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Monday Night Madness 10.22.2014
Author Message
Jeff Fairfield Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-23-2014, 04:37 PM

[Image: 8RPU4hw.png]

October 22, 2014
Bon Secours Wellness Arena
Greenville, SC

Jeff Fairfield's music hits over the speakers and interrupts the Madness opening song. The fans are still not sure how to take Jeff Fairfield, but they have a mixed reaction with mostly cheers. He stands at the top of the entrance and looks around at the audience with his bright smile, which shows off his white teeth. He makes his way down the ring and spots a beautiful dark-haired lady holding her child screaming. Jeff walks over and kisses the baby on the forehead, and pecks the ladies lips. Her husband isn't pleased but before he can swing at Jeff, security is quick to block it. Jeff continues with a smile down towards the ring. He gets a microphone and stands in the middle of the ring as his music slowly fades.

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "I see some beautiful faces out there. I see you. Security, would you escort her to my office. I want to introduce her to XWF talent. She seems like a big fan wearing that Heyman girl t-shirt. As of you all probably know by now, my name is Jeff Fairfield. I'm new to the XWF and a new face to the wrestling business. Someone has to look good, right? Tonight is a night of rookies. It's the future of this company! Is it bright, or is it dull? Tonight, we'll find out just who is worthy to be given an opportunity. Speaking of opportunity... Mr. Heyman did give some opportunities, no doubt, but after a while he became so closed minded and fixed on his people. Me? I don't have "my people". I don't have an issue with anyone, nor do I have any favorites. That's why on our next Monday Night Madness show... November 3rd... it will be a special KING OF THE RING TOURNAMENT! Get bragging rights to be called King of the Ring! Who knows, you may even get a title shot if you're impressive.

JOEY STYLES: "Oh... My.... God."

Brock Lesnar's theme plays over the speakers as the crowd erupts.

JOEY STYLES: "Paul Heyman must be near by."

Brock Lesnar comes out looking intense as ever. He stands up at the entrance jumping and loosening up. He starts making his way towards the ring.

JOEY STYLES: "Get out of the ring, Jeff! The last time we saw Brock in the ring, he won the Trio Titles alongside Anonymous and Elisha."

Brock continues to pounce at the ring looking at Jeff Fairfield. Jeff continues to smile. Brock jumps onto the edge of the ring and gets in. He begins to circle Jeff.

JOEY STYLES: "Get out of the ring!

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "Mr. Lesnar. I'm Jeff F.."

Brock picks up Jeff in a fireman's carry position! He begins to circle the ring with Jeff on his shoulders. F-5 on the new GM!!!!

Brock picks up the microphone.

BROCK LESNAR: "Consider me booked for your King of the Ring Tournament. I want... my title shot."

Spike Hannigan
- vs -
Grayson Stinger
One-Fall Match

JOEY STYLES: "Welcome back Madness fans. I can't believe we just witnessed Brock Lensar's XWF return and what he did to Jeff Fairfeld."

Spike and Grayson stand on the opposite sides of the ring staring at one another. Spike looks determined as he beckons for Grayson to bring it. Grayson steps forward and the two lock up. They move around the ring in that position until Grayson gains the advantage with a side headlock. Spike maneuvers out of that and hits a Russian leg sweep bringing Grayson to the mat. Grayson tries to get up, but Spike locks in a crossface! Grayson is pulling at the hands and pulls the hands up over his head. This prompts Spike to get up and drop a fist to the head of Grayson. Spike leaps back up and hits another… followed by a third! Grayson isn’t moving from the headshots. Spike rolls his lifeless body over and pins him!




Grayson powered a shoulder up. Spike gets up and looks disheveled. He goes to lift Grayson and an uppercut is there to meet him! Spike staggers for a moment. He comes back and Grayson hits three quick jabs to the ribs of Spike. Spike throws a haymaker, but Grayson dodges it. DDT to Spike! Grayson runs to the ropes and leaps to the top rope and springs off! Spike stands up right then to receive two boots to the chest sending him careening across the ring! What an athletic springboard dropkick! Stinger stands up tall and looks down on Spike. He lifts him up and hits S.T.A.B.! Spike is reaching out and grimacing in pain! The referee gets down into the face of Spike and is asking him if he quits! Spike is screaming NO! The referee asks again and the voice changes! It’s suddenly deeper and filled with venom! Spike begins powering up and flings Stinger across the ring!

JOEY STYLES: "This is getting crazy fans!"

