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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Baby's First Promo aka Todd needs therapy
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Hot Todd Offline
Best Damn Cameraman The XWF Has To Offer

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

09-06-2014, 05:12 PM

*Todd sits in a quiet diner on a red couch in a corner booth. He taps his fingers on the ugly beige table with a coffee stained mug in front of him. He stares down at his tapping fingers, waiting for someone or something. A quiet bell rings as the busy street outside gets louder; Todd looks up and waves the person who has entered over. Dr. Hernandez, formerly El Huerto Hernandez, takes a seat across from Todd*

HERNANDEZ: “Hello Todd, good to see you again.”

“You too Dr. Hernandez, thank you for flying out here.”

HERNANDEZ: “Well, you said it was a medical emergency. Plus, Jacob paid for my flight. So, what’s the problem?”

*Todd looks nervous as he sips his coffee. After setting it back down looks at his camera next to him, he exhales and looks at the table*

“Where do I start?”

“It happened about a week ago I think, this thing attempted to pin Loverboy for the HMW belt, it spoke in jargon. Talking about the binary code of the universe and the benefits of golden vitality; it was messed up. Gator tried to stop him, but failed. The guy-“

HERNANDEZ: “What was this man called?”

“He called himself The Crimson Face. He, it, took a liking to Gator I’m guessing. Gator won the HMW belt a few days after Face won it. That’s when things got, weird.”

*Hernandez leans in with a quizzical expression. Todd still looks at his cup, turning it on the surface of the table*

“Gator took his new belt back home and nothing.”

HERNANDEZ: “Nothing?”

*Todd stares at his cup. He looks up at Henandez and his face turns pale, as he stares in shock. A flash on the screen. A glimpse of Hernandez, his face no longer his, half Gator’s mask, half Crimson’s face. But this lasted for only a glimpse, a split second, his face was a cross between the two, not looking at Todd but the camera. Todd breathes heavily and rubs his eyes, and his complexion comes back slowly, as he stares at Hernandez, his face normal. No longer the personal horror, but a olive tanned face, set in a concerned toneYOU BELONG TO ME looking at Todd, as he appears breathless*

HERNANDEZ: “Are you okay Todd? It looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“No, something worse.”

“G-Gator... Took the belt home and for a while, nothing. Then it appeared again as if from thin air. He choked me, and then nothing. Then he appeared again and nothing. And again.... And he said he wanted to talk.”

*The doctor looks speechless, as Todd is deep in thought*

HERNANDEZ: “I know Gator was always heavily into his LSD, but I didn’t know you were into it too.”

“I’m not! I know it sounds crazy but it’s what we saw I swear!”
you belong to me
HERNANDEZ: “Todd, these hallucinations may seem real but they aren’t. They physically can’t be. You’re an educated man you should know that there is no way this can be real.”

“I know but I can’t shake this out of my head. That face and voice follow me around everywhere! I can’t sleep because all I see is that fucking mask!”

HERNANDEZ: “Please calm down. Here, I brought you something.”

*Henandez places a small white bottle onto the table*

HERNANDEZ: “On the house. You can’t get these refilled at any ordinary pharmacy so try to make them last. These will help with your sleep and your delusions, take one when you are experiencing one of your episodes, a real episode. When you’re not sure what you’re seeing is serious, close your eyes, take a deep breath and count to ten. If your hallucinations continue take one of those pills. Okay?”


*Todd takes the pills and puts them in his jeans pocket*

“Thanks doc.”

HERNANDEZ: “My pleasure. Will that be all?”

“Ermmm... Wanna get a bite to eat?”

HERNANDEZ: “... Goodbye Todd.”

*Hernandez gets up and shakes Todd’s hand and walks away*

HERNANDEZ: “Remember just one. I shall send Gator the bill.”

“Yeah thanks.”

*Todd looks around at the rest of the diner. He closes his eyes and take in a deep breath and exhales*








*The camera cuts to black*

*Todd is at the front door of Gator’s house, the camera in a POV perspective. His hand reaches to the door knob, he hesitates. He tries again and twist the knob and pushes the door open slightly but is met with some resistance, he forces the door open slowly as crumpled up pieces of paper line the floor, sticking under the door making it hard to open fully*

“What the hell?”

*Todd steps in as paper crunches under his feet. He forces the door closed, he motions the camera around the room showing hundreds of crumpled up paper littering Gator’s living room. Todd moves slowly over across the floor, paper under his heels*

“Okay let me see what you got now.”

*Gator’s voice comes from the kitchen as Todd moves closer, he gets closer to the open door leading from the living room to the kitchen/dining room area*

“No! You can’t possibly do that to a human being! Try again.”

*Todd walks into the kitchen and somehow more paper litters the entire room. Gator and The Crimson Face sit at the table, Face writing on a piece of paper as Gator watches him. Gator’s body language bored and tired; a cigarette in between his fingers*

“The hell is going on here?”

*Gator looks up at Todd as Face continues to quickly write on the paper*

“Hey Todd, I’m helping Face fill out his roster information. Wanna help?”

*Todd’s voice cracks as he sighs. The footage fades to black*

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The Return of The Crimson Face (09-06-2014), Vincent Lane (09-06-2014)

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