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Mickey "The Martyr" Manson
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Manson 'The Martyr' Away
The Martyr

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

10-30-2014, 08:44 AM


In-Ring Name: Mickey "The Martyr" Manson

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Mickey Manson

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning, formerly XWF wrestler Gein.

Wrestler Date of Birth: 25 July 1985 (aged 29)

Height: 5ft 11.

191 lbs.

Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio. Billed from "The Church Of The Higher Power".

Personality: Very religious. Snob. Thinks he is better than anyone else except The Prophet and The Higher Power.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel.

Physical Build Description: Fairly muscular but built like some of the smaller guys like Bryan, Punk Etc. Has short, black hair and light stubble.

Ring Attire:

- Wrestles in body paint usually consisting of comic book characters like Venom and Carnage. Previous facepaints he has worn consists of: Spiderman, The Joker, Batman, Killer Croc and has worn the Hannibal Lector face mask.

- Black elbow pads and black wrist tape.

- Short light grey wrestling trunks, with the Asylum logo and the "The Martyr" written on the back in black.

- Black boots, kickpads and kneepads.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: A expensive three piece suit.

Ethnicity: American.

Pic Base: Prince Devitt.

Wrestling Style: High intensity, hard hitting and high risk. The three H's is what Manson lives by. The high risk involving suicide planchas and dives go along with his martyr gimmick perfectly.

Strengths: Hard kicks and chops. Springboards and top rope dives.

Weaknesses: Not the strongest, limited technical ability.

Entrance Theme Music: The Postal Service - This Place is a Prison (XWF Asylum remix)

Entrance Description: The lights dim, as the "The Asylum" starts to flicker on the X-Tron. Hysteria walks out to a chorus of boos holding the book of Higher Power in his hand.

"Silenccceee, Foolssss! All rise for a prayer from the holy book. Bow before the great Higher Power!"

Hysteria begins to read a passage of the book as the crowd tries to drown him out, once he finishes, the familiar theme song begins to play as Mickey Manson starts walking down to the ring with his fellow stablemate. He smirks while slowly climbing the ring steps onto the apron, as the crowd throws things at the two.

He jumps over the rope and walks to the centre of the ring, where he gets down on his hands and knees and makes a small prayer to himself, before getting up and retreating to his corner.

Manager (if applicable): Hysteria.

Manager's Pic Base: Rorschach.

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
  • Assorted chops.

  • Assorted kicks

  • Dropkick

  • Suplex

  • Hurricanrana

  • Lionsault

  • German Suplex /w bridge

  • Suicide Dive

  • Top rope moonsault to the outside

  • DDT

  • Northern Lights Suplex

  • Top rope diving DDT

  • Arm Drag

  • Hip Toss

  • Running front dropkick

  • Rebound Yakuza kick

  • Corner Dropkick

  • Boston Crab

Trademark Move(s):

1. The Ghost, The Father and The Holy Spirit.

2. I Hate The Name Summer.

3. Bible Basher.


1. Triple Moonsault. First from the bottom rope, then the middle rope and finally the top rope.

2. When the opponent is rebounding off the ropes, Manson hits them with a jumping side lariat.

3. A springboard crossbody into a double axe handle.

Primary Finisher: Afterlife Driver

Description: A cut-throat Argentine backbreaker into a piledriver. (Psycho Driver III)

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Moonstomp!

Description: A moonsault off the top rope into a double foot stomp.

Favorite Weapon if any: Doesn't really favour any weapons as such, however he loves putting his body on the line for high risk moves, so his favourite weapon would be a ladder.


- After both opponents go for the lock up at the beginning of the match, Manson pulls away and does a small prayer before locking up again. The crowd hates this.

- Manson props the opponent against the ropes, chops them a few times before running back and rebounding off the opposite ropes hitting a front dropkick.

- After the opponent has spilled to the outside, Manson runs off the ropes and does a suicide dive to the outside, only for the opponent to dodge and throw him into the crowd/barrier.

- Manson leans a ladder against a turnbuckle. He runs up the ladder, before turning around and jumping off, hitting his opponent with a tornado DDT. (Sometimes opponent counters with an attack of their own, e.g. A spear outta nowhere! Bah Gawd!)

- Manson throws a chair at his opponent, they catch it and then Manson headbutts the chair into their forehead. They both get knocked out.

- Manson sets up a chair while his opponent is in the corner, then runs and jumps off of it, hitting a chair hop dropkick.


1: The Beginning (1989 - 2013)

Mickey Manson was born in a rough neighbourhood and was a nerd. Bad combination. After getting beaten up too many times and his grades started plummeting. He called upon the deepest depths of his mind to find his one friend and Ally. Gein. After knocking up a group of bullies so badly, Gein was kicked out of his school and soon, his home.

At this point he started training for wrestling, where the sport took him all around the world making himself quite a few friends. He wrestled in Japan, Mexico, the UK and the US. Even making a short lived WWE debut in a dark match with Trent Barreta, before he was released as his style was too stiff and dangerous. That's where Gein decided to make his way to the XWF.

2. The XWF (2013 November - 2014 October.)

The XWF was slowly getting over as the soon to be replacement for the old WCW, having a steady influx of youth talent and some well known legends. Even former WWE wrestlers like CM Punk and Brock Lesnar were in it after their careers in the 'E had finished. Gein thought this was a good choice and decided to debut in a big way.

After training under the wing of grizzled vet and Olympic Gold Medallist Fedor Orlov, Orlov decided that they should feud so he could determine how much Gein had improved. Gein debuted by interrupting a cage match between Bryan James and Orlov, it being the end of a hard fought feud that the two themselves were having. He made his way through the crowd on a boat made up of sticks, before climbing all the way up the cage and pushing of an escaping Fedor Orlov. Unfortunately, Orlov botched the fall and suffered a concussion and was rushed to a local hospital where he was placed into a medically induced coma.

With that feud completely out the window, Gein debuted in a match at the annual XWF Wargames for Theo Pryce's team. Theo, the captain, didn't show up and Gein fought better than anyone else on his team, who were all quickly eliminated as contenders to winning the match. After cleaning house and knocking all the other wrestlers out of the ring, Gein started brawling with LH Harrison at the edge of the rooftop in this rooftop match. This is where Gein's willingness to take any sort of bump really showed as he was thrown off of what seemed like 100 metres off of the roof onto a car. After he was eliminated, the other team quickly won the match.

3. The Asylum (October - Present)

After some impressive showings, Manson garnered the the attention of Hysteria, a masked Indy Star, who was recently picked up by the XWF. They both became friends and started tagging in dark matches, developing a great chemistry. They both decided that they would make a stable, mainly due to the number of rookies who get lost in the shuffle as something to join and because there wasn't enough active stables.

This angle involved Manson apologising for his sins and getting rid of his demons. Thus making him get rid of Gein. Now wrestling under his real name, Manson has a slightly more toned down style, yet he is willing to take any bump still for the sake of his career, which is why he was given the nickname "The Martyr" for his seemingly careless attitude towards getting hurt.

[Image: zrGJsT6.png] [Image: xXW2hai.jpg] pin
Former XWF Heavy Metal Champion X3

Member of the greatest match of 2014, The Asylum versus The Three Kings

Former XWF Fomer Champion

[Image: owAZWVR.png]

Thanks to Gator and Juspin for the banners =)
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