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Monday Night Madness 08-11-14
Author Message
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-13-2014, 06:47 AM

[Image: 2kZE9AF.jpg]

August 11, 2014
Phillips Arena
Atlanta, Georgia

JOEY STYLES: “Welcome everyone! We are LIVE from the sold out Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia! I'm Joey Style, the voice of the XWF flagship, and this...


"Behold The King. The King of Kings"...the theme song of Madness General Manager Ozymandias begins playing as the crowd erupts in cheers. Ozymandias along with his still unnamed Hot Assistant make their way down to the ring. The General Manager even takes a moment to stop and sign a fans rather ample breasts.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome, my name is Ozymandias, one half of the Madness Management Team and have we got one hell of a show for you tonight. Not one, not even two but three contenders matches for XWF's next Pay Per View, Relentless."

"Now I bet you are all thinking three contenders matches? I thought it was just two? Well, it was. But you see last week's Television Title Contenders match turned into a bit of a dud thanks to Scott Charlotte's, shall we say, lack of effort. Olive Pendershore, if you want to take on Steve Davids at the Pay Per View for the TV title you are welcomed to do so. But it will not just be you vs Davids, it will be you versus Steve Davids, versus the winner of tonight's triple threat match featuring Grayson Stinger, Socrates and Bobby Zi."

The fan's again erupt in cheers as tonight's event just got a bit more intense.

"That right, two new comers will be taking on a former X-treme champion, the winner receiving the right to compete for the Television Champ. Good luck gentlemen."

"Now, before tonight's festivities get underway I want to talk to you all about the dangers of drugs."

The crowd begins to stir, some cheers, some boos, a very mixed reaction to be sure.

"When I was a kid I remember very clearly the D.A.R.E officers coming to my school to talk to all of us about drugs and how bad they were. Unlike some of my friends I took that to heart. Unfortunately not everyone did. Specifically one third of the Warfare Managers, Giovanni Ferrari."

Ozymandias and his Hot Assistant turn towards the XWF tron where a clip from last week's edition of Warfare begins to play.

Quote:"However, Paul and Oz have gone past simply rambling nonsense and now, they want to threaten Archie. They want to bark orders and puff out their chests as they act all high and mighty. Well...I say, lets put this to a real test, shall we? Show vs show. Madness vs Warfare, and the winner....has to admit who really is the best. Maybe then, we can finally put all this silliness to bed."

Giovanni smirks.

"You clearly wanted a war gentlemen, and now......well, now you've got one."

"Now I am going to assume that Giovanni's rampant drug use is what causes him to launch into his version of revisionist history. You see folks, it wasn't Paul and I that asked for a war, nor was it Paul or I that threatened Archie Lawson. Quite the opposite in fact."

Again Ozymandias looks to the XWF tron which now shows a clip of Warfare from two weeks ago.

Quote:And THAT is why, once I am done supporting Anarchy against Giovanni Ferrari and Miranda Tigris, that my soul intention will be to DESTROY the world that Paul Heyman created. I declare war… on Monday Night Madness.

"You see Giovanni, while you and Archie and Miranda were busy fighting with each other, Archie was also declaring war on Madness. You saw it right there. That tape was not doctored, Archie Lawson declared war on this program and it's General Managers, and so obviously Paul responded because that's what Paul does. I am sure you all view me as the guy who doesn't get his hands dirty and for the most part that is true but when you threaten me and the work I do, well, then the gloves come off."

"Archie Lawson, you opened Pandora's Box, now don't be upset when you see the destruction that your words have brought upon not just you but your two Managing cohorts and every single member of your roster. We didn't want a war, we didn't ask for it, you did. But now that you have one, it is going to prove to be the most fatal mistake you could have ever made."

"Now as for Giovanni's little proposed charade of show vs show, if Gio and his partners want their roster to get embarrassed by the members of the Madness Roster, well who am I to deny such a request. After all, we are the show that has had every single one of the Universal Champions as well as two of the three King's of the XWF. You see gentlemen and lady, Madness isn't just a collection of wrestlers, it's a collection of winners. We have the talent, you all have the talk. It's going to be fun watching your wrestlers not cash the checks your mouths have written. In fact, allow me to suggest you include Peter Gilmour in whatever you want to set up, there is no better example of what a true Warfare Warrior is than him."

"King of Kings" begins to play again as Ozymandias and his Hot Assistant exit the ring and walk to the back.

JOEY STYLES: "And we are back and ready to get underway."

"Welcome To The Jungle" by Guns N Roses plays.

Welcome To The Jungle By Guns N' Roses hits over the P.A. system. Shelby walks out onto the ramp. She stands there for a moment taking in the scene before walking down the ramp and to the ring. She hops up onto the apron, using the ropes to help her up to her feet, from there she steps through the ropes very slow and sexual like, she shakes her ass and gives a little show before stepping through the ropes fully and into the ring. She walks to one of the corners and leans on it as she waits for the match to start.

Fandango's Theme plays.

Fandango dances his way down to the ring and then joins his opponent Shelby Cobra in the corner.

"Monster by Eminem" plays.

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

"O Fortuna" by Therion plays.

