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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Zak Jacobs
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ZakMisery Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

11-30-2014, 05:06 PM


In-Ring Name: Zak Jacobs

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Zakarey Jacobs

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning

Wrestler Date of Birth: October 31st, 1990

Height: 5’10

Weight: 150

Hometown: London, England

Personality: Loyal, almost obsessive when it comes to people who have managed to break his walls. Schizophrenic with Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Manic Bipolar and PTSD so he has a habit of completely forgetting where he is, what he’s doing and he has no idea how to pull himself out of those episodes.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Tweener

Physical Build Description: Lean build but defined.

Ring Attire: Ripped jeans and a black tank top with black military styled boots and bullet lined belt

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Practical, plain, never unbecoming but not lavish.

Ethnicity: British and Syrian

Pic Base: Michael Malarkey

Wrestling Style: Cold, calm, dark, unnerving.

Strengths: His insanity

Weaknesses: His insanity

Entrance Theme Music: Reincarnate ~ Motionless in White

Entrance Description: He walks out and just makes his way down to the ring. Mumbling to himself as he slides into the ring and waits for his opponent.

Manager (if applicable):xxx
Manager's Pic Base:xxx

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
1. Neckbreaker
2. Diving Elbow drop
3. Single Underhook followed by punches to ribs
4. Inverted Headlock Backbreaker
5. Snap Scoop Powerslam
6. Choke
7. Various Suplexes
8. Crossbody Block
9. Corner Bulldogs
10. Spiked Reverse DDT
11. Illegal Choke
12. Spiked Reverse DDT
13. Diving Elbow Drop
14. Various Suplexes (Vertical, Belly to Belly, Overhead, German, etc.)
15. Spear
16. Suicide Dives

Trademark Move(s): 1. Spirit's Curse
2. Demon's Scratch
3. Fallen Angel
Description(s): 1: Winds of Change
2: Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker
3: 405 Splash

Primary Finisher: Poveglia Death
Description: Bullhammer but doesn't let go of their arm, throws his opponent over his shoulders for a GTS

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Your Last Goodbye
Description: Sharpshooter

Favorite Weapon if any: Anything he gets his hands on when he’s in an episode

Additional notes: Currently on Resperidone and Paxil for PTSD, Schizophrenia, Manic Bipolar and Intermittent Explosive Disorder.

[Image: 218207.jpg]
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