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The Victim - Part 2: RP 2
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The Enigma Offline
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06-29-2014, 06:30 AM

Monday June 2, 2014 – 11:53 PM EST – Unknown Apartment – Bronx, New York

You all know my story, so I won’t bore you with it again, lest I have to hear about how Frodo Smackin’s went on another rant complaining about Enigma’s latest adventure. Instead I will talk to you about where I have been and what I have been doing these past weeks.

As you know I decided to take the money my “father” left me to start my own business. I guess you could say I am a mercenary. With the caveat being that I am not hired by anyone to do the job I do. I do what I do for the benefit of others first and foremost. Do I take pride in it? Even some modicum of pleasure? Absolutely. The people I target and dismiss from this world are not innocent and well-intentioned souls. They are murders, rapists, and other forms of vile filth undeserving of a place on the air they breathe. These are people that the police are incapable of finding but thanks to the brilliant work by Matthew the Tech Wizard and Nicholas Ian Gerhart I can not only find them but wipe them off the face of this Earth with no fuss, no muss.

Today’s target is Dayton Shipp. Dayton comes from money. A lot of money. His father was the victim of a questionable and as of yet unsolved death. His mother lives in the family’s estate up north with Dayton’s younger brother. Dayton however lives right here in New York City. He spends his days at his menial job where he is a photo technician at One Hour Photo located on West Forty Fourth Street. From what the Intel that was gathered tells me, Dayton is the text book definition of a loner. He says little if anything to the customers he prepares photos for other than what is required by the job. He spends his lunch breaks alone and he does not interact with other staff members unless forced to do so. On the surface he appears to be a regular guy with a crappy job that does not even pay enough for him to afford his rent. So how does Dayton manage to live where he does? The same way any other kid who grew up with money does, he lives off his parent’s money.

And how does a guy making barely above minimum wage who lives off the hard work of his father manage to find himself in my cross hairs? Well as it turns out Dayton is a serial killer. But not the crazy kind that make it onto the news or inspire episodes of Criminal Minds. You see Dayton fancies himself a vigilante, and yes I am aware of the irony here. But you see the difference between Dayton and myself is that I have never killed someone who was innocent. Dayton has. In fact it was the death of an innocent that spawned Dayton’s night time activities.

Two years ago at the ripe old age of eighteen Dayton killed a man named Trevor Kidd. Trevor Kidd was an innocent man. The only thing he was guilty of and it certainly is not against the law was being disrespectful towards Dayton’s mother at the country club that the Shipp family frequented in upstate New York. Trevor was one of the golf instructors at the club and he was paid by Dayton’s father to give Dayton’s mother private lessons. For a while it seemed to be going well, Dayton’s mother was getting better and Trevor was getting paid, and paid well. But as is often the case when two people are working together in close quarters and privately, things are bound to happen that probably should not. In this case it involved Trevor getting in appropriate with Mrs. Shipp. As bad as that was the moment was for both involved it was made even worse when Dayton walked in on the moment to see his mother pushing Trevor away, her face bright red. Dayton immediately goes on the offensive and starts throwing punches. Trevor being bigger, faster and stronger easily ends the threat, thanks in no small part to Mrs. Shipp’s screaming and insistence that Dayton stop. Which he did.

Mrs. Shipp and Dayton left the country club and on the ride home she made her son swear to not tell his father what had happened, after some debate he agreed to do what his mother asked and promised to remain tight lipped. As soon as they got home Dayton went up to his room, grabbed a knife that he had purchased on Ebay, placed it into a backpack, got into his car and drove back to the country club. If you are wondering how Dayton was able to enter the country club so easily without his parents it’s because he worked there, as a dishwasher for the country club’s restaurant “The Eagle” an ode to the golfing term for when someone gets a score that is two under par for any given hole. Dayton entered through the back service entrance, walked past some of the other kitchen staff of “The Eagle” and then wandered his way through the building until he made it downstairs to where Trevor’s office was.