Grayson looks at him in bewilderment! Spike is seething now. He smiles a large twisted looking smile, but just stands there. Grayson bounces off the ropes and comes forward with a crossbody, but Spike just moves out of the way with increased agility! Spike rushes to the downed Stinger and begins hitting blow after blow to the face and temple of Stinger. The referee begins the count and pulls Spike away after four! Spike looks at the referee with fury in his eyes before leaping back on top of him and pounding him in the head again. Grayson throws one strike in and catches the forehead of Spike. The strike stops Spike who just glares at Grayson. The referee finally pulls Spike away and Spike is gritting his teeth and looks furious! Grayson staggers toward and Spike kicks him in the abdomen. Spike pulls him in for the finish! The Spike Pit!

Spike lifts him up and Grayson pokes Spike in the air making Spike drop him! Spike grabs at his eye in pain. Grayson is poised and hits Spike with a nasty spinebuster! Spike hits the mat and slowly starts getting up. Grayson points to the sky and looks up to the heavens above. Surely Momma Stinger is up there smiling down. Spike turns around and Grayson nails the CASH MONEY! Spike isn’t budging. Grayson covers!




RING ANNOUNCER: "Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner.........GRAYSON STINGER!

JOEY STYLES: "A good match between two newcomers...."

As Grayson is celebrating, Spike sits up. He starts looking angrier and angrier. Grayson is standing atop of one of the turnbuckles, holding his hands up in the air. Spike stands up, and he pulls Grayson down. He begins punching Grayson in the face. Spike turns him around and starts beating his head into the turnbuckle slowly. The pace becomes quicker and quicker. Grayson is now bleeding profusely.

When he's done, Spike throws Grayson back. He leaves the ring, grabs a chair, and throws it into the ring. Spike gets back in the ring, picks up Grayson, and gives Grayson the Spike Pit onto the chair. Spike sits there. His anger slowly turns into a devilish grin. He begins to crawl towards Grayson's face. He grabs him by the cheeks.


Spike looks down and notices a puddle of blood forming underneath Grayson. Spike dips his hand into it. He then looks at the blood on his hand. Spike slowly begins to smear the blood on his face, starting from head. The devilish gin is even bigger now.
Spike begins looking out to the crowd, chuckling.

Then, in an instant, Spike stops. He looks like he just woke up from a dream. He starts looking around the arena. He then looks down at Grayson. Spike looks less angry, and more shocked. He looks at his hands, and notices the blood on one of them. He gets and jumps back a little. He grabs his head, trying to make sense of everything.

Spike then quickly gets out of the ring, and starts walking quickly back towards the locker room, still holding his head.

Backstage we have Jeff Fairfield being checked on. He doesn't look happy for the first time since we've seen him.
Tommy Gunn defends Fairfield?

Razor Ramon
- vs -
Lucius Fyre
One-Fall Match

Both men are already in the ring as we get back from commercial. They lock up.

Razor looks to be in decent shape and looking to make a statement in the XWF. He throws a few punches on Fyre. He whips Fyre against the ropes and hits him with a shoulder block. Razor takes the toothpick from behind his ear and throws it at Fyre while he's on the ground. It doesn't seem to set well with Fyre. He gets up quick and takes down Razor. He starts to unload some punches. He gets up, and grabs Razor's hair to pull him up too. Fyre throws a few punches. He leans Razor against the ropes and nails Razor with a few chops to the chest. "WOOOOO."

Fyre whips Razor, but it's reversed. Fyre comes back and ducks the clothesline... ducks the elbow... leaps.. looking for a body splash but Razor catches him! Razor takes a few steps forward and... fall away slam! Razor picks himself up and pushes the body of Fyre with his foot.. toying with him. Razor slaps the back of Fyre's head to add to insult. Razor looks around at the crowd with a smirk. Fyre gets up and Razor follows him to the corner.. EYE POKE by Fyre!

JOEY STYLES: "Razor has been in this game long enough, he should know better to stop taking opponents so lightly."

Fyre with a running clothesline in the corner against Razor! Razor is a bit dazed. He stumbles out of the corner. Fyre climbs to the second turnbuckle... second rope bulldog on Razor! He covers him.



Fyre doesn't waste anytime. He keeps moving. He's climbing the ropes again... he waits. Razor is slow to his feet.. missile dropkick! Again with the cover..




A closer pinfall on Razor!

JOEY STYLES: "This could be an upset against the veteran.

Fyre drags Razor closer to the corner. He's pointing up! He's climbing the ropes!

JOEY STYLES: "This could be it for Razor.

