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Monday Night Madness (06-02-14)
Author Message
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

06-02-2014, 06:07 PM

[Image: eEbTxwp.jpg]

Date: June 02, 2014
Arena: American Airlines Arena
City: Dallas, Texas

JOEY STYLES: "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to another edition of Monday Night Madness, live from Dallas Texas, home of the Dallas Cowboys and their lovely Cheerleaders. And boy have we got a show for you tonight. After making his return and joining up with Paul Heyman, Steve Davids will be taking on Alexandra Callaway in his return match. We also have the Battle of the Gilmours as Gilmour Classic will take on Peter Gilmour an a Hell in a Cell, and for our Main Event, XWF Universal Champion Sebastian Duke will be defending his title for the first time against RTX Champion Cain."

OZYMANDIAS: "Good Evening everyone. It's great to be here to usher in a new era of Monday Night Madness. Now before I get into what happened last week and how things will be going forward I want to take a second to thank you all. The loyal fans of the XWF. The response since my showing up on television has been so positive, so overwhelming that I have unfortunately not been able to respond to all your emails and phone calls and twitter messages. And I really pride myself on open and honest communication with the fans and so as a result of that I have hired an assistant to help me out with some of the day to day things that might get overlooked while I focus on the bigger picture. Now I must warn you, this woman while extremely talented and extreme gorgeous she is also extremely shy and for the time being would prefer that her real name not be used on XWF Television. So in the mean time we will simply refer to her as "Hot Assistant." Now please, if you could all join me in welcoming her to the XWF."

Ozymandias points to the entry way and out walks a lovely looking woman in a black suit.

She waves to the crowd and and then joins her boss in the center of the ring.

OZYMANDIAS: "Now that we have that out of the way let's talk about last week. As you all saw Paul Heyman was relieved of his duties as the Commissioner of Madness, a role he held for slightly more than two months. While he did some very good things he also did some very bad things, somethings that I never want to see taking place on my show. Paul Heyman has many strengths, he also has some weaknesses and it is those weaknesses that get the better of him. While the Paul Heyman era of Madness may go down as one of the best it will also go down as one of the most chaotic. To say that the clowns ran the asylum would be a slight understatement. Moving forward that will no longer be the case."

The fan reaction is a bit tempered as some love the chaos, the madness if you will while others prefer a more fair more tame atmosphere.

OZYMANDIAS: "Now that is not to say that we are going to be entering some PG Era where everything is all rainbows and unicorns, not in the least. But I want to see fair matches, I want to see people winning because they truly deserved it. Not because someone came out to interfere. I want the outcome to be dictated by the effort of the wrestlers involved in the match, not the referee, not someone else injecting themselves into the match, just the man or women scheduled to participate. In order to ensure that there is more control over these matches all XWF Madness Referees will be taking part in a two week course on controlling their environment as well as a refresher on the actual rules of the XWF so that we don't see any more situations where a champion is potentially crowed via a count out. In addition anyone who decides to take things open themselves and show up to a match that they are not scheduled to participate in will find themselves on the wrong end of some swift justice. Don't test me, you won't like the results. And lastly...

"And lastly, lets welcome the man that single-handedly BUILT this brand!"

JOEY STYLES: "That voice is obviously Paul Heyman!"

Heyman casually emerges from backstage. He has a microphone in hand as a lot of fans cheer him, others boo him, and he makes his way to the ring.

PAUL HEYMAN: "It's my turn. It's my turn, Ozy, to tell you exactly what I think! See, you made mention of the clowns running the asylum and I assure you, Ozy, NOTHING happened in the House that Heyman built without my knowledge! Nothing happened in the House that Heyman built without my approval.

"You see, Ozy, I am like the great and powerful..."

Heyman leans toward Ozymandias."


"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain pulling the strings of each and every XWF star that appeared on my show. I'm the great puppet master, Ozy. Those contracted to my Madness roster.... my puppets... Everything I did, everything that happened, everything that I allowed to happen was exactly what I always claimed it to be.... controlled chaos..."

"Controlled chaos!"

"You have absolutely no idea what that means."

"Do you know what I did during my run? Not only did I build this brand, but I snatched it away from the abyss! This show was about to be flushed down the shitter, Ozy. I saved it from annihilation and slowly but surely built it up to the damn professional wrestling powerhouse that it is today!"

"First, we eliminated promo limits. Why? Because they're horse shit and exactly NOT what this industry is all about."

"Then we retooled, rebuilt, and reshaped the Madness roster."

"Attendance figures started going up. As a result, gates and merchandising went up. Soon, the television ratings followed suit. We started going to larger venues. Each week, Ozy, things got just a little better. A little stronger."

"It was like a snowball effect, Ozy. The ratings began climbing steadily. TNA Wrestling was our first victim and Dixie Carter never saw it coming. Next was Vince and his shitty Smackdown show that hasn't been relevant since...."

"That's right, you guessed it, Ozy, since Paul Heyman ran that ship.

"Then Raw fell to the Madness Giant.

"Then the XWF's own Shove It fell victim.

"Then what used to be the flagship of the greatest wrestling promotion in the history of the industry, Warfare. Warfare also fell victim to the House that Heyman built and I did it, Ozy, with that controlled chaos environment. I did it, Ozy, in under four months.


"Because I'm a fucking genius."

OZYMANDIAS: "First TNA fell to the Heyman Machine, and then Raw and then Shove It, all wonderful accolades Paul but you see, you forgot one major detail. After you accomplished all of those things you, Paul Heyman, fell to me, Ozymandias. The King of Kings. Now, do yourself a favor and get out of the Kings Court while you still can. This is my show now. Feel free to see yourself out."

JOEY STYLES: "Unbelievable. It looks like we have an old fashioned war brewing here on Madness. Our first match when we come back from commercial."

Coming Home by alter Bridge plays

The arena darkens as the lights begin flashing and going nuts as if this was a rave. The fans boo as "Coming Home" begins to play and Mr. XWF steps out as the flickering and flashing of the lights hit him in a way that makes him look like he is glowing. His erection is clearly massive, as seen through his stretchy spandex body suit. He tries hyping up the crowd by shouting at them and motioning for them to liven up as he makes his way down toward the ring, but all it does it make them boo him more. He threatens to hit a couple fans along the way and then gets into the ring where he bounces off the ropes and yells things at the fans to get them booing him even louder. Sometimes it sounds like he is cursing at them but it's very hard to tell since he's got a mask on that covers his mouth. It seems that the less the fans can understand of his yelling during his entrance, the louder they will boo him!

Country Boy Can Survive by Hank Williams JR plays

Waylon comes out takes some Beechnut tobacco and puts a dip in points at his opponent then wipes his hands on his overalls and spits the tobacco all down the ramp.

- vs -
Standard One Fall

The match starts off with Waylon charging at Mr. XWF for a spear. Mr. XWF doesn't dodge, he just stands there and when Waylon gets close hits him with a dick to the head. This does nothing to stop Waylon's spear, as XWF would have hoped. Waylon's spear connects and drops them both to the ground. He begins to throw mounted punches the the torso of his foe, while Mr. WXF is just thrusting his hips up and down trying to get Waylon off.

JOEY STYLES: "Well that's one way to do it."

After throwing ten shots to the torso he throws one to Mr. XWF's helmet, which wasn't a bright idea. He pulled his back after realizing the helmet was in fact not soft. This was the opportunity XWF needed to get Waylon off of him. With one massive pelvic thrust he shook propelled Waylon upward.

JOEY STYLES: "Sky Rockets in flight..."

