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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Training Of The King
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Brock Lesnar Offline
Eat. Sleep. Conquer the Streak.

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

11-06-2014, 10:57 AM

Following Monday Night Madness King Of The Ring edition

The cameras kept rolling as Brock Lesnar and Tommy Gunn stood over the actual new king of the ring in the XWF, Doctor Louis D'Ville. Brock gave a little laugh while looking down at the body of a beaten and tired Doctor D'Ville since he did go through several matches in one evening. He and Gunn left the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd. While Doctor D'Ville isn't the widely accepted fan favorite hero, the fans seemed a bit disappointed on how the ending went down. Fans began throwing their trash at both Brock and Tommy while both gave a smile and just browsed the arena. They began slowly making their way up towards the entrance and stop about half way while fans are hurling insults at both of them.

Brock stops at one man in particular who appears to be overly angry about the whole thing. His face is red and veins are popping all around his face as he screams.

"You two pieces of shit! I paid good money and you fuckers ruined it! Yeah, yeah, you keep laughing. Come over here and I'll knock those damn smiles off your faces! Both of you!"

Brock continues to laugh and gets just an arm reach of the wild fan. He tries to take a swing at Brock but can't reach. He keeps trying while Brock mocks him, and he eventually falls over the rail which causes Brock to quickly start stomping on his body. XWF security quickly runs out to stop further beating. Brock and Tommy continue to slowly make their way up the ramp and turn around to view all the booing fans. They appear to be enjoying the reaction. Following a moment of soaking in the wild ending, they make their way to the backstage area and are greeted by current Madness GM Jeff Fairfield.

JEFF FAIRFIELD "Guys. What the hell was that?"

BROCK LESNAR "It was us shutting the talk up and letting everyone know they are in the way."

JEFF FAIRFIELD "I thought you two hated each other?"

BROCK LESNAR "It would appear that way, huh?"

Tommy and Brock shake hands, and Tommy leaves the arena. Jeff shows a bit of anger for the first time since he arrived in the XWF while Brock is all smiles.

JEFF FAIRFIELD "You're suppose to let me in on these kinds of things if we're going to be working together."

BROCK LESNAR "Working together? What gave you that idea?"

JEFF FAIRFIELD "Our talk after you F-5'd me. Your contract we agreed on. You know, the money and all."

BROCK LESNAR "I appreciate it. When you have something for me, give me a call. If you don't, don't bother reaching out to me. Got it...... Jeff?"

Brock smirks and walks by Jeff. He enters his private room and gathers up all his things, and starts to make his way out of the arena. An XWF camera crew quickly catches him before he gets in his car.

XWF INTERVIEWER "Brock! Brock! Can we get a word with you?"

BROCK LESNAR "Make it quick. I have a flight to get to."

XWF INTERVIEWER "Last week you F-5'd Jeff Fairfield, then ended up aligning with him as well as beginning a little feud with Tommy Gunn. This week, as it just appears, you're now friends with Tommy and not really close with Jeff Fairfield."

BROCK LESNAR "Do Tommy and I get along? It depends on the day. He's here to fight. I'm here to fight. He wants to make money. I want to make money. That's where we get along. We both like Paul, but where is he? Paul hasn't been around. He hasn't even made a phone call. Tommy and I ... things just happened. Will you see us hanging around and eating a meal together? It's not likely. You may see me sit down and eat with Jeff, but I wouldn't say that means we're friends. He's making me money and he's starting where Paul left off. That's all."

XWF INTERVIEWER "You and Tommy both were announced in the King of the Ring tournament. For unknown reasons, he was removed and you were put in the finals unofficially, so..."

BROCK LESNAR "Unofficially? It was announced by the General Manager of Madness, you know... the man in charge of Madness and the King of the Ring tournament... I would be involved. Everyone who signed up to be in the tournament knew I would going to be in the event. It was told live on Madness. There wasn't a secret plan. All the guys simply forgot about my involvement. It's not my fault. The plan... the contract stated that I would be in the finals to face the winner of the tournament to declare the King of the Ring. "

XWF INTERVIEWER "But why do you believe you get to go to the finals automatically?"

BROCK LESNAR "Really? Heh. This is where Paul would tell you that I'm a former WWE Champion. I beat the living hell out of superboy John Cena. I am a former UFC Heavyweight Champion. I'm a former XWF Trio Champion. Oh, and I beat the Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak. Does that list look like I should have to go through all these little boys to be called King of the Ring? I'm already the King of the Ring. I'm the King of the Octagon. If this is the jungle, then consider me reigning over it."

XWF INTERVIEWER "Well I'm sure you're going to be a targeted man now from what happened tonight."

BROCK LESNAR "By who? Doctor D'ville? By any of these halloween monsters lurking around the XWF? By rockstars or some space man? Let them put a target on me. If they want to get destroyed early on, then that's a decision they'll have to make. I'm here to fight. Simply put. All I can say about Doctor D'ville is wrong place and wrong time. Nothing personal, but if he wants to make it that way then I guess he'll be going back to his other profession soon. Kicking ass is my profession. I'm not a gimmick. I'm not a man in a mask. I don't need spooky sounds to make people afraid of me. People already are afraid of me because I'm Brock Lesnar. I don't need a costume or make up another name. I use my real name because it's one people fear. They won't fear a gimmick, they will fear the real me."

XWF INTERVIEWER "So you really believe that when Tommy Gunn counted One-Two-Three and you pinned Doctor D'ville, you won the King of the Ring?"

BROCK LESNAR "Damn right. It's not rocket science. I was announced I'd be involved. I was. I beat the one who made it to the finals. And here I am standing and talking to you. See you next week."

Brock gets in the car and drives off from the arena with the XWF interviewer looking surprised at Brock's comments.

Following Wednesday Night Warfare

Brock is outside in the late evening chopping down firewood a few miles from his house while his wife is resting on the couch reading a book. Brock's cell phone vibrates in his pocket and it's from Jeff Fairfield. He notices that they booked him against Doctor Louis D'ville next week on Warfare. He laughs and continues chopping down trees and splitting logs for firewood. He gathers some in his arms and makes his way back to his home.

RENA LESNAR "Hey honey. Get enough?"

BROCK LESNAR "Yea. I got a text from the XWF. I have a match next Wednesday."

RENA LESNAR "Didn't you just have a match Monday?"

BROCK LESNAR "Yeah. I won the King of the Ring. I guess they need me for a ratings boost or some shit on Wednesday."

RENA LESNAR "Who are you facing this time?"

BROCK LESNAR "The guy I beat Monday."

RENA LESNAR "Oh. Tough match?"

BROCK LESNAR "Another spooky Undertaker. Hahaha."

RENA LESNAR "Oh. You'll do fine. You know, Brock, you should do a little more media. I know you hate it, but it could help. It's not like you're going to be fighting for that company much longer."

BROCK LESNAR "Unless they pay me this well for this limited schedule."

RENA LESNAR "Well, why don't you do some media for them? They may give you a bonus."

BROCK LESNAR "I'll do what they ask as long as they fulfill their end of the contract. They fulfill theirs and I'll fulfill mine."

RENA LESNAR "So tell me about your opponent. I haven't watched much XWF since you left as the Trio champion. I didn't even watch this past Monday."

BROCK LESNAR "I didn't expect you to. Think of the Undertaker and Mick's old gimmick, oh what the hell was he called back then."

RENA LESNAR "Cactus Jack? Dude Love? Mankind?"

BROCK LESNAR "Yea, Mankind. Think of Mankind, Taker, and I guess Kane in the body of Shawn Michaels. That's my opponent."

RENA LESNAR "Is he good?"

BROCK LESNAR "Don't know. I don't really care. I haven't paid much attention to him fighting."

RENA LESNAR "Didn't you say you fought him this past Monday? You must've seen him fight the other guys."

BROCK LESNAR "Not really. I was eating some fruit and watching The Walking Dead. Most of those guys bore me anyway. I'm there to do my thing and leave. It doesn't matter if he's good or bad. The result will be the same and it'll be another fool who I conquer. Tomorrow, the boys are coming over so we can train a bit. I think Dana is coming by too."

[Image: ejWdNNU.jpg]
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