as he and Hysteria exchange right hands. Hysteria lands a quick kick to the gut and sends Theo off the ropes. Hysteria goes for a back body drop but Pryce lands on his feet..

“Whoa whoa, wait a second..”

..Theo turns and kicks Hysteria in the gut.. he goes for a DDT but Hysteria spins out by grabbing the right wrist of Theo and putting him into an arm ringer.

“Who the hell is this?”

Hysteria sends Theo off the ropes again and this time drops to the mat, allowing Theo to jump over him and CRACK!!! Pryce is blasted by a vile chair shot from an unknown man who has made his way down to ringside! He slides into the ring..

“That's Aaron Underwood! What the hell is he doing out here?!”

..Samuels is barely able to walk but is coming into help, but he gets blasted by this fresh newcomer with a Cross Rhodes!

Madison coming in, trying to save the day, but the newcomer throws the chair at Madison! Madison catches it, only to be blasted by a steel chair- assisted Shining Wizard!

The newcomer picks up the chair, and places it under Theo's back! The newcomer climbs the ropes... and hits Theo with a Corkscrew Frog Splash! Holy shit! This newcomer can go! 

Feeling satisfied, the newcomer turns his attention to Hysteria. Frodo crawls back into the ring holding his spine and gets in this newcomer's face, but Hysteria blocks his path with a hand. The newcomer and Hysteria have a stare down, before the newcomer bows before Hysteria! What the fuck?!

Hysteria laughs, and then asks this newcomer to hit him. The newcomer looks uneasy, but then delivers a few rights to Hysteria. Hysteria looks pleased, and pats the newcomer on the back, pointing to the top rope once more. Hysteria also looks at the wounded Theo Pryce, and has only one thought at this time. The newcomer does ANOTHER Corkscrew Frog Splash!

“This is it! The Kings are about to be screwed out of the Trios Titles! New champs!”

Hysteria, feeling the newcomer has done enough, gives him the steel chair and sends him to the sidelines. He looks at Theo Pryce, and covers him, as the ref finally comes to and counts.



3...NO! Madison somehow, from the mat, manages to catch Hysteria with a right boot across the jaw before rolling out of the ring and the count is broken. A frustrated Hysteria rocks back onto his knees and begins to laugh manically.

"Has Underwood joined the Asylum?!"

The crowd is going berserk at the amount of action they have been treated to thus far. Samuels is back up and trading blows with Smackins. Samuels gets the upper hand and grabs Frodo by the back over the neck, tossing him over the op rope, but Frodo hangs on and lands on the apron! Samuels has no idea, but as he turns around, Frodo springs onto the top rope and leaps off, hitting Samuels with a Dragonrana! He hooks the leg for the pin..



No, only a two count there as Samuels kicks out. Frodo slides out of the ring to find Madison as Manson has pulled himself onto the apron and is ascending the turn-buckle. He leaps off.. he's going for the Moonstomp! And he hits, NO! Samuels rolls out of the way and quickly gets to his feet as Manson jars his feet on the ground. He turns around, Samuels hooks him and THE FILIBUSTER! (Fisherman's Buster). He hooks a leg!



Hysteria with a swift kicks to the jaw, breaks up the count. Hysteria backs up into the opposite corner. He looks like he's setting up Samuels, who is groggily getting to his feet. Hysteria draws his thumb across his throat.. Samuels gets to his feet and Hysteria pushes off the ropes, charges and - THE RAMIFICATON! The right knee of Hysteria goes crashing into the jaw of Samuels! He looks out! Hysteria slumps down on top of him for the pin! This could do it!



OH MY GOD! Madison with the rubber chicken to the face of Hysteria! The crowd goes nuts! Madison slides into the ring and starts wailing away on Hysteria with the rubber fowl! After several blows, Madison starts backing up to the middle of the ring. The crowd explodes into a huge roar, which Madison thinks is for him.. until he backs into something solid. He slowly turns around, only to see Frodo standing there, buttersock in his right hand!

“This is incredible! Listen to this place! Butter Chicken, anyone?”

