With Fire in My Soul, I Return.
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10-27-2014, 05:57 PM
I sighed as I pressed my back into my comfy chair, as I reflected upon the success known as War Games. True, my team had walked away with the win, but it is sad to say I couldn't do much. Gein dominated me, and I only really got going in the beginning against Cain. A damned shame, really.
While I should be celebrating the fact that I'm the Number One Contender for the Television Championship, the championship I've been gunning for since my debut, I've been feeling down about how I wasn't a major contributor at War Games. Therefore, I barricaded myself in my room, with Leon and Dustin being guards. I've only seen Leon, Dustin, and Raven ever since War Games, with the exclusion of a few recorded messages as responses to some things.
Lately, I've been hearing some top- secret rumors about the return of somebody. I wouldn't normally be bothered, but here, this is someone I was hoping to know. No, not Azreal. Cinnamon, as Frodo likes to call him, is long gone. No, someone else. Deciding to check with this with my information broker, I whipped out my cell phone, and dialed in the number I dialed so many times. On the third ring, I got an answer.
"Hey man."
"Dude, you got some explanin' to do. Why didn't you tell me you grew up in Mexico, man?"
Ah, Sam. My information broker. This is how I normally knew some secrets about my opponents. Usually, they're non- important, but when I was on the indie scene, Sam did come up good a couple times and got me some good in- ring secrets on my opponent. The only guy Sam couldn't find anything on except for the well- known stuff is Morbid Angel. He's that good.
"Uh, Sam, I have no idea what you're talking about.'
"Shit man, you haven't seen the promo yet? Alright, I won't spoil it for you. Just know that you gotta watch it, and you better start confessin' soon. Now then, why'd you call?"
"I was hoping you'd shed some light about that superstar who seems to be coming back soon. You know, that superstar."
"Oh yeah, man. Some research center is holding him. They also got another top- secret thing going on there that you NEED to check out. No spoilers though."
"What's the place called?"
"Fine. Borgess Health, if you must know. They don't exactly advertise their research wing, however. Like to keep it all hush- hush. Trust me though, I got a contact there. Just ask to speak with a guy named Jason, and then go from there."
"Alright, Borgess Health, Jason, Research Wing, encased superstar, other top- secret thing. Got it. Anything else I need to know?"
"Nothing much from there. Just stay on your guard, however. They're... uh... interested, let's say... about fine, new specimen that like to show themselves."
"Alright, thanks for the intel. I'll talk to you in a bit."
After we exchanged out goodbyes, I hung up. I got out of my chair, in which I reminded myself I still have my pajamas on. I went to the bathroom, stripped, and took a quick, ten minute shower. From there, I got dressed in a Maverick tee, a brown, light jacket, and some jeans.
After finishing getting ready, I went out the door. Leon and Dustin were surprised to see me, though I just shrugged off their surprise.
"Listen, I'm going out for a bit. Only people allowed in are Raven, and you two with her supervising you. I could possibly be gone until tonight. Just behave, and we won't have any problems.
"You got it, boss!" "Things'll be just like this when you get back!"
Faithful servants. I walked down the stairs at a slow, but fair pace. Finally, before I knew it, I was in the garage, keys i my hand, ready to get in my car.
I explored my thoughts as I was driving towards Borgess Health. What was it that Sam was saying, about me growing up in Mexico? I honestly had no clue. I had never been in Mexico, nor do I have any living desire to go to Mexico. And he was saying it was a promo? I saw all of Evertrust's promo, along with Gein's promo and Hysteria's promo. I was... unimpressed to say the least. Honestly, I expected a very good warm- up contest against Evertrust, Gein, and Hysteria before I enter the Fatal- Five- Way match for the Television Championship and before I enter the King of the Ring tourney. Maybe any one of them had made a new promo? Bah, beats me. Maybe I'll come back to see that promo. Sounds chock full of lies if they're saying I'm from Mexico.
I continued to wander in my dreamscape of a mind as I turned to other thoughts as I continued down to Borgess Health.
"You guys!" Raven came running down the hall, and stopped in front of Leon and Dustin. "Didn't you see that Evertrust promo yet? 'Maverick Exposed?' You do realize he's been lying to you this entire time, right?"
"Ah, that's nonsense. The boss would never lie to us, right Dustin? Where have you even been, Raven?"
"I just came back from a cafe where I had four waffles, two sunny- side- up eggs, four pieces of peanut butter- smeared toast, and six glasses of iced tea."
"Damn, girl. That's a lot. Did you puke there?"
"Surprisingly, no. I've been having food cravings these past few days, ever since that day before you two came."
"Huh. Sounds bad. Unfortunately, we're not doctors, so we can't tell you what's wrong. Anyway, you're saying the boss lied to us, and you're saying it's proven on that Evertrust promo, 'Maverick Exposed?'" Well, only one way to find out. LET'S WATCH IT!"
After wandering my mind, I came back to the real world just to see that I was here. I hopped out of my car; Frank behind me. It didn't take long for me to find the receptionist desk. I ringed the bell, no answer. I ringed the bell twice more, still no answer.
"Gah, maybe they're busy." I said, starting to turn around. "We should go and- GUAH!"
As I turned around, I was greeted by an overly happy face. He had a false smile on, and his eyes were shimmering the colors of the rainbow. His name tag read Jason.
"Hello," he said in a very fragile voice. "How may I be of assistance today?"
"Oh, well, you see sir, I was told you are a contact here for a friend of mine. He told me to ask you about the Research Wing."
Jason let out a deep sigh, as if expecting something else. "Ah, yes, I see now," he began. "You're that superstar, Maverick, right? Sam called ahead and told me about you. Right this way then, please."
With a gesture of his hand, Jason led me and Frank down several long hallways. It was hard to memorize the way we were going, for when we had to get here. Jason, sensing my thoughts, spoke the answer. "Ah, yes, I can see you're confused about the way we're going. Happens to everyone who comes down here their first few times. Just remember this pattern: Left, right, left, right, right, left. Oh, and we're here."
We stopped in front of an elevator. Wondering if this was some kind of joke, I cocked my eyebrow at Jason, who gave a giggle of delight. "Oh, don't worry. Just step inside. This elevator can only go to the wing and back. Just hop inside."
He didn't need telling me twice. I stepped inside eagerly, while Frank stuttered and tripped inside. Jason, not having a care in the world, stepped inside with that overly false smile he has. There was no buttons, only a card swipe bar like in those supermarkets where if you want to pay by credit or debit card. Jason swiped his employee card down the bar, and the bar disappeared, to be replaced by a button. This button read: Research Wing.
"The place also has secret cameras rigged up on the way to here, in which they can recognize if you're an employee or not. If not, this will be like any other elevator here."
Jason pressed the button, and off we went.
"I don't believe this!"
"This CAN'T be the boss, can it?"
Comments like this swirled around the room as the promo played. Raven, having watched it already, didn't say anything.
And to cap things off, probably the worst thing that could have happened, well, happened.
Quote:" You know, as soon as he hears of this he is only going to deny your existence. He's been exposed as the number one liar in the history of the wrestling business. He will claim I hired some actor, or something. "
"Really? Well all it's going to take for the people to believe I'm his younger brother is to take one look at me. Like I said, even when he was born as a female he still looked like a boy. We have a lot of similar features but I'm obviously the better looking one. I haven't abused my body and I don't have a bag of shit for a brain like he does."
" Yes, one look may be all it takes for the world to believe. Might I suggest we give them that look now? "
The voices sound like they have come closer.
Several seconds pass.
A snap of the fingers and the screen comes to life, showing Evertrust.
Beside him? A man there is no question resembles our very own Joshua Solomon, aka Maverick.
"I'm coming to Warfare this week and I am going to beat the living shit out of my worthless ingrate brother. You listening, Josh? Your little bro is finally coming to collect, bitch!"
"It's a damn shame, but it's true. Joshua has been lying to us this entire time. This is a bulletproof- sided argument against him. Joshua can try all he wants to worm and lie his way out of this, but it's official. He's been proven as a liar."
A few moments pass, and then the sound of crying can be heard from all three people.
"Now then, Evertrust. Hysteria. Gein. As I've mentioned now, I've been unimpressed with your promos thus far. The only one that sounds half- interesting is that one where I'm supposedly from Mexico. And who knows, maybe the Three Stooges here put up some more promos. But back to the subject here: the promos I saw. They're all really saddening, and its a damn shame you all are on a such low intellectual scale that I have to hold my breath to make myself lose brain cells to understand you all. I won't, since I have bigger fish to fry than you three. Just know one thing: On Warfare, there will be nothing stopping me from making you three draw blood, smearing it across the ring, and giving you the biggest beat down of your life."
1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion