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God and Country...
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-01-2014, 06:25 PM

"The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool."

― Stephen King

[Image: gttO4ZK.jpg]

A King and his Steed.

The farmlands that surround the road they travel on seem to stretch for hundreds of miles around them. Our travelers have reached the far east side of Pennsylvania, nearing closer and closer to the end of their journey.

The Ex-Detective drinks the last bit of whiskey left in a bottle they've recently acquired during their last pit stop. The Doctor sits beside him in the passenger seat enjoying a cigar. They've just past through the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, known for their community of people known as the Pennsylvania Dutch. The small city has it's modern buildings and sites and it's historical parts as well. The old buildings nearly centuries old still stand along certain parts of town. The patient and his doctor travel swiftly through the town and the modern civilization becomes less and less apparent. The paved streets surrounded by steel buildings turn into dirt roads surrounded by cornfields, silos, cottages, and barns.

As the two travel along the dirt highway, the Doctor admires the green, open scenery around him. The Ex-Detective lights a cigarette and looks over to his doctor.

"Fuckin' Amish... What's their deal?"

"Why, whatever do you mean, Trevor?"

The Ex-Detective pulls another hit from his cigarette.

"Eh. Their way of life, separated from anything modern... Living life trapped in the fucking 18th century. It's annoying."

"My friend, they live their lives happily secluded from all of the evils that the world outside of their own possesses. They escaped persecution from their homeland, brought their community to this new world. The Amish are conservative, emphasizing humility, family, community and separation from the non-Amish world, which includes a reluctance to adopt modern conveniences such as electricity, all under His good graces."

"Want to stop and say 'hello'?"

The Doctor smiles and a twinkle from his glass eye reflects the last bit of sunlight left in the day.

"Not much time for visiting, my dear boy. We still have a long road ahead of us."

The Ex-Detective laughs a bit and reaches down to the empty bottle that lays between them. Less than a drop remains at the bottom of the bottle. He tosses the bottle to the backseat and takes his eyes off the road for a moment. Looking out the window to his left, he watches a few workers in the fields finishing up their day before it ends.

"You know, Doc--"

The Ex-Detective turns to the passenger seat only to see the Doctor is no longer sitting there. He's alone in the car. He closes his eyes in disdain for just a moment. When he opens them he sees a large horse standing in the middle of the road and a small boy chasing after it. He grabs the steering wheel tightly and slams on the brakes to the car sending him off the road into a ditch.

[Image: sUfZPob.jpg?1]

The Ex-Detective wakes up. He's lying on a bed in a small, candle lit cottage. With a faded memory of what recently transpired, the aching and pounding from his head is all too familiar and is basically part of waking up most days for him anyway. He opens his eyes and looks around the room. A short, stout woman wearing a half-calf plain-cut dress and a black apron with her hair tied back in a bun. She is filling a small tub with water from a steaming kettle. The Ex-Detective slowly pulls himself up to a sitting position and feels the side of his head. The top of it is wrapped up in a white bandage, as he feels through it, he can feel a large lump. He must have hit his head. The woman notices that the Ex-Detective has regained consciousness and walks over to him.

"You've got quite a bump on your noggin' there, young sir. You'd best rest up, wouldn't want to make your condition any worse, would you now?"

The woman speaks in a heavy German accent. She drops a large cloth into the tub of water and rings it out. After folding it into a small square she walks over to the Ex-Detective and places the cloth on his forehead.

"You'd be best to hold that there, sir. It should take down the swelling from your bruise."

"Wha-- Where am I?"

The woman walks away from the Ex-Detective and goes about the chores she was doing prior to him waking up.

"My name is Ruth Yoder. You've crashed your vehicle into a ditch just outside of our village. We've brought you here to mend your injuries. We don't normally reach out to anyone outside of our community, but my husband Samuel and our boys will help you retrieve your vehicle in the mornin'. I believe Samuel would find it best to remove you from this area as quickly as possible before anyone else notices your here."

Fucking Amish...

"In the morning? No, I don't have time for this. Is there a phone--"

The Ex-Detective answers his own question before he finishes it.

"Is there a gas station or another town around here that I could get to tonight? I'm kind of in a hurry."

Ruth Yoder-
"Not for many miles. I strongly believe you should rest up, Mister. You shouldn't be traveling after bruising your head like you did. Trust me, early morning you'll be on your way again. As for now, please get some rest."

"You don't get it, lady... I don't have time to sit around and wait for 'you people' to get your shit together. I--"

"Your not in much of a position for negotiations, Mister."

Another voice can be heard from outside of the door. A tall, strong looking man with a thick black chin-beard walks into the room. He removes his hat and places it on wooden rack before walking over to the Ex-Detective.

Ruth Yoder-
"Samuel, our new friend here is hurt. He's unsure of what's happening to him at the moment, please be patient with him."

Samuel Yoder-
"Leave us."

The Amish woman bows her head and leaves the room. Samuel stands over the Ex-Detective with a scowl upon his face.

Samuel Yoder-
"You had a close call there, son."

The Ex-Detective remembers a bit before the accident.