Unfortunately Trevor was not there. His keys were not anywhere to be found and his computer was turned off. The only real conclusion that Dayton could draw from this was that Trevor had gone home for the night. However that would not stop Dayton, he was angry and he was determined. Trevor’s address was well known by the country club staff. As you could imagine from the incident that occurred with Dayton’s mother, Trevor is a well-known womanizer, and among the many women he slept with some were various female members of the country club staff.

I am sure you know where this is going. Dayton left the Country Club, got back into his car and drove to Trevor’s house. Dayton drove past the house, saw that the car parked in the driveway, signifying that Trevor was home and decided that the best thing to do would be to park around the corner and then walk to Trevor’s house. Dayton did not even bother with knocking on the door, instead he quickly and quietly walked around to the back. As he did so he could hear the sound of music blasting from inside the house which made what came even easier. Dayton picked the lock on the back door, slipped into the house and stabbed Trevor to death. He then left the house just as quietly as he entered, got into his car and drove home.

How do I know all this?

Because loose lips sink ships. Especially when alcohol is involved.

When Mrs. Shipp found out about Trevor’s death she confronted her son. She knew that Dayton had a temper, something that he unfortunately inherited from his father. And surprisingly Dayton admitted to having killed Trevor. Not only did he admit to it but he showed no remorse for it. Mrs. Shipp made Dayton swear to never tell a soul and she promised to do the same. She took the knife that Dayton used to kill Trevor, drove out to the lake, tied it to a cinder block and tossed it into Lake Neumayer.

Mrs. Shipp was ok with her and Dayton’s secret for a little while but then the guilt started to get the better of her. So she sought a way to hide the pain of knowing that her son was a murder and could be taken away from her at any moment. And what is the quickest way to turn off your feelings? Alcohol. Mrs. Shipp took the bottle and hard. Not having to work meant having all day to spend at the house drinking her pain away. And when that was not enough Mrs. Shipp took to the bars. And after telling one too many people her tale it amazingly happened to reach the ears of my associate N.I.G, who just so happened to be at the very same bar as Mrs. Shipp conducting some recon for a completely unrelated case.

After I finished the case that N.I.G was doing recon for we quickly got to work on Dayton Shipp. As it turns out Dayton is either extremely good or extremely lucky because he has as of yet not been tied to any other murders. In fact, the one I know for a fact he committed is still a cold case in the basement of some small town police prescient. But as The Black Circles latest reclamation project Peter Gilmour would say, I digress. My hope is that once Dayton returns from his little adventure that he and I can have a little chat before I mercifully allow him to draw his last breath.

And so here we are, in Dayton’s minimally furnished apartment. The front door was locked as expected so on to option B, I'll ascend the fire escape and enter the apartment via one of the windows of Dayton’s apartment. An interesting tid bit that you may or may not know, but the majority of breaking and enterings' occur due to an unlocked window, usually but not always on the ground floor. As it turns out there are three windows into Dayton’s apartment, one to the kitchen which is too small to fit into, one in the living room which was locked and one in the bedroom, and sure enough it was the one in the bedroom that was left unlocked. Once I got into the apartment I surveyed the place, taking stock of all the exits and any possible weapons that were out in the open and could be used against me. While Dayton may perhaps be a little bit lazy as evidence by the unlocked window and the fact that the apartment looks like it has not been cleaned in over a month, he is at least smart enough to not leave any weapons lying about.

As I make my way through the living room I can hear the sound of keys jiggling and then the knob on the front door starts to turn. This is it. Dayton has returned. I press myself up against the wall, effectively hiding myself from view but still allowing me to see whoever it is that is going to be entering the apartment. The door knob turns one hundred and eighty degrees and then the door swings open and in steeps Dayton Shipp dressed in all black. He shuts the door behind himself and takes a few steps into the apartment and that is my que to step out of the darkness to face Dayton for the first and last time.

ENIGMA: “My name is Enigma. These are your last moments. Use them wisely.”

Fade to black.

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
~Umberto Eco

[Image: LoylT4w.jpg]
[Image: TKO12Eu.jpg]

Former United States Champion
Former X-Treme Champion
Former Trios Tag Team Champions w/Sebastian Duke and Azrael Erebus
Former Ark/24-7 Champion x 2

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