Fyre is at the top... Razor is up and hits the ropes! Fyre drops down! Razor shakes his head and climbs to the second turnbuckle... Belly To Back Suplex!! We know what's next. Razor gets up and signals it's coming to an end! He picks up Fyre and.... here it comes.. the Razor's Edge! Razor tries to pick him up but Fyre is holding onto his leg! Razor can't get him up. He lets go and Fyre throws a forearm in the face of Razor! Another Forearm! Another! Another! He runs against the ropes and comes full steam at Razor... Razor kicks him in the stomach! He moves quick! He lifts him up on his shoulder..... RAZOR'S EDGE! Razor makes the cover.




RING ANNOUNCER: "Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner......... RAAAZZZOR RAMON!

JOEY STYLES: "Another win for the bad guy.

Our feed comes in a dark location. The sounds of crickets can be heard in the far distance and the stars from the night sky brighten up the surroundings some-what. John's deep voice can be heard bellowing through-out the darkness.

JOHN AUSTIN: Fear is a four letter word and it what drives most men. It sends others into hiding while it raises the level of others. My level has been raised to an EXTREME point. You see, this is it for John Austin. No more of these chicken shit opponents. I have enough cash to live off of for the rest of my life. I can take care of my wife and unborn child but you see, that one monkey on my back is still haunting me. We have to know, who is better.... Sebastian Duke or John Austin.

The sound of a match being stricken is heard followed by the red glow of a lit cigarette.

JOHN AUSTIN: I got nothing to lose Duke and you know, I haven't heard anything out of you lately. What's got your tongue? Regardless, whenever you come back from that "darkness" I will be awaiting you.

The camera zooms over and we can see Duke's compound. Apparently John is sitting in the trees above the compound.

JOHN AUSTIN: Heheheh, Make your move Sebastian.... I am ready for you.

The feed fades to complete darkness.

Jeff Fairfield is walking back to his office and the lady from the crowd is waiting on him. His angry face turns to a bright grin. Before he can say anything, he's tapped on the shoulder by XWF security.


SECURITY: "Sir, we have a problem. We need you to come with us."

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "Can't you see I'm busy?"

SECURITY: "Sir, you have to.."

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "First Paul leaves to go deal with some things that apparently I don't need to know about. Now, Miranda Tigris decided to stay at home tonight. This being my first show ran by myself, you expect me to come follow you to handle some sort of problem that the SECURITY team can't? Go.. Fix.. The... Problem. Whatever it takes. I'm busy."

SECURITY: "Yessir."

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "Sheesh. What could be so damn important... Hello Miss... how are you?"

Jeff shuts the door as the security team runs down the hall backstage.

Jet Frost
- vs -
Cameron Clay
One-Fall Match

Jet Frost and Cameron Clay are about to lock up. The lights in the arena begin to flicker off and on. Both men look around to see if anyone or anything is near, but nothing different. Jet Frost turns to Clay...



JOEY STYLES: "Wow! What a movie by Jet Frost!





JOEY STYLES: "That was quick! Talk about making a statement here in the XWF! Fans, keep your eyes on this man. He made Cameron Clay a quick work in his debut.

Backstage we have Jet Frost walking after his victory, and runs into another newcomer by the name of The Horseman. The two bump into each other and give a short look.... before walking off.

Evan Strong
- vs -
The Horseman
- vs -
One-Fall Match

The bell rings and The Horseman attacks Evan Strong! Virgil is standing by and watches. He's going wild on Evan Strong! He knocks Evan down.. Evan's head is caught on the ropes! The Horseman seems to be setting up for something....

Hanging the Two Witnesses!! Virgil is standing with his eyes wide open. The Horseman looks in Virgil's direction, but Virgil seems to be a deer caught in headlights. The Horseman drags Evan to the middle of the ring and places his foot on his chest.





The Horseman continues to hold Evan Strong to the mat while keeping his eyes locked on Virgil. Virgil seems to be slowly making his way out of the ring but the Horseman runs him down before he gets completely out of the ring. The Horsemen has Virgil... kick to the stomach and DDT! He drags Virgil to the ropes...

JOEY STYLES: "Oh my God... not this again.. the match is over!

The Horseman hits Hanging the Two Witnesses again!

He raises his arms....


JOEY STYLES: "What's Jet Frost doing out here?!?!

Jet Frost blindsides The Horseman!

JOEY STYLES: "I guess Jet Frost didn't like the way The Horseman looked at him backstage.

