In-Ring Name: Kristen Silver
Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Kristen Silver
New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning
Wrestler Date of Birth: August 14th 1989
Height: 5'8
Weight: 125lbs
Hometown: Miami, Florida
Personality: Kristen was born and raised in Miami, Florida. The daughter of two wealthy parents, she was handed almost anything she wanted while growing up. The exterior shows a beautiful young woman, but does a dark side lie beneath? Often snobbish behavior towards others. A cocky misdemeanors, a belief that she's not only the greatest at what she does, but the most important person when she steps into any room. She enjoys having fun, but it's usually at the expense of others.
Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel
Physical Build Description: Slim/Athletic
Ring Attire: Silver attire throughout. Silver singlet top, silver short pants and long silver wrestling boots. Can vary and likes to switch up the costumes, the main one described above and another variation can be found in the picture below as an example.
Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Varies, usually well marketed stuff, sometimes 'hip' or 'cool' stuff. Dresses, jeans, heels etc etc.
Ethnicity: White (American)
Pic Base:
Wrestling Style: Athletic and strategic. Uses a good amount of high flying but knows when to reign it in. Submissive style, targets areas of the body throughout matches to gain an advantage.
Strengths: Quick, smart and technical.
Weaknesses: Strength.
Entrance Theme Music: 'Now' by Paramore
Entrance Description: The sound of drums sticks clapping together waves throughout the arena.
[b]"Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me
The sound of Paramore's 'Now' blasts throughout the arena, many of the people in the crowd instantly letting out a chorus of boos as to know what awaits them. After a brief few moments, out onto the stage walks Kristen Silver, her usual grin planted across her face. Her assistant, Erin Williams, can be seen in the background in the shadow of Kristen, slowly stepping out onto the stage and following the lead of Kristen.
Kristen takes no time in lapping up the crowds displeasure towards her, almost posing in a cocky way at the top of the rampway before extending both of her arms out, knowing she's the center of attention.
Manager (if applicable): Erin Williams
Manager's Pic Base:
Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Spinning Heel Kick
Top Rope Missile Dropkick
Flying Forearm Smash
Forearm Flurry
Running Sitout Powerbomb
Boston Crab
Mexican Surfboard (Which she calls 'Miami' Surfboard)
Sunset Flip
German Suplex W/Bridge
Spinning Head Scissors
Leg and Body Kicks
Top Rope Flying Headbutt
Trademark Move(s): A Strain Of Silver
Description(s): Sharpshooter
Primary Finisher: Silver Lining
Description: Superkick
Secondary Finisher if applicable: New Page
Description: Moonsault
Favorite Weapon if any: None
Additional notes: