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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
Six Flags At Night
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Elisha Offline
Don't go down to the woods tonight.

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08-22-2014, 09:35 AM

It was quite a busy day at Six Flags. It was nice and sunny outside, plus it was the last few days some had before going back to school. It was a great day for business. The ice cream sold well, as did other refreshments thanks to the perfect weather. Six Flags had sent out coupons just a few weeks before that varied in offers, and it seemed to have worked. People took advantage of the deals.

In the middle of this large group was a young little blonde girl named Lacey. She was enjoying herself, but without the company of any other. She was alone. Several parents would watch her from a distance because she appeared to be alone without a guardian. They thought to themselves, "What kind of parent would let their little child just run around like this?" It was a good thought. No one could blame them because they were looking out for young Lacey's interest. Kidnapping does happen, and they were concerned.

Rich and Kelly decided to let their child get on a ride that went for about five minutes, and while they were safe on the ride, went to find security. They brought a couple of security men back to the ride and pointed out the girl. They thanked the parents for their concern, and would take things from here.

They took a picture of the girl with their phone, and sent it to all security personnel. To follow up with the picture, one of the men spoke to them all via their 'walkie-talkie', and informed them about the situation. They were instructed to keep a distance for a few hours to see if any parent or guardian showed up.

For a grace period, they allowed a few extra minutes to make sure before approaching her. They didn't want to scare her, or her parents if they were around. After two hours and thirty-six minutes passed, it was time to make the move.

The two security men who were told by Rich and Kelly approached her. She smiled and felt no fear.

"Hey, sweetheart. Are your parents around?"

"Not sure what ya mean."

"Do you have any brothers and sisters?"


"Where is your mommy and daddy?"


The two security men looked at each other. They felt sorry for the young girl, but she didn't seem phased by any of it. She stood there eating a candy apple and a giant smile.

"When did they die?"

"Not real sure on that."

"We're sorry to hear that. What's your name?"

"Lacey. Lacey Rex."

"Well, Lacey, how did you get here?"

"We rode a bicycle."

Once again they looked at each other, but with confused expressions this time.



"Who else was with you? A friend?"

"I guess we sometimes act like friends, but not the way you're thinking probably."

"An animal? Imaginary friend?"

"Animals aren't allowed in here I thought. Well, it's not an animal and it's not an imaginary friend. I'm a bit old for that."

"Alright. Well, who was it Lacey?"

"My son."

If only you could see the faces of these two men after hearing the ten year old say this. They weren't sure how to reply, but there doesn't seem to be a good response available. It took them a few seconds to think on what she just said.

"Your son?"


"How old is your... son?"

"You know... I'm not real sure. I don't pay much attention to age. We just live in the moment."

"Is he riding rides?"

"Hehehe, oh boy. No. He's a bit too big for these rides. He'd be bored to death! That's why I'm here by myself. He's somewhere else."

Meanwhile... Somewhere Else...

Elisha is running through the woods chasing after a bear. The bear stops and turns around, and Elisha is in the distance looking from behind a tree. The bear continues to search for what's after him, but sees nothing. The bear makes a loud yell of sorts. He sits on his bottom.

Elisha starts to walk from behind the tree toward the bear. He sees the creature coming towards him. The bear gets in defense mode and stands up on his two legs and lets out a deep growl. Elisha stands about twenty feet from the bear. The two lock eyes. The bear opens his mouth wide, as does Elisha. Elisha starts to make loud mumbles.

"Mmm. Mmm. MmmBearMmmBearMmm. Bear. Bear. Food. Bear. Mmm. Bear. Mmm. Food. Bear."

The bear starts to make his stance and walks toward Elisha. Elisha leaps forward and attaches his mouth around the bear's neck. The bear tries to fight it off by scratching Elisha with its sharp claws, but Elisha doesn't let loose. He tightens his mouth around the neck and lets the blood start to pour out. The bear loses strength and falls to the ground. Elisha moves his mouth away from the neck... tearing its flesh off. The bear makes a sound like it's in pain.

Back At Six Flags...

"Do you know where he might be?"

"Probably in the woods. It's where he usually is."

"Can you take us to him?"

"I guess. Will I be able to get back in and go on the rides?"

"Sure. We'll make sure you get back in here."

Lacey takes both security men's hands and walks them out of Six Flags towards the nearest woods. Lacey starts to yell his name, "ELISHA! It's MOMMA! Where Are You?" Lacey thinks she hears him. She hears the noise of a wounded animal, which only means her son is nearby.

"I think he's over here."

She leads them a bit further in the woods, and there he is. Elisha sitting by a dead bear. Blood everywhere, including Elisha's face and hands. The security guys have no idea what to do. They are standing there in complete shock. Elisha stops chewing and isn't sure how to react either. Lacey looks at both security men, and then back at Elisha.

"Some shy men. Son, these two were worried about me so they came to make sure I was okay. Wasn't that nice of them? Anyway, I told them I was here with my son. They wanted to make sure you were here. Say hi."

Elisha gives a deep growl, almost like a dog warning unwelcome guests before an attack. They were still stuck. They could not move because of the scene. Elisha starts to inch himself towards them, but slowly. This apparently woke up the security men.



Okay, let's think about this for a minute. Lacey apparently knows about me, regardless of how I appear to anyone else. She brought these two guys here. I appreciate their concern, but come on. Be smart. You have me... eating a bear. Lacey isn't startled. Use your brains, guys. She's use to me doing this. She claims I'm her son, which makes her my mother. What do you do? You grab my mom and try to steal her away from me? You should have just stood there and we could have had ourselves a nice lunch. I'm not sharing now. It's my bear!

