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Monday Night Madness - 7.21.14: Part 1
Author Message
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
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07-22-2014, 09:06 AM

[Image: J4ZYCXe.jpg]

July 21, 2014
Time Warner Cable Arena
Charlotte, North Carolina

Shinedown's 'The Sound of Madness vibrates your ears as lime colored pyro explodes all over the Verizon Center. The camera pans the screaming crowd before settling on Joey Styles at ringside.

JOEY STYLES: “Welcome everyone! We are LIVE from the sold out Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina! I'm Joey Style, the very voice of the XWF flagship, and this...


The camera pans the excited crowd of Madness Maniacs before finally settling on Joey Styles at ringside.

JOEY STYLES: “We are not wasting any time tonight! We're heading straight to the ring!”

"Believe Me" by Lil Wayne plays.

Joey Hawkins is seen at the top of ramp and slowly makes his way to the ring, wearing a beige suit and dark pants. Crowd boos as he makes his way there. Once in the ring, Hawkins grabs a mic and begins to speak

JOEY HAWKINS:] "Hello XWF Fans...

"As you all know, I was supposed compete in a match, tonight"

The crowd boos.

JOEY HAWKINS: "But I have an important announcement.”

More boos from the crowd.

JOEY HAWKINS: "I'm leaving the XWF."

Some cheers are now mixed in with some boos.

JOEY HAWKINS: "I've decided that wrestling isn't my main priority."

Crowd boos

JOEY HAWKINS: "I'm sorry Shelby, but I'm afraid our match has turned into a handicap match. Good luck"

Crowd cheers as Hawkins drops the mic and leaves the ring for the last time.

JOEY STYLES: "Well things just got a whole hell of a lot tougher for Shelby Cobra. “

"Welcome To The Jungle" by Guns 'N' Roses plays.

With her theme playing Shelby walks out onto the ramp. She stands there for a moment taking in the scene before walking down the ramp and to the ring. She hops up onto the apron, using the ropes to help her up to her feet, from there she steps through the ropes very slow and sexual like, she shakes her ass and gives a little show before stepping through the ropes fully and into the ring. She walks to one of the corners or leans on the ropes as she waits for the match to start.

"Move Bitch" by Ludacris plays

ODB walks down to the ring, grabbing at her enormous store bought juggs as she passes a dozens of adoring male fans.

"Monster" by Eminem plays.

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

Joey Hawkins & Shelby Cobra
- vs -
ODB & Mastermind
Standard Tag Team Match

ODB elects to go first and she locks up with Cobra in the center of the ring. ODB gets the early upper hand and tosses Cobra into the corner with such force that Cobra bounces off the turnbuckle and lands right into the waiting arms of ODB who drops her opponent with a sit out sideslam and then a quick cover…



JOEY STYLES: “She kicks out!”

ODB yanks Cobra up by the hair and again tosses her into the corner, this time following her there. ODB spins Cobra around and with a swift kick to the mid section takes the wind out of Cobra’s sails. She lifts her up into a seated position onto the top turnbuckle and then using the middle ropes lifts herself up and starts levying some fierce punches to Cobra’s face…













ODB then follows up what she calls the Dirty Dozen into a diving Thesz press and then another cover…


The crowd erupts in boos…

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell are Tommy Gunn and Paul Heyman doing here?”

Gunn charges at the ring while Heyman stands at the entry way.



Gunn got in there and pulled ODB off of Cobra. Mastermind is going ape shit, the ref is screaming at Gunn. The ref goes to signal for the bell but thinks better of it as he catches the evil glare of the Madness GM, Paul Heyman. Gunn is signaling for ODB to come out and fight him. ODB looks at Gunn then back to Mastermind. ODB walks over to her partner and slaps him on the hand and then climbs out of the ring and charges at Tommy Gunn.

Mastermind climbs into the ring and immediately starts to go to work on Shelby Cobra. Mastermind climbs ontop of Cobra and starts laying waste to her already bruised face.

JOEY STYLES: “Not the face. Not the face.”

Somehow Cobra manages to slip out from under Mastermind and slowly gets to her feet. Mastermind goes to hit her with a DDT but Cobra reverses and instead drops Mastermind with a Swinging Neckbreaker.

Cobra pulls up Mastermind and plants him again with a short arm clothesline.

On the outside of the ring Gunn and ODB are trading blows.

JOEY STYLES: “The ref isn’t even bothering to count ODB out, he’s too focused on what is going on in the ring.”

Cobra rolls ontop of Mastermind and hooks the leg for a cover…




Mastermind kicks out and quickly gets to his feet he grabs Cobra and whips he to the ropes and on the return drills her with the Mind Changer(flying clothesline) and the a quick cover…




JOEY STYLES: “Shelby Cobra refuses to give up here despite being outnumbered.”

Cobra and Mastermind are both back up to their feet, Cobra locks up with Mastermind but after a back and forth battle that seems to go nowhere Cobra pushes Mastermind back and out of no where drills him with a Super Kick that lands flush with Mastermind’s cheek.

Mastermind bounces off the ropes and Cobra catches him with a scoop slam and then another cover…




ODB managed to reach in at the last second and pull Cobra off of her opponent.

Gunn is retreating back up the ramp, getting a pat on the back from GM Paul Heyman.