Madison looks shocked. Frodo looks pissed! He wants revenge for the cheap shot Madison took with the chicken on Madness just two nights ago! Madison looks down at the buttersock Frodo is holding, then down at the rubber chicken in his own right hand. Madison slowly starts back away into the corner, Frodo matching him slow-step for slow-step. Just before reaching the corner, Madison stops and begins to please with Smackins, holding his hand up. He... wait.. what the hell is Madison doing?! Frodo looks on in bewilderment as Madison begins pulling the rubber chicken over his head!! In a state of shock, Frodo just stands there.. but it's Pryce! DEAD DROP (ZigZag) ONTO A STEEL CHAIR! That's it! Pryce rolls into the cover as the ref begins to count, the crowd counting along with him!



The lights go out! What the hell is going on now?!


The lights come back on. Those in the ring look around, to see a bag of cement dropped into the ring.

Thud again.

Another bag of cement drops into the ring.

Thud, Thud, Thud.

Three more bags of cement drops into the ring.

Thud, Thud, Thud, Thud

Four more bags of cement drops into the ring.

As those in the ring scurry out of the ring, the camera pans upwards to see 5 Hooded Men dropping more bags of cement.

As those wrestlers on the outside of the ring look up, a Red Hooded man jumps over the railings, quickly rushes up behind Frodo, and hits a back breaker on him.

He looks down at the fallen Frodo and snarls:

"See you next week, Dwarf."

Before the others notices that Frodo has been taken out, the Red Hooded Man jumps back over the railings and disappears into the crowd.

The 5 Hooded Men up in the ceiling stops dropping the bags of cement, and they run off.

Everyone except for Frodo, who is still out in the ring – surrounded by cement bags, looks utterly bewildered on the outside, but it serves as a good chance for them to recuperate, and for Madison to pull the rubber chicken off his head. After a couple of minutes, Pryce and Madison finally get back to there feet, and pull Samuels back up. Samuels starts to move towards the ring, but sees the cold black steel of a chair being swung by Manson and ducks underneath, CRACK! Pryce wears the chair shot and he too, like Madison, is now busted open. Samuels merely cocks his right fist and punches the steel chair back into the face of Manson, who drops to the mat. Samuels tells Madison to go and “finish it.” so Madison climbs back into the ring and begins walking across the bags of cement to Frodo. Madison drags Smackins back to his feet and hooks him up! He's going for The Rebellion! (Rock Bottom) He lifts Frodo and BAM! Frodo lands an elbow to the side of Madison's head, countering the finishing manoeuvre and sending Madison to one knee. Frodo grabs the buttersock! He holds it up as the crowd go wild! He nails Madison right between the eyes as Madison face plants onto the bags of concrete! Smackins drops the buttersock and rolls the lifeless body of Madison over! Can The Asylum do it?!



3....No Hysteria grabs his right boot and pulls him back off the apron, spinning him around and planting the Senator with a huge DDT onto the debris of the tables left earlier in the match. Hysteria gets back to his feet.. FALSE FLAG (Spear) from Theo Pryce through the barricade! The crowd continue to go nuts. Theo starts getting back to his feet but Frodo springboards from inside the ring and nails Pryce with a huge plancha! And all six men are down! This is carnage!

"No Chance Cause That's What You Got!"

The theme song for the Corporation blasts out over the speakers as Scully, SwagMire and Pest make their way to the ring accompanied by Vince and Shane McMahon just as various members of the Asylum and the Kings start getting to their feet.

Scully goes at Theo Pryce. Swagmire is committing black on black crime by going at the newly colored John Samuels and Pest starts attacking Mick Manson.

Vince and Shane are off to the side flapping their gums.

Despite being outnumbers 2 to 1 the Corporation having not been involved in a grueling match are dropping bodies everywhere.

Shane McMahon rips off his shirt revealing a refs shirt underneath. Vince grabs the actual ref and smashes his head into the ring post knocking him out cold.

Swagmire pins John Samuels. Scully pins Theo Pryce and Pest pins Mick Manson.

Shane gets down and makes the count...




