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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
A Different Apporach...
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Shocker Offline
Your Favorite A**hole

XWF FanBase:
Classic Heel

(usually booed; often plays dirty)

04-05-2013, 05:53 PM

After a long, and depressing night in Wembley, I find myself in the last place I was expecting to find myself...the trainer's room getting "medical aid". If only I counted on dealing with a bunch of pussies, I probably wouldn't have been in this situation. I guess I should make a point of expecting this sort of thing sometimes. Then again...

Just hold this until the swelling goes down.

Seriously? I'm gonna be here til my fucking dick turns into a Popsicle.

Well your gonna have to if you plan on using it anytime soon. Plus, you'll have blood mixed in for a few weeks until it returns to normal.

Wait, are you serious?

Suddenly, the door flew open like a gust of wind. In stormed an more then familiar face. I was the chubby, exuberant face of Paul Heyman running in. He had his hands flinging around like John McClain on a snowy runway at Washington Dulles International


What the hell is wrong with you?

I paid you a lot of money to do a job, and you come in here and get thrown around like a fucking rag doll.

Were you even watch those matches? First off, I had John pretty much handled...

Until you fucking hit a fan...WITH A FUCKING CHAIR?! WHAT THE FUCK SHOCKER!?

Oh don't even get started on that shit. He put his hands on me, so it was self-defense. Besides, fans run that risk attending these things anyways.

They don't warrant chair shots you DUMB FUCK!

Whoa, calm down Heyman. What's the worst that could possibly happen. Besides, you saw how I got cracked by that bat to the skull. See, I have 6 staples because of it.

Then explain the Gauntlet.

Really? My dick and balls were handled like a fucking punching bag. Otherwise I don't think that little bitch Madison would have won shit.

Well, either way, are you going to be ready for Madness next Monday?

Yeah of course, who's my opponent?

Well your in a rookie battle royal and....

A what? Did you say a "rookie battle royal"?

Yeah, why?

Are you serious? Do you just want me to destroy these guys or something?

I don't know Shocker. After tonight, I don't really expect you to just walk into Madness and just win.

No, I plan on making those "other rookie" feel my pain.

Well, enjoy your frozen nuts, I'll see you in Tampa.

Enjoy your bucket of KFC, you cheap bastard.

Heyman gave Shocker a menacing scowl before exiting the room. As the pain medication started to take its effect, Shocker laid back to get some sleep.
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