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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "WAR GAMES" PPV RP Board
Aftermath and Beforemath. Fuck all this match, I'm going to need a calculator.
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Ezekiel Carter-Williams V Offline
Fuck Bitches, Get Money

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

10-17-2014, 12:51 PM

Six Months Prior

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! A voice screams to the top of his lungs. Sounds of gun shots, explosions, and cries are heard.

Oh no, oh no, oh God no.

Oh my God. What happened!?

Sirens are heard from a distance.

We gotta go guys.

We can't juat leave him here like this.


Sirens close in, being heard louder and louder within each second.

Guys, we have to go now!

DAMNIT EMMANUEL WE'RE NOT LEAVING HIM HERE! Sobs being heard from the woman's voice as the sirens begin to close in.

HE'S DEAD, Mary! It's nothing we can do anymore.

Let's go.

I'm sorry Zeke... I'm sorry. The woman says, hearing the cries clearly in her voice now.

You can now hear feet scatter away quickly, and a car drive off, as the sirens finally close in and stops.

Check his pulse.

It's low, very low. We have to get this man to the hospital, ASAP!

October 13,2014

The scene opens to mucky yellow walls witg stains as if this place was sponsored by Pest's asshole. The camera pans throughout the room, showing writings on the wall, busted down sinks, a cabinet with a hole in it, and the floor which shows the remains of splattered dried blood. The camera pans to the bed, showing a oxygen machine, a heart rate, a blood pressure machine, and Ezekiel Carter Williams the Fifth. Lying in the bed, as if he had no care in the world.

Ezekiel's left eye slightly opens, and the nurse, whom was just walking in to check on our favorite AIDS victim.

Oh my goodness, he's waking up!

Ezekiel opens both his eyes slowly. He sits himself up.

Where.... where am I? He says in a slow, low tone.

New Jersey State Penitentiary. The nurse says as if he should be proud of his current location. Dumb bitch.

Oh hell no, you must have me mistaken with some other sexy mother fucker.

You're Ezekiel Carter-Williams the Fifth, aren't you? Well Mr. Carter-Williams, you were found at the aftermath of a serious gang warfare. You were low on life, but the police noticed you to be the murderer of Joshua Wilson, and sent you here to us. Oh and before I forget, we took some of your blood and it sends as if you have the AIDS virus.

I knooowww Ezekiel says in a annoyed voice. You can tell he was aggravated now more than ever.

Look, I know this is a lot to take in so I'll give you a moment to yourself.The nurse says, smiling at Ezekiel.

She turns her back to Ezekiel, showing off her stellar booty.

She wants my diiiiiiiiicccckkkk

Ezekiel sits up, and lifts himself out of bed, already trembling but keeping his balance at the last second. He walks over to the mirror and looks at himself.

....I gotta get


Ezekiel snaps his head to the left, where he noticed that the large noise came from his very own room. A hole, a large gaping hole was blown into his room. Dusk, debree and smoke is the only thing in Ezekiel's sight.

Except for a figure,a large figure with a burning light at the top. Squinting his eyes he notices two more figures. The first figure he notices to be Michael McBride.

McBrizzy, it's that you?

"Oi lad. Long time no see. Are ye' ready for War Games."

War Games? Um, okay? Who's this guy, by the way.

"Sup partner, welcome to Gator and the boys."

"Aye, What he said. Mastermind drafted ye' to our team and..."

Mastermind? Who's that? What happened to Scorpio, Minxs, Callaway, Austin?

Gone. Ye' lad, things aren't like they use to be lassey.

"Yeah I hate to break up this touching reunion or whatever but we've got to blow this joint ... No pun intended."

"Oi, he's right. Let's get going lads."

The three men run outside, trying to remain hidden in the dust from the explosion, until they get to a large armored truck with an overweight man in a beanie sitting in the passenger's seat.

Todd: "Hey guys. Can we go now please?"

"TODD! Make some room for our guest you selfish fuck! Sorry about him guys, he's new to the hole breaking a convict riddled with AIDs out of prison."

Todd steps out of the truck and goes in the back with McBride to shoot off the remaining officers as Gator helps Zeke into the passengers seat and Gator jumps into the driver's seat and starts the engine. McBride opens the small window between the cabin of the truck and the back.

"Oh, I'm Gator by the way. Nice to meet you Zeke."

They drive to safety, as McBride and Gator inform Ezekiel on the new XWF.

[Image: ecwv.png]

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