The Corporation members all jump up and start celebrating their perceived victory. Shane and Vince are exchanging a father son handshake.

What the fuck?

Luca Arzegotti runs out of the back with a chainsaw in his hand. He charges at the Corporation and using the chainsaw as a weapon because, what the fuck else would you use it for, manages to chase the Corporation to the back allowing the Kings and the Asylum to get back to their match.

Frodo and Samuels are the first two up. Samuels surveys the carnage in front of him. Manson is still down. Hysteria is starting to stir as is Pryce and Madison. Frodo charges at Samuels. Pryce tosses a chair up to Samuels who catches it in mid air and swats Frodo into the first row like Samuels was Barry Bonds during his heyday.

Madison gets up and turns his attention to Hysteria just in time to catch a boot to the face from Mick Manson. Manson and Hysteria double team Madison with chair shots and kendo sticks to the skull. Samuels sets his sights on Hysteria but doesn't see Frodo leap at him from the first row like a rabid dog.


Oh shit!! Here comes Peter Gilmour, stomping out of the back like Frodo is the last chicken parm sandwich on Earth.

Manson tries to cut Gilmour off at the pass like he were Gandalf the Grey but it matters not....GILMOUR CUTTER to Manson.

Hysteria tries his hand at stopping the big bohemouth, same result. GILMOUR CUTTER!!!

Samuels finally gets Frodo off his back and accidently or maybe on purpose tosses him Gilmour's way...GILMOUR CUTTER!!!

GIlmour just handed out Cutters like he was a bat shit crazy Santa Claus.

"That's what you get for costing me my trios titles. Now suck my dick!!!"

Now it's just Samuels and Gilmour 2 of the 3 #1 Contenders to the Universal Title.

3 number 1 contenders? What kind of sorcery is this? Only in the XWF.

Holy shit!

Doc D'Ville comes running out of the back with Gilmour's lunchbox. Why does he have Gilmour's lunch box? Samuels takes a step back and just as he does Gilmour turns around just in time to get a lunchbox across the face.


Gilmour is wobbly but he refuses to go down...


Gilmour screams out in pain as Doc D'Ville just lunged forward and bit off Peter Gilmour's nose. Blood is squirting out everywhere like Gilmour's nose was suddenly ESP's vagina. Oh wait, that show never happened. Whoops.

Doc smiles and then spits the nose out. It lands in some poor kids nacho cheese which then splatters all over his new Kevin Owens t-shirt Why the kid is wearing a Kevin Owens shirt at an XWF event is anyones guess but it being ruined serves him right.

D'Ville wipes the blood from his mouth, smiles again and then casually walks off to the back. Gilmour while still holding his nose trying to stop the bleeding is now bent over on all fours trying to find the rest of his nose.

Back to the action. Pryce is finally back up to his feed. Madison appears to be taking a nap. Frodo is again the first person up on his team and again he goes at Samuels but The Black Senator from Texas, imagine that..side steps Frodo who then gets taken down with Theo's Dead Drop. (Jumping Reverse Bulldog.)

Pryce grabs Mick Manson by the hair and pulls him into the ring with the aid of John Samuels.

Hysteria is starting to stir on the outside of the ring.

Pryce grabs Manson by the back of the head and lifts him to his feet. Samuels circles his opponent for the last time...Filibuster! (Fisherman Driver)

Pryce grabs the ref who had been knocked out earlier and pulls him over to the fallen Manson just as Samuels covers him.



Hysteria reaches for the ring apron but Madison wakes up from his slumber and grabs Manson by the leg preventing him from getting into the ring...


Winner: The Three Kings

The Three Kings are still in the ring, shaking the cobwebs out from that amazing, five- star match against the Asylum. Suddenly, the lights go out and the X-tron flares to life as the following video plays:

The Three Kings give a squinted look. The video surely didn't mean--

Suddenly, hoping over the guardrails amongst a sea of booing and hissing fans is Maverick! He's wielding the same weapon that put Ghost Tank out, a steel chair with a sledgehammer wedged inside! He rushes into the ring, where the unsuspecting Three Kings wait...