Oh... and these two... are about to die. No one takes my mom. I'm not losing her again.


One man takes Lacey in his arms and runs back towards Six Flags. The other man stands guard in trying to stop Elisha from pursuing them. It lasts about five seconds. Elisha easily kills the security guard and runs towards the other. The second security man doesn't get very far, and Elisha knocks him to the ground. Lacey skins her elbow. Now, she's pissed. Elisha is walking to a helpless security guard crawling on the ground when Lacey gets between the two.

"No, son."

The security is a bit teary. Scared to death. He looks at a smiling Lacey.

"Thank you. Thank you!!"

"For what mister?"

"He.. He was going to kill me. Right?"

"Him? Not real sure. I'm the one you should worry about."


I know what you're thinking. Why would I kill him? He may be married with kids. They'll become orphans... just like me. You see how I turned out. Pretty good. Well, all I wanted to was ride some rides. This man had to step up and interrupt my fun. Never interrupt a child's fun. And never try to take a mother away from her child. Oh, and don't hurt me. The bastard fell and I scraped my elbow. Did ya really think I was going to just let him do this to another little girl?


Lacey kills the security guard. He screams and Elisha doesn't want to watch. He goes back to eating his bear. A little bit later, Lacey joins him on the feast.

"Son, are you ready for your match?"

Elisha isn't paying attention. He has his Lacey doll out... and is talking through the doll... then would grab the bear's mouth and move it while he talks. An imaginary conversation. So sweet.

"Son! Don't make me whip you!"

Elisha stops and looks at his mom.

"Are you ready?"

"Y-Y-Yes Momma."

"Son, talk through your doll. I done told you it helps your speech."

Elisha grabs the lacey doll and points it directly at his mom.

"I've heard them say their peace. Now that it's out of the way, I will wage war. It doesn't matter what they have to say to me or about me. They reference Eli and my stutter. That's fine. They should also reference what I've accomplished that they haven't. I've been a tag team champion. I placed Tony Santos in a coffin of spiders and beat him. I was the one to defeat Azrael for the Television Title. No one could dethrone him, but I did. What have they done to make me afraid of them? Nothing. Michael likes his alcohol, but I like blood. Alcohol likes to remove any feeling of pain. I embrace the pain and cause it. Barney wants to make a big comeback and prove himself worthy, but he doesn't fit in with this group. We are elite. He's never faced a man like me and he will be slaughtered. It doesn't matter who wants to come after me in the match. Barney, Michael, Peter, Mastermind, or little Bobby... they all will know who the monster Elisha is. They will forever remember my name and once again, I will be released from among them and leave with a hunger that's been satisfied."

"That's so good, son. I know you like writing. Did you write anything?"

"Y-Y-Yes. Ma-Ma-Ma."

"Oh, good! Let's hear it! Wait, let me get the phone to record this."

Lacey gets her little smart phone from her pocket, and is really excited to tape her son.

"I once knew a man who lied
He was the less green than Barney Green
His name, Michael McBride

A fighter he thought he was
The tailored man, made for brawl
His accomplishments: a buzz

Drank he did, to put on cloud nine
Never to think that he was a loser
His name, Michael McBride

The once claim to be a tall champ
Now a former thought, a useless stamp
He reached for the stars in hopes of fame
Instead he crashed, and had no one to blame
The larger his mind grew, as did his belly
His losing status became rather steady
This was the one, who warned us with words
He'll fall like them all, and in the end be a bitch with a purse
Be careful what to say because how I appear
You should've stayed gone, I'll make you disappear
A champion in you, has never been seen
This is the sad case we call Barney Green

Tall is he with strong jet black hair
You see what I did to this stronger black bear
See your fate beside me and you will know
I am the monster you've never seen, your blood will flow
Cast your thoughts on paper for eyes to read
Your end will be marked on the tombstone, you see
Tic Toc the hand goes, because you're running out of time
We shall rename ones who can't win titles... Mastermind

The little engine that could is what I see in you
A child toy of pure imagination, nothing really new
A world of bobby was more entertaining and tough
You are the laughing stock who couldn't even slay Buff
Look at those before you, who did it rather smart
They put their tail between their legs in fear of the dark
You should go back and turn on your favorite show, Glee
After the pay per view, no one will remember the name Bobby zi

Now we find a man who went from fat to skinny
He loves to say "suck my dick", yet it's the size of a penny
He likes to say certain people, like Dim, has his back
I find it funny that in the end, he never could beat Fatback
A man who never sticks to his word, your promise is a blah
To make it all right, you should let Fatback.. Get Up In Ya!
You pout and cry when you lose, and make every excuse
Ya know why Maria is with you? She had no one else to choose
You're a sad case who people love to mention
A whore you are.. you love all this attention
Wait until you see, at Relentless, what I have in store
People, from now on, will consider calling a 'losing bitch'.. skinny Peter Gilmour

All of you have said what you wanted about me. I'm so glad you got it out of your system. Now, there will be no more excuses from any of you after our match. You will see the monster... the creature.. the prophet of doom rise up and see to it you all remember my name.

Every time you get hurt, you will think of me.

Every time you are feeling pain, my face will come to your thoughts.

Every time you think about Eli.. you will want to add three more letters because someone far greater than he has been before you.

Every time you hear a kid stutter, you will run for the hills.

They.. Will... Perish."

"That was very good, son! You make me so proud."

"Thank you Mommy."

"Say... it's getting about that time for six flags to close. How about we go ride some things.. together."

Lacey and Elisha get up and start to make their way to Six Flags. Screams of people in fear are already heard...

[Image: 2b6d4bc0-f04e-46fe-98b2-4584c5178299_zps1fa4586d.jpg]
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