Back in the ring Cobra yanks Mastermind up and attempts another Superkick but this time Mastermind catches it, throws her leg down and then nails her with a flying headbutt.

Cobra grabs at her forehead and as she does Mastermind quickly moves in for a Mind Sleeper.

He has Cobra in the sleeper hold, she’s trying to fight it but getting weaker by the second. Mastermind continues to apply pressure to Cobra’s neck and as she slips down he puts her in the Mind Controller (Boston Crab).

The ref checks Cobra’s arm and it immediately falls limp the mat. The ref quickly turns around and signals for the bell.

Winners: Mastermind and ODB

JOEY STYLES; “A great effort by Cobra but the 2 to 1 disadvantage was just too much for her.”

Madness fades to commercial.

We're back from commercial and we're backstage in the office of Paul Heyman. Heyman is typing away on a computer keyboard when suddenly his office phone buzzes. On the other end, its Vickie Guerrero.

Paulie, Shelby Cobra is here to see you.

Heyman slams his hand down on the phone, connecting himself to Vickie.

Dammit! Vickie! You are never to call me Paulie when we're working. You can call me Paul. Or you can call me Mr. Heyman!

Sorry, Mr. Heyman. Shelby Cob...

I heard you the first time! Send her in!

Shelby enters Heymans office and sits down. Heyman rubs his hands together for a second while staring at Shelby. He then stands up and starts pacing slowly back and forth behind the still seated Shelby Cobra.

SHELBY COBRA: “Did you see Warfare?”

I did.

He continues to pace. Shelby continues to look uncomfortable.

SHELBY COBRA: “What did you think? Did it impress you?”

I liked it...

SHELBY COBRA: “But you weren't impressed?”


SHELBY COBRA: “Judging by your actions out there with Gunn, I think its a safe bet you're letting me into the Alliance.”

Heyman stops pacing and places his hands on her shoulders.

There are no safe bets...

Especially with Paul Heyman.

SHELBY COBRA: “So I'm not in?”

I didn't say that.

SHELBY COBRA: “So then I am in?”

I didn't say that either.

SHELBY COBRA: “Then what the hell are you saying?”

I'm saying I need to see more.

Shelby stands up and turns around to face Heyman. Her back to the camera. Slowly she removes her shirt. Heyman grins that familiar grin.

Thats not what I meant by needing to see more.

She begins to drop her pants. Just the top of her ass crack is visible above Heymans desk.

SHELBY COBRA: “How bout now? Have you seen enough yet?”

Heyman hesitastes. Unable to take his eyes off of her completely naked body.

I uh...


I'm just not feeling it yet.

You know, like on the inside.

Shelby grabs him by the inside of his waist band and pulls him toward her. She jumps up and sits on the edge of his desk. Her bare ass there for the world to see.

SHELBY COBRA: “You can feel all of the inside, if you want.”

The transmission cuts immediately as Madness is forced to commercial.

Madness returns to a smiling Joey Styles, saying absolutely nothing. He looks like he's trying hard not to just bust out laughing.

"APM" by Spamtec plays.

Frodo walks down to the ring accompanied by his two kids, Joseph-Gordon and Katie as well as his manager Crack. As Frodo walks down he waves at the crowd as if he were royalty. Once in the ring he removes his hoodie, hands it to Katie and climbs the turnbuckles pumping the crowd up.They seem unimpressed, so Katie just shoots them a smile.

"Dark Frequency" by Zak Bagans plays.

Misery walks down to the ring, slides under the ropes and immediately gets attacked by Frodo.

Frodo Smackins
- vs -
Zak Misery
Standard Match

Frodo starts off by running to the opposite ropes and bouncing off. When Zak rushes towards Frodo the Vampire is hit with a spear that sends both the ground. Frodo is on top of Zak, just like that one time, but unlike that one time Frodo now begins a barrage of fists and elbows to the face of his former lover. Misery attempts to roll out of the way, but Frodo grabs Zak's arm, and locks him in the "Cher Lloyd is a fuck ugly Gypsy", standard armbar. Zak is stuck in place, and twisting to get free. It's no good, looks like he's going to tap, but he manages to wriggle his way to the ropes and get his free hand on them. Frodo is not letting up, but the ref comes over and begins to argue with Frodo about it. Finally Frodo lets up and kicks Zak in the ribs.

As the ref helps Zak up Frodo kicks out the Ref's knee and punches Zak in the face. Zak gets to his feet, standing almost a foot taller than the Hobbit, he grabs the Hobbit and goes for a Snap Scoop Powerslam, and then drops an elbow on Frodo, or attempts to. The Hobbit rolls out of the way, and is up to his feet. He scurries over the ropes and climbs them. While perched up top he begins to taunt the Vampire, until Zak comes running towards Frodo. When Zak his close enough, Frodo delivers the BRB, a choke slam from the top rope, and slams Zak to the mat. He hooks the leg for the pin.




JOEY STYLES: "That was a close one."

Frodo gets up and kicks Zak in the ribs.

As Misery gets to his feet Frodo hits a Shining Wizard, but Zak grabs Frodo's foot before it connects with his face and throws the Dwarf to the other corner. Frodo struggles to get up after that, but Zak is already on top of him and lifts him for a Belly to Belly Suplex. With Frodo on the mat Zak climbs the ropes and delivers a diving elbow drop on the top of Frodo's head. He lifts the hobbit for German Suplex. Frodo goes down, and Misery again climbs the ropes for a Diving Elbow drop.

