Jack Hoff arrives in human form. As opposed to a cartoon character. He's like Reeve Fuckin' Gordon, he can morph. Into two forms. Both of which are fat, sweaty, and bald. Let's get this over with, shall we?
Jack: MATT GAWD DAMNED DAMON@@ those were supposed tah be exclamation points, but I'm drunk, BUT ANYFUCK.
Jack Hoff: I challenge you. Tah suck my dick. No. .....No.
Jack "Kid Rawk" Hoff: I challenge you tah bring in Affleck. Cuz he's always been the real star. You're a jealous little Evan Bourne. That's what you are.
Jack MuddaFukkin Hoff: I also challenge you tah take yer cock outta FroHo's mouth. Ya both might be itty bitty midget men, but you don't know where he's put that thing. Probably all over Maria Brink's AIDs. You don't want that. I know from experience.
Ben Affleck: And now I'm Ben Affleck. Frodo was right.......I really am Reeve....INCEPTION!!
|cuz robin williams is also better than matt damon. but that goes without saying|