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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A stroll through the park
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Ashe_Dawson Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-11-2014, 08:54 PM

The scene is a beautiful nature trail located within Riverside Park in Pittsburgh, PA. The day is hot and sunny, a camera follows as Ashe Dawson walks down the trail. He looks relaxed and focused as he starts to talk to the camera.

Mastermind, you are absoutely right I should not be talking about what you own that I do not. I should talk about you as a man but honestly from all I have seen you are pretty one dimensional. You talk about mastering peoples minds but really all you do is make them tap out with your little submission hold like you did me. You may need to go back to school if you think that is mastering someone's mind, you never mastered my mind you made me tap and gave me a little dinky t-shirt.

Now on Wednesday night I come to your home Warfare this time I am booked on the card against you. I love the idea of a steel cage match, the feeling of throwing a man into that steel mesh, grinding his head until it resembles more ground beef than actual human flesh. Violence and brutality at it's best, I really am looking forward to making you bleed all over the ring and the cage. It is only fair that I get a recipt from what you did to me last week on Madness and I am really glad your arm is healed. It gives me a chance to destroy it again and again and again and again.

Ashe stops for a second, thinks about what he said and laughs very loudly for a few seconds, then continues walking.

I will promise you one thing Mastermind, my match on Madness this week will not weaken me enough to give you less of a challenge. You see I underestimated you in my debut match, I paid for that hubris in full when you made me tap out. Now though I have seen you in the ring, I know every little iota of your skill and nothing will stop me from getting my win back from you. You see sweetheart it is the final countdown and when the clock hits 0 you will be staring at the lights on your back. Trust Me.

The scene fades out with Ashe continuing his stroll through the nature trail.
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