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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A message to Wednesday Warfare.
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-12-2014, 06:41 PM

*Complete blackness, only a symbol of a battery with one bar flashing red in the top right corner and REC in the bottom left, a shine of light as Gator pulls off the camcorder's lens protector, a view of Gator's mask and a single light above in a dingy room. Gator places the camcorder on a table, he sits down a solitary wooden chair and begins to speak*

"Hello again... I haven't been here long and I've ran my mouth a fair amount. I don't know, maybe I'm excited for my debut match, maybe I'm bored, maybe I'm tired of seeing you goddamn people talking about taking boat rides together!"

*Gator turns away from the camcorder, for a moment. He clenches his fists and mutters something under his breath before turning back to camcorder"

"When I was wrestling back in Japan, every single day I felt like someone was going to try and kill me, and you know what! I fucking loved every second of it! The sweat dripping off me thinking someone was following me trying to take out the almighty Gator, my heart pounding as I clenched my fists and turned to face the stupid mother fucker who thought he can stop the walking disaster and adrenaline running through every part of my body as I tore the poor son of a bitch apart limb from limb..... I miss that.... right now I'm in this place called Warfare, and all I'm hearing so far is pretty boys in their nice houses wanting to take each other up the creek."

*Gator quietly laughs to himself, shakes his head and takes a cigarette and lighter from the table across from him, lights it up and sits back down. He continues to smoke the cigarette through his mask.*

My first XWF match is Wednesday, I'm against three guys that I've never heard of and couldn't care less about. I know I'm going to win, I know I'm going to walk out of that ring like nothing has happened or changed, and if I'm lucky the higher ups will see my potential and I'll never have to face those other three guys in the ring ever again... I knew I wasn't going to stroll through the XWF's revolving door and exit with all the titles under my arm, but, It's a nice thought."

*A slight visible smile is seen under Gator's mask and the footage goes black*

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
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