Now on his feet Mr. XWF begins laying boots to the back of Waylon before picking him up and dropping him with a massive powerbomb. He picks Waylon up again and hits him with a pile driver. Waylon gets up and runs at Mr. XWf who hits him with a Clothesline from hell. With his foe on the ground Mr. XWF climbs the rope and leaps off and using his head as a ram to hit Waylon in the back.

Waylon holds his back and begins writhing in pain. Mr. XWF is up and goes to drop the boots to Waylon, but he quickly counters with an uppercut to XWF's junk, which sends him back to the ropes. Waylon is up to his feet and runs over hitting XWF with a leaping kick to the chest, sending XWF over the ropes. Waylon climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off landing a solid elbow to XWF's chest. He goes for the pin.




Mr. XWF is up and DDT's Waylon on the concrete. He then picks Waylon up in a Fireman's carry drop. He then picks Waylon up, and rolls him into the ring before going in after him. Waylon is up and the men lock up and begin to trade blows. Waylon. XWF. Waylon. Waylon. Waylon. XWF. XWF catches Waylon's fist and counters with a knee to the stomach before getting Waylon into a Pedigree and dropping him hard. He goes for the pin, but then decides against it and swaps it up. He pins Waylon in the 69 position.




Winner: Mr. XWF

JOEY STYLES:"Wait a minute? What's this?"

Mr. XWF is catching his breath and rubbing his big ol' cock at the same time before extending that same hand to Waylon for a shake."Waylon looks at the fans and then back at Mr. XWF who has his hand out and is visibly erect.

Mr. XWF: Take my appendage, bizzitch! Good match! GOOD MIZZATCH, NIZZIGGA!

Mr. XWF jerks forward grabbing Waylon's hand whether he likes it or not and pulling him into,


A kip up, chest puffed, shoulders back, head high, foot stomped down onto Waylon's chest.

Rock buh-buh-buh-bottommmmmmmm, bizzitch! Fuck a sheep to that shizzit, fuck a llama and a donkey and prove you one down n' dirty honkey. I am THEEEE trail blazin, asshole blazin, hell raisin', simply fuckin' amazin PEOPLE'S COCK!

But we all already knew that shizzit. What I wanna know right now bizzitch Waylon is if you would like to team the fuck up with me and win the world tag titles! We've bonded, nigga, we've bonded and it's time to put our differences aside and unite! The doctor has been away too long and is ready to start giving check ups left and right, loose and tight, day and night with ALLLLLL that might! NOW CAN...........YOU............SUCK..........THAT...........


Strangely enough he gets a pretty good reaction before dropping the mic on Waylon and walking to the back, still the raging hardon in his spandex.

"Last of The Real" by Stone Sour hits the air as the Messiah John Brown heads down to the ring. The fans are interested to see what he has to say, since he's clearly not booked on tonight's card.

Brown enters the ring and is handed a microphone as the music fades..

JOHN BROWN: "Last week, I was handed a document in the back, and I have been holding on to that document for a week. I have it with me, and if you'd all indulge me for a moment, I'd like to share the contents of said document with all of you."

John Brown pulls the paper out of his pocket unfolds it and holds it as he reads.

JOHN BROWN: "The following document serves as a cease and desist on using the name 'John Brown' while employed by the X-Treme Wrestling Federation. This name is the intellectual property of Jonathyn Brown, and any further use of this name will be seen as.."

The fans begin cheering at the mere mention of the former owner of the company. John pauses and looks up at the crowd with some frustration for the interruption.

JOHN BROWN: "ANY FURTHER use of this name will result in immediate action, including court proceedings and possible incarceration." ..and it's signed by some lawyer. So let me get this straight. I show up here in the XWF, and I decide to use my actual name, and suddenly I'm in some kind of legal trouble? Well let me tell you all something. I AM JOHN BROWN, AND NO PIECE OF PAPER IS GOING TO TELL ME OTHERWISE!

The crowd applauds John Brown's pride.

JOHN BROWN: Let's face it, "John Brown" is probably the most common name on earth, and I'm not about to let one jerk declare his ownership of it. This is ridiculous. and this piece of paper is an absolute joke. You want legal action? Here's some legal action for ya!

John hold the document up and tears it in half! The crowd cheers! He tears it again, and again! He throws the shards of paper in the air and lets it fall all around him to the cheers of the crowd.


"Last of The Real" plays again as John flips out of the ring and strides up the ramp, high-fiving fans as he heads to the back..

JOEY STYLES: "Back from the break and there were some harsh words from "The Messiah" John Brown. But now we have Hawkins and Daniels going at it for the third time in as many weeks. This one will be a best of 3 falls match.

Ace of Spades by Motorhead plays

After a few seconds of Ace of Spades playing Daniels makes his way out of the back and casually walks down to the ring, slapping hands with some of the fans on the way.

Trophies by Drake plays

Joey Hawkins slowly makes his way down to the ring, tossing his hat into the stands where hopefully one of his adoring fans will be able to get their hands on it. He makes it into the ring, ascends the turnbuckles and flexes his muscles before taking a seat atop the turnbuckle while he waits for the bell to ring.

Joey Hawkins
- vs -
Jerry Daniels
Best 2 of 3 falls


JOEY STYLES: "And here we go."

The match starts out fast and Hawkins charges at Daniels and immediately takes him down with a knee to the face. Followed up by a flurry of punches to the face…








Seven punches to the face piece of Daniels and Hawkins is not letting up. He grabs Daniels by the sides of his head and starts pressing his thumbs into Daniels eyes. Daniels screams out in pain as his body starts wiggling around trying to break free. The ref gets in there trying to break up what Hawkins is doing and after a few seconds it works. Hawkins yanks Daniels up by the face, throws him into the corner and then hits him with a splash.

Daniels stumbles forward still feeling the effects of the repeated blows to the head. Hawkins backs away and then sizes his opponent up, making a picture frame gesture with his hands…and then…

Brogue Kick!!!

Daniels collapses to the mat and Hawkins makes the cover…




Match Count: Hawkins 1
Daniels 0

JOEY STYLES: “And the first fall goes to Joey Hawkins and with relative ease.”

Hawkins lifts Daniels up and then plants him with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Hawkins then grabs Daniel’s left knee and slams it onto the mat two times. Hawkins yanks Daniels up and tosses him into the ropes; Daniels comes back at him but with a noticeable limp. Daniels manages to duck a clothesline attempt but Hawkins quickly responds with a kick to the side of Daniels face. Daniels falls backwards into the ropes and then stumbles forward into the waiting arms of Hawkins who quickly spins around and plants Hawkins with a spine buster. And then the cover…




JOEY STYLES: “It’s good to see Daniel’s showing some signs of life here.”

Hawkins again pulls Daniels to his feet but before Hawkins can do anything further Daniels hits his opponent with a powerful uppercut that sends Hawkins crashing to the mat. Daniels follows up with an elbow drop and then a cover of his own…




JOEY STYLES: “Daniels almost evened the score there.”

Both men get to their feet and lock up in the center of the ring. Daniels gets the early advantage as he pulls Hawkins in for a headlock, which he then pulls in even tighter to increase the pressure to Hawkins head. Hawkins then manages to wiggle out of it and send Daniels to the ropes, on the return Daniels charges at Hawkins with a full head of steam but Hawkins manages to side step Daniels and as soon as Daniels turns around…

HEAVY HEAT!! (Two Batista Bombs)

The cover…




Winner: Joey Hawkins

In the back, The Messiah John Brown is minding his own business, still chuckling to himself about the ridiculous Cease & Desist letter he received for the name "John Brown." He's talking to himself as the camera slowly zooms in on him.

John Brown: How the hell does somebody OWN the name "John Brown?" It's like the most common name in the history of freakin' everything..

