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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Heavey Metal Weight Championship
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The Chair ;)

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08-27-2014, 01:17 PM

Slender Man was walking down the corridor, watching his back as he was a little paranoid. All these people and thing's after his Heavy Metal Weight Championship was beginning to tire him out. He just wanted a rest of it all.
He sees a red steel chair folded up against the wall. Slender Man decides he wants to sit down. He unfolds the chair and takes a seat. He was chillaxing.
The chair suddenly snaps his ass and Slender Man jumps up out the chair.

Slender Man "What the Fuck?"

The chair begins to rise, it floats in the air as Slender Man walks closer, very confused... "Smack" ...
The Chair nails Slender Man and then goes for the pin.....
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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08-27-2014, 03:51 PM

(08-27-2014, 01:17 PM)The Chair ;) Said: Slender Man was walking down the corridor, watching his back as he was a little paranoid. All these people and thing's after his Heavy Metal Weight Championship was beginning to tire him out. He just wanted a rest of it all.
He sees a red steel chair folded up against the wall. Slender Man decides he wants to sit down. He unfolds the chair and takes a seat. He was chillaxing.
The chair suddenly snaps his ass and Slender Man jumps up out the chair.

Slender Man "What the Fuck?"

The chair begins to rise, it floats in the air as Slender Man walks closer, very confused... "Smack" ...
The Chair nails Slender Man and then goes for the pin.....

Who left this stupid chair on Slendy? GET OUT OF HERE CHAIR I'M ALREADY PINNING HIM.

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