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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Gauntlet City (March 31st) PPV RP Archive
The Story Continues - Gauntlet City (tag/Gauntlet)
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-26-2013, 05:30 AM

The scene opens up on a cool Chicago afternoon down a quiet side street Chris Macbeth is stood intently looking into the XWF camera just after receiving the news of the card for this Sundays PPV, Gauntlet City.

[Image: 5452939257_5d69daecca.jpg]

So it seems that this weekend when I return back home in the UK. I have been entered into the Trio Tag Team Title Match. Who are my partners? Mr. Natural and Steve Davids. Why the powers that be have decided to team me up with these two competitors I do not know.

Can I trust them? Who knows?

Will I trust them? No, I wont.

But trust is a big part of being in a team. It would be beneficial for our chance of success in this match, for our chance of becoming the first ever XWF Trio Tag Team Champions. That being said I will reach out a hand to the partners I have been teamed with in a gesture of respect that I hope can bring us through the match with the success I believe I deserve.

But will they trust me? If they are smart they shouldn’t.

Can they trust me? Honestly, Yes they can.

Standing up and putting aside any differences any of us may have in any walks of life we can leave the Great Wembley Stadium victorious.

How it will pan out on the night I do not know but Natural and Davids I will be in your corner and I will be dedicated to the cause we have been thrust into and ensure our success in my home land, you do not need to worry about that.

The ball is in your courts as to how you decide to conduct yourselves on Sunday Night but I have made my point perfectly clear. I am going home to be stood in that great Stadium a success in front of my own people.

Do not ruin this for me.

Do not cross me.

Now I could go through all the different teams that are involved in this match up but if I’m perfectly honest. I really don’t have to go picking faults, downfalls in there chances to finish this victorious because I am sure some of them are in the same boat as Natural, Davids and myself.

Can they trust each other?

No probably not. I’m aware that a good few of them are from the ridiculously barbaric Shove it in your Hash Pipe Saturday Night Show and even Menstruating Mondays. And everyone knows you can rarely trust someone who is Menstruating, they can turn on you like a shot without any notice, heck they will probably end up getting themselves all disqualified. So no I am not going to waist my energy in sharing my thoughts on my opponents I will let my actions do the talking on Sunday Night in the middle of the ring.

Ok, so I am going to touch briefly on one of the opponents in that Trio Tag Team match and that is The “Self Proclaimed” King of Wrestling Peter Gilmour. Last week on Warfare I did what I said I would do and take your little fake crown and flushed it down your porcelain throne, But now I hear that not only are you trying to win this Trio Tag Title with two guys that I don’t even know if they exist, I mean Unknown Soldier?? Mr Mystery?

Unknown? Mystery?

Anyway like I was saying not only are you entering that match up you are also somehow wormed your way in to the Gauntlet match to try and become the Real King of the XWF. Why do you think you deserve to be in this match? You couldn’t even keep your completely fictional Empire in order.

You know what, I am tired of dealing with you, and after how I took you on last week on Warfare and defeated you, as everyone knew I would I am now putting you in the same bracket as the fools from Saturdays and Mondays and not even going to waist my breath.

The sheer numbers that will be entering this Gauntlet give the smart competitor like myself an edge, regardless if I am a so called rookie, or the fact that this match is consisting of the best of the best in the business. Over the last 2 weeks I have given the United States Champion a Scare by launching him over the top rope in a Battle Royal and then defeated 1 half of the Tag Team Champions all be it that the only reason they seem to have the title is because nobody else can be bothered to challenge them. I have nothing to fear with any of the competitors in this match and they will all see what Flynn and Gilmour have already seen. There should be no underestimating. CHRIS MACBETH.

I was born for this moment and I will take my chance to show the world as I did last week that no matter how experienced you are, or how messed up in the head you are.

There is no competition for pure dedication and the smarts of success.

It doesn’t matter who you are, what titles you have held.

Nothing compares.

Is this my time?

My time is close.

Macbeth turns and walks through the door behind him, loud music can be heard as the door opens up until it closes again behind him.

Meanwhile on the other side of the door.

A couple of couches sit along the back wall of this dimly lit room. To the left there is a crate of beers sat with a few half full bottles sat on the table next to a fusball table.

“Nice of you to join us”

Macbeth looks over to one of his fellow band mates who is stood with a beer in his hand and his guitar hanging over his shoulder. The other guys seem to ignore this and continue to talk amongst themselves.

CM: What? I am 5 minutes later. I got caught up with some stuff outside.

“Wrestling Stuff?”

CM: Yes wrestling stuff. So what?
“Nothing but we were supposed to be rehearsing already and you were late again.”

CM: Look I am Professional Wrestler. I have certain obligations I have to adhere too as part of that, you need to get used to that... You all need to get used to that.

“Whatever let’s just start rehearsal”

Macbeth walks over and picks up his guitar and sits on one of the sofas and begins to tune up. Adam returns from is Fusball game and sits at his drum kit, playing about with the double bass pedal.

A few minutes go by and they begin a run through of one of their songs. You could cut the tension in the air with a butter knife. Not with Adam though, he understands. He was in the business and I know he feels the same as me. He has other things in his life apart from this band.

That’s the big issue you see, the other guys love this band, I love this band too but I am past that stage in my life now. I am back to where I wanted my life to go before the music was even a slight thought in the back of my mind.

That is the same place Wrestling had been for the many years of touring the world, always at the back of my mind. I always knew this was where I wanted to be and now I am just glad I have been able to do it before it was too late and I was to old to compete with the best or worse, dead.

Sometime Later

For someone who does like to insult the crowd while his is wrestling Macbeth really does have a lot of time for people, Especially his family who he has not seen for many years, until this week when he gets on that plane this afternoon and heads home.

[Image: l47b2fa43-m0m.jpg]

Sat in his apartment on West Irving Park with his luggage by the door Macbeth waits for the call that his cab has arrived. He flicks on the TV to see the latest edition of XWF Monday Night Madness just as Ann Thraxx going at Evan Hayes’ head with a cheese grater.

Macbeth smiles and shakes his head. This PPV is going to be crazy he thinks to himself as he sits back to continue watching.

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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