The lights go completely back as the intro to. "O Fortuna" by Therion blasts on the PA. After the intro plays, the lights come up to a dark red, almost fire-like hue and mist pours from the entrance way. There are druids standing on either side of the ramp with torches crossed, and Cain steps through the curtain, wearing a long black leather robe with spikes on the shoulders, no sleeves, and his hood pulled up. He slowly makes his way down the ramp under the makeshift arch, his head bowed, the mist following him. He slowly ascends the stairs and stands there with his head bowed. Close up of his face reveals glowing red eyes, and as he raises his head the lights come up. Entering the ring he whips the hood back and stares his opponent down with a sadistic grin, disrobing.

"Whispers In The Dark" by Skillet plays.

Video plays until singer starts singing '... to turn your tears to roses' in the complete dark. Spotlight comes down the center of the stage on LH, he slowly walks forward to the front of the stage. He poses with elbows along his side with his hands extended forward with palms up. Pyro goes off after the line 'consuming fire' and the lights come up with a certain strobe light effect. LH quickly walks down the ramp nodding his head to the beat. He rolls into the ring under the rope, climbs the turnbuckle, does his signature pose as he did on the stage, gets down to prepare for battle.

"I Wanna Rock" by Twisted Sister plays.

The high pitched wail of Dee Snider pierces the air as the Twisted Sister classic pumps through the PA system. As two big pyro towers shoot off on either side of the stage, "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane spins out of the entrance ramp, wearing his favorite t-shirt, a cutoff Faster Pussycat screen print, long silver tights and shining silver boots. The crowd pops as Loverboy struts down the aisle,strumming the air guitar and leaping into the air with a jumping split. As he hops onto the ring apron, he swings around, facing the crowd, and pumps his fist along to the music, singing along and inciting the crowd to do so as well.

Shelby Cobra & Fandango
- vs -
Mastermind & Cain
- vs -
LH Harrison & Loverboy
Tornado Tag Team Rules

Cain and Mastermind begin the match by charging at Cobra and Fandango. Mastermind is caught with a Snap suplex from Harrison. Loverboy comes rushing up to grab Mastermind for a Scoop powerslam. Cain turns away from his current prey in time to see what Mastermind laying there while Lane and LH are laying waste to the Master. He picks Cobra up with one hand and Fandango with the other and just tosses them at his other opponents. Fandango connects with Harrison, sending them both the corner, but Vinne manages to duck Shelby at the last second. As he does a little dance to celebrate his successful dodge, Cain connects with a big boot to the torso, sending Lane to the ropes as well.

JOEY STYLES: "Apparently Vinnie Lane thought it was time to show off his moves instead of wrestling."

The War Machine helps Mastermind up, and the pair prepare to charge their opponents again. Mastermind struts over to Cobra who is spread in the corner, and removes her from the ropes before laying into her with a series of punches to her face, and chest. She tries to fight back, but Mastermind counters with an amazing Fisherman Suplex. Vinnie sees Cain coming towards him, and scurries out of the ring. He hides by the apron, popping up only his eyes to watch what’s happening.

JOEY STYLES: "Well there's something you don't see everyday."

Cain has Harrison in his hand, and prepares to choke slam him to the mat, when Fandango catches him with a big boot.

Cain barely budges, but Harrison falls to the ground, and gets to his feet. He charges and hits Cain with a Clothesline from Heaven, renamed Clothesline from Hell because Heaven is better. Mastermind leaves Cobra there while he walks over and grabs a distracted Harrison for a Mind Sleeper, sleeper hold. He’s holding tight, and Harrison is struggling to get free. As he struggles Cain begins to throw punches to the gut of the imprisoned man. Just when it looks like Harrison is going to tap Vinnie comes back into the ring and connects with Cain’s knee, then with Mastermind’s spine with his boot. The hold is broken, and Vinnie helps LH up.

JOEY STYLES: "Great teamwork there by Loverboy and LH Harrison."

Cain gets to his feet and looks at Harrison and Lane with a fire in his eyes. He begins to charge at them, and Vinnie thinking quickly shoves Harrison in the way and jumps to the left. Followed by a step to the right. Cain delivers a Das Boot to Harrison, which sends him to the ground hard. Mastermind locks the pin on LH...



Broken up by Loverboy with a Lionsault to Mastermind. He rolls Mastermind off Harrison, and hooks for the pin.



Broken up by Cain who picks up Vinne and delivers a powerful Chokeslam to hell.

JOEY STYLES: "Incredible raw power by The War Machine Cain."

Vinnie holds his back and rolls out of the ring after that. Mastermind goes to get him in the Mind Controller at this point, but Harrison blocks it with a Tigerbomb. He then runs to Cain and hits a Place of Hope, Fireman’s carry gut buster. While everyone is down, Vinne delivers a massive High Knee to Shelby Cobra, then hooks for the pin.



Cain comes rushing in...


Cain get's in there at the last second but as he does LH Harrison hits Cain from behind. Cobra gets to her feet and also starts attacking Cain. Cain is trying like hell to fight them off. He is able to do it until Mastermind jumps in to even things up.

In the meantime Loverboy picks up Fandango who was doing the worm in the middle of the ring and nails him with the Black Label Driver. (Vertebreaker/Cop Killa) Lane hooks the leg for the pin...




Winner: "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane and LH Harrison

JOEY STYLES: "A fantastic opening match and it was won thanks to solid teamwork by the team of Vinnie Lane and LH Harrison."

