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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "WAR GAMES" PPV RP Board
Ezekiel finds his new calling, and pumps up Team Mastahs.
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Ezekiel Carter-Williams V Offline
Fuck Bitches, Get Money

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

10-21-2014, 06:53 PM

The scene opens up to leaves blowing across a sunny, but chilly day. Leaves are rapidly falling off the trees. Leaves of all colors: yellow, red, orange, brown. The camera pans over to see Ezekiel Carter-Williams the Fifth, leaning on a New Zealand bridge, resting his arms on the bridge, while his chin found it's special place on his hands.

TODD: Hey, what's on your mind, Zeke?

Dammit Todd, give the guy some fucking space! He was in a six five month coma for crying out loud!

Oh and Todd and Gator were there too.

Noo... No Todd's fine, Gator. I'm just confused as to what to do with my life. I mean, the XWF is great, but I need my side hustle.

TODD: You can sell marijuana.

Gator slaps Todd across the head, immediately when Todd was finish with his sentence.

We just got the man out of jail, Todd. Are you trying to send him back?

Ezekiel turns his head to the left, noticing a group of young women, around their early twenties. They notice Ezekiel starting at them and screams before running toward him. Ezekiel looks at Gator.

Fans.Ezekiel says as he gets into the clear path of the ladies.

Ladies calm down, there's enough of the Zeke to go around. After all, this is five generations of pure sexiness.

The women run straight past him, a few bumping into saying your everyday smart remarks like "get the fuck out of my way."

Ezekiel turns around and notices that the ladies had no interest in him, but had the interest of Loverboy Vinnie Lane.

Ladies ladies, calm down. Everyone gets a T-shirt with my signature on it, and a big ol' kiss!

The girls begin to fangirl, screaming and yelling and shit as Todd handed them the shirts. One girl begins to have a orgasm just from the scent of the shirt, and falls to the ground with her legs shaking.

Loverboy laying a kiss on each girl, finally gets to the last one. He gets on one knee and puts her head in his palm. He kisses her on the forehead before lying her head back on the ground.

Wow, that guy is smooth.

Ezekiel, Todd, Gator, and Loverboy proceeds to walk off of the bridge.

Exactly the shit I was talking about. I use to be a hit fucking promoter, until I fucked myself up, now look at me. Convicted felon, on the run. Oh yeah, this is defiantly something my Mother would be proud of.

Look man, you could easily find something to do. Um, play a sport, run for president, fuck Maria Brinks right in her pussy, do something.

TODD: You can happily take my job.

Shut up, Todd. You know you love me.

Ezekiel throws his hands in his jacket pocket and sighs.

Loverboy how are you so famous? Are you like, a super pimp or something?

Loverboy shoots that look at Ezekiel like he's either confused or appalled. Or worse, both.

Calm down, Vinnie. Remember, he's been in a coma for almost half a year.

Let's just say I make a shit ton of music.

Loverboy pulls out his guitar from his bags and begins to play one of his hits. Immediately men,women,children,and dogs run up to enjoy this live impromptu concert.

Don't mind any of this. It's his thing ya know. Lover My Boy, we have to get out of here.[red]

Sorry guys, but I must be departing you all. Buy my album, in stores now!

BOOOOO! Fuck you Gator!

She digs me.

They eventually arrive at the destination, Team Masters HQ. A low down, dirty dump that looks as if Team Pest lived in it, with "Team Masters" on a piece of wood, that's hanging off a single piece nail.

I'm guessing this is all The XWF could afford in such short notice.

They step inside the shack like contraption and notices Michael McBride smoking while Mastermind is playing XWF15

Oi las, I was wonderin' when ye all would arrive.

Mastermind, oblivious to his teammates entering begins to stand up and get all in the screen.

What the fuck, did Ezekiel just kick Pest in the Mangina and gave him AIDS? This game is too real.

Todd runs over to assist Mastermind in his gaming adventures, startling him in the process.

So lassies, anything new on ye end of things?

Suddenly a commercial promoting ECPI college appeared on the television.

I got it! I'm going back to college!

The hell is he talking about?

He's trying to find his second calling.

Ai yi yi.

Hey, we need to focus on War Games. Every thing else can wait.

Man we already have it won. Their team doesn't even get along, unlike us. We're a brotherhood. Not like Duke's though. We actually mean something.....

You're right!

Dammit Mastermind, let the man finish!

Hey fuck you man!

Look guys, we don't have time for fighting. We're NOT Team Pest! Now, we're one team with one fight. Now say it with me,







Todd, what the fuck are you over there snickering for? Go and get up some drinks or something.

The scene fades to black as Todd runs off into the kitchen.
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