Jet Frost and The Horseman are trading blows! Two newcomers are going at it! Back and forth.... a few security members run in and break up the fight. Jeff Fairfield wants a peaceful roster and this isn't helping matters.

The lady is seen leaving Jeff Fairfield's office with messed up hair. The head of security is walking by her towards Jeff's office.


SECURITY: "Sir, that issue you had us take care of by ourselves..."

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "Yeah? What was it all about anyway?"

SECURITY: "Well, ..."

Tommy Gunn appears and pushes the security guard to the ground. Tommy grabs the suit of Jeff Fairfield.

TOMMY GUNN: "John or Joe, or whatever the fuck your name is. Where the fuck is Paul? I've been calling him for weeks now and his cell goes staight to voicemail. I find it extremely suspicious that you show up and he disappears. What did you do with with him? And so help me God if you lie to me I will fuck you up so bad your children's children will feel it."

Someone who works with the XWF appears on screen.

XWF OFFICIAL: "Mr. Gunn? Brock Lesnar is looking for you.

TOMMY GUNN: "Maybe he knows where Paul is. You're lucky."

Tommy walks away. Jeff tried to straighten up his suit.

There is a room backstage the cameras go inside. It's full of shattered plastic Hysteria masks. A hand reaches for one and picks it up. It shatters clean. A light laugh is heard and as the cameras pan out it shows the side of someone's face. Its Lucius Fyre.


JOEY STYLES: "Quite a wild night so far. Brock Lesnar attacks Jeff Fairfield. Issues going on backstage. Two newcomers trying to take each others heads off. John Austin continues to play mind games with Sebastian Duke. And Tommy Gunn just apparently threatened Jeff Fairfield! What's next? What a strange night. And where the hell is Paul Heyman?

- vs -
Lucifer Kage
One-Fall Match

Both men are ready to begin the match... the lights flicker again!

JOEY STYLES: "What is going on? This is the second time the lights have flickered!

Hysteria stands still in the center of the ring as the bell is rung. He just stares straight at Kage as if waiting for him to make the first move. Kage paces back and forth before walking up to Hysteria and slapping his face. Hysteria takes it and just looks back at him. Kage slaps him again, but now Hysteria has started laughing. The deranged laughing can be heard in the first few rows. Kage, now pissed off, slaps him again with all of his strength sending Hysteria back a few steps. Hysteria is still laughing as he begins to take his glove off. Kage looks at him with intrigue as Hysteria slaps him across the face with it and slides under the rope as he laughs maniacally. Kage jumps out of the ring and grabs a baseball bat that was lying under the ring. Hysteria gets into the ring and is doing jumping jacks. Kage rolls under and rushes him smashing him in the cajones with the bat!

That actually did stop the laughing as Hysteria falls to the mat clutching his genitalia. Kage has rage in his eyes as he brings the bat down on the chest and abdomen of Hysteria. He goes for the head, but Hysteria moves his head out of the way and grabs the bat. He jerks the bat forward bringing Lucifer to his belly as Hysteria locks in a crossfac-… wait no! He’s in the position but is just waylaying on the head of Kage with brutal elbow and forearm strikes! The Invalid Claim has done the damage as Hysteria leaps to his feet. He drags the Kage by the legs to the nearest ropes and rolls outside. Hysteria pulls Kage’s legs so that they’re dangling over the edge. Hysteria looks under the ring and finds the little thing that the doctor taps your knee with. Hysteria taps the knee of Kage and laughs as the leg shoots up. Hysteria then grabs the baseball bat from the ring and begins brutalizing the knee with it! Hysteria grabs a steel chair and throws it into the ring. Hysteria rolls in and touches his toe to the chest of Kage. The referee begins counting!



NO! Kage gets his shoulder up.

Hysteria picks Kage up to his feet and grabs his nose! Kage’s eyes light up and he punches Hysteria in the gut. Hysteria leans over and Kage hits the ropes and hits a superman punch! Hysteria bounces off the mat and comes up just in time to get superkicked! Kage falls on top of Hysteria and the ref counts!



Thr-NO! Hysteria rolls a shoulder up as he starts chuckling again!

Kage pulls him back to his feet and Kage kicks him in the gut! He sets up for the UNKAGED! Hysteria is lifted up and nailed with it! Hysteria bounces off the mat and rolls under the ropes to the floor below! Kage pulls at his face as he rushes outside. He lifts up Hysteria and rolls him back into the ring. Kage goes for the pin.



TH-NO! Hysteria gets the shoulder up.