A voice from off camera suddenly interrupts the conversation.

???: It's a popular name, yes. Especially in these halls..

John looks up as the camera pulls back to find Shane "" Anonistrator, wearing his Charlie Sheen mask and holding a hockey stick for some reason..

Shane: It's a name that carries a lot of weight around here, and I totally get why Jonathyn would want to keep someone else from using it.

John Brown: Well isn't that just a damn shame for Jonathyn. I really don't care who wants what. This is MY name, and I'm not getting rid of it because some piece of history got his panties in a bunch about someone happening to share the same ridiculously common name. I eat with a knife and fork too, does he own that too? Is wearing pants the intellectual property of the great Jonathyn Brown? This whole thing isa joke, and I'm in no hurry to take it seriously. This is my name, and he's gonna have to learn to share..

Shane: I get it, John. I get it. But let me tell you something about the man in question here. He may be arrogant, he may be a tad full of himself, and he may still have a ways to go before he gets 500 friends on Facebook, but he's not someone to take lightly. Shane has gone toe to toe with him many a times, wait... uh, I mean I have gone toe to toe with him many times in the past and the results have not always been in "my" favor. Remember, I'm Shane under this mask.

Things get a little awkward as John just stares at Shane, wondering why he's telling him his name.

Shane: Anyway, everybody knows how the /Brown war ended - WITH ME on top... but that wasn't before he took my company from me. I think it was called the CCWF or something like that but you can't expect me to remember the exact initials when I've been decapitated and come back from the dead, right? Anyway, Jonathyn IS a dick, he's a a bastard, but anyone who's followed XWF's long history also knows he's a fighter and he's not going to let this rest until you're either standing in the ring calling yourself something else, or sitting in a jail cell calling yourself John Brown. Trust me, do some research, this is FAR from the most ridiculous thing that bastard has tried to pull. Do you really want to be locked up just because your Momma gave you somebody else's name when you were born?

John Brown: JAIL? Are you out of your mind?

Shane: I'm Shane , aren't I?

A brief silence. Shane makes a good point.

John Brown: Ok, yeah you're in front of me with a Sheen mask on and a hockey stick so I guess I just answered my own question. The fact, however, remains that NOBODY is going to jail over their legal birth name! You're just as delusional as he is. I'm done talking about it. Why am I even here? I'm not booked, and I don't need to be here anymore. I'm out.

Shane: No match? Hold on.. Let me see what I can do. I'll get you a match tonight.. You leave that to me. I'll talk to Mr. Manatee and we'll get you a nice little match.. But let me just say this. Don't worry so much about your little match tonight, worry about your much larger battle, because as long as you insist on fighting Jonathyn Brown, you're not going to sleep well. Trust me on this.. I'm Shane , and I'd know.

John Brown: Whatever... I'll be fine. Just get me a match.

Shane: Good luck.. You'll be NEEDING it tonight and for as long as you hold on to this belief that you'll be "fine." Now if you'll excuse me, I have an asparagus spear steaming in my office and I don't want it to get too mushy.

Shane heads out of the the shot backwards, leaving John Brown to stare at him in disbelief at how idiotic this entire situation is..

Dark Horse by Katy Perry plays

"Dark Horse" By Katy Perry, begins to play, as the light's in the arena dim down. She poses as the song's speed begins to pick up and then makes her way down to the ring where she awaits her opponent.

Hello Zepp by Charlie Clouser plays

Darkness fills the arena and there is total silence. As the music picks up Steve emerges in the shadows, followed by his new manager Paul Heyman. They slowly make their way down the ramp. Davids grabs hold of the middle rope and pulls himself onto the ring apron. He climbs into the ring over the middle rope, and riles himself up for the match.

Alexandra Callaway
- vs -
Steve Davids
Standard One Fall

As soon as the bell rings Davids goes at Callaway and hard. A clothesline followed up a knee drop to Callaway’s face and then an elbow drop to the throat. Before Callaway can even react Davids has Callaway back up to her feet and sends her to the corner.

Davids backs up into the opposing corner and after placing his hands on the top ropes propels himself towards Callaway, hitting her with a knee to the chest. Callaway doubles over in pain and Davids takes advantage with a Spike DDT.

Davids with the cover…




David’s is the first up to his feet. He yanks Callaway up by the hair and hits her with a few elbows to the temple. With Callaway a little wobbly Davids goes for a spinning leg kick but Callaway catches the foot mid motion and counters with an attempted clothesline but David’s ducks that with a sidewalk slam.

Davids doesn’t even bother with a pin and instead gets Callaway to her feet and whips her into the ropes. Before Callaway can even bounce off the ropes Davids stops her dead in her tracks with a big boot to the face. With Callaway resting against the ropes Davids moves in and with a clothesline sends Callaway toppling over the ropes and onto the floor. Davids rolls under the bottom rope and immediately gets Callaway to her feet and whips him into the ring steps.


The ref begins the count out for both participants…





David’s picks up Ally and tosses her head first into the ring posts. Her head hits the posts and drops to the mat like a bag of potatoes. Davids’ yanks Callaway back up and tosses into the ring, leaving her head dangling over the ring apron.



Davids’ runs at Callaway and hits her with an vicious elbow to the head. Davids then slides into the ring, grabs Callaway by the legs and falls backwards, propelling Callaway’s throat up into the bottom rope which immediately leaves her gasping for air.

With Callaway still trying to catch her breath Davids’ gets his opponent up and then destroys her with a praying mantis bomb.

Known effectively as Game Over!!

Davids’ hooks the leg for the cover…




Winner - Steve Davids

Last Of The Real by Stone Sour plays

As the drums kick in, John Brown comes strutting from the back out onto the stage. He stands center stage for a moment, simply looking around the arena, with a sly smirk on his lips. He kneels down on the stage as the lights dim, leaving only a spotlight beaming down onto him, arms spread and head bowed. He pulls up onto one knee, raising his head, stroking his beard a few times before popping to his feet and beginning a light, but brisk walk to the ringside area. He walks to the steel steps at the left side ring post and jumps up to the top step. He quickly climbs into the ring, between the top two types and climbs onto the closest turnbuckle. He slowly lowers his arms and climbs down, "Last of The Real" by Stone Sour begins it's first few plodding guitar chords. As the drums kick in, John Brown comes strutting from the back out onto the stage. He stands center stage for a moment, simply looking around the arena, with a sly smirk on his lips. He kneels down on the stage as the lights dim, leaving only a spotlight beaming down onto him, arms spread and head bowed. He pulls up onto one knee, raising his head, stroking his beard a few times before popping to his feet and beginning a light, but brisk walk to the ringside area. He largely ignores anything the crowd yells at him, nose stuck in the air, indicating he is above them. As he reaches ringside he finally pauses, outstretching his arms and yelling "Bow your fucking heads!" to the audience. He walks to the steel steps at the left side ring post and jumps up to the top step. He quickly climbs into the ring, between the top two types and climbs onto the closest turnbuckle. Arms outstretched again, he simply looks out at the audience with a mixed look of disgust for them and an air of arrogance about how much better he is than them. His pose on the second rope can't be described as anything less than looking messianic. He slowly lowers his arms and climbs down, before making his way to the farthest corner and leaning back, waiting...

He looks to the entrance ramp, waiting patiently for his mystery opponent..

A few moments pass. No entrance music, nobody stepping out to the ramp.. John calls for a microphone.

JOHN BROWN: "Okay! I'm here! Who's my opponent? Let's go!!"

Still nothing..

JOHN BROWN: "Okay, this is ridiculous. I don't need to be out here. But as long as I am, let me just reiterate what I said before to Jonathyn Brown."

More cheers for mention of the old owner's name.

JOHN BROWN: "Yeah, I get it, Jonathyn. We happen to have the same name. Last time I checked, that's not a punishable offense, and I'm not about to cower in a corner and change my name because it also happens to be yours. My mother gave me this name, and if you think I'm going to let some self important BUFFOON take it from me, you are absolut--"

The fans look to the ramp, but nobody arrives.. The cheers slowly turn to boos and John Brown just rolls his eyes.

Suddenly, "My Name's Jon Brown" by Jonathyn Brown hits the PA and the crowd erupts!! Is Jonathyn here?

Then suddenly, four police officers appear and head down the ramp. The fans begin booing even louder as John Brown sees that this situation is about to escalate. He just looks to the crowd with a "can you believe this garbage" look on his face.

JOHN BROWN: "Well, here we go. The jackass sent cops to come punish me for being named John Brown. Unbelievable. This is quality entertainment, huh folks?"

The cops enter the ring and surround John. You can see the contemplation in his eyes as he determines the best way to handle the situation. The cops begin to close in, and John's expression turns to total disappointment. One of the officers tells John that he needs to come with them, as there is a warrant for his arrest. John lifts the mic to his mouth again.

JOHN BROWN: "Okay, I get it. I'm under arrest. Do you know why? Because my name is the same as the guy who sent you. Does that make sense to you?"

The officer says something about how that's not his concern, and they are just here to apprehend him and bring him to a holding cell.

JOHN BROWN: "Yeah. Gotcha. So am I going to get in more trouble if I did something even dumber than having my name? Like.. How much trouble would I get into for say.. assaulting an officer?"

The crowd cheers, but the officers all go for their tasers, expecting the situation to become hostile at any moment.

JOHN BROWN: "What about this? What if I assaulted all four of you, and then went the hell home? Is THAT going to add to the charges? Obstruction? Assault? Fugitive from justice? Oh, and let;s not forget the biggest charge of all.. BEING NAMED JOHN BROWN. Come on, guys. Think about this. I mean, look at you!"

John motions the microphone toward one of the cops, and that's enough for the cop to take action, whipping out his taser and blasting a dart of 20,000 volts directly into John's chest! John drops to the mat and flops around, clearly experiencing tremendous pain. The crowd starts booing the brutality as the officer turns off the juice. The officers pull John to his feet, and John strikes back! He punches one of the cops clean in the head, and kicks a second one in the guts before the other two over power him. The other two cops collect themselves and join in, bringing John to the ground and putting handcuffs on him. The crowd can't believe what's going on.

The cops drag John Brown out of the ring and pull him up the ramp, his eye bleeding from the melee in the ring and his face showing a mix of adrenaline from the electricity and disgust at the entire situation. He looks right into the camera as he's pulled to the back.


The four officers pull John Brown out to the back as the crowd continues to voice their disgust at the situation.

In the back hallways of the arena we see Gilmour Classic psyching himself up for the match while his manager and valet stand patiently waiting for the match to begin. But before it can Ozymandias arrives on the scene with a piece of paper in hand.

OZYMANDIAS: "Hello Gilmour Classic."

GILMOUR CLASSIC: "Hey Ozzyman you ready for the moment of truth? Peter Gilmour is going to get raped on national television. You should be proud."

OZYMANDIAS: "Well you see G.C, that's the thing. There will be no rapings on my show. Not tonight, not ever. I am sorry if that puts a damper on your plans but I have here a few other suggested stipulations, one that your manager and I spoke about specifically in hopes that you would be agreeable to it. I know, I know, Peter Gilmour wined and cried his way out of all of the good stipulations, Peter Gilmour is a big baby, I know, I've heard it all and I can't say I disagree with you. He is a child in an adults body, that being said rape is illegal and I am not dump enough to allow it to occur on my show for millions of people to see. The same goes for the cutting off of body parts of anyone. Especially a defenseless woman whose only real crime is that she married Peter."

GILMOUR CLASSIC: "And she has the Hi-Five."

OZYMANDIAS: "Yes and that. So will you listen to what I have to say?"

GILMOUR CLASSIC: "Sorry Ozzy but this has to go down. Mr.XWF's penis must go inside Peter Gilmour's b-hole, it is in the only the way."

Ozymandias looks over at OOC hoping the manager will step in at some point, thankfully OOC get's the hint.

OOC: Classic look, these stipulations while entertaining aren't who you are, you need to do something bigger, something drastic. If Peter Gilmour were to get raped, even on national television in front of millions of people he would just deny it or say it was you who got raped. And if Maria's titty did get cut off she would just take a magic red pill from DDP and it would grow back instantly. You know this."

GILMOUR CLASSIC: "So what are you suggesting boss?"

OOC: "When you win, Peter Gilmour has to stay away from Maria Brink, forever. He can't use her in any of his promos, he can't even call her or send her flowers, or communicate with her using her band mates. For all intents and purposes, Maria Brink is dead to Peter Gilmour. You don't have to speak to her, you can ignore her like the filth ridden piece of trailer trash that she is, if you wish. But Peter will have no such say in the matter. It's over and done with for him and her."

GILMOUR CLASSIC: "No rape? No butchery?"

OOC: "No. This is the way it has to be."

GILMOUR CLASSIC: "Fine. I'll agree to that. But what if Peter refuses, what if he uses her in promos anyway?"

OZYMANDIAS: "Well I can promise you if that happens, XWF Management will not look upon his promos favorably. He will most definitely have a hard time being taken seriously in this company if he does not abide by the agreed upon stipulation. He could possibly face having his promos removed entirely or being disqualified from matches instantly if he uses her."

GILMOUR CLASSIC: "Fine, let's do this. Oh and Ozzy...SUCK MY SHIT!!"

Gilmour by In This Moment plays

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of Gilmour by IN THIS MOMENT begins as a white beam of light comes from the top of the arena and shines on the middle of the ramp. We then see a hand go into the light as a man kneels in front of the light. It is Gilmour Classic! The music picks up as Gilly Steen gets up and screams to the heavens as he and his new valet Jennifer Johnson come down to the ring. along with his manager Owen Octavious Carter. They get into the ring and Gilly Steen goes to the nearest turnbuckle and puts out his hand as the same beam of light comes down into his hand as he gives us a very scary look into the camera. He then laughs wickedly then screams to the heavens again as the lights come back on and he awaits his next opponent.

Implode by Slayer plays

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of IMPLODE by SLAYER begins as a white beam of light comes from the top of the arena and shines on the middle of the ramp. We then see a hand go into the light as a man kneels in front of the light. It is Peter Gilmour! The music picks up as Peter gets up and screams to the heavens as he and his wife's new assistant Jessica Johnson come down to the ring. They get into the ring and Peter goes to the nearest turnbuckle and puts out his hand as the same beam of light comes down into his hand as he gives us a very scary look into the camera. He then laughs wickedly then screams to the heavens again as the lights come back on and he awaits his next opponent.

I'm Gonna Give You A.I.D's by Anal Blast plays

JOEY STYLES: "That ref outfit that Maria has on is something else. I can't even really describe it so I'll just allow you to all enjoy it for yourselves."

[Image: Maria_Ref.jpg]

Gilmour Classic
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Hell In A Cell w/Explosives
w/Maria Brink's AIDS as special guest ref
If Peter F'n Gilmour wins Gilmour Classic is not allowed near Maria Brink ever again.
If Gilmour Classic wins Peter Gilmour will not be allowed near Maria Brink ever again.


Peter Gilmour didn't even wait for the bell to finish ringing before he charged Gilmour Classic and caught the heavier man with a running forearm smash to the face!

Gilmour with a follow up kick to GC's gut and then a shove into the ropes, allowing GC to bounce back right into a huge sidewalk slam from Gilmour! The ring just shook so much that Maria Brinks almost lost her footing!

Gilour with a cover, and Maria takes her time kneeling down all sexy and seductively before starting the count...


She stands back up and puts her hand up in the shape of a zero to show the count that was had.

Gilmour slams his hands on the canvas as he storms back to his feet but Gilmour Classic is also exploding to his feet and both men crack each other right in their faces with a closed fist. Gilmour throws another punch but GC blocks it, wrapping up Gilmour's arm and twisting it behind Gilmour. GC holds the arm behind Gilmour and increases the pressure of this simple arm lock as Gilmour uses his free arm to try and elbow GC's face but GC keeps bobbing his big head out of the way of the back elbows.

Some of the fans realize that this would be the perfect chance for GC to rape Gilmour, so they start chanting "get up in him... get up in him" but then GC yells at the fans...

GILMOUR CLASSIC: I'm not Fatback! I'm Gilmour bitch!

He slams his elbow into the back of Gilmour's head and then shoves Gilmour through the ropes to the outside. GC quickly follows and whips Gilmour into the cell wall. GC backs up... OH NO! He charges forward! The fans all scatter out of the way as...


GC just threw himself into Gilmour so hard that both men broke through the cell wall AND broke through the protective barrier for the fans, landing in a pile of chairs that start falling all over as fans scream HOLY SHIT... HOLY SHIT!! There's a huge hole left in the cell where they broke through and Maria comes through the hole to keep a close eye on the situation.

GC and Gilmour are both down and are taking some time to recover. Gilmour grabs one of the chairs to help himself up and then folds it, striking GC right in the face with it and sending him back toward the ring. Gilmour tosses the chair aside and grabs the piece of the barrier that broke, and he throws the entire chunk of the thick barrier right at GC!


GC ducks!

JOEY STYLES: "Oh No!!! Maria Brinks was behind him trying to restore order to the match! The flying piece of barrier just smashed right into her face as the fans let out a huge echoing "Oooooooh!"

Gilmour doesn't have time to react as GC laughs sadistically at him WHILE charging into him with his body. Yes, he literally just ran forward while laughing and his big ass knocked Gilmour down with what can best be described as some kind of GC belly bump!

GC leaps into the air and drops down onto Gilmour with a massive splash! He pulls Gilmour up and quickly drags him back through the cell hole into the ring. He drops a leg across the throat of Gilmour and then goes for the pin...

JOEY STYLES: "But where's Maria? Where's the ref? Oh yeah! She's still out cold from being struck with that damn barrier!"

GC lets out a loud grunt of anger as he goes to collect Maria, carefully dragging her by the hair into the cell and then actually pulling her hair first into the ring. She starts to wake up as GC turns back to see Gilmour standing...

Gilmour goes for the Gilmour Cutter!

Reversed! Into a Gilmour Cutter from GC!

But no! Reversed! Into a Gilmour Cutter from Gilmour!

But wait! Reversed! Into a Gilmour Cutter from GC!

Not this time! Gilmour reverses it into a Gilmour Cutter that then gets reversed into a Gilmour Cutter that then gets... Maria Brink pissed off enough that she just runs up and kicks them BOTH in the balls to a HUGE pop! The fans let out a massive roar of approval as both Gillys go down, holding their wounded sacks and blood rushing to their faces as they groan and their eyes bulge wide open.

Maria holds out her arms and bows to the fans, saying "you're welcome" as GC and Gilmour both writhe in pain.

GC is the first to his feet as the increased amount of fat between his thighs somewhat cushioned the nut shot compared to what Gilmour felt. GC pulls Gilmour up...

Gilmour Cutter! GC nailed it!

He pins!




GC can't believe it! He's calling Maria a cunt and slapping his hands together quickly to show her how fast she should have counted.

GC goes to pull Gilmour up but... SMALL PACKAGE PIN! Gilmour has GC down! Maria just rolls her eyes and goes ahead with another count...




Gilmour is furious! He rips GC up from the canvas with authority and instantly brings him back down with a DDT, followed by a series of suplexes and then finally whipping GC into the corner and charging into him with a massive shoulder to the gut that almost sends GC's fat out through the back of his anus.


Explosive! Explosive!

JOEY STYLES: "HOLY SHIT!!! There was an explosive IN the fucking turnbuckle?!?!?!"

GC and Gilmour both get shot across the ring and slam into the cell wall after Maria had to drop down to avoid them flying into her!

Both men lie motionless after hitting the floor and blood is covering them. They're lucky they didn't lose any limbs. Maria goes and grabs a water bottle and starts to pour water on both of their faces to try and revive them and clear up some of the blood their faces are covered in. GC starts to cough and spit, and then regurgitates a few chicken wings that look like they weren't even chewed going down. Why are they whole?

Gilmour gets up and kicks GC a few times before pulling him up and hitting a huge body slam right into the chicken wings! Gilmour pulls GC back up and rolls him into the ring, quickly following and stalking GC as he tries to recover...

GC starts to stand... ENDGAME! Gilmour nailed that package piledriver perfectly! He goes for the cover...



...SHOULDER UP! Gilmour screams and rapidly punches GC in the face before pulling him back up and going for another... but wait! DEATH STRIKE! GC knew what was coming and countered into his own finisher! Gilmour is motionless on the canvas!

The pin!



...SHOULDER UP! GC screams and punches Gilmour in the face repeatedly and then chokes him, hovering over him and opening his mouth to let a stray chicken wing fall out and hit Gilmour in the nose. Oh, and there's a healthy dose of actual vomit too... nice. Gilmour chokes and gags as the vomit covers his face but he manages to thumb GC in the eye and push him off. Gilmour wipes vomit from his face and...

BOOM! Gilmour accidentally stepped on a land mine! Gilmour's body is shot up so high that he busts THROUGH the top of the cell!!! His body keeps flying UP and then starts to slowly descend...




and lands a couple feet away from the hole, still landing on top of the cell! He's unconscious up there, but clearly out of reach of GC who is looking up there confused. He looks over at Maria who shrugs.

GC makes his way out of the earlier hole that was made in the call wall and begins to scale the side of the cage! His fat ass gets about half way up AND THEN JUST LOSES HIS GRIP! Too much vomit and parm must have gotten on his hands or something!

GC crashes down into some fans as the arena breaks out in laughter. Both Gillys are down and out as Maria just throws her hands up in dismay.

Several minutes go by and finally on top of the cage there is some movement! Gilmour is alive! He's slowly rolling around in immense pain up there on top of the cell as GC begins to stir down at ground level. Fans help pull GC up and they shove him out of their way so they can sit back down. GC shakes off the cobwebs and starts to climb the cage again...

Slowly but surely he makes it to the top this time! GC heads toward Gilmour on top of the cell and Gilmour sees him coming. Gilmour manages to block a right hand from GC and pull the big man up onto his shoulders! NO WAY!!! Gilmour has GC up on his back ON TOP of the cell! Gilmour spins right into... THE KILLSWITCH! GC's face crashes right into one of the support bars of the cell ceiling and blood just starts to GUSH from GC's face... possibly a broken nose but there's too much blood to even tell where it's coming from, not to mention the vomit and parm that's still on him.


Gilmour raises his hands in the air and enjoys being in this moment.

Gilmour looks down into the ring below and sees Maria looking up. He yells down at her to count as he slowly covers GC...



...KICKOUT! Oh my god! GC just flung Gilmour up off of him like he was only 20 pounds! GC explodes to his feet, shaking and growling as he pumps his fists like crazy... HE'S PARMING UP! HE'S PARMING UP!

Gilmour sees this and starts hitting him in the face... but it's only making GC shake more violently and pump his fists faster! Gilmour delivers a kick to the nuts that has NO affect on GC! GC points at Gilmour who backs up a few steps...

SHIT! He backed up into the hole in the cell ceiling! Gilour just fell all the way back down into the ring through the same hole he exploded up through earlier!

Maria jumps out of the way just in time as Gilmour LANDS ON AN EXPLOSIVE!!!

Gilmour's body is on fire now as GC takes aim from the top of the cell, looking down through that hole...

Oh no... OH NO!

GC leaps!

Through the hole!

Right down into the flaming Peter Gilmour!

Flames shoot out in every direction as there is ANOTHER explosion when the two collide! A mushroom cloud rises that seems to morph into a chicken leg before disappearing and when all the smoke clears GC is laying on top of Peter Gilmour.




Winner: Gilmour Classic

JOEY STYLES: "Incredible match by these two and what a brave moment of self sacrifice there as Gilmour Classic laid on top of Peter Gilmour to put the flames out. While also securing the win."

JOEY STYLES: “Maniacs, it is time! It is time for a war! For the last several weeks these two have poked and prodded each other and it all comes down to this! Champion versus Champion! Powerhouse versus powerhouse! Rookie versus Legend!

“Sebastian Duke defends the Universal Championship against Cain in a match, where anything goes!

“Mr. Buffer, over to you.”

The bell sounds three times and those in Dallas quiet down and begin paying attention to the special guest ring announcer, Michael Buffer.

MICHAEL BUFFER: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is time. It is time for the MAIN EVENT.... of the EVENING!”

The crowd cheers.


The crowd cheers some more.


The crowd cheers even louder.

MICHAEL BUFFER: “Then, for the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world.... LLLLLLLLETS GET READY TO RRRRUMBLLLLLLLLLE!”

“Seek & Destroy” by Primal Fear plays.(Metallica Cover)

The lights strobe white for a moment as the intro to "Seek and Destroy" by Primal Fear hits. Then everything goes black as the camera pans around the arena, searching for The Beast. A set of glowing red eyes are spotted and the camera focuses on him.

The red strobe lights fill the arena, Cain standing there with fangs bared and flanked by Miako. He quickly makes his way through the crowd with agility unbecoming a man of his size. He steps over the guard rail and grabs Miako by the waist, hoisting her over effortlessly.

He slides under the bottom rope and storms the corners, climbing each one in turn and throwing his arm in the air in a sign of power. He hops down and throws his arms out to the sides as flames go off behind him.

JOEY STYLES: “What an entrance, for Cain.”

The lights go out. After several seconds...

“O Fortuna” by Nevergreen plays.

The darkness is finally cut as the X-Tron explodes into flames. From the very top of it, the flames travel out on both sides until they surround the tron. From there, flames explode from the ramp then travel down both sides of the ramp. The flames reach the bottom of the ramp and all four corners of the ring explode with more firey flamages igniting the steel lighting structure above the ring into a kind of ring of fire.

With the illusion that the entire arena is on fire, O Fortuna hits. The flames continue to burn as Sebastian Duke finally emerges. Not from backstage, but from beneath, as if he's coming from the depths of hell. Once Duke reaches the stage, he slowly makes his way to the ring, the flames raising and lowering to the beat of the drums in O Fortuna.

JOEY STYLES: “Sebastian Duke! The King of Darkness! Always with a spectacular entrance!”

The lights don't come on, and the flames persist as O Fortuna cuts and Michael Buffer takes center ring.

MICHAEL BUFFER: “This match is set for one fall with anything goes. It is for, the XWF... UNNNNNIVERSALLLLLL.... CHAMPIONSHIIIIP!

“Introducing the challenger... He hails from Berlin, Germany... He stands 6 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 3 hundred 15 pounds.... He is the master of the Final Solution... He is the reigning RTX Heavyweight.... Champion.... of the WOOORRRRLD.... He is the Beast of Berliiiiin..... CAAAAAAAAIIIIIIN!”

JOEY STYLES: “There's no one better than Michael Buffer, let me tell you.”

MICHAEL BUFFER: “His opponent. He hails from Old Saybrook, Connecticut. He stands 6 foot 8 inches tall and weighs 2 hundred 98 pounds... He is the master of the Darkness Falls Piledriver... He is the reigning, defending XWF UNIVERSALLLL CHAMPIOOOONNN.... He is the Kiiing of Darknessss.... SEBASTIAAAAAN DUUUUUUUKE!”

JOEY STYLES: “Cain and Duke, so evenly matched in strength and size, this is going to be one hell of a fight ladies and gentlemen. And if what I know about these two is any indication, it most certainly will not be for the faint of heart!”

The lights return and the flames disappear.

XWF Universal Championship
“The King of Darkness”
Sebastian Duke ©
- vs -
“The Beast of Berlin”
Anything Goes

The bell finally rings.

JOEY STYLES: “Both men standing and staring. Cain with a smile. Duke with that hideous mask. Oh God! Here we go!”

Cain and Duke come toward the center of the ring simultaneously. Cain strikes first. Then Duke. Then Cain. Then Duke. Then Cain. Back and forth they go, slugging it out in the center of the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “More than 600 pounds of brute force in that ring!”

Cain gets in a few more shots that start staggering the Universal Champion. Back and back he goes with each shot. Duke, with his back against the ropes. Cain backs off then charges forward delivering a clothesline to the defending champion.

Duke flips over the top rope and down to the floor.

JOEY STYLES: “The son of a bitch landed on his feet!”

Duke grabs a hold of both of Cains feet and trips him up. Cain lands on the mat, Duke pulls Cain out of the ring to the floor and delivers a clothesline of his own, sending Cain to the floor. Duke reaches down and grabs Cain by his hair and lifts him to his feet. Duke attempts to toss him into the steel ring steps, but Cain reverses it and send Duke shoulder first into them.

JOEY STYLES: “A back and forth battle here, ending in a hard collision from Duke to the steps!”

Cain smiles, then grabs Duke by his hair and lifts him to his feet. He tosses him hard into the fan barricade at ringside. Duke crashes hard and lands on the floor but is working his way back to his feet. Cain gives charge, but Duke ducks down and lifts Cain up, tossing him over the barricade.

Duke is slow moving. Allowing Cain time to recover. Cain gets to his feet and removes a fan from his chair. He folds it up and nails Duke over the head with it, causing the defending champion to stagger backwards and drop to one knee.

Cain leaps over the barricade, with the chair in hand. Duke remains on one knee until Cain nears him. Duke gets back to a vertical base. Cain lands another chair shot and Duke falls back to one knee. With Duke on one knee, Cain lands a third shot to Duke's head and this time, Duke stands up. A fourth shot and Duke starts slowly walking toward Cain who is now backing up. A fifth shot and still no deviation from Duke.

JOEY STYLES: “Jesus Christ! Most men would be down for the count! Duke is still standing after five consecutive chair shots to his head!

“No count outs! No DQ's! Anything goes, and this my friends, is Madness!”

Cain rears back for a sixth chair shot when Duke grabs him by the throat and begins choking him. Cain drops the chair and grabs Dukes wrist. Duke lifts him up and plants him on the floor on top of the chair with a choke slam!

JOEY STYLES: “We're five minutes into this match and they've barely spent thirty seconds inside the ring!”

Cain is already getting back to his feet while Duke is distracted by a fan at ringside. The same fan that Cain unseated earlier. Duke stares at him from just outside the barricade when the fan says something extremely stupid.