"I'm Sexy And I Know It" by LMFAO plays.

The beat drops. The synthesizer hits. A dense fog blankets the ramp. A video plays as the opening lyrics start, showing The Za cruising Jersey in his blue and yellow corvette. Cut to The Za macking on bitches and lifting heavy ass weights. Cut to the Jersey Shore, The Za strolls on the boardwalk without a shirt, pointing at girl, yelling “I work out!” The Za ascends slowly from below the stage, a giant pair of aviators covering his eyes, reflecting the blue and yellow strobelights back to their origin. He pumps his crotch to the beat, fist pumping as the elevator comes to a stop. His bleach-blonde hair is slicked back, his custom Affliction shirt soaked, sticking to his jacked ass pecs. He clearly got his pump on before coming out. The Za walks down to the ring with a shit eating grin on his face and half a chub. Kids try to slap his hand but he flicks his ball sweat at them. The Za hates kids and supports abortion up to the 100th trimester. He slides into the ring, ascends the turnbuckle and looks at the crowd. “I’m the best EVAH!” he screams at the handicapped people in the corner. He throws his shirt to the hottest girl in crowd. She is a 2, because this is a pro wrestling crowd. He fights back vomit as he looks at the crater face who caught his expensive shirt. He wonders if she’ll hock it for Proactive or wear it when she masturbates. Gross.

"Bullet With Butterfly Wings" by The Smashing Pumpkins plays.

Jeff Hardy rushes out full of energy and slides into the ring. Climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and back flips into the center of the ring.

Jeff "Sugar" Hardy
- vs -
The Za
Standard One Fall

The ref calls for the bell, and Sugar immediately hits a bulldog lariat. Za springboards back to his feet and delivers a massive German Suplex. Hardy is up and goes to hit a Suplex of his own, but it gets reverse, and he’s shoved off. Hardy gets to his feet and charges at Za, who side steps him and just chuckles. This repeats with Hardy getting more aggressive with each attempt. Eventually he grabs Za and delivers a DDT to the Lion Haired Sex God. As Za attempts to get up Hardy stops him with a double knee face breaker, which causes Za’s nose to gush blood.

Zazza holds his nose and feels the blood, he doesn’t have time to react to it, because Hardy is back on him with a Somersault Plancha. No! Za hits the ZDT, DDT in the air, and drops Hardy on his face. Za gets Hardy in a Fujiwara Arm Bar. He's holding pretty tight, Hardy is refuing to tap though. Jeff starts swinging wildly. One of his flails connects with Za's face, causing Zazza to break the hold and lift Hardy up for a T-Bone Suplex, which he turns into a pin...




Hardy kicks out, and throws Za off of him before launching an assault of kicks to the ribs. Hardy jumps up to the apron, and then up to the second rope, facing the outside. Za begins to get to his feet Sugar comes falling down with a Double Leg Drop, but Za caught him again, this turn turning it into a Lateral Drop, but Hardy reverse again! He turns it into a Hurricanrana which takes Za down. He then scurries back into the ring and taunts Zazza. Za rushes into the ring and goes running for a Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex, but Jeff steps out of the way and delivers a Stunner.

Sugar goes for a pin on Za. But decides to stop it before the one count. Instead he picks up Za and drops him with a Sit Out Inverted Suplex Slam. Hardy rushes to the ropes and scurries up. As soon as Za gets on his knees Hardy takes him down again with a massive Flying Clothesline. Both men pop up and face off with each other. Za goes on the attack first and gets him in a Front Headlock which he turns into a Guillotine Choke. He's holding it tightly, but Hardy just does a belly flop to break it. Hardy pops back up and delivers a standing Moonsault onto his opponent before going for a pin....



Shoulder up!!

JOEY STYLES: "The Za get's his shoulder up at the last second preventing a Jeff Hardy victory."

Hardy gets to his feet. He picks up Za and drops him with a Sitout Jaw Breaker. He goes for another pin on Za.


Kick out!!

JOEY STYLES: "Quick kickout by The Za there."

Za kicks out and springboards up and delivers a massive Northern Lights Suplex. Hardy is on the ground holding his back when Za gets him in an Achilles Lock. Hardy is fighting to get free, but Za has his ankle tightly in his grip. Hardy is close to tapping. He's wriggling hard, trying to get free or to the ropes. Inching slowly, he's almost got the rope. No! Za tightens the grip and pulls Jeff back. He extends again, and gets close to touching it when Za locks up and pulls back again. But not quick enough. Hardy has the rope, and the ref calls for the hold to be broken. Za tightens his grip one more time before letting go. Hardy gets to his feet slowly, and limps towards Za. The Za goes for a German Suplex but somehow Hardy slithers out of it kicks the Za in the midsection and then plants him with the Twist of Fate!!

Hardy quickly rolls over and hooks the leg...




Winner: Jeff "Sugar" Hardy

JOEY STYLES: "Fantastic win here by Jeff Hardy."

Suddenly an unknown man comes out of the back and proceeds to viciously assault the Hardy. Joey Zaza slowly backs up the entry way and towards the back. The attacker grabs a steel chair from underneath the ring and brutally beat Hardy to a pulp. With Hardy sufficiently beaten the unknown man pulls Hardy up and peforms a Bulldog on the chair.