SHAYOUKEN! Frodo counters with Shayouken! to the face of the Vampire! Zak falls to the ground, and Frodo takes the chance to run to the opposite corner and climb the ropes. He's sitting on the turnbuckle teasing Zak. In a fury Zak runs towards Frodo, but gets hit with the LOLnope, Flying Superman Punch. He goes down hard, but Frodo is not done. He lifts Zak up before hitting another Shayouken! Zak falls on the mat again, and Frodo climbs the ropes and as soon as Zak gets to his feet Frodo hits a flying Calf Kick which sends Misery to the mat again. Frodo hooks his leg for the pin.




Winner: Frodo Smackins

JOEY STYLES: “Frodo picks up the win here on Madness! He seems to think he's part of the Heyman Alliance and I have to tell you, whether its true or not is beside the point as Frodo's confidence has never been higher!”

Madness fades to commercial.

As Madness returns, our regular transmission is interrupted by static interference before the screen goes black. When the screen returns to normal again, it shows a beautiful New York sunrise. It looks like it's about 6am in the morning and you can just hear the hustle and bustle of people starting to make their daily commute to work.

The camera pans out and it looks like we are in a small room with a huge window looking out over the sunrise. The room looks quite sparse with a black leather couch facing the window and a picture of Bobby zi with x-treme championship on the opposite wall. The camera pans round to see a man sat on the leather couch admiring the sunrise.

The man is wearing a grey tight fitting t-shirt and black jeans. Despite his smile, his face tells a different story, that of a man who has just been through a war. There is a cut around his head and his lip is slightly swollen from a severe blow. This man is XWF Superstar BOBBY ZI. "Beautiful isn't it.... zi leans forward and gazes out at the New York hustle and bustle outside. "Many people in the XWF don't know what they're fighting for. They fight because they're angry, because they're aimless, because it's all they've ever known. Sure it makes them dangerous, but imagine if they were fighting for a purpose, a common cause.. ‘’

ZI stands up and walks towards the window... "You see, that's me right there. I'm here in the XWF not to fight aimlessly, not to fight for the money, I'm here to change the world for the better. I'm here to get people to realise that the world around them is changing for the worst, that a beautiful sun rise in the morning is being ignored in favour of sticking on some low-rent breakfast tv show to watch how some Z-list. Talentless soul has fallen out of a taxi. "*slowly grins* "that's why I've had my success. Because not only do I fight, not only have I dedicated my life to my profession, but I believe that what I am doing is right"

ZI moves away from the window and faces the camera. "Last week Andrews and i had a match with Mark Flynn and John Black, and both gave me a hell of a fight. I didn't have any reason to doubt you going into last week Madness, and coming out of last week I respect you even more than I did even tho i cant stand you..

Bobby drank a bottle of water...
‘’.. you're a true fighter Flynn, and even after I pinned your partners shoulders to the mat for the 3, it still felt as sore to me as it probably did to you. Flynn your a warrior and I think we can make this place better. I don't just mean the XWF, but I mean the world. Guys like us with our talents should main eventers, not people who waltz into our company asking for world title contracts without earning it, like the one who assault you this Wednesday, ‘’Zoo Ryback"? , what ever his name is, we all know he dont deserve this, but for me? I dare any critic or person inside our business to say to my face that we didn't earn our plaudits from last week's match" zi walks towards the couch and sits back down. He looks out of the window and again a smile cracks over his face
‘’Flynn, I'll give you some time to think about my offer. give me my title match and Together,..
... bobby approach the camera and murmurs.. ‘’we can take over the XWF" Scene cuts to black...

Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “We're back here on Madness and it seems Bobby Zi wants to work WITH Flynn rather than against him. It's like the old saying, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.”

"Art of Fighting - John Crawley Theme" plays.

DOCA HVP walks to the ring, taking his shades off midway down the ramp and tossing them into the crowd. Once in the ring he pulls on the ropes to test them out and get a good stretch in the corner before looking out to the crowd and wiggling his eyebrows at the most beautiful woman in the front row.

"Dreadnaught" by Machinæ Supremacy plays.

The arena fades into almost darkness "Dreadnaught" starts to blast throughout the arena as Ashe Dawson's X-Tron video starts to play. A shadowed figure appears from backstage suddenly a spotlight hits the figure who is Ashe and as he walks to the ring the lights start to come back on. By the time Ashe enters the ring the arena is as bright as it was before his entrance and his music fades out.

" Backstabber" by The Dresen Dolls plays.

The music hit and Randal walks out grinning awkwardly. He'd walk to his left, put his arm straight beside his body and bow down quickly and awkwardly while smiling - you guess it, awkwardly. He'd do the same on the right side. After he finished his greeting, he'd walk to the ring. He stands at the middle of the ring then raise both of hands up, clenching his fists and smile.

"Compton" by Kendrick Lamar plays.

Khalif Compton marches down to the ring and confidently steps in despite being currently outnumbered 3 to 1.

"101A" by Nirvana plays.

Leteri quickly sprints out of the back and slides into the ring, joining his partner standing against their opponents.

"Negative Creep" by Nirvana plays.

The lights go off and fog rises up as Skkizoid comes out the ring. As he walks down the ramp he gazes over to the side with a smile on his face. He rolls into the ring and sits in the corner rocking while waiting for his opponent. Exit: After he wins a match, I Stay Away comes on and Skkizoid calms himself down and smiles as he walks back up the ramp.

Paul Heyman Invitational XWF Newcomer Showcase
DOCA_HVP 2014, Ashe Dawson & Kai Randal
- vs -
Khalif Compton, Leteri & Skizzoid
-Elimination 6 Man Tag Match-

The match is about to begin as DOCA HVP walks over to his partner Kai Randal and extends his hand to him. Kai accepts the handshake and is already getting his jaw broken by DOCA's pair of brass knuckles that are so fat they make most brass knuckles look like a piece of string.

"You must not have been paying attention when Slade tried to cost me a six man tag match in my debut and I decapitated him. Well this week it's clear that you've done nothing and you haven't returned any of my messages or voice mails about setting up a good game plan, so that tells me you're just here for a free ride and guess what? That means blam blam, bitch!"

The Troll from out at ringside has tossed a big ass gun to DOCA HVP who proceeds to unload bullets in slow motion right into Kai Randal's stomach!

[Image: gif_500x214_d7ff92.gif]

Kai's body jerks and his arms flail at his sides as the bullets fill him up. Once DOCA is finished he tosses the weapon back to his comrade at ringside and watches Kai Randal fall over.


DOCA HVP smiles at Ashe, his only remaining living partner, and the match begins as a 2 on 3 handicap.

DOCA_HVP_2014, and Ashe Dawson line up on one side of the ring, Khalif Compton, Leteri & Skizzoid line up on the other side of the ring.

Khalif Compton smiles as his team now has the advantage. Doca and Dawson look at each other in shock. Dawson climbs through the ropes, and Khalif back tracks and tags Skizzoid.

Skkizzoid looks at Khalif, but has to get into the ring. Dawson runs at him, and hits him with a flying forearm. Dawson grabs him, and snaps a running bulldog, and covers Skkizoid.



JOEY STYLES: “Skizzoid kicks out here!”

Dawson gets back to his feet, and pulls him Skkizzoid over to hims corner and tags Doca. Dawson whips Skkizzoid into the corner, and Doca follows up with a flying knee to the back, and in one swift movement, snaps a back breaker onto his knee. He goes for the cover.





Doca gets up and smiles, and points at khalif. It's even again at 2 each. Khalif tags Leteri. Leteri looks back at Khalif, but suddenly Doca comes running at them, and hits Khalif with a forearm, Khalif collapses onto the floor of the stadium.

Doca grabs Leteri and supplexes him into the ring. He gets up, and helps Leteri back to his feet. He snaps a DDT. He gets up again, and pulls him over to his corner. He tags Dawson. Dawson climbs to the top rope, as Doca holds Leteri in a bent over position.

Dawson lands a dropping scissor kick from the top rope, and covers Leteri.





Dawson gets up smiling at his tag partner Doca, but suddenly he is hit from Khalif. Dawson hits the corner, and Khalif hits a shoulder breaker. He goes for the cover on Dawson.



Kick out!!

Khalif gets up, and helps Dawson to his feet, and tries to snap a suplex but Dawson blocks it and reverses it with a DDT.

Dawson rolls over and tags Doca. Doca gets into the ring, and helps Khalif to his feet, and sends him to the ropes. Khalif comes back and ducks under an attempted clothes line. He turns and drop kicks Doca back into his corner, where he collides with Dawson. Dawson is now the legal man.

Dawson is still recovering. Khalif walks up, grabs him, and snaps a power bomb. He goes for the cover.





Khalif gets up smiling, and he turns but Doca had climbed to the top rope, and he hits Khalif with a flying clothes line. Doca goes for the cover.



Kick out!!!

Doca gets up, helps Khalif back to his feet, and knees him several times in the guts. Suddenly Khalif counters with a small package.



Kick out!!

Doca gets up very angry, and starts stomping at Khalif. He then helps Khalif to his feet, and sends him to the ropes, he runs after him as well. Khalif comes off of the ropes and is hit with a spear. Doca goes for the cover.




Winners: DOCA_HVP2014 & Ashe Dawson

JOEY STYLES: “What a match! The Paul Heyman newcomer invitational proved that... well five of them at least... are here to stay!”

Madness fades to commercial.

The Heyman Alliance is meeting in a room when Frodo walks in with a box.

"I got shirts made for us. With our names on them. That way people know we're Heyman guys."

He pulls one out and shows it to the group, it says "Tommy Gunn A-Team, Captain", he tosses it to Tommy, then he pulls out one that reads "Kendall Sawyer B-Squad", and tosses it to her. He pulls out Vellore's, who is B-Squad as well, followed by Davids', who is A-Team, then Brock Lesnar, who is F-Team. He pulls his out and shows them, "Frodo Smackins, A-Team. Assistant Captain." and finally Paul Heyman's, "Paul. F-Team."

"I'm on the F-Team? You're not even on the team!"

"It's ok, we all know now. I tried to save Davids from Mystica. He can be trusted. He's no Russian."

"What does being Russian have to do with anything?"

