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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
We've found the body, now we mourn
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08-21-2014, 09:37 PM

Crack is still in the basement gym trying to work out when Swagmire and Jorge burst in. He’s currently bench pressing, and the loud noise startles him causing the weight to fall onto his chest. Jorge sees the crippled man struggling to get the weight off, so he rushes over and helps pull it off. Because he’s a Canadian, and they’re nice.

”You ok, Crack?”

Crack coughs before being able to answer.

”Oh yeah, I’m fine. Nothing screams work out success like having 200 pounds fall on my chest because some people don’t know how to announce themselves properly. What do you need, Charles?”

”Frodo’s alive! He’s in Ukraine!”

Crack stood up, limped over to Swaggy and sniffed him.

”What are you doing?”

”Checking to see if you smell like booze. Frodo’s plane went down in the ocean. Pretty sure he wasn't on it, and if he was he didn't end up in Ukraine.”

Swaggy pulls out his iPhone 5C and loads the video of Frodo in Ukraine with Sascha. Crack and Jorge watch it closely.

”Impostor. Not the real Midge. Frodo would never sit there motionless when Sarah got shot. Nor would he eat Friskees. Dude, I’m telling you, your brother is somewhere between Florida and Belize. I've known him a long time, and I refuse to accept this is Frodo. Hell, dude’s probably on a beach drinking Mojitos doing lines of Catnip or Coke. He may even be balls deep in a Cabana boy right now. I know you’re afraid, but it’s fine. I’m going to call him in the morning.”

”I already tried that. He didn't answer.”

”He has it set to where your calls go straight to voicemail. He didn't want to talk to you unless he needed to. Besides, Cortana is coming out soon, he'd never miss that. You know how he takes Billy."

"Wait. What is Cortana, eh? And Who is Billy, eh? Is your brother a bisexual, eh?"

Swaggy and Crack just look at each other and laugh.

"My brother will sleep with anyone and anything. Anyway, Crack. Should I go on and fight in this match, or go try and find Frodo?"

"Work out, get back to training, and get ready to kick people's ass. You win this match, you get Gold. Come on, Charles, you've earned this match. Giovanni picked you. Make him proud."

"You're right. I will do this, and I'll bring Frodo and Leda back!"

"Leda's gone? Wait. Who's Leda?"

"Leda Turner. She wrestled in the XWF as Leda Coma. We had a couple of dates, and she asked to call me her boyfriend, then vanished. It was terrible."

Crack burst into laughter.

"So you're telling me. *laughter* that the only girl you've dated since I met you *more laughter* vanished after asking if you guys were a couple? That's the funniest thing ever."

Swaggy punches Crack, and he just falls to the floor laughing even harder.

"Shut up, man. Shit hurts. And how's your love life going? Still jerking off to Katie?"

"Actually, yeah. But it's cool, because she didn't vanish off the face of the earth."

"Whatever. Set up em, I gotta bench. 230lbs. Go."

Crack got up, and set up the weights for Swaggy, who busts out 20 reps like it's nothing.

'Add an extra 30 pounds on either side. Do it."

Crack did as he was told.

Joseph-Gordon is chilling out in his room surfing the internet when Gwen walks in.

"Son, we need to talk. Your sister called me. She found a spy camera in her room, she had Crack back trace it here. Are you spying on her?"

"I have their whole house bugged. I watch him every day. I want to see why."

"Want to see why what?" Joey, you can't spy on your father or sister. It's not right. Even if she is a whore who almost destroyed my marriage."

"Not her. She didn't ruin your marriage, it was over before she came into the picture. She didn't make him hate me. That happened before she came into the picture. I need to know why he loves her more, though. Why is she better than I am?"

"JoJo, your father doesn't hate you. He loves you. He begged me to have you move in with him. I just wouldn't allow it. I needed you more than your father did. He had Crack, and I had no one. I needed you."

"He doesn't call, and I didn't even get invited to his wedding. Mom, he doesn't want me in his life. He'd rather Katie and his new whore. I've never even met this slut."

Gwen grabbed him and pulled him in for a tight hug.

"I know it seems unfair, and like he hates you, but this is how he's always been. Your father loves you. A lot. He's just unable to stay consistent for any period of time."

"It's ok. I've got a plan. I'm gonna make him love me."

Out of the corner of her eye she notices an empty can of Fancy Feast, causing her to recoil.

"Joseph-Gordon! Are you fucking joking right now? You're eating Fancy Feast like him? Are you on drugs?"

"Not yet. But I'm gonna go hit up his lab, I know the password and I knew he keeps a steady supply of stuff there. Mom, I have to become just like him. It's the only way he'll love me. If I become just like him. He only loves himself, so I will make him love me. I just want a good father."

She starts crying and does that weird hand mouth thing all white moms do.

"No, Joey. He hates himself. Your father is self destructing because he hates himself more than anything on the planet. Don't follow his path, don't go down like he does. I can't lose you like your grandmother lost him. Promise you'll stop this shit right now. You're better than that. He's better than that. He needs help, and I wish I would have seen the signs earlier. I just thought he was a little odd. Don't put some girl through what he put me through."


Gwen gets up, kisses Joseph on the head and steps out to call Frodo. Goes straight to voicemail.

"Call me. It's about your son."

"Ok, so I guess it's time for my closing thoughts. Well, I saw your shit, Harrison, and you can play Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs all you want. At the end of the day I do not fear you, Henry. I don't think you stand a chance, nor do I think you think you stand a chance. Go on, play insane. Show us two sides to you. Henry and the Devil Inside. Cute. Except, I've seen it all before and it doesn't phase me. You play with dog heads? Cute. I once saw a woman on meth use her baby as a weapon. I arrested a man who had frozen his shit and stabbed someone with it. Then there's my brother. My darling, beloved, missing brother.

Think anything you can do is going to top him? Frodo took Shane 's decapitated head, and fucked it. Not 30 minutes after it got removed, Frodo began to fuck it. Imagine that, fucking the freshly decapitated head of your former boss. Then imagine that's the least awkward thing my brother has done. Try getting woken up one night because your brother broke into your house, got into your bedroom, and began to anally fist his very pregnant wife in your bed. That happened to me 16 years ago. And you think the dog thing is impressive?

How is it going to startle Anarchy or myself? Did you know he stapled boards to people's chests? Because he can. You need to update your act for the land of Xtreme. Your nothing impressive here, man. Not a person in our fanbase saw that and jumped. They just called you out for being a pussy. And then they emailed me to beg me to kick your ass back to Utah. A lot of them seem to think you're a Mormon. Fine, maybe you are, but I'll kick the ass of you and everyone of your wives who come for me.

See, I want to get this gold. In order to get it I have to drop you down, and then destroy some bitch who thinks he can hold onto my title. That's just not going to happen. I had an X Title shot once, and I blew it. Not again. NOT AGAIN! You're going down, and then I'm going to use you as a club to bash in Anarchy's teeth. Don't try and come at me, you'll lose. There is no day that will ever be where you can win. Go get some sleep, fuck your wife, lick that button on her pussy, and hope you miss the match. I will come at you hard. I will come and come hard until you're not moving. Or until I can no longer come hard at you. I will hit you in the face and chest, leaving my mark on you. It will be sticky in that ring when we're done, and I promise your ass and cock will hurt for days."

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