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Aidan "Blizzard" Collins
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Big Cock

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-31-2014, 07:49 PM


In-Ring Name: Aidan “Blizzard” Collins

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Aidan Collins

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning from the Original XWF

Wrestler Date of Birth: 6/1/1983

Height: 6'3

Weight: 230

Hometown: Manhattan

Personality: Intelligent. Witty. Narcissistic. Social Justice Warrior. Sarcastic. Politically Liberal. Creative. Cares about things more than you. ESFJ on the Myers-Briggs Scale (Extroverted Sensory Feeling Judgment). Self-described Feminist. Materialistic.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel

Physical Build Description: He has the bodytype of a Greek God with a bigger dong. Flowing long blonde hair. Blue Eyes.

Ring Attire: Gold trunks and boots, Platinum elbow and knee pads. All designed by Marc Jacobs.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Aidan’s personal sense of style is inherently unique… like Kanye West. If you don’t think that thought makes sense structurally, you can suck my dick. Aidan’s sense of style is a gift to the world. Don’t imitate him, ya fucking poseurs.

Ethnicity: American from Irish heritage

Pic Base: WWE Christian’s face on Fabio’s body

Wrestling Style: Bliz can do it all in the ring but chooses not to unless absolutely needed. He tries to avoid the top rope and sticks to an offense composed of knife-edge chops, stomps, standing throws, and poses.

Strengths: Aidan may be the most physically gifted performer to step inside an XWF ring. When motivated, he has the speed to go toe-to-toe with the high flyers and the strength to overpower larger opponents. He knows endless amounts of counters and submissions.

Weaknesses: Low pain tolerance. Does not regard any of his opponents to be on his level, which leaves him vulnerable to being attacked. Often gets distracted by the crowd. Gets grossed out when his opponents sweat on him and refuses to do moves that might get sweat on him. Sometimes he gets dizzy in the ring because his new age vegan diet lacks vital vitamins and minerals. Severely limits is own moveset because big moves feel uncomfortable to hit. History of back problems and concussions.

Entrance Theme Music: “Forever” by Drake

Entrance Description:

The lights dim down in the arena and the fans begin to boo, knowing what’s about to happen next. The ring announcer speaks loud and clearly to announce the arrival of the all-time greatest.

“Ladies and Gentleman, the greatest of all time in XWF and on our planet Earth… Aidan Collins.”

Aidan Collins walks out in a spotlight, wearing a shiny gold robe. The audience’s negative reaction is thunderous and Bliz stands there solemnly, waiting for them to pipe down. When they finally do, his theme song kicks in and he sings with the music along into the mic.

“It may not mean nothing to y'aaallllllll…
But understand nothing was done for meeeee….
So I don't plan on stopping at allllllll….
I want this shit forever man, ever man, ever man!
I'm shutting shit down in the malllllllll…
And telling every girl she the one for meeee…..
And I ain't even planning to calllllll…..
I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine, ever mine!”

Aidan throws the mic on the ground and starts a slow walk towards the ring, totally pumped up from the most gangster rapper in the game today, Drake. Fans yell obscenities at him, probably out of jealousy because Aidan only preaches the truth. He walks up the ring steps and into the ring before disrobing and giving an orgasm to any female in the audience.

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:


1. Scoop slam

2. Back body Drop

3. Standing fireman carry

4. Bicycle Kick

5. Rolling elbow

6. Running knee to the face of a seated opponent

7. Lariat

8. Curbstomp

9. Cerebro Lock

10. Just bitchslapping the shit out guys

11. Sharpshooter

ALL LISTED BELOW ONLY USED ONLY IF NEEDED (including signature moves/finishers):

German Suplex, Moonsault, Brainbuster, Flipping Suicide Dive, Springboard Diving Neckbreaker, Fisherman Suplex, Backdrop Driver, Sleeper hold, Frog Splash, DDT

Signature Move: The 3-some

Description: 3 Rolling Northern Lights Suplex.

Signature Move: The Rebel Yell (also known as Brain Freeze)

Description: Twisting Reverse STO

Signature Move: The Frost Lock

Description: Buffalo Sleeper

Primary Finishing Move: The Ice Pick

Description: Devastating spear.

Secondary Finishing Move: The Cool Down

Description: Cradle Driver

Favorite Weapon if any: Glass Table

[Image: hw7M8KM.jpg]
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