"Miracle on Ice, Paul. Never forget."

Get out.

Frodo just leaves wearing his new shirt as Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “Frodo and the Heyman Alliance! How interesting!

“Right now though, we're going to the ring for the Television title match! The champion is in the ring, awaiting the arrival of Steve Davids!”

”Ladies and gentlemen...

Heyman says as he escorts Steve Davids from backstage. No music accompanies them.

My name is Paul Heyman... I am the General Manager of Madness and I also happen to be the architect of the only relevant collection of talent in the XWF, the Heyman Alliance...

They continue to walk down the entrance ramp and stop near the bottom. Tony Santos remains in the ring, standing in the center with the TV title draped over his shoulder.

Tony Santos, two weeks ago on this very show, I said that I vaguely remembered firing you, didn't I?

Tony looks on and nods.

Good, we're on the same page. As General Manager of Madness, I've decided I will allow you to keep your job.

JOEY STYLES: “What a saint!”

But, as the manager of the Heyman Alliance, what I am going to do is make sure you don't walk out as the Television Champion tonight!”

Just as Heyman finishes his statement, the Heyman Alliance, including Brock Lesnar for the first time in ages, makes its presence felt. They hit the ring behind Tony Santos and go on the attack as Heyman and Steve Davids remain on the arena floor looking on.

JOEY STYLES: “Vellore! Sawyer! Gunn! Lesnar! The Heyman Alliance is in full force tonight!”

They make quick work of Tony Santos, ending with an F-5 onto a steel chair from Brock to Tony. They look over toward Heyman and he nods his approval. The rest of the Heyman Alliance retreats out of the ring and up the ramp as Davids and Heyman enter the ring.

XWF Television Championship
Tony Santos ©
- vs -
Steve Davids
15 Minute Time Limit

The bell rings and Davids places one foot on Santos' chest. The referee hesitates to do anything.

Count it!

Reluctantly, the ref hits the mat.




WINNER: Steve Davids – NEW XWF Television Champion

JOEY STYLES: “Look. I've known Paul a very long time. I stand behind him on nearly everything he does, but this, this is disgusting.”

Heyman stands in the ring and hands the TV title to Steve Davids who acts like he just went through a grueling match. Madness fades out to commercial with Steve Davids holding the TV title high.

The X-TRON flickers to life and shows the insides of a large, fancy room. The camera pans across the white walls and settles on a young man reclined on a black leather chair. He looks into the camera and smirks.

"Hello XWF. For those of you who don't know who I am, my name is Grayson Stinger. I am your shining future, and the gold standard which the entire roster will now be compared to.

“For years you have had men who have threatened to show true dominance in the ring, only to fail in the face of the competition. They come in all smug and full of it, but then fall because they couldn't back it up. Make no mistake, I am nothing near those men. I am the biggest threat on this roster already. But not because I enjoy making people suffer, or because I enjoy crushing the hopes of those nowhere near worthy enough to take me down. But because I am simply better than you. I have more resources. More brains. More championship pedigree than you can ever hope to have."

His smirk disappears and he sits up straight.

"Go ahead, underestimate me. It just makes it that much sweeter to watch the lights and the hope drain out of your eyes while you struggle. To see you join the scrap heap of victims that I've claimed. None of you are any better than them.

“Cinderellas don't happen in the real world. No fairy is going to give you everything you need. In this world, only the rich survive. And I survive and thrive. I can show you how to be just like me kiddies, all you have to do is follow my lead.

“Enjoy your freedom for now, because I'm gong to turn Monday Night Madness into my own personal bitch.

“Your time is up. Your new gold standard has arrived.

“No thanks necessary."

He stares into the camera as it slowly fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “The Madness is back and we are ready for a one on one ladder match! Kendall Sawyer of the Heyman Alliance puts up her 24/7 briefcase against Cain!”

”O Fortuna” by Therion plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Oh man! It's Cain! You'd think it was the King of Darkness... but...”

As Cain reaches the ring, the lights go out. The Therion version of O Fortuna scratches then turns into Nevergreens version. An explosion of fire from the stage, trails down the ramp, then bursts from the ringposts igniting the lighting rig above the ring in a ring of fire. Sebastian Duke emerges from beneath the stage and makes his way to the ring while Cain looks on.

JOEY STYLES: “Speak of the fucking devil! Its the King of Darkness live and in the flesh!”

Duke makes his way through the fire lit darkness. He climbs on the apron. Cain just continues to stare at Duke. Duke reaches over the ring ropes with a closed right fist. Cain comes forward and “fist bumps” Sebastian Duke. Duke drops down to the arena floor and Nevergreens version of O Fortuna scratches back to Therion's version.

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell was that!? I think Sebastian Duke just gave Cain his seal of approval!”

The fires dissipate and O Fortuna fades out.

”The Heinrich Maneuver” by Interpol plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Accompanied by the evil mastermind that is Paul Heyman, its the 24/7 briefcase holder, Kendall Sawyer!”

As Kendall reaches the ring, she reluctantly hands over her briefcase. The official attaches it to the cable and the cable is reeled in toward the to of the arena.