Kage raises his fist and threatens the referee. Hysteria stalks to his feet and poses behind Kage ominously. Lucifer Kage turns around and WHAM! Hysteria rushes forward and hits a knee to the temple of Kage! THE RAMIFICATION! Cage isn’t moving! Hysteria sits on the chest of Kage as the referee counts.





The lights flicker more.....

A eerie song starts playing as well as a strange logo on the X-Tron. Suddenly, Gein walks out holding a microphone, walking slowly down the ramp, not keeping his eyes off Hysteria or Kage. Gein is up in Hysteria's face. You could cut the tension with a knife as he raises the microphone to his lips.

GEIN: "The answer is E. The best stable in the XWF is The Asylum."

Gein drops Kage with the the microphone, before mounting his body and pounding away on him as Hysteria just watches. After he felt like he made a point, he turns and raises Hysteria's arm up in victory. The crowd murmur in confusion as they nod at each other and leave the ring to the eerie music again.


JOEY STYLES: "Welcome back! It's time for tonight's Main Event!!

Leon & Dustin Cage
- vs -
John Cena's Friend Tony & Jill Lorder
Tag Team Elimination Match

Jill Lorder starts in the ring first with Dustin Cage. Jill shakes out her body and stretches waiting for the match to start, the ref signals the bell and Dustin sprints out the corner straight towards Jill who simply side steps making Dustin knock into and bounce off the turnbuckle. Jill runs up behind Dustin and grabs his head with one hand and runs up the corner turnbuckle turning in mid-air and delivering a great bulldog to Dustin. With one half of the cage brother laid out on the mat, Jill pulls him to the center of the ring and applies a fujiwara armbar! Dustin screams in agony as he reaches an arm out for his brother but is way out of reach.

Dustin looks like he’s going to tap but resists the urge and slides out of the armbar. Dustin quickly crawls to the corner but barely misses Leon’s fingers as Jill pulls him back to the center. Dustin kicks at Jill knocking her away and quickly gets to his feet, charging at Jill with a clothesline. But Jill telegraphs the move! She jumps in the air with grace and wraps her legs around Dustin and sends him into her partner’s corner with a hurricanrana! John Cena’s Friend Tony grabs at Dustin and helps him to his feet, holding him through the ropes. Jill sends a flurry of blows to Dustin’s midsection and Tony releases after the tenth shot to the stomach. Dustin walks dizzily towards Lorder. Joke Is On You! (Kick-out reverse DDT)

Jill goes for the cover as Leon screams words of encouragement to his partner. The ref counts the fall.



3! Jill got the pin!

Dustin Cage eliminated

Jill jumps for joy and high fives her partner as Dustin slowly rolls out of the ring, but no time for celebration as Leon sprints across the ring and sends a dropkick into the back of Lorder, sending her into her partner causing Tony to fall off the apron. Jill rebounds off the ropes and Leon goes for the schoolboy pin!

But Jill isn’t the legal woman anymore! The ref informs Leon of this and he release his hold of Jill and kicks the ever living daylights out of her, forcing her out of the ring. Tony slides into the ring and him and Leon go to exchanging blows to the head.





And Jonh Cena’s friend missed his shot as Leon ducks underneath his punch and slivers to Tony’s side and lifts him with an impressive modified Samoan Drop! Leon goes for the cover!



TH- Jill Lorder placed her partner and John Cena’s friend’s foot on the bottom rope! Leon tries to grab at Jill through the ropes but she backs out of harm’s way. Leon distracted with Jill, doesn’t know Tony is back to his feet, egging on Leon to turn around. Leon finally takes his eyes off Jill and walk right into Tony who is channelling his good friend John Cena lifting Leon in the air for an Attitude Adjustment but Cage worms his way out and plants Tony with a hellacious DDT! Leon goes for the cover!




Cage just gets the count!

John Cena’s Friend Tony eliminated

Lorder ran in to break it up but was just milliseconds late. Jill checks on her friend Tony and Leon rolls into the center of the ring and goes into a running position. Jill gets to her feet and Leon charges for a spear but Lorder just sees the incoming attack and leapfrogs over Leon! Cage turns into the ropes and goes for another attack against Lorder but she blocks it! Another Joke Is On You! She goes for the cover!




Lorder did it! She celebrates as her music plays and her and John Cena’s Friend join her.

RING ANNOUNCER: "Your winners.. Jill Lorder & John Cena's Friend TONY!!

We're back with a few minutes left. Jeff Fairfield is in the ring with the microphone.

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "I was planning on showing you the terrific promotional video the guys worked on for the King of the Ring! But due to the way some things went down here tonight, I have to address them since I am the man in charge right now. Tommy Gunn. You wanted answers regarding Paul. You want to come up to me and think you can intimidate me like that? I'm not going to let you...

World Ablaze by Killswitch Engage plays over the speakers.

Out walks Tommy Gunn, and he doesn't look happy.

JOEY STYLES: "Jeff already got F-5'd by Brock Lesnar, and now he's calling out Tommy Gunn. This isn't going to end well.

Tommy walks straight to Jeff and is about to deck him.

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "Wait Wait Wait, Hold on a minute! If you want answers, then you're going to have to let me talk.

Brock Lesnar's Theme Plays

JOEY STYLES: "Oh God! Not again!

Brock Lesnar walks out. Tommy smirks. Brock makes his way toward the ring and Jeff Fairfield looks uncomfortable.

JOEY STYLES: "Two Paul Heyman guys and.. Jeff Fairfield. This can't end well for Jeff tonight. We could very well see the end of his general managing career.

Brock walks up to Jeff and knocks the microphone out of his hands. He gets right in Jeff's face and starts talking. Tommy starts walking towards them, ready to lay out Jeff. Brock turns around and smirks at Gunn.




Jeff Fairfield straightens out his suit once again and picks up the microphone.

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "November 3rd. Monday Night Madness. King of the Ring. Tommy, you wanted in the tournament? You got it! Who knows, you may be facing this man... BRRRRRROCK! LESSSSSNAR!!!

Jeff Fairfield tries to do it the way Paul Heyman does. He drops the microphone on Tommy Gunn. Brock looks over at Jeff, smiles, and leaves the ring. Jeff stands in the middle of the ring smiling.

[Image: fairfield.png]
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-23-2014, 05:20 PM

You will get yours Brock. Fucking believe that you traitorous cunt. How quickly you forget what Paul did for you. There is no Brock Lesnar without Paul Heyman. And now that he is missing I am going to make it my mission to make sure you remember just how insignificant you really are.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-23-2014, 05:25 PM

"Why I have such losing moronic imbeciles representing me is beyond me."

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-23-2014, 06:09 PM

the beast is loose

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Brock Lesnar Offline
Eat. Sleep. Conquer the Streak.

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

10-23-2014, 06:43 PM

"Tommy, that's funny. I haven't turned my back on Paul. He hasn't been around and I was just tired of sitting around my house collecting a paycheck. I came to do something. Jeff Fairfield was in my way, so I F-5'd him. Plain and simple. I was trying to find you to see if you've heard where Paul has been.

I have no problem with you, except you got in my business. When that happens, I react. Don't start something you won't be able to finish.

Apologize for the words you said, and we'll just move on and wait on Paul.

Don't. I may make you eat your damn words on November 2nd."

[Image: ejWdNNU.jpg]
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The Horseman Offline
Gather your Gods and your Kings.

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

10-23-2014, 07:50 PM

It would appear I have an admirer. Jet Frost, is it? Pleasure to make your acquaintance. You decided to interject yourself into my affairs, provoked by what? An inadvertent collision and the exchange of equally unfriendly glances? My my, your pride is more fragile than I expected if it can be so easily challenged. If you wish to square off with me, please, by all means say so and I'll be happy to oblige.

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GraysonStinger Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-23-2014, 07:52 PM

Well Spike, I asked for no mercy and you gave me what I wanted. As payment for it, I'm going to shove my foot up your ass so far, you'll be coughing up toe lint.
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-23-2014, 07:59 PM

(10-23-2014, 05:25 PM)Maverick Said: "Why I have such losing moronic imbeciles representing me is beyond me."

Because you're a losing, moronic imbecile?

You're also banal.

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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

10-23-2014, 10:10 PM

(10-23-2014, 06:43 PM)Brock Lesnar Said: "Tommy, that's funny. I haven't turned my back on Paul. He hasn't been around and I was just tired of sitting around my house collecting a paycheck. I came to do something. Jeff Fairfield was in my way, so I F-5'd him. Plain and simple. I was trying to find you to see if you've heard where Paul has been.

I have no problem with you, except you got in my business. When that happens, I react. Don't start something you won't be able to finish.

Apologize for the words you said, and we'll just move on and wait on Paul.

Don't. I may make you eat your damn words on November 2nd."

"Hey, hi. I'm filling in for Frodo, who's on the team. I have an idea where Paul is. I can help you."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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