"Well, I seem to be okay. Listen buddy, I need--"

Samuel Yoder-
"I wasn't referring to your injuries. I was referring to my horse and my youngest boy. You nearly killed them."

"Keep better control of your 'farm equipment' then, fella."

Samuel Yoder-
"I've looked through your vehicle... I found this."

Samuel walks reaches behind his back and slams the empty whiskey bottle on the night stand. The Ex-Detective looks at it and feels a little hearbroken that it's empty.

Samuel Yoder-
"You see a problem here, Mister?"

"Yeah! A big fucking problem."

The Ex-Detective reaches for it, not before Samuel grabs it and throws it into a barrel across the room.

Samuel Yoder-
"The problem, sir, is that you nearly killed my son and my horse, in the result of intoxication. We refuse to be apart of anyone or anything outside of our community for a reason. You traveling past our village and poisoning it with your evil is unacceptable. I want you out. Now."

"Listen, buddy. Sober or not your fucking horse was blocking the road! That could've happened to anyone. What am I supposed to do here?!"

Samuel Yoder-
"That's of no concern of ours. Get your things and be gone. I will not aid someone sent by the Devil, himself."

The Ex-Detective can't help but chuckle in his mind a bit at the comment. He shakes it off very quickly, however, realizing he's screwed at the moment.

Suddenly, a ruckus can be heard from outside the room and Samuel rushes out. The Ex-Detective climbs out of the bed and after recovering from a bit of dizziness, he walks out of the room, as well.

In the other room, another Amish woman is sobbing on the shoulder of Ruth Yoder, as Samuel rushes out of the door.

"Um. What's going on?"

Ruth Yoder looks over to the Ex-Detective with a sorrowful look in her eyes.

Ruth Yoder-
"It's Martha's oldest. He's become very ill and any remedy we have here has done nothing for him. We fear for his life."

"You don't have a doctor here?"

Ruth Yoder-
"My husband, Samuel, is the closest thing we have to a doctor here. Our medicine and cures are very old and are not always enough. All we can do now is pray."

"Well, what if I could help?"

The two Amish women pull away from each other and look to the Ex-Detective.

"I mean, if I could get out of this town, I could bring some medicine back to help him. That is, if you people believe in such things."

"I would do anything to preserve the life of my son! If the graces of GOD cannot save him then I don't care what measure we must take. What must we do?!"

"Well, I'm going to need my car."

The two women look at each other and Martha dries her tears.

"I shall go to Samuel with your proposition to help, kind sir."

The Amish woman turns about and walks out of the front door.

Ruth Yoder-
"You must forgive Samuel. He has a very strong belief of our community here and never likes when 'outsiders' enter it. I've descreetley studied very much about the world outside of ours. The strict beliefs and rule under our Lord is the only way here. We must abide by them. To be shunned as you have been is the worst punishment one could have. We have no jails, we have no law. Only complete banishment."

"I understand, lady. I want out of here as much as he wants me out. I can't do it on my own though. If he can help me with the car, I'd gladly return with some meds."

Ruth Yoder-
"Hopefully, he can put your sins aside and put some faith in your kindness."

A few more minutes pass before Samuel Yoder walks back into the door. He scowls at the Ex-Detective before approaching him.

Samuel Yoder-
"Your failure to heed my words disagrees with me, Mister. We don't always look to the outside for help, but the boy has a fever and may not make it to the morning. There's nothing more I can do for him. You swear to return with medicine to help him, if we help you?"

The Ex-Detective nods his head. He pulls a cigarette from his inside pocket and goes to light it. Samuel reaches out and grabs the cigarette from his mouth.

Samuel Yoder-
"And regardless from what you've heard outside of our community. We do not smoke here, nor do we drink. As long as your within our boundries, you will follow our rules and the rules of the Lord."

The Ex-Detective's mouth drops to the floor and he shoves the cigarette pack back into his pocket.

"So... I guess we should first get my car out of that ditch, aye?"

Samuel Yoder-
"I've already summoned a few of the other men to gather some horses to pull your vehicle. We will meet them."

The Ex-Detective and the Amish man leave the small house and head down a dirt path to a barn. A horse and buggy sit outside of it all ready to go. The two men climb aboard and the horse in front begins trotting down the road away from the cottage. Several of the women and children from the surrounding homes come out and watch with high hopes as the two men leave.

As they approach the scene of the accident, the Ex-Detective can see several other men ahead of them tying five horses up to the back bumper of his car. The buggy comes to a stop and the Ex-Detective jumps out and jogs over to the small crowd. They all stare at him for a moment then go about their business. After a few moments they lure the horses away from the vehicle and they manage to pull the small vehicle back up onto the dirt road. Steam is still slowly pouring out from under the hood as the Ex-Detective walks up to it, hours after the accident.

The Ex-Detective reaches in the car, pulls a hatch, and walks out in front of the vehicle. He tries several times to open the hood but cannot. One of the Amish men approach him with a shovel and pry the hood open. A hiss of steam flies out from inside, once it's cleared, the Ex-Detective slouches his shoulders and drops his head.

"I think we're fucked, boys."

Samuel walks up behind the Ex-Detective and looks at the cracked radiator.

"This car isn't going ANYwhere..."

Samuel looks at one of the young Amish men pulling the ropes from the vehicle.

"Isaac! Gather a horse and buggy from the barn. You will take the outsider to the neighboring town and retrieve the medicine we require to help Abram. Make much haste, boy, his life depends on it!"

Isaac runs off at the command of his elder.

"Isaac will take you to the town. When you return with the remedy, we will help you to continue your journey, wherever it may be."

The Ex-Detective nods and slams his hood shut. He sits on it and waits for the return of Isaac with the buggy.

A few minutes pass and the clapping of a hooves and the sound of wooden wheels on stone can be heard in the darkness. A bit blinded by the small light hanging from the roof of the buggy, the Ex-Detective can barely make out Isaac sitting in the "driver's" seat.

"We haven't much time, Mister...?"

The Ex-Detective climbs into the buggy and looks down at Samuel. Pulling a cigarette from his pocket he smiles.

"Just call me a friend."

Isaac pulls the reigns a bit and the buggy turns about and begins traveling away from the Amish community. The young Amish boy says nothing even after the Ex-Detective offered a several conversations.

"So you always give everyone the silent treatment, pal? What is it? Isaac? The boss isn't around anymore, buddy. Open up a little bit."

A few chuckles are produced from behind the large black hat atop the boy's head. The Ex-Detective looks over and sees a large cigar sticking out.

"How did you enjoy your visit in GOD-country?"


"Hello, my friend."

"What the fuck is going on, Lou?"

"Whatever do you mean? We're going to New York City, as planned."

"By horse and fucking buggy?!"

"Well, we didn't have much choice in the matter, now did we? The foolish folk behind us neglect any type of technology and we needed transportation after you destroyed our only means.."

"It wasn't my fault. The fucking horse got out and I almost hit IT and some Amish kid. Things could be a lot worse. Where the fuck did you go?"

"I don't believe my graces would've been accepted there, Trevor. They didn't take much a liking to you, how do you think they would feel about me polluting their community?"

"You do stick out like a sore thumb, Doc..."

The Doctor laughs a bit.

"Indeed, indeed."

"They have a sick boy back there, Doc. I told them I'd return with mediciine to help him."

"And why is it you insist on helping such a people that denied you from the start?"

"I kinda fucked up though."

"Poppy-cock, Trevor. If they live so highly in His grace, they should've opened their hearts to strangers no matter the circumstance. The sick boy will be fine, as you would've been, under their Lord."

The Ex-Detective freezes for a minute.

"Wait a minute. They said that kid wasn't sick earlier today. Only after that fucker wanted me out. You have anything to do with that?"

"Now, how else were we going to get out of there. I knew the second your vehicle smashed into that ditch that it wasn't going any further. Since they refused you any assistance, I found a way to make a deal."

"So we're just going to let the kid die?"

"You and I have a much greater mission in front of us, Trevor. We must reach New York City and without more delay. It's bad enough you were forced to stick around as much as you did."

"I'm sick of hearing about your mission! What is more important than human life?"

"I thought you knew me better than that, Trevor. Just relax and rest that injured head of yours. Do not concern yourself with the troubles of a people that have shunned themselves for the "human" world. If they wouldn't have ignored the gifts that their goodness from above has blessed the world with, they wouldn't be in the position they're in."

"As I said, there is much more things to discuss, Trevor. My patients this weeks still insist dancing on their same broken record. Mister Frodo with his flaming homo-erotic insults, for example. He complains to Ghost Tank about his misconceptions in the dwarf's speech, but I between all of the sexual innuendos and gibes, I find myself lost a bit in some of his words. Lucky Charms should take a few deep breathes and figure out what's truly important to discuss this week instead of running his mouth about certain escapades with his private parts. At the same time you go after Ghost Tank about his misconceptions, you do the same yourself. You apparently stop listening to what people say shortly after they begin saying it. Yes, I did say you and Gator deserved each other. Only because you two share certain interest in trying to humor your way into the minds of others. Insult on top of other insults. Denying me of a job I have done for years. Who are you two to say I am not a doctor? Just because you don't believe in my treatments doesn't mean they haven't helped many others before you. Take Wyatt Reyolds, for example. All of the hate he carried with him and the despair and spread across the XWF, it's gone now isn't it? Cured, my friends. So deny me all you want. Gator has seen what I'm capable of first hand and has admitted it could have gone differently. Now he's convinced history will repeat itself. We shall see, my friends. You've apparently convinced the other participants in the tournament that your path for the finals is clear. I on the other hand. Do not."

The buggy travels slowly through the darkness, bouncing up and down on the dirt path. Samuel never mentioned to the Ex-Detective how close the next town actually was. He's never seen the Doctor fail to reach a destination though. Surely, he knows where he's going.

***The top banner was created by Azrael Erebus.
**The signature banner was created by Justin Sane.
*Song "The Thrill is Gone" by B.B. King, the King of Blues, via YouTube.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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