24/7 Briefcase Match
Kendall Sawyer
- vs -
Ladder Match

The bell rings and Cain smiles, relishing the thought of having an opportunity to take down one of the most opportunistic bitches in the XWF. Relishing the thought of taking down Paul Heymans prized possession. Relishing the thought of taking Sawyer's briefcase.

The two stare at each other across the ring. Cain smiling, Sawyer not so much. Cain starts to move toward the center of the ring and Sawyer stays in her corner. As Cain reaches the center of the ring he looks up toward the briefcase and points with one hand at it, while pointing his other hand at himself.

Sawyer gets angry and starts pacing back and forth in her corner.

Calm down Kendall! He's just trying to get into your head! Don't let him in! You can beat him!

Cain mouths the words “one free shot” as he holds his face out toward Kendall. Sawyer loses her cool and charges in toward Cain. She leaps into the air and delivers a huge drop kick toward Cains chin, but Cain swats her away and she crashes hard to the mat.

Cain laughs a little before dropping a series of elbows into the small of Sawyers back. Cain gets back to his feet and violently rips Sawyer to her feet by her hair before tossing her hard into the corner. She meets the turnbuckles so hard that she bounces off and face plants on the mat.

Cain closes in and lifts her back to her feet and tosses her across the ring to the opposite corner. This time she stays upright after the crash. Cain charges in and Sawyer lifts her feet up, gripping Cain by the head in a head scissor.

She leaps shoves herself out of the corner, attempting to bring Cain down with head scissor take down, but Cain's strength is too great. He stops her in her tracks, then lifts her up in a power bomb position. He twists to his right just a little and thrusts her over the top rope and down to the floor with a vicious power bomb, causing an awful sounding thump as Sawyer hits the floor.

Cain laughs out loud then exits the ring himself. Heyman tries to put himself between his client and Cain until Cain rears back, ready to hit him, then he takes off like a scolded dog. Cain grabs the ladder and easily tosses it into the ring.

He then stands over Sawyer, trying to figure out whether he wants to dish out more punishment, or go for the win early. Of course, its Cain, so more punishment is the option he chooses. He reaches down and grips Sawyer by the throat with both hands and rips her back to her feet. He then tosses her viciously against the fan barricade.

JOEY STYLES: “Jesus! He's really cutting her down right now! She hasn't even got a move in! Everything she tries, he counters!”

Sawyer lays on the floor in almost a fetal position. Cain grabs her by the hair and begins lifting her to her feet.

JOEY STYLES: “Low blow from Sawyer! That stops Cain in his tracks!”

C'mon Kendall! You got him wear you want him right now!

Kendall grabs Cain by his head as he falls to his knees, then drives him head first into the arena floor with a DDT. A loud thump can be heard as Cains head hits the floor. Heyman runs over to help Sawyer back to her feet. He tosses a ring side fan from his chair and takes it. He folds it up and hands it to Sawyer.

Keep him down!


Sawyer slams the chair against Cains back as he starts to get up, only to put him right back down.

Get on the apron!

Sawyer does as ordered and Heyman places Cains head in between the folded steel chair.

JOEY STYLES: “Paul Heyman! Advocating the potential injuring of one of his own Madness stars!”

Sawyer leaps off the apron, delivers a double foot stomp to the open legs of the chair, snapping it shut on Cains head! Cain rolls around in agony as Sawyer rolls into the ring. She sets up the ladder and starts to climb it slowly. As she reaches the middle of the ladder, Cain starts to get up, the chair still wrapped around his neck.

Hurry! He's coming!

Sawyer looks back and sees Cain enter the ring. She climbs faster. She has her fingertips on her briefcase...


Cain swats Sawyer with the chair. She clutches her back, then falls off the ladder and crashes down to the mat. Heyman looks nervous as he waves toward the entrance way. Moments later, Steve Davids, the new TV champion, makes his way toward the ring and stands next to Heyman.

Cain starts to climb the ladder, just a he begins, Kendall Sawyer wraps her arms tightly around Cains ankles. It proves pointless though, as Cains power is greater than her weight. He climbs anyway, with Sawyer hanging on for dear life to his ankle.

As he nears the middle, Sawyer re-adjusts, now gripping both of Cains ankles, giving him nowhere to go. Cain tries to ascend higher, but can't do it. Instead, he uses his power to hang on to the top of the ladder while pulling Sawyer one rung higher before re-adjusting.

Heyman begins to converse with Davids on the outside when Sawyer does something remarkable. She begins to climb Cain! She hops up on his shoulders and delivers a reverse hurricanrana. Cain has his head driven into the mat as Heyman wipes sweat from his brow.

Get up Kendall! You have to move now!

Kendall wills herself to her feet and starts to climb the ladder. The camera zooms in as shes nearing the briefcase. Heyman goes ahead and tells Davids to go on back to the locker room. Kendall has her finger tips on the briefcase but cant quite grab it. She steps up one more rung and has both hands on the briefcase...



Cain grabs Kendall by her throat and choke slams her off the top of the ladder sending her all the way to the mat! Cain grabs the briefcase and begins to work the latch. The referee is in position, ready to call for the bell...

JOEY STYLES: “Heyman just sucker punched the referee! Cain should be the winner right there!”

Cain releases the briefcase from its latch and holds it high in the air as Heyman waves Steve Davids back to the ring. Davids runs hard and slides in. He gets to his feet and Cain has no idea he's there. Davids tips the ladder over, causing Cain to fall and crash to the mat, losing his grip on the briefcase as a result. Davids lifts Cain up then drops him to the mat with a double fisted choke bomb!

