08-27-2014, 09:58 PM
Another day in paradise for Luke Gunnar, in the most sarcastic use of the words. He packs the last of his clothing to prepare for his flight to South Korea, the tube TV in his apartment showing highlights from Relentless. Suddenly it cuts to a promo from Doctor Louis D'Ville, hearing the man's voice instantly directs Luke's head to the TV. He rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh at the sight of the Doctor and the sound of his name coming out of his mouth. He reaches for the remote and shuts the TV off as well as shutting off the lights in his home.
That fucking nutjob...
Luke slings his duffel bag over his shoulder and walks out the door of his apartment, locking the door behind him. Fortunate for him, Kennedy Center Train Station is a simple 10 minute walk from here. It amazes him still how 10 minutes can change to fifteen after being stopped 3 times by random bums trying to buy from of Gunnar's inexisten cigarettes for 50 cents. He continues his walk up his street and before he reaches his turn he sees one more teen walking in the opposite direction. A familiar one however. From a few yards away Luke makes eye contact with this kid.
Ayyy yo Luke!
Reluctantly Gunnar stops in his tracks and waits for the teen to walk to him at a faster pace now. He recognizes him as the junkie he beat down at the bus station earlier that month.
Ayye what's good man?
Yaaaa dude remember me? I was the guy from a few weeks ago.
You healed nicely I see.
The teen sighs and grounds his footing to the sidewalk.
Look man, I'll be real with you, my name's Chris and yo I mean, I feel fucking awful for all that shit that happened man. Y'know I've been in and out of rehab for heroine...Luke tries to subtly roll his eyes because this is a story he's heard many o'times around the town of Lowell.And like I just really needed my fix it fucking sucks man but I'm back in rehab doing good, clean for a week mann ya boy's back on his game!
Hey man, live it up. That's good to hear. That shit's evil in a vial.
Thanks man, yeah it is. But yo, I hate to do this to you man but I really gotta catch a bus back home, I got a daughter and my girl waiting for me and...
Chris continues to ramble on with his sob story and Luke's eyes quickly give him a once over and he notices of all things, a syringe poking out of the top of Chris's pocket. Luke knows in his head this kid is clearly still using. Unwilling to loan him a few bucks he comes up with a quick excuse which has become second nature to him after years of dealing with these people.
Chris my brotha', I totally would but I just put my pay check towards getting my car fixed. Needs new struts. I got just enough to get on my train to Logan.
I feel ya man that's cool, I just wanted to show my girl that I'm totally clean now and all. But yo! I saw you on the TV man, that shit's so ill, it's like we got a star in Lowell.
Luke takes another glance at the needle in Chris's pocket.
Yyyyeah man. That's what if feels like. You gonna watch me on Wednesday?
Yaaa man you got that guy Clean Lucena guy and that dildo guy reffing. That's gonna be funny as shit. I never saw this kid Lucena though, he could be an easy pin.
Luke averts his eyes from Chris, looking down to fix his jeans and his boots.
Well from what I hear he's a clean guy, just like you. Except he's clean in his fights. But something about him bugs me. You ever get that sense when you find someone who claims to be this saving grace nice guy and he's just lying straight through his teeth? That's how I feel about Lucena, he's that type of guy. And that type of person really really makes my blood fucking boil. They put on a mask see, they still have evil intent and yet they're able to cover it up with an act to get what they want. They take advantage and step over others. It's a pretty common thing here, it's no different anywhere else I guess. The thing is though, living here in Lowell, I deal with scumbags like that every day, every time I... well yeah, every time I walk down the street. I know all of their little tricks. Lucena is no different. If he intends to try and fuck me over.. hell if this Mister Fuck Fuck Fuck the referee tries anything funny, there's going to be some serious problems. They want to try and step all over me? ...Let's see how they like it when a Doc Marten comes to their face. I won't walk on them with it, I'll crack their temple in with it. XWF is going to learn that you don't fuck around with a man who's been fucked with too many times. It's like throwing rocks at a man with a machine gun...He lifts his head up slightly and looks at Chris with an sadistic yet calm expression...All you can do is make him mad, and pray that he aims like a blind man.
Shiiit man, you're fuckin' hungry. I won't keep ya man, good luck Wednesday I'll be watching. Aye! Make this shitty town proud
Gunnar nods.
I'll do what I can man, congrats onnn.. sobering up. I hope you get home safe..
The two begin to walk their separate ways as Luke sneakily reaching for the syringe in Chris's pocket and grabs it out. As Chris walks further past not noticing, Gunnar turns around slightly and tosses the needle by Chris's foot. Now he looks down sees the needle and jumps for it quickly and in a bit of a panic looks back to see if Luke is looking but only sees the back of his head as he walks to the train station to catch the next inbound to Logan Airport.