Hardy lays in the middle of the ring knocked out cold.

JOEY STYLES: "Who the hell was that guy and what is his issue with Jeff Hardy? Hopefully we will get some answers after the break."

"I Get Money" by 50 Cent plays.

Walk out in attire with hoodie on and hood up, loosely shadow boxing and bouncing from foot to foot towards the ramp. Once at ramp, smirk, and throw arms out, encouraging the crowd to hate and laughing at their boos. Climb ring steps and jump over top rope, climbing on far corner turnbuckle to pose.

"The Prodigy" by Spitfire plays.

As the music begins, white lights shine all around the arena randomly, and golden spotlights to the entrance, where Socrates steps out. He showboats to the crowd and walks slowly to the ring. On the turnbuckle, he looks for the sexiest girl in the arena and winks at her as he puts his arms out to the sky and whispers something before getting into the ring.

"The Lost Soul" plays.

Bobby Zi walks to the ring to a neutral crowd reaction.

#1 Contender for the TV Title
Grayson Stinger
- vs -
- vs -
Bobby Zi
Standard One Fall

The bell sounds and all three men look at one another from their perspective corners. Then Bobby walks to the middle of the ring trash talking Grayson. But Socrates runs at him with a flying forearm, but Bobby ducks, turns, and drop kicks him on the way past.

JOEY STYLES: “Excellent move by the former X-treme champion there.”

Socrates runs into the ropes comes backwards, Bobby grabs him and snaps a neck breaker. As Bobby gets back to his feet Stinger hits him a flying foot. As both Scorrates and Bobby are lying on the ground, Stinger surveys them and starts laughing. He helps Bobby to his feet, and whips him into the corner. He helps Socrates to his feet, and also whips him into the corner. Bobby moves at the last possible moment, and Socrates hits the corner hard with his chest, but Bobby moves to drop him into a small package for the cover…



Broken up by Stinger!!

JOEY STYLES: “Stinger with the save at the last second.”

Stinger grabs Bobby and starts throwing punches at him, which is then broken up by the referee. Socrates gets to his feet and rushes behind Stinger, and he collapses over Socrates, and Socrates rolls him up.




Bobby rolls to the outside of the ring.

Socrates gets to his feet, and helps Stinger to his, and snaps an inverted DDT. Once again he gets back to his feet. He helps Stinger back to his. He whips him into the corner, but Stinger reverses the move with a short arm lariat.Stinger slowly gets back to his feet. He helps Socrates to his, and snaps a German Suplex.

JOEY STYLES: “The new comer Grayson Stiner is really holding his own here.”

Bobby has somehow got to the top rope. He surveys the scene and Stinger gets to his feet. He turns back it's too late, Bobby kicks off into the air from the corner, and hits Stinger with a flying spear which manages to also take the ref out of the picture as he was focused on Socrates and missed what else was going on.

Pest runs down to the ring where he sees Grayson Stinger fighting Bobby and Socrates. He looks Stinger dead in the eyes, grabs him as if he's about to hit the WG WF Smackdown. Instead he shoves him out of the way and hits Bobby with a WG WF Cutter. Then hits Socrates with the WG WF Smackdown. WIth the two foes on the ground Pest quickly sets the up for a double pin by Stinger. Pest grabs the ref by the arm and drags him over to the middle of the ring where Stinger is pinning both Bobby and Socrates. Pest helps to wake up the ref before climbing out of the ring and running to the back...




Socrates manages to kick out with a small assist from the refs somewhat slow count. Stinger gets up looking furious.

JOEY STYLES: "Well if Stinger is going to win this he is going to have to do it alone it appears."

Socrates pushes Bobby Zi off of him and as he does so Stinger pulls Socrates up to his knees. Bobby moves in to get Socrates to his feet but Socrates nails Stinger with his patented low blow dubbed Cupid is Pissed and then follows it up with Hades' Curse. (Jumping Uppercut)

Stinger goes flying backwards and then lands flat on his back. Socrates then rolls over and lands on top of Bobby Zi for the pin...




Winner and New # 1 Contender to the Television Title Socrates

"New Mexico Song" by Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains plays.

"Here we go. One-two-three, one-two-three!"

Thus precedes Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains' "New Mexico Song" and as the song actually begins, acoustic guitar and harmonica galore, Kendall Sawyer steps out from the back, eyes only slightly glazed over and bloodshot. Accompanying her is her manager and Madness General Manager Paul Heyman. Almost as if trying not to trip over her feet, she makes her way down to the ring, bumping into the apron upon reaching it. Shaking her head to snap herself out of it, she pulls herself up onto the apron and stumbles under the middle rope and into the ring. Rubbing her eyes all the while, she falls into the ropes and hooks her arms around them before falling into an open corner.

"Sick Sick Sick" by Queens of the Stone Age plays.

First eight chords ring out as a pale blue mist leaks from the floor. Mystica walks in slowly, draped in a flowing white robe, which he discards after he passes through the mist. He glares down at the ring, gives a slight smirk, and presses his hands together in prayer. After bowing his head for a moment, he walks calmly down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope.