BLAM! A shot to the back of John Samuels leaves him down. Madison gets out his slingshot, but Maverick is using his weapon as a shield! BLAM! A shot to the head of John Madison has him rolling out of the ring, blood slowly oozing out.

Pryce is going to try and fight back, but no! Shot to the ribs of Pryce! DDT onto Maverick's homemade weapon! As Theo Pryce starts on all fours to try and stand, Maverick u wedges the sledgehammer from the steel chair. He has the sledgehammer in hand, sizing up Pryce. Don't do it, Mav!

Sledgehammer shot to the spine of Pryce! And another! And another! Once more! Shot after shot!










10! Ten sledgehammer shots to the spine of Pryce! Theo lays motionless, hardly breathing. Did Maverick paralyze our Universal Champion?

Madison comes in again, only to receive a sledgehammer shot to the head. Maverick then leaps on top of Madison, choking the life out of him. As Madison lies unconscious, Samuels then comes in.

Boot to Samuels' gut! Mav drops the sledgehammer... Age of Perfection (Falcon Arrow) on the sledgehammer! All Three Kings lie motionless as Maverick stands tall, raising his arms to the sky to a tsunami of boos as Warfare fades to black.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-03-2014, 06:50 PM

"Congratulations Doc, well it was fun while it lasted. Good luck as the new X-Treme Champion Doc."

Overall - 62 Wins 104 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 2 Wins 2 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 2 Wins 2 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Television Champion - 129 Days (Just the 4th TV Champion to break 100 days, and now 4th on the all time list)
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

12-03-2014, 07:44 PM

"Hope you enjoyed my return, Jacob. Because if you keep fucking with me, I'm going to end up destroying you. No matter how many of your fools you recruit."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-03-2014, 11:15 PM

im getting real tired of all this shitty interference in my matches and that doctor trying to bite all my body parts off..

least I didnt lose to azzy. but doc.. im breaking your face real soon. TRY ME

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-04-2014, 12:19 AM

I don't want to tempt you, Peter.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-04-2014, 03:05 AM

But Peter there was no interference in your match. The XWF tron malfunctioned but there was definitely no interference in your match.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-04-2014, 05:58 AM

Yea tell it to the judge theo.. ur all in for a war u will never win!! And doc... watch your back

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-04-2014, 05:58 AM

(12-04-2014, 03:05 AM)THEO PRYCE Said: But Peter there was no interference in your match. The XWF tron malfunctioned but there was definitely no interference in your match.

"Dear me, Theodore, how's your spine?"

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-04-2014, 06:55 AM

Nothing a few pain killers and some whiskey couldn't fix. Congratulations Mav, do you feel big now that you've made a move against me? If you think that was a preamble to you getting a match against me you couldn't be more off.

Not the smartest thing you've ever done. But it may, if you are real lucky be the last. I hope you're head is on a swivel.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-04-2014, 09:04 AM

"Interference is what you did to my match, dipshit."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-04-2014, 01:10 PM

go fuck yourself ..

and azzhole.. I WAS NOT PINNED meaning I NEVER LOST!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-04-2014, 01:21 PM

You don't seem to understand how a triple threat works. If you don't win, you lost. It's really that simple. One guy doesn't win, one doesn't lose and one doesn't tie. There is always one winner in a triple threat and two losers. Well 4 in this case since you and Monolith are so fat.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-04-2014, 01:40 PM

and u don't have a brain or logic so go fuck yourself pryce check

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-04-2014, 01:50 PM

My brain tells me that you are a fat piece of shit who couldn't beat me if Luca dropped my cold dead body in the ring and you started with a 2 and a half count. Logic tells me that you will never in the Universal title because you have failed to do in your decade of wrestling what I did in two months and that was become the top dog. You should remember. You were so happy about it. Now, go sit down, eat a salad and do see a doctor about that cholesterol of yours. I'm concerned you won't even make it to our match.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Manson 'The Martyr' Away
The Martyr

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

12-04-2014, 02:42 PM

"The Three Kings, congratulations. I know that you do not follow the Higher Power and that we should despise all who oppose us, but you deserved that hard fought victory. I can safely say that is a MOTY candidate. However, I am going to taking my leave from wrestling. I always hear that I am the weak link in the group and I always argued I wasn't but it's true. I guess wrestling just isn't for me in a place with so much competition like the XWF. I'm going on hiatus from wrestling, instead taking up a non wrestling role, giving out sermons at the church of Higher Power. But do not count the Asylum out, I hope they get a rematch and try again with someone much better than I ever could be. Thank you Samuels, Maddy and Theo. As for the Asylum, I'm sure I'll se you regularly at the Church."

