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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Not this again.
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

06-03-2014, 05:23 PM


Bright lights.

Darkness again.

Bright lights.


What is beeping?

The silhouette of a person…

Male or female?

Long hair.

Definitely female.

The muffled sounds that make up the silhouette’s voice…

It’s just sounds…

Who is it?

What are they saying?


What are they saying?

Why are the lights flickering?

Why does my mouth hurt?

What do I have this gagging feeling?


There it is again…

Who are you?

What is happening to me?


The? The what?


Theo…that’s me.

I’m Theo. But where am I?

Bright lights…

Still bright lights…

The silhouette…I know that face…that’s Erica.

My sister.

God she looks pissed.

“Theo it’s Erica. Can you hear me?”

Of course I can hear you. You are screaming at me.

Why is she talking so fucking loud?

And why can’t I say anything back? What is this in my mouth?

Whatever it is it’s coming out right now.

As I reach up to pull out whatever is stuck in my throat my sister quickly reaches out and takes a hold of my hands and tries to force them down. She may have the advantage of being above me but I am still stronger and with relative ease I am able to push her back off of me. I am finally able to reach the apparatus, which is taped to the side of my face. It feels small and circular in shape, a tube perhaps? Doesn’t matter, it’s coming out.

I yank the tap off and pull, pull as hard as I possibly can…


What I expected to be a quick extraction felt like anything but. This was not like pulling a band aid off at all. It’s more vomiting up broken shards of glass.

After the initial shock of that event subsides I finally try and speak.

“Erica…where…where am I?”

“You are in the hospital.”

“The hospital? For what?”

“You Overdosed.”

“What? Overdosed? On what?”

“Coccaine, which is interesting because after the last fiasco you swore to me you would never touch the stuff again and here we are a few months later and you overdosed on the stuff again.”

“What? What are you talking about? The last thing I remember was leaving Denver with Mark and Luca.”

“Luca? That guy who you used to do cocaine with? He died months ago. Or so you told me. Or was that another lie? Just like how you stopped doing cocaine?”

“I did stop doing cocaine. And Luca did die. But he came back to life. And so I started doing cocaine again. It’s what we do.”

“Are you ever hearing yourself right now?”

“I’m serious. Luca was dead, we all saw him get shot up and then several months later he came back to us all, first as a man in a mask named Lazarus but it’s him. He took off the mask and Luca was underneath it, although his face was completely different.”

“That’s it. You are done running Pryce Industries. I’m not letting you run that company into the ground like you’ve run your life into the ground.”

“We’ve been over this before, you can’t take Pryce Industries from me no matter what you think. Do you remember what happened the last time you tried? I do. You called up the Board of Directors and tried to convince them to out me. And you almost got me. But then when you realized that word had gotten out and your plan was going to blow up in your face you ratted them all out to save face. You sacrificed all of them to save yourself. I let you think that you were playing the role of the superhero when I know the truth. I decided to look past it to gave you a second chance and honestly I thought things were better. And now this bullshit? Are you kidding me?”

“Don’t you dare try and turn this on me. You are the one lying in a hospital bed because you overdosed on a drug you swore you would never touch again.”

“Lila? Where’s Lila? Is she ok?”

“I have no idea where she is. I tried to call her but her phone went straight to voicemail. I’ve been trying to call her for 3 days now.”

“Three days? I just talked to her this morning, at the office.”

“This morning? Theo you have been in this hospital for days now.”

“What? No that can’t be. We talked just this morning.”

“That’s not possible?”

“What are you talking about? Her and I had a conversation his morning in my office.”

“Theo I don’t know how else to say this but you have been in this hospital, unconscious since Isabel and I found you on the floor of your office three days ago.”

“So I didn’t speak to Lila this morning?”

“No you did not, and if the only to support that claim is what you think you remember than you have no real evidence at all. As far as I know you haven’t seen or spoken to her since you helped her get that job in Paris.”

“But…but…it was all so real Erica.”

“I’m sure it felt very real but it wasn’t. I’m sorry to say.”

“So what do I do now?”

“You rest here until they release you. The police want to speak with you as well.”

“The police? What for?”

“As far as I can ascertain, something to do with whatever happened in Denver, what happened in Denver Theo?”

“Luca and I got into some legal trouble.”

“Luca is dead Theo. Stop lying to me.”

“I’m not lying to you. Here, hand me my phone I’ll prove it to you.”

Erica reaches over, grabs my phone and hands it to me. A few seconds later and highlights from Luca’s most recent match appear on the screen at the end of the clip the announced winners of the match are named: Cain and Luca Arzegotti. I pause the clip and hand the phone to Erica.

“See…see. That’s Luca, same name, different face. Just like I said.”

“Fine but that changes nothing. You are here because you overdosed on drugs. That much we know for a fact.”

“Ok, yes I overdosed on cocaine. Blame Luca. It’s his fault. He’s a bad influence. Here I’ll call him and you can yell at him until you are blue in the face.”

“You are an adult Theo, you can’t just blame other people every time you do something wrong.”

“Sure I can, the President of the United States does it every day.”

“You aren’t the President of the United States.”

“No but I am the President of Pryce Industries so it’s basically the same thing. Now can you please just let me rest for a little while? Did you just come here to yell at me?”

“Yell at you? I’ve been sitting here at your bed side nonstop for days.”

“Well if you have been doing that who the hell is running the company?”


“Jim? Jim Davis?”

“Yes Jim Davis.”

“He’s the CFO for Christ Sakes, why is he running things?”

“In cases of extreme emergencies he is third on the totem pole.”

“Jim can’t handle the stress, he’s like 70 years old.”

“He’s doing fine.”

“And what does the Board know? What do the other employees know?”

“As far as you are concerned? They know nothing. I was able to contain this to just us, Jim and Isabel. We had the EMT’s come in through your Private Elevator. No one say a thing.”

“Remind me to send Isabel something nice.”

“Already done.”


I grabbed my phone back from Erica and started going through the list of promos from the XWF using the XWF App 2.0, I get about half way through when I notice something extremely odd. Something that, based on what Erica has been telling me makes absolutely no sense at all.


“What? What’s a matter?”

“I’m not sure but I am watching some of these promos by Azrael and even one by Lila, not sure why Lila is doing promos but they are showing video clips of me, or someone who looks like me but isn’t me. At least, they can’t be me, not if I have been in this hospital for the last three days like you say I have been.”

“You have been in this hospital for the last three days. I have the paper work to prove it.”

“So then how can this be? How can I be making these statements if I have been in a hospital unconscious?”

“I have no idea Theo, that’s not my department.”

“It looks like they hired some guy to pretend to be me. But I have no idea why?"

"Maybe it’s because I haven’t given them anything to use against me in my promos so they hired this guy to pretend to be me with the sole purpose being so that they could in turn cut these fake promos to pieces. They are trying pass off this guy who clearly is not me as the real Theo Pryce. "

"They are trying to fool the fans. The poor fans, they don’t deserve this.”

“Yeah, I’m sure it’s the fans you are so concerned with.”

“Of course Erica, I love the fans you know that. But really all this seems to have done is confuse Lila. And from the sounds of her she is really pissed off at the stuff this paid actor is saying. That’s not good.”

“You definitely have your work cut out for you there.”

“Yeah I do. Also, this is interesting.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a promo by Eli James except all I see on the screen is Azrael Erebus.”

“Is that sort of thing common?”

“Not that I’ve seen. Now if you don’t mind I’d like to just sit here for a little bit and think about things. Can we pick this conversation up again later?”

“Fine. I need to go home and shower. I will be back later.”

Erica picks up her pocketbook, kisses me on the forehead and walks out the door, leaving me to try and piece this all together. But where to start? I scrolled through my phone history because that seems like the most logical place to start.I haven't made any calls since Saturday, so that jives with what Erica is telling me. More scrolling through the phone reveals that I haven't talked to Lila since the 23rd? That seems like a while but with her working full time now that make some sense, especially with the time difference. Let's check the texts...Yep, not much there. A few random drug induced texts from Luca, one from Flynn and a few from Erica. Here is an email I have with a ticket confirmation. Southwest Airlines, non stop flight from Denver to Phoenix. That fits in with Erica's story as well.

I guess the next thing to do is analyze this videos a little better. I wish Erica would have brought the IPad, this is going to be a pain in the ass on the phone but not impossible. Let's zoom in on this guy they are trying to pass of as Theo. And here we go.

"I'll admit, at first glance the resemblance is uncanny. And with the lack of HD quality that these promos were shot with, I can see how one might mistake this guy and me as the same person. Look at that jaw line, close, but not close enough. And the hair, come on now. I've never combed my hair like that. And that suit? Seriously? That looks like a $600 suit at best. My pants alone cost $600. Oh but here is the kicker. Almost Azrael, you almost had me. But you see here is a detail your paid actor missed. Let's focus in on the clip you showed of me pouring a drink. Did you catch it yet? Do you need me to back it up? The actor is holding the glass with his right hand and pouring with his left. If this person were truly me then he would be pouring it with his right hand as I am and always have been right handed. You've been around me enough to know that I use my dominate hand when pouring a drink. As an example here is a clip from the Jaguar commercial I shot several months ago."

[Image: article-2547630-1B08418400000578-200_634x498.jpg]

"I can provide you with a few more examples if you would like. But I think the one should be enough."

"So now we are left with the most interesting of ironies. On one hand Azrael you have called me out, and effectively ruined my relationship claiming I hired someone to impersonate your daughter and now as fate would have it the only one hiring impersonators is you. Or maybe it was Eli? That seems like the kind of sneaky thing he would do. Especially as a way to destroy a friendship and it appears that he did a marvelous job of that. I must say I am rather surprised and a bit saddened that a person who claimed to be my friend, and a woman who I have grown to care deeply about over these last few months could not spot an impostor when they see one. I guess now I know who my friends are and who they aren't. And here I thought the harsh reality of another overdose was the worst thing I would have to deal with today."

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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