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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Hell of Morbid Angel!
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-06-2014, 09:23 PM

Morbid Angel is seen in the gym…against doctors orders! He is not giving up on his muscles! To Morbid Angel the muscles are everything to him…more than life its self! He has been working out ever since he was a child and as he got older and approached 40 he needed the juice to get the extra tone…but the steroids were more than what he expected…they not only helped him keep the muscle mass that he was losing due to Low T but also raised him to new heights in the body building world…he would be lying to say that steroids didn’t have a big part in his entire career. He has been juicing since he was 25...that’s almost 25 years of juice! Because he is almost 50...either way he has been doing this for years and after all the warnings and all the trouble that others had with this drug, Morbid decided to say fuck them and keep doing them! He was more than happy with the upped dosage and the results that came after! He was truly considered the biggest fighter in EXWA, JWA and currently the XWF. This is a hard thing to accomplish not being fat but the most muscular. Morbid didn’t want to lose what he worked so hard to gain and figuring that if he works harder he will be fine and his heart will be happy for the workout. Deep down this is what he hoped but he knew from his medical training that this wouldn’t be the case. He knew that he was marching himself into certain death and would be leaving behind a buff ass corpse.

Morbid was going to cut back on the steroids to make sure that he wouldn’t just fall out onto the floor and die…small dosages to make sure that it doesn’t effect his heart as much. He had a few needles loaded in his gym bag and because his doctor checked him for needle marks he needed to choose a less conspicuous place to shoot up…he was hitting himself in the toe cuticle but that shit got overly painful and tried the vein in his testicles…that didn’t work to his liking…not one bit. He found that the dose in the tear duct was the most effective method. His eye would get red and puffy for a few hours before it went down and back to normal….nobody would know the difference.

Morbid was benching less than he normally did, just a measly 350lbs…Morbid felt like a bitch! But he didn’t want to over stress himself with the bitched up heart and all…Morbid bangs out 10 quick reps before setting the bar back on the bench. Morbid jumps up and rushes over to the squat machine and does a quick set of 10 at 700lbs. He racks it then rushes off to the locker room and injects into his eye…a half dose…just enough to get the blood flowing at the right speed…Morbid leans back as he pulls the needle from his tear duct and feels the juice flow through his body. He jumps up after a few minutes and rushes back to the gym and loads 500 on the bar and quickly presses it a few times before racking it again. Morbid then jumped up and busted out some curls and quickly to the squats. Morbid looks around the gym and sees no one is paying attention to what he is doing and slips out of the room like they were going to stop him and shoots the remaining 3 needles. As much as people don’t want to believe it…testosterone is a powerful drug that addicts you quickly. Morbid Angel needed his full fix.

Morbid Angel-”I’ll cut back tomorrow! I need it today…NEED!”

Morbid hides the spent needles in the trash and rushes out of the locker room again. On his way back he became dizzy and the feeling of someone ripping his chest open hit him fast. Morbid quickly slid onto a bench next to some women who just got out of Yoga. They were wearing Yoga pants and sport tops. They seen Morbid stumbling down the hallway and barely make it to the bench. They did not check on him and see if he was OK…not even a week before Morbid Angel assaulted these very women with a yoga ball…he wanted to use the training room for the punching bag but it was actually their scheduled time for the afternoon Yoga lesson. Morbid didn’t want to leave so…he started throwing the balls at the women in the group…missing most…except two…these two women got hit, full force by a yoga ball pitched by the one and only Morbid Angel. This made him not their number one concern.

Morbid looked at the women with desperation written across his face, he gasped for air trying to speak. The women looked at him and got up like he wasn’t even there. Morbid reached for them leaning over before falling unconscious.

The scene fades to black.

Morbid wakes up in a cloudy area, he looks around and sees white everywhere…were talking everywhere! Everyone is dressed in white and happy…Morbid Angel starts to walk…the ground feels like he was walking on cheap pillows, the air smelled like none he has ever smelled…clean!

Morbid Angel-”What the fuck is this? “

Morbid walks over to the people dressed in white with the shit-eating grins on their faces.

Morbid Angel-”Where am I?”

One man stops and heads over to Morbid Angel

Man in white-”I don’t think you are suppose to be here.”

The man points behind them

Man in White-”Head down that way and you’ll find a desk that can help you.”

Morbid Angel-”You didn’t answer where I was.”

The man gave Morbid a confused look as to wonder why he was guessing where he was.

Man in White-”Silly man, you are in Heaven.”

Morbid looked at the man as he walked off into the clouds.

Morbid Angel-”No fucking way!”

Morbid walks the direction he was told trying to find answers to why he was there…Morbid being Morbid thinking that god would come visit him he starts talking to himself.

Morbid Angel-”GOD! DAMN YOU! I AM SUPPOSE TO BURN IN FUCKING HELL! You think this shit is funny?! I worked my entire life to feel the fires of hell and here I am…walking around heaven! I DON’T WANT TO WALK AROUND HEAVEN! I WANT TO GO TO FUCKING HELL!…Satan owes me some shit…like being a demon…or something…HE OWES ME SOMETHING!”

Morbid reaches the desk where he was told to go…an old man sits before him and behind him was gates made or what could only have been gold.

Morbid Angel-”what the fuck am I doing here? I am suppose to be in hell!”

Old Man-”I am Saint Christopher, what is your name child and we shall get things sorted.”

Morbid Angel-”They call me Kyril Kolya Krischiv.”

The old man scrolls his lists looking for the name. As he searched he mumbled Morbid’s name over and over until he found it!

Saint Christopher-”AH HA! I found it. Kyril Kolya Krischiv, Born December 25, 1965. Mother is Milla Krischiv.”

Morbid Angel-”Is my Mother here?”

Saint Christopher-”Oh no my child, She is in Hell.”

Morbid got a proud look on his face

Morbid Angel-”My mother, she makes me proud! I’m excited to see her again!”

Saint Christopher-” Oh you won’t be seeing her.”

Morbid Angel-”Why the fuck not?! I BURN IN HELL!”

Saint Christopher-”Because of your steadfast dedication to Evil, you are destined to spend eternity in Heaven. That is your hell, people go to hell when they don’t want to and they are evil. You are evil and wanting hell. Hell is your Heaven so Heaven will be your hell.”

Morbid Angel-”I will force you to put me in hell! YOU CAN’T DO THIS! I earned my damnation!”

Saint Christopher-”You did. That is why you are here, to serve out your damnation in the last place you wanted to be.”


Saint Christopher-”I am afraid you cannot make us. This is heaven and here we can block out those that we do not want to see nor hear, you cannot break anything or hurt anyone. This is truly your hell. In time you will understand the value of what our lord is doing and you will understand that he did this for you. To teach you that Heaven is the ultimate good. Enjoy your stay.”

Morbid Angel-”Fuck you!”

Morbid storms off looking for trouble! Thinking to himself of what can be done. What can he break! Who can he harm! The words of Saint Christopher hang in his head…he knew he was unable to harm anyone…but he wanted to! Morbid Angel was in a position of vulnerability! All these muscles and nothing to do with them…no one to hurt or any real people to feel it. Morbid is going to take this up with the boss! He needs to find Jesus Christ himself and talk this over…he has to be a reasonable man…he is fucking Jesus Christ for christs sake!

The Scene fades to a Blood Red!

[Image: 9bweNM9.jpg]

(OOC- the federations I mentioned are long since closed…been near 10 years so its not soliciting lol)

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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