[Image: zrGJsT6.png] [Image: xXW2hai.jpg] pin
Former XWF Heavy Metal Champion X3

Member of the greatest match of 2014, The Asylum versus The Three Kings

Former XWF Fomer Champion

[Image: owAZWVR.png]

Thanks to Gator and Juspin for the banners =)
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Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-04-2014, 02:55 PM

"No disrespect to you Theo, or anyone else, but I see it differently with Triple Threats and Fatal 4 or 5 ways. The person who gets pinned is the loser, and the other 1 or 2, who aren't pinned lose, but I see it as a technicality. They weren't pinned, they just lost technicality wise. That's just my opinion."

Overall - 62 Wins 104 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 2 Wins 2 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 2 Wins 2 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Television Champion - 129 Days (Just the 4th TV Champion to break 100 days, and now 4th on the all time list)
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

12-04-2014, 03:43 PM

(12-04-2014, 02:42 PM)Manson The Martyr Said: "The Three Kings, congratulations. I know that you do not follow the Higher Power and that we should despise all who oppose us, but you deserved that hard fought victory. I can safely say that is a MOTY candidate. However, I am going to taking my leave from wrestling. I always hear that I am the weak link in the group and I always argued I wasn't but it's true. I guess wrestling just isn't for me in a place with so much competition like the XWF. I'm going on hiatus from wrestling, instead taking up a non wrestling role, giving out sermons at the church of Higher Power. But do not count the Asylum out, I hope they get a rematch and try again with someone much better than I ever could be. Thank you Samuels, Maddy and Theo. As for the Asylum, I'm sure I'll se you regularly at the Church."

"When one member of the Asylum falls, another shall take their place. I have come back, but Brother Manson falls. I will look forward to seeing you at Church, Martyr, and I hope you come back soon. You were not a weak link, Brother, you were just as strong as any of us. I hope you know that."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-04-2014, 03:49 PM

"You're all as strong as that fucking guy? Why would you even admit that?"

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-04-2014, 04:14 PM

As far as triple threats go, the person who failed to break the pin did worse than the person who took the pin.

The person taking the pin can at least say that they had the pressure of another 200 pound man forcing him to the mat which prevented them from breaking the count. (not to mention, monolith taking a devastating crucifix powerbomb prior to)

What's Peter's excuse? He was too fat, lazy and out of shape to walk half way across the ring and belly flop through the pin attempt?

The guy not taking any damage has the easiest job in the match. Simply stop the pin from happening at any cost.

Peter had plenty of time to recover from the powerbomb he took too. In the time that Peter spent on the mat, the space turd was able to do a spear and crucifix powerbomb. It had to take at least four minutes for Azrael to lift his fat ass with those twig-like arms of his.

Peter failed because he's fat and slow.

Mastermind failed and is now gonna make less money in merchandise sales.

You're both just terrible at what you do.

And Maria Brink is a man with AIDS. Bye
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-04-2014, 04:44 PM

"And Frodo's not gay. Right John?"

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-04-2014, 05:37 PM

i was knocked out so how could I possibly break up the pin maddy? just stfu u shitfaced

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Iris Oppenheimer Offline
You'll dance to anything!

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

12-04-2014, 09:21 PM

I won! Eep! --Uh, I mean of course I'd win. Heh.

Anywho, I'd like to congratulate Jack on his efforts! I realize that kinda sounds hollow, but I do mean it from the bottom of my heart! I would say more, but it kind of hurts to breathe.

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