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JACK Offline
The Lone Crusader

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11-08-2014, 01:10 PM

You're not really the brightest bulb in the box, are you?

The Heyman Alliance and the Black Circle aren't recruiting at this time, so what they offer to all of the newcomers doesn't really matter.

Besides, we'll get to them at a later date.

Since the Asylum and our faction are the only ones recruiting, no other group matters to us.

Whatever they're offering, however, we aren't interested in.

We're not in it for success, you see, we're in it to prove a point.

Not that we're, and I quote, "cockstained bitches", "cockhurt ", or God forbid Frodo's definition of a "stunned mullet".

The point that we as humans can rely on each other at a time of need, something that families should depend on each other for.

Families will be there for you when a relative of theirs has been in a car accident and is on the verge of death.

Spending time with others is nice, sure, but what happens when that time is taken away from you?

What if you were the one that had your entire family taken from you?

It won't matter how many times everyone has been to Disneyland or if they gave you a ton of money for college, what matters is justice.

The police have shot down my wife and children while they had me handcuffed and tied against a wall.

Your daughter being in a car accident with her idiotic boyfriend cannot compare to police brutality of that caliber.

The Asylum might have offered you a home and a "family", but you're being treated like a pet.

An animal that can be easily domesticated and replaced when it's time comes.

I don't care if they feed you, bathe you, or get your rocks off for you, you're nothing more but a mook to them.

We might not be capable of much at the moment, but what we are capable of is showing you that the people you've sided with are nothing more than useless pieces of shit that can't do anything but let their fists justify their means.

Do these words back up the claims that we're amazing fighters?

Do they back up "threats" of a third war in this federation, even though one has already broken out as we speak?

No, because words alone should not make a fighter.

The wrong side is the overconfident side, and it's clear that you are on that wrong side.

The achievements of the side don't matter when all of them are burned to the ground along with their home.

The only people watching your shit are all of the angry dumbasses in the world that depend on a release to get through the day.

Your constant need of sex should prove that you are no different from said dumbasses.

There is no God that could save us, and you're suffering from idolatry.

You know that you want to say more shit about your teammates.

You know you want to say shit about them for not being their for your daughter in her most urgent time.

Do you know why?

Nobody in the group likes you.

Everybody left you.

They're all out without you, having fun.

Speak to us acting like we're the offended ones, and it'll be clear that you're offended by the words we speak.

Deny it if you must, but it will still be obvious; you cannot get a grasp of the truth.

Say goodnight to Kaite for us, your "family" won't even care that she might be gone.

To them, it's all just a daily routine.

In a dark area in God knows where, Melissa Porter is getting settled in on a twin bed mattress. She is huddled in a fetal position with her head buried in her knees, obviously still traumatized by the death of her husband. She could care less about the two dead girls that tried to steal all of her shit, because they're both dead, so they failed to steal her shit. She's thinking to herself why they didn't come for her sooner, before the two broads attacked her in the first place. They were preaching the safety of everyone the government couldn't reach, after all, so why didn't they come as soon as they bumped into her? She has many questions running through her head, but she's glad that she wasn't left naked in the middle of a New Jersey alleyway.

Before she can even get her thoughts together, a knock on the door can be heard from the other side of the room she's resting in. She pulls her head out of her knees and looks over at the door. Feeling polite, she gets up and opens the door, revealing Caleb on the other side. He is seen holding a glass of water in his left hand, mostly because she's been crying for an hour straight before filming began. He sports a goofy looking smile on his face as he sets the glass on a counter next to her. He turns around and looks at Melissa with that same goofy smile on his face.

Caleb: I thought you might have needed this. They were afraid that you were going to shoot out your larynx crying so damn much.

Caleb laughs innocently to try to break the tension, but to no avail. What happens instead is that more dead air is made alongside a hostile environment, making Caleb cough nervously with the lack of a response from her. She walks over to her bed and takes a sip from her glass of water, not even saying a word to the young man.

Caleb: So, um...I heard that Jack saved you from being left naked in New Jersey. You didn't say much to him other than your name. I thought that maybe you could speak to me since I'm not covered head to toe in bandages. I'm just a normal guy that was saved by these men just like you were.

She looks at him incredulously. He adjusts his collar as Melissa stares a hole through the young man. She takes another sip of water as he shuffles about awkwardly thinking of another topic to talk about.

Caleb: Well, uh, I told them that I was a high school student, and they already knew about the rest. Mostly because they killed my father and they heard my cries for help during that heinous act that he calls "showing me my future". I might be gay, but there was no need for my father to do that fucking shit to me. I'm his own flesh and blood for God's sake!

The teacher seems to zone out as she pulls out her phone to look at a photo of her and her husband together, as that is the only way she can see her husband any more. Curious, Caleb walks over to her to see what she's up to.

Caleb: Who's that?

She looks up at the nosy kid, surprised that he took an interest in who her former husband could be.

Melissa: His name was Bill.

Caleb: Bill, huh? What did he do?

Melissa: He was a military Sargent.

Caleb: Sounds like he was a busy man. What happened to him?

Melissa: Well, on the way home he had a heart attack on the airplane. He was taken to the nearest hospital after landing, but they had no clue what the fuck they were doing. He passed away the day he was supposed to come home.

Caleb pats her on the shoulder, feeling sympathy towards her. He then turns around to leave the room.

Melissa: Can I ask you a question?

He stops in his tracks when he's addressed by her. He turns around with a smile on his face.

Caleb: Ask away.

Melissa: Why didn't they stop your dad sooner?

Caleb: What do you mean?

Melissa: I mean, why didn't they stop your dad from molesting you once he started? They preach justice for the poorly treated, yet they just watched you get raped by your dad? That doesn't strike you as bizarre at all?

Caleb is giggling, much to the confusion of Melissa.

Caleb: You see, I asked the same question to him, and he told me that I was asking the entirely wrong question.

She raises an eyebrow at the young student, not understanding what he means by asking the wrong question.

Caleb: No, he didn't tell me to ask why I didn't fend for myself, he's not that much of an ass. What he told me to ask is why a cameraman was there recording each and every second. They, at the time, had no knowledge of joining the XWF, so they had no idea that any sort of crime was being filmed. That, and they can't be everywhere at once, so they didn't have any idea where I was or what was happening until it was too late.

Melissa: But Frodo said-

Caleb: Frodo says a lot of shit that doesn't mean a fucking thing. Many of the people in this federation don't buy half of the shit that comes out of his mouth. He can fuck whoever the hell he wants, people still won't take him seriously.

Melissa: But he's still a person; a rather angry person with a lot of problems with his family, but he's still a person.

Caleb: Yes, and people can be idiots. He is definitely no exception to that rule.

Jack: Caleb.

Caleb turns around to see the bandaged revolutionary standing in the doorway with crossed arms.

Jack: Leave the opposition to us. You're not the one fighting, so why try and talk for us?

Caleb nods and leaves the room. Jack stares at the teacher before leaving her to her own devices. The scene fades out not too long after Melissa gets settled in.

[Image: 1sRaL7A.png?2]
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