#1 Contender for the X-Treme Title
Kendall Sawyer
- vs -
X-Treme Rules

The bell sounds and Mystica wastes no time going right at the much smaller Kendall Sawyer by locking up with her and then immediately tossing her into the corner. Sawyer’s back connects hard with the turnbuckles and before she can react Mystica takes her out with a vicious splash the result of which leaves Sawyer seated up against the bottom turnbuckle. Mystica follows up with a few well placed corner stomps to Sawyers face and chest.

JOEY STYLES: “It is going to be very hard for Kendall Sawyer to overcome Mystica’s sheer strength advantage.”

C’mon Saywer, get up!

Mystica grabs Sawyer by the hair and pulls her towards the center of the ring and plants her with a Hurricanrana. With Sawyer down Mystica rolls out of the ring and starts looking under the ring apron for some weapons.

In the meantime Heyman is pounding on the ring encouraging Sawyer to shake it off and get up.

Mystica pulls out a wooden baseball bat, a kendo stick, barbed wire, a steel chair, a small black cloth bag and some light bulbs and tosses them into a trash can which he then rolls into the ring. Mystica then pulls out a long wooden table and places one end of the table on the ring apron and the other on the announcers table thus allowing the table to rest in place about 4 feet above the floor.


Just as Mystica was turning around to get back into the ring Sawyer takes him out with a suicide dive. Both Mystica and Sawyer are laying on the ground breathing heavily. Heyman is slowly making his way around the ring to get within eye sight of his downed client.

JOEY STYLES: “An excellent move by Sawyer but a costly one for sure.”

Somehow despite smacking her face off the cold hard concrete Sawyer is the first to stir as her manager stands a few feet away trying to motivate her.

Sawyer gets to one knee, and then the other and Mystica rolls over onto his back. Sawyer uses the announcers table to pull herself up and once she makes it to her feet she grabs an empty headset from the announcers table, wraps the cord around Mystica’s throat and starts pulling back on it as hard as she can.

Mystica’s starts flailing his arms about trying to get a grip on the cord that Sawyer is using but has no luck. Heyman is moving in closer yelling for Sawyer to pull even harder which she does.

JOEY STYLES: “I’m not sure if Sawyer is trying to beat Mystica or kill him, either way he looks like he’s a few seconds from naptime.”

Mystica continues swinging his arms around when suddenly he spots something out of the corner of his eye and then he reaches for it…


Mystica cracks Sawyer across the face with the bell. Sawyer immediately drops to the ground while Mystica feverishly unwraps the cord from around his neck.

Mystica picks Sawyer up by the throat and tosses her under the bottom rope. With her neck hanging over the ring apron Mystica hits her with an elbow to the forehead…and again…and again. After the third strike Sawyer rolls over in an attempt to get away but Mystica grabs her by the sides of the head and smashes her face into the ring apron.

Mystica then walks upt he ring steps and climbs between the ropes, joining his opponent in the middle of the ring. Mystica grabs the trashcan, sets it upright and pulls out a kendo stick just in time to get hit in the face with a roundhouse kick from Kendall Sawyer. The kick sends Mystica corkscrewing through the air, the kendo stick goes flying in the opposite direction, landing outside of the ring.

Sawyer walks over to the trash can and pulls out the small black cloth bag and dumps its contents which appear to be thumbtacks onto the wooden table still situated between the ring and the announcers table. Sawyer walks back over to the trash can and dumps the remainder of its contents in the middle of the ring. A baseball bat, barbed wire, a few loose light bulbs and a steel chair now liter the ring. Sawyer sifts through the various options before settling on the steel chair, she picks it up and lifts it over her head but as soon as she does Mystica rips it out of her hands and swings it as hard as he can…


Mystica cracks Sawyer over the head with the chair which causes Sawyer to stumble backwards into the ropes. Mystica swings the chair again, and again makes contact with Sawyers face, this time she topples over the top ropes landing onto the thumbtack covered table, which as soon as she hits it she immediately wretches in pain and starts grabbing at her back to try and remove the tacks. Unsuccessful she rolls off of the table and lands on the floor.

JOEY STYLES: “I wonder if Mystica or Sawyer plan to use the table or if it’s going to just sit there like a downed draw bridge over the invisible moat around the ring?”

Mystica picks up the now empty black cloth bag and then the barbed wire where upon he then wraps the barbed wire around the metal Louisville Slugger and then slides out of the ring. He walks over to Sawyer and swings the bat at her mid section…


Sawyer side steps the errant swing which results in the bat smacking the ring post. The vibration of the bat causes Mystica to loosen his grab and drop the bat completely. Sawyer quickly moves in and hits Mystica with a sitout facebuster right onto the hard floor. Sawyer then hooks the legs and goes for the pin.




Sawyer pulls Mystica up to his feet and slams his face into the top of the table drawbridge. She does it a second time and a third time but on the fourth attempt Mystica blocks it and then follows with an elbow to Sawyer’s ribs. He then grabs Sawyer by the head and flips her onto the table and then starts hitting her repeatedly in the chest with violent chops. Mystica then quickly pulls himself up onto the table. He pulls Kendall Sawyer up to her feet and sets her up for a DDT. Sawyer hooks the leg and blocks the move. Mystica attempts it again and again, blocked. Mystica then pushes Sawyer away kicks her in the midsection and before she can even react both wrestlers go through the table courtesy of a headlock driver that Mystica dubbed The Maw of Oblivion.

Both wrestlers go crashing to the floor. Mystica crawls over and throws his left arm atop Sawyer. The ref slides in and makes the count…




Winner and NEW #1 Contender to the X-treme Title: Mystica

JOEY STYLES: "Hard fought victory by Mystica who will now be taking on Mark Flynn at the upcoming Pay Per View. When we come back, the main event. Eli James versus Blizzard."

As Madness returns from commercial we see Ozymandias at his desk going through papers when the door unexpectedly swings open, standing in the doorway is XWF Head Referee John Madison and his assistant referee Luca Arzegotti.

JOHN MADISON: "Oz we need to talk."

OZYMANDIAS: "Do we? Do we really? I'm a bit busy John. You know, running a show, trying to put together a Pay Per View, all the things you used to do back when you were relevant."

JOHN MADISON: "That cuts me to the core Ozy, Luca too. You've done upset Luca on his first day at work as my assistant referee."

OZYMANDIAS: "He'll survive."

"So what do you want John?"

JOHN MADISON: " I want in on the Pay Per View?"

OZYMANDIAS: "You want a match?"

JOHN MADISON: "What? Fuck no. I want to ref a match."

OZYMANDIAS: "Well John that might be a bit tough. You see you aren't the most down the middle kind of guy. I can't have you ref the trios match since it involves some of your Black Circle buddies. The tag match is off limits given your...whatever the hell you want to call it with Gilmour. The X title is off limits after the unorthodox rules you put into last week's X title match. Maybe the TV title. Actually come to think of it, I think you can ref the RTX title match."

JOHN MADISON: "What the fuck is RTX and why does it have a title?"

OZYMANDIAS: "It is a development show that Paul Heyman was running."

JOHN MADISON: "I'm just fucking with you. Of course I'm aware of RTX. Just last week I talked about how Paul Heyman SUCKED at running it. I find it very disrespectful that you would have me be associated with something created by Paul Heyman."

OZYMANDIAS: "Well, it's the RTX match or nothing at all. Guppy Parsh versus Miss Joy is the match. What are you gonna do?"

JOHN MADISON: "Fucking hell, who are these people anyway?"

Madison nudges Luca with his elbow, bringing Luca back from whatever coke and stripper filled alternate reality that he was clearly lost in.

LUCA ARZEGOTTI: "Yeah Patch Adams and Miss Hoe."

OZYMANDIAS: "Wow, some assistant you got there. Are you sure he's the right fit for this kind of thing?"

JOHN MADISON: "Don't worry about him. Look Oz, there is no fucking way I am reffing a match with two people I've never heard of."

OZYMANDIAS: "Well John do you have any suggestions?"

JOHN MADISON: "Yes as a matter of fact I do. I want to ref the Universal Title Match."

OZYMANDIAS: "Are you high? Why in God's name would I put you anywhere near that match?"

JOHN MADISON: "It's very simple Ozy. I am reffing the # 1 contenders match tonight, so why not have me ref the actual Universal Title match? I have no allegiances to Morbid Angel, same thing with Blizzard and Eli James."

OZYMANDIAS: "Well you made that abundantly clear when you zapped Eli last week."

JOHN MADISON: "He's fat. I was just trying to help him out. Get him to lose some weight, live a long happy life. It was tough love. Some people need that kick in the asshole. You know me, I am all about motivating people."

OZYMANDIAS: "As much as it sickens me, it makes some logical sense to have you ref the Universal Title match. So here is what I am going to do, assuming you play is straight tonight consider the Universal Title match at the Pay Per View yours. But so help me God, if you try and make that match about you, you will pay dearly."

JOHN MADISON: "You'll fire me. I know, I know. Been there, done that."

OZYMANDIAS: "No John. I won't fire you. Firing you would be too easy. Besides you would probably enjoy it, sitting in your room making youtube videos eating Dominos and Taco Bell by the truckload while collecting Unemployment. No, you see what I will do is work you, and work you hard. You will be reffing House Shows in Ohio. You know what House Shows are right? Those are the shows that aren't even televised, for all intents and purposes those shows don't even exist. That's where you will be if you mess around at the Pay Per View, are we clear?"

JOHN MADISON: "You hear that, Luca? If you fuck this up, Ozymandias is gonna send you away! For good!"

OZYMANDIAS: "Wonderful. Now please leave, I have some work to do, and you have a match to ref."

Madison and Arzegotti slip out of the office as Ozymandias' Hot Assistant walks in, which of course draws an obvious stare from Madison.

JOHN MADISON: "You think he's hitting that?"

LUCA ARZEGOTTI: "I heard he liked cock so I doubt it."

JOHN MADISON: "Figures, just like Duke."

The lights go out. The music starts to play... the lights come on very dim with a blue haze with fog smoke everywhere. Eli makes his way to the ring smiling and taking is precious time.. he's in no hurry.

The lights dim down in the arena and the fans begin to boo, knowing what’s about to happen next. The ring announcer speaks loud and clearly to announce the arrival of the all-time greatest.

John Madison comes down to the ring wearing an officially licensed XWF Referee's T-shirt. He climbs into the ring and looks at both opponents and then signals for the bell.

#1 Contender for the Universal Title
Eli James
- vs -
Standard One Fall
OOC: Madison may post one promo to aid either participant

Madison signals for the bell and Blizzard and Eli stand in the ring. They come to the center of the ring and Blizzard looks like he's ready to pose.

JOEY STYLES: “It looks like Blizzard wants a pose down with big bad Eli!”

Blizzard starts to pose, but then concedes to Eli to go first. Eli just stands there with a smile on his face, staring at Aidan Collins. Blizzard 'never minds' Eli and he starts to pose. As he does so, Eli bitch slaps Blizzard in his face. Collins retreats quickly and exits the ring. He begins to yell at John Madison because Eli potentially harmed the 'money maker.'

Eli exits the ring and starts to stalk Collins from behind. Blizzard realizes Eli is just feet away from him and slides back into the ring. Eli rolls in and Collins lays in the boots to Eli James. Collins continues to stomp away as Eli fights back to his feet.

Collins presses Eli back against the ropes and tosses him toward the far side. Eli reverses though, and sends Collins to the far side instead. On the rebound, Eli ducks down and Collins stops dead in his tracks, booting Eli in the chest.

Eli staggers back a little and Collins charges in and delivers a big drop kick to Eli's chest, dropping him to the mat. Blizzard goes for a cover quickly.


BLIZZARD: “Oh my God! That's so disgusting!”

Blizzard gets to his feet, relinquishing his pin attempt and begins to wipe himself off.

JOEY STYLES: “Is he wiping sweat off himself?

“Yep, that's what he's doing!”

Eli starts to get to his feet and Blizzard goes back to work delivering a series of knife edge chops. With each chop, the sweat from Eli's body flies into the air.

BLIZZARD: “You're a disgusting piece of shit! You know that!?”

Without a warning, Eli bitch slaps Collins again.

BLIZZARD: “God dammit! What the hell, Madison!?”

Blizzard nurses his stinging face and Eli delivers a belly to back suplex sending Blizzard down hard to the mat. Eli pops back to his feet and delivers a series of elbow drops to Blizzard's sternum, keeping him grounded for the time being.

Eli gets back to his feet and lifts Collins to his. Eli then tosses Blizzard hard into the corner. Blizzard begins to bounce out of the corner when Eli charges in with an avalanche style clothesline. Blizzard bounces off the corner then collapses to the mat. Eli hooks the leg for the win.




Eli gets back to his feet, and lifts Collins back to his once again. Eli tosses Blizzard toward the ropes and Blizzard one hops it to the top rope, using it as a springboard and delivers a moonsault to Eli James, causing both men to crash to the mat.

Both men are slow to get up. Once they're both back to their feet, Eli swings but Blizzard ducks it. Blizzard spins Eli around and kicks him in the gut and follows it up with a stunning DDT. Blizzard quickly goes for the cover.




Blizzard gets back to his feet and momentarily leaves Eli on the mat in order to pose for all his fan.

Yes, fan.

Aidan Collins returns his attention to Eli James and lifts him back to his feet. Collins scoops Eli up and slams him right back to the mat and starts to pose.

BLIZZARD: “Admire me! I'm special!”

Eli starts to get to his feet, but is taken down quickly by Blizzard and his reverse twisting STO that he calls Brain Freeze, and goes for the cover.



BLIZZARD: “Why doth thou sweat too much!?”

Blizzard releases his pin again and yet again starts to pose.

BLIZZARD: “I'm stunning! I'm gorgeous! Look at my flowing locks!”

Eli starts to get to his feet and Blizzard tosses him toward the ropes. Blizzard runs off the far side, and as they near each other, Eli lifts up his boot kin a running big boot...


Blizzard bounces off the far side as Eli starts to turn around...


“Could it be two weeks in a row that Eli James has tasted bitter defeat!?”

Blizzard levels Eli James with the spear. Collins gets back to his feet and poses briefly before going for the win.




JOEY STYLES: “Paul Heyman!”

Madison stops his three count as Heyman yells his name.

Just so I have my records correct, your social is 207-98-5427 right?

I just wanted to make sure my records were accurate so you can get paid for your work tonight!

You know, I've always paid my employees.

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell?”

Collins releases his pin, pissed off that Heyman interrupted the count. Madison nods confirmation of his social security number and returns his attention to the match while Aidan Collins continues to yell inaudible obscenities towards one of the Madness General Managers.

Heyman grins and starts to make his way to the ring area.

Collins starts to turn his attention back to Eli, but James is up and at 'em, much to Blizzards chagrin.

JOEY STYLES: “The Cleansing from Eli James!”

A hook of the leg and John Madison with the count...




Winner and New #1 Contender to the Universal Title: Eli James IV

JOEY STYLES: “Eli picks up the victory! With an assist from... PAUL HEYMAN!?

Heyman enters the ring with a mic in hand as he stares down at Blizzard who remains on the mat.

It's time you learned...

Aidan Collins...


This is a new era in the XWF...

One you're not quite used to...

You're on Madness!

This is the House that Paul Heyman built and I promise you, Blizzard...

This is just the beginning...

You wanted the main event?

You got it...

No one ever said I was going to allow you to walk out victorious over an established XWF veteran!

All of the things you accomplished in the past, Aidian Collins, they mean absolutely nothing in todays Xtreme Wrestling Federation...

Get to the back of the line with all the other newcomers!

Heyman drops the mic and begins to exit.

JOEY STYLES: “Eli James is going to Relentless! He'll face Morbid Angel for the Universal title. A fitting ending to the last Madness before the Pay Per View. We will see you in September!"

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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[-] The following 9 users Like Ozymandias's post:
Darren Dangerous (08-13-2014), GraysonStinger (08-13-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (08-13-2014), Guppy Parsh (08-13-2014), Liz Hathaway (08-13-2014), Mastermind (08-13-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-13-2014), Socrates (08-13-2014), Zoey Ryback (08-15-2014)
GraysonStinger Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-13-2014, 07:14 AM

Congratulations Socrates. I had a master plan and you fought out of it. This time.

(OOC: can someone please tell me where to edit my entrance at? I just may be too dumb to actually find it on the control panel.)

[Image: stinger.png]
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Darren Dangerous Offline
The Lord Of Ultra-Violence

XWF FanBase:
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08-13-2014, 07:22 AM

OOC: Go to your roster page and then click on edit.

[Image: dd_zpsbyxex51n.jpg]
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Socrates Offline

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-13-2014, 07:28 AM

Awh how sad, rich boy's gotta get his WiggaGF buddy and still manages to lose! A punch in the balls and a punch in the face is what you deserve, and a punch in the balls and a punch in the face is what you got. Socrates is in the house now, bitches.
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GraysonStinger Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-13-2014, 07:35 AM

You are right sir. I have learned my lesson in picking fights with you. It was a fun match that I couldn't conquer this time.

[Image: stinger.png]
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Socrates Offline

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-13-2014, 07:37 AM

Is the correct answer.
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XWF FanBase:
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08-13-2014, 07:47 AM

Madness... was just the begining. Don't you think I'm done with you Jeff. I will see you at Relentless
Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

08-13-2014, 08:23 AM

Socrates, I would not get too excited if I were you.

You see, you have to face the Psycho Sensation next. Do you know quite how daunting that is? I just hope your ignorance does not fail you.

If I were you, I would do anything in my power to avoid facing Steve Davids.

I cannot be held responsible for my actions in that ring.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Socrates Offline

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-13-2014, 08:32 AM

I'm going in with no expectations Mr Davids, you can talk as much as you want, if I lose, it's as everyone expected. If I win, you should be embarrassed and ashamed.
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Blizzard Offline
Big Cock

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-13-2014, 08:40 AM

I'm being discriminated against! This is a tragedy of Biblical proportions and a slight to justice! Expect to hear from my fancy legal team!

[Image: hw7M8KM.jpg]
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Ozymandias (08-13-2014)

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08-13-2014, 09:04 AM

Socrates. You've embarrassed my Partner. Now I'm hunting you.
Socrates Offline

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-13-2014, 09:15 AM

Best of luck.
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Vincent Lane (08-13-2014)
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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08-13-2014, 09:18 AM

Socrates! Great deal, my man!

Hope once you've got that belt swinging and it comes time to defend it you won't forget the guy that got you in that match!

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Socrates (08-13-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-13-2014, 09:25 AM

john madison is the best referee ever!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Unknown Soldier (08-14-2014)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Peter Fn Gilmour's post!
Blizzard (08-13-2014)
Blizzard Offline
Big Cock

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-13-2014, 11:06 AM


[Image: hw7M8KM.jpg]
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Vincent Lane (08-13-2014)
Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

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08-13-2014, 01:03 PM

(08-13-2014, 09:25 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: john madison is the best referee ever!

Looks like the guy you got to super glue whatever his names mouth shut might have also super glued your lips to John Madison's asshole.

It's amazing how you've done a complete 180 on John now that he and his Black Circle cronies have helped you win some XWF gold.


[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Andrew Harrington Driscoll

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-13-2014, 01:12 PM

"What is this Black Circle name drop all of the time? It's down right degrading to black women everywhere!"

"You disgust me. It's called a vagina, not a hole. It's where babies come from. Some degrading the ladies of another color and calling their private area a hole."

"We are about to clean up your mouths, and bring this company to a better level of business. Enjoy your last ride. Sick perverts."
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-13-2014, 08:16 PM

(08-13-2014, 01:03 PM)Tommy Gunn Said:
(08-13-2014, 09:25 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: john madison is the best referee ever!

Looks like the guy you got to super glue whatever his names mouth shut might have also super glued your lips to John Madison's asshole.

It's amazing how you've done a complete 180 on John now that he and his Black Circle cronies have helped you win some XWF gold.

Suck my dick bitch

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Unknown Soldier (08-14-2014)
Scorpio Offline
Dick Of Doom

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-13-2014, 09:01 PM

(08-13-2014, 08:16 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said:
(08-13-2014, 01:03 PM)Tommy Gunn Said:
(08-13-2014, 09:25 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: john madison is the best referee ever!

Looks like the guy you got to super glue whatever his names mouth shut might have also super glued your lips to John Madison's asshole.

It's amazing how you've done a complete 180 on John now that he and his Black Circle cronies have helped you win some XWF gold.

Suck my dick bitch

Wait, does he have to suck the Black Order's dicks to get to yours?

[Image: Scorpin.png]


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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-13-2014, 11:19 PM

fuck off

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Griffin Offline
XCW born and raised

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-14-2014, 02:03 PM

So this is madness, excited to be here. To show you guys the meaning of extreme, because i'm Griffin, I'm XCW, and that means I'm better than you.
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