Meanwhile, Paul Heyman has entered the ring and is helping Kendall Sawyer to her feet. Davids lifts the briefcase off the mat and hands it to Heyman. Heyman then hands it to Sawyer as a new official runs down to the ring. Once he enters, he immediately calls for the bell.

WINNER: Kendall Sawyer

JOEY STYLES: “The Heyman Alliance just royally screwed over Cain! He should be in possession of Sawyers briefcase at this very moment!”

Davids exits the ring and the arena area as his job was completed, leaving a barely standing, victorious Sawyer with Heyman, and Cain down on the mat.

The lights go dim as the winner is announced. The tron flickers off and on a few times as words such as "phony" and "thief" and "inferior" flash across the screen.

A rumbling voice echoes through the arena.

"Those words are for you, Kendal Sawyer. You're the one he has called for!"

The lights come back on to reveal DOCA HVP flying through the air with a well placed boot across Kendal's cheek. She stumbles back as DOCA thrusts forward with a kick to her stomach. He pulls a baton from his vest and throws his fist out to his side allowing the weapon to fully extend before bringing it down across her back and then across her face.

"He told me he didn't care how I did it! He just wanted you beaten like the swine you are!"

DOCA HVP pulls a large can of dog mace out from his vest and shakes it up before unloading it into Kendal's face. She coughs and chokes while he kicks her out of the ring. DOCA springboards over the ropes to the outside and catches Kendal with a falling DDT in mid air! DOCA brushes himself off and grabs the microphone again.

"Remember now, this was nothing personal. If you'd like to discuss this hit any further, the man who hired me says he'd be glad to speak with you. His name is Eli James."

DOCA HVP makes his exit to the back and grins as medics check on Kendal and try to help wash her eyes out with bottled water and towels as Heyman looks on in horror! Cain begins to make his way to his feet.

JOEY STYLES: “Sawyer was brutally assaulted! Heyman is in shock!”

After the match Cain gets ready to exit the ring when the lights go out. The fans scream with fear and excitement as a dark figure moves in the darkness and slides in the ring. The lights come back on and standing behind Cain.....

[Image: Jack_Nicholson_As_The_Joker.jpg]

The fans erupt with screams. They don't know what this guy is. Is he a clown or a gangster or a gangster clown. Whatever he is he's bad news as he grabs Cain and spins him around. He grabs Cain's arm and twists it around. The man drops to the mat pulling Cain's arm and causing his face to smash into his boot. The man stands and raises his arms in the air as the crowd seems rather confused and upset with this assault. He calls for a microphone as the crowd waits to see what he has to say. He moves his gloved fingers through his hair and breathes deeply. Then the man lets out the most joyful laugh the crowd has ever heard. He places the microphone close to his mouth.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Charlotte, North Carolina I bring you sad news. The man you know as Scott Charlotte, a native of this place, a man who has taken the Queen city as his own name has perished."

The marks in the crowd begin to boo, but the smarks know what's happening as they recognize the voice. They cheer.

"He is no longer your hometown hero nor is he a God in a burlap mask. He has taken a new form. He broke himself down and built himself back up. He grabbed a knife."

He pulls a switchblade from his pocket and flips it.

"He cut himself. He made sure he'd always smile, because in life what else can we do? That's the only way we can get by. So this former man destroyed his beautiful face and became a Scourge of society."

The fans understand now. They are in shock.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the era of "The Scourge" is now upon you. You may call me Scott Charlotte. You have every right to pretend that I am still that man, but I shall refer to myself as "The Scourge." The whip that will come cracking against humanity. I've decided that this what the right place. To get some closure. So, my Queen City, I hope everyone is prepared because this time around this vessel is going to destroy the world and then build back up in my own image of chaos and glory."

He turns back to the downed Cain.

"And this young man is the first of many. Cain, you're and interesting sort. You are a very powerful being. So I'd like nothing more than to continue what we started here tonight down the road, but for now you're just a Mercy Killing."

He walks over the Cain with the switchblade in hand and crouches next to him. He edges the blade closer as the fans scream. He lifts the blade up and throws it. The fans scream and Scott laughs hysterically as it lands next to Cain, sticking to the mat.

"It's been fun. Que the welcome back chants."

He drops the microphone and rolls out of the ring. Scott Charlotte has returned to the XWF under a new guise, that of a deranged psycho anarchist.

Madness fades to commercial.

OOC: The Main Event will be posted tonight by 2 am Eastern.
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[-] The following 10 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
(07-22-2014), Archie Lawson (07-22-2014), Bobby Charles (07-22-2014), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (07-22-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (07-22-2014), Leteri (07-22-2014), Mastermind (07-22-2014), Morbid Angel (07-22-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-22-2014), Scott Charlotte (07-22-2014)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-22-2014, 10:24 AM

"Shit, Paul. If I knew fucking you would make you admit I'm on your team publicly I'd have bent over the desk a while ago."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Bobby Charles Offline
XWF's Prodigal Son

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

07-22-2014, 10:30 AM

OOC : correction = in that promo of mine, the last line sayin ‘’ WE CAN BOTH TAKE OVER THE XWF ‘’ doesnt mean, us to affiliate, its just poking a fun of flynn...

Former 2× X-treme ChampIon
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Socrates Offline

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-22-2014, 10:45 AM

Solid show. Not the intense heated action you can expect from a walking sex god like Socrates, but hey, what is?
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

07-22-2014, 11:38 AM

Scott Charlotte's back... and he's an Anarchist... We really don't have enough of them already, thank god Scott Charlotte's back - that is a relief. Give me a fucking break.

Now bow down to your NEW Television Champion...

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-22-2014, 11:43 AM

"And that's why you're A-Team, Davids. You, Gunn, and Me. We're gonna take this federation over. We will be unstoppable."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post:
Guppy Parsh (07-22-2014)
Scott Charlotte Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-22-2014, 12:03 PM

"Davids, how nice to see you again and so nice to see you succeeding as well. My return did not involve you as you've never come across as enemy to myself, but I hope you won't want that to change. I have no real motives other than to have fun. I can see how I've been branded an anarchist, but trust me when it's all in good fun. I do not wish to topple a regime or to shout Down with Heyman! So, take your petty little insults about someone who has no interest in you and proceed to bugger off. Thank you for your time today."

(1x) Hart Champion
(1x)X-treme Champion
(1x) Tag Team Champion w/ Q.C. Thug

Current Record

[Image: p_197-329-tragedy-comedy-270x270.jpg]

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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

07-22-2014, 12:06 PM

"Oh, and what if I did want to make an enemy out of you, what would you do? Would you fade into irrelevance again? Would you disappear for months? Please, I am begging you, don't make me an enemy!"

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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DOCA_HVP2014 Offline
Mr. Proxy

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-22-2014, 12:32 PM

"If anyone else needs somebody kicked in the teeth or maced with dog mace, or anything else for that matter, just give me a call.

"Remember when you do business with me, it will always be your choice whether you are named responsible for the hit I perform. I offer great pricing with many package options too so jump on the HVP Express and punch some poor sucker in the mouth via proxy! Mr. Proxy!"

Currently offering the following hits:
  • Transparent: The victim will be informed of who is behind the hit, along with an optional personal message

  • Anonymous: The victim will not be informed of who is behind the hit

  • Framed: The victim will be told any name you choose, for an additional small fee of course
Customized attacks and even torture are available and can be negotiated 24/7

Call now:

XWF in-ring record: 3-0
1) Teamed with Phoenix Death; overcame a 2 v 3 handicap defeating all 3 Mafia Men
2) Teamed with Ashe Dawson; overcame a 2 v 3 handicap defeating Leteri, Skkizoid and Khalif Compton
3) Teamed with Zoey Ryback and Aaron Reign; defeating Gator, Socrates and Kyle Star

[excellent in team situations! loves making new friends!]

XWF hits via proxy: 4
1) Peter Gilmour, ordered by anonymous party
2) Peter Gilmour, ordered by Sid Feder
3) Mafia Men's boss, The Don, ordered by Frodo Smackins
4) Kendall Sawyer, ordered by Eli James

[standard hits, anonymous hits and framed hits now available]

XWF kill count: 3
1) Slade, decapitated for failing to contribute anything when teamed with Mr. Proxy
2) Kai Randal, shot to death in slow motion for failing to contribute anything when teamed with Mr. Proxy
3) Derrick Silva, shot in the head by sniper rifle just because

Mr. Proxy wants to team and/or work with YOU (for the right price) [Image: YRAvZhZ.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-22-2014, 04:49 PM

Cain got robbed

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Scott Charlotte Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-22-2014, 08:30 PM

"So you want to proceed with this farce? Fine. Steve Davids you and I will cross paths on this lonely road I will see to that. Things have changed. Now I could care less about this world or about what anyone thinks of me. Which means things could go red, so why don't you go sit back on your daddy's lap so he can buy you some more presents that don't belong to you."

(1x) Hart Champion
(1x)X-treme Champion
(1x) Tag Team Champion w/ Q.C. Thug

Current Record

[Image: p_197-329-tragedy-comedy-270x270.jpg]

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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

07-22-2014, 10:49 PM

Booo, we want the real Doink
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[-] The following 3 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
(07-24-2014), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (07-23-2014), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (07-23-2014)
Scott Charlotte Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-22-2014, 11:01 PM

"That's fine by me Madison. Here's an idea how about we get some shovels and dig up Borne's corpse together so that way you can get your nostalgia fix. In fact we can put him on ice so everyday when you open your freezer you can pull off a piece of that Doinksicle. Sorry, it only comes in cherry."

(1x) Hart Champion
(1x)X-treme Champion
(1x) Tag Team Champion w/ Q.C. Thug

Current Record

[Image: p_197-329-tragedy-comedy-270x270.jpg]

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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Scott Charlotte's post!
Mia Dim (07-23-2014)
Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

07-23-2014, 06:02 AM

Why are you talking about my dead Father? And Presents? What the fuck are you talking about you deluded, idiotic, lump of cunt?!

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-23-2014, 06:27 AM

"He also said he could care less while trying to sell his Laissez Faire attitude about this company. That means he really does care, a lot. He's not good at being an anarchist, is he Steve?"

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post!
Mia Dim (07-23-2014)

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