Duke grabs the fan by his hair and rips him over the barricade. Duke has him on the ground and is choking the life out of him.

JOEY STYLES: “Its safe to say that young fan is not enjoying his Madness experience!”


JOEY STYLES: “A chair shot from behind by Cain saves the fans life!”

Duke gets back to his feet and Cain comes charging at him with the chair again. This time, Duke gets his boot up and causes the chair to collide with Cains head. Cain falls to his back on the floor and Duke kicks the chair away.

Duke reaches down and lifts Cain to his feet by his hair then tosses him into the ring and placing Cains head and neck hanging off of the apron. Duke leaps to the apron then delivers a running leg drop to Cain. The force causes Cain to roll over on his stomach. Duke, now on the floor delivers a running boot to the side of Cains head. Cain rolls entirely into the ring.

Duke steps onto the apron and into the ring. He reaches down and begins lifting Cain off the mat. Cain uses a burst of power to shove Duke away. Cain, now on his feet, bounces off the ropes and is headed for Duke. Duke telegraphs him and takes him to the mat with a Boss Man Slam and hooks the leg.



JOEY STYLES: “Cain kicks out!”

Duke gets back to his feet while Cain remains on the mat. Duke bounces off the ropes and leaps high into the air, delivering a massive leg drop to his challenger. Duke again, hooks the leg.



JOEY STYLES: “And again, Cain kicks out!”

Duke gets to his feet again and lifts Cain to his. Duke tosses Cain into the corner and follows it up with a huge clothesline in the corner. Duke then delivers a few body shots to Cains abdomen before delivering a powerful shot to the face causing Cain to fall to his hands and knees.

Duke closes in on Cain again, but this time, Cain was ready. Cain grabs Duke by his waist band and flings him into the corner. Cain gets back to his feet and delivers a vicious headbutt to Duke causing him to clutch his head.

With Duke still in the corner, Cain drives a shoulder into Dukes midsection multiple times before letting up. Once he does, Duke is about to fall to his knees, but Cain sets him back in the corner, then lifts him to the top rope. Cain follows him up and sets him up for a super plex.

JOEY STYLES: “What a thunderous move this is going to be if he can pull it off!”

Duke is fighting him by landing shots to Cains midsection. But its all for naught. Cain lifts Duke with ease and they both fly off the top rope and down to the mat below with a gigantic super plex! Cain goes for his first cover of the night.



JOEY STYLES: “Duke kicks out!”

Cain gets back to his feet. He lifts Duke to his and immediately drops him back to the mat with a hangmans neckbreaker. Instead of going for the cover though, Cain goes to the outside of the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “Cain, wasting time here as he goes to the outside!”

Cain lifts the apron and is digging for a weapon.

JOEY STYLES: “Oh shit! It's getting serious now!”

Cain has a sledgehammer and slides into the ring. Sebastian Duke is just getting to his feet. Cain charges and delivers a shot from the sledgehammer right to Sebastian Dukes head! Cain laughs and smiles at the camera, enjoying every minute of demolishing the King of Darkness.

He falls to his knees beside Duke and hooks the leg. He counts in the air with his fingers as the referee counts.




Cain is beside himself. He argues with the referee, insisting that Duke was down for the full three count.

JOEY STYLES: “Cain has thrown a lot at Sebastian Duke. A half dozen chair shits! A shot to the head with a sledgehammer and the son of a bitch won't stay down!”

Cain, showing his frustration, starts laying into Duke with a series of vicious stomps. Once he calms himself a little, he lifts Duke up to a seated position, then yanks off that sick, sadistic mask. Cain walks around the ring with his hand inside the mask, which is actually a human face. Made of flesh. Kind of gross, actually. Then, Cain places Sebastian Dukes mask over his own head.

When he turns around, he stops dead in his tracks as he realizes he's staring into the eyes of the King of Darkness.

JOEY STYLES: “Where the hell did he come from!? I didn't even see him get up!! I think Cain is wondering the same thing!”

Cain swings at Duke, but its blocked by Duke. Duke delivers shot after shot to Cains face. Faster, and more powerful with each shot, rocking Cain back against the ropes. Duke tosses Cain toward the far side ropes. Cain reverses, sending Duke into them instead. Duke, off the rebound delivers a devastating lariat from hell with such velocity, that the mask flies off of Cains head and lands on the other side of the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “Soul Shot! I think I understand why he calls it that now! If he hits you with it, it rocks you all the way down to your very soul! He hit him so hard, I can fuckin' feel it!”

Duke grabs his mask and places it back over his head, then hooks the leg.



JOEY STYLES: “Now Cain kicks out! Jesus Christ! These two guys are gonna have to kill each other!”

Duke, not one to stop until its over, lifts Cain to his feet.

JOEY STYLES: “Cain can barely stand, but who could blame him?”

Duke lifts Cain up and drapes him over his shoulder, then plants him in the middle of the ring with the sit out inverted piledriver!

JOEY STYLES: “Darkness Falls! That's it right there!”

Duke hooks the leg again.




Duke is in the referees face and the referee is back pedaling quickly. Duke grabs him by the throat and is choking the hell out of him when Cain crawls over and delivers a low blow to the Universal Champion. Duke yells out in agony as Cain rolls him up. The referee is right there to make the count.



JOEY STYLES: “He kicks out after the low blow from Cain!”

Cain and Duke are both slow to get up. Cain tosses Duke toward the ropes. On the rebound, Duke attempts another Soul Shot, but Cain ducks out of the way this time. Duke misses and lands on his knees near the ropes. Using the ropes to help him to his feet, Duke is back up quickly.

Out of nowhere, Cain comes charging in fast and delivers a vicious running boot to Dukes face. Duke flips over the top rope and falls down to the floor. Cain, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily, slowly makes his way outside.

He lifts Duke to his feet and drives him back first into the announce table. Cain then lifts Duke up on the table and climbs onto it himself. Cain lifts Duke to his feet and places his head between his legs.

JOEY STYLES: “The Final Solution! Right through my table and Sebastian Duke looks like he's out cold!”

Cain, heavily winded, lifts Duke out of the table debris and drapes him over his shoulder. He walks toward the ring and rolls Duke onto the apron and into the ring. Cain slides in and hooks the leg.




Duke kicks out and Cain is completely bewildered as to how. Cain gets back to his feet and signals for another one. He lifts Duke to his feet and proceeds to drive him neck first into the mat with the Final Solution.

JOEY STYLES: “That's got to be it! He can't take anymore of this!”

Cain smiles as he kneels beside Duke. He holds his arms out, feeling the victory. As he starts to go for the cover, Duke locks him in the Hells Gate submission.


Duke traps Cain into the submission and Cain struggles. He yells out but refuses to quit. He gets firmly on his feet while still trapped ion the hold. He then lifts Duke up and slams him back first. Then does it again, and then again. Duke still refuses to break the hold.

Cain is left with only one option. He twists he and Duke in such away that Dukes shoulders are pinned to the mat.



JOEY STYLES: “And finally he breaks the hold! It was either that or lose the title!”

Both men are struggling to get to their feet. Cain, instead of going right after Duke, goes to the outside. He lifts the apron up and pulls out a twelve foot ladder. He slides it into the ring, then slides in himself. He lifts the ladder and drives it down across Dukes spine, causing him to fall back to the mat. He then lifts Duke to his feet and from out of nowhere, a burst of energy comes from Sebastian Duke!

JOEY STYLES: “Darkness Falls on the RTX Champion!”

Duke hooks the leg.




Duke gets back to his feet and sets up the ladder. He turns around to face Cain and is surprised to learn Cain is back to his feet. Cain delivers a left handed punch square into Duke's jaw dropping him to the mat instantly. Cain falls back to the mat as well and neither man is moving.

JOEY STYLES: “Cain hit him with the Execution! But he can't make the cover!”

Cain begins crawling toward the ropes. Duke is beginning to stir. Cain uses the ropes to help him to his knees as Duke starts to crawl toward him. Cain looks over at the stood up ladder and then back at Duke. Then struggles to get to his feet and falls toward the ladder, landing on his knees.

Cain begins to climb the ladder.

JOEY STYLES: “He's got something sick and twisted on his mind!”

Sebastian Duke is following Cain, crawling toward the ladder. Cain has made his way to about the middle of the ladder as Duke uses the rung and only his arms to start climbing.

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell are either of them thinking!? Both of these near seven footers are headed twelve feet in the air!”

Cain reaches the top and takes the opportunity to rest for a second as Duke continues to climb. Just as Duke's head appears over the top of the ladder, Cain takes it and smashes it into the top. Duke nearly looses his footing but somehow hangs on. Cain delivers a headbutt, then another, then another, but still, Sebastian Duke hangs on. Duke then, out of desperation, delivers a shot to Cains throat, stunning him instantly.


Somehow, Duke managed to light a fireball and throw it into Cains face. Cain nearly falls but remains near the top of the ladder as he waves off the flames. Duke grabs Cain and pulls him over the top of the ladder and stands with Cain on his shoulders. He swings him down in to position...


Duke lays his arm over Cain, making the cover.




WINNER: Sebastian Duke – Still XWF Universal Champion

JOEY STYLES: “What a battle! Sebastian Duke is the winner and still the champion, but Cain came to play the game tonight!”

The arena falls into darkness as flames explode from all over the arena. O Fortuna plays through out the arena as Duke struggles to his feet. Cain rolls out of the ring and starts heading toward the back.

JOEY STYLES: “This could go down as one of the greatest matches in the history of Monday Night Madness!”

The referee hands the Universal Championship to Duke as he looks out of the ring toward Cain. Cain stops on the stage and looks back with his hands on his hips. Cain nods in Sebastian Duke's direction. After a few seconds, Duke returns the favor.

JOEY STYLES: “A show of respect from the reigning Universal champion! And somewhere down the road, perhaps, a future Universal champion!”

Madness fades out.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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06-02-2014, 06:25 PM

He finally will stay away from me. Forever. I'm so happy.

[Image: JDBXAeW.jpg]
[Image: LEU246w.jpg]
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06-02-2014, 06:41 PM

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The scene opens up immediately following the Main Event. We see Cain sitting on a wooden bench, his head bowed down in humility. This is new for him. After all, he isn't used to being the one staring up at the lights. The cameras zoom in on the Master of Pain

"Cain, a word please?"

The anti hero simply smirks and takes a sip of his water.


"That's it? But-"

"Get the fuck out of my face, mortal.".

A very short interview indeed. This isn't the last we'll see of Cain.

-End Scene-

[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
The awesome banner was brought to you by Morbid Fuckin Angel.
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(06-03-2014), AlexandraCallaway (06-02-2014), Ozymandias (06-03-2014), Rain (06-07-2014)
Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

06-02-2014, 06:57 PM

Morbid Angel walks into the room.


He points at all the losers standing around.

Morbid Angel-"This wouldn't happen if you were me...VICTORY FOREVER!"

Morbid looks at Duke and eye fucks him with his signature glare!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
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Ozymandias (06-03-2014), Rain (06-07-2014)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-02-2014, 08:39 PM

"Not digging your chances, Peter. Get ready to lose to me as well."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

06-02-2014, 10:43 PM

i never lost cuz i still have Maria ;) and u will lose to me..

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Ozymandias (06-03-2014), Rain (06-07-2014)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-02-2014, 11:12 PM

"You lost. You're not allowed near her. Be gracious."

Ooc:Means you cannot use her anymore.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

06-02-2014, 11:13 PM

ooc: Im going to use her whether u or anyone else likes it or not

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

06-03-2014, 05:55 AM

Here's your reminder. No bitching if you get DQed or have your RPs crossed out.

Quote:GILMOUR CLASSIC: "Fine. I'll agree to that. But what if Peter refuses, what if he uses her in promos anyway?"

OZYMANDIAS: "Well I can promise you if that happens, XWF Management will not look upon his promos favorably. He will most definitely have a hard time being taken seriously in this company if he does not abide by the agreed upon stipulation. He could possibly face having his promos removed entirely or being disqualified from matches instantly if he uses her."

gl ;)
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins (06-03-2014), Rain (06-07-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

06-03-2014, 03:07 PM

U do know I can talk on my phone and u can think its her but its not

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

06-03-2014, 03:18 PM

It doesn't matter what we think, if Peter thinks he is talking to Maria real or fake that is as good as him talking to Maria and it will cost you.

I don't know how much more explicit it can be put for you to understand.

It sounds to me like you understand but refuse to acknowledge it and that's fine. But it will cost you.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Rain (06-07-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

06-03-2014, 03:28 PM

I'm using her when I it so ha!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Morbid Angel (06-03-2014)
Archie Lawson Offline
Britain's Finest Export

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

06-03-2014, 04:07 PM

OOC: Peter, he's already said, you CAN use her when you like but your RP WILL NOT count. So don't cry when you lose because you decide to use her in an RP

If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher

[Image: 97166.jpg]
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Rain (06-07-2014)
Mr. XWF Offline
Admiral Appindage
Top 50


XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

06-03-2014, 04:13 PM


Mr. XWF's status has been changed to: Hitting that running clothesline into a Rock Bottom! You'll be looking up seeing nothing but my cock's bottom!

@MrXwF I'm cruisin for chicks baby! I'm horny as fuck! Who wants to hook up in the club this week? Drinks and Cock Bottoms on me ALLLL NIGHT LONG BABY!
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

06-03-2014, 04:36 PM

(06-03-2014, 04:07 PM)Archie Lawson Said: OOC: Peter, he's already said, you CAN use her when you like but your RP WILL NOT count. So don't cry when you lose because you decide to use her in an RP

I don't give a fuck. I lose even if my guy no shows or puts up 1 rp

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

06-03-2014, 05:13 PM

(06-03-2014, 04:36 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said:
(06-03-2014, 04:07 PM)Archie Lawson Said: OOC: Peter, he's already said, you CAN use her when you like but your RP WILL NOT count. So don't cry when you lose because you decide to use her in an RP

I don't give a fuck. I lose even if my guy no shows or puts up 1 rp

OOC: Clearly you do care as evidence by your continuing to argue the point.

And would you care to provide one, just one example where your opponent no showed or did one rp and you still lost? Or are you just spouting off again because you are incapable of learning when to shut the fuck up? I'm betting it's the latter.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Rain (06-07-2014)
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Peter Fn Gilmour (06-03-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

06-03-2014, 05:28 PM

Blah blah... I don't remember when but it happened

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

06-07-2014, 12:50 AM

OOC: Okay. I know this is old. But, Pete...Please. Follow directions. Trust me. IF you just forget about her for now, please believe me. You will not regret it.

I dunno how soon it will be, but I am going to send a PM to Ozzy, Archie, Paulie, Jessie, Maddy, Shane-o, Gilly, Christie, Matt Ward, and Mr. XWF.

It is a basic outline of the idea I have, along w/a match for the PPV. I want you all, ESPECIALLY you Gilly, to take a look at it.

Thank you.
~ $hane-o

EDIT: BTW. Unlike the first time I sent out this idea, last year...I will try my best not to make it a wall of text, aside from the match itself. Have a beautiful day/night, guys and gals.

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

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