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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Wednesday Warfare 03/20/13 MPN vs. Sebastian Duke
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ManPreachingNothing Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

03-19-2013, 09:36 PM

The scene opens to woods in an outer part of the state of Indiana. Trees are abound and in the middle of the picture is a campfire, the flames red and yellow heating the nearby area. Seated on a log next to the fire is a man in tan dress pants, and this time a green Hawaiian shirt: the Man Preaching Nothing. Laying next to him are familiar comedy and animation VHSs from decades throughout the 1970s to 1990s, the only thing in life he considers worth time, since there is no meaning to our existence.

MPN: It seems that my philosophies are under scrutiny…

…I knew this would happen. I won my first match, I began my journey of opening up to the world the truth behind this façade of a “search for truth” that the United States has tried to force upon its people for the last 237 years.

I knew that once I began to achieve success, once I began to spread my teachings and ideas that certain people who love fast money, cars, women and the like would began to see my ideas as threatening.

You see, materialistic living can not exist with my idea that there is no truth. No matter how much the political left in America claims to hate wealth, they’re backed by it - George Soros, who some say handpicked Mr. Barack Hussein Obama II to be 44th President of the United States, is worth 22 billion dollars! He funds all of these “progressive,” “common man” movements that are supposed to help take down the wealthy…but he is one of them!

And so, if even the “anti-materialistic” people on this planet and in this country are corrupt and hypocritical, then certainly the ones who admit to loving wealth and materialism are devoid of morals.

Sebastian Duke, you are a man seeking power, destruction, aggression, brutality. You say you’re going to make me tap.

I’ve watched professional wrestling for years, good sir. I’ve seen all the great submission tacticians, even all the way to the last 15 years or so of Ken Shamrock, Kurt Angle, Chris Ben-…oh of course, we can’t mention him, can we? This is the same genre of entertainment that allows a man to have sex with a mannequin in 2002 but won’t allow the Crippler of Edmonton to be mentioned by name.

You see Duke, you’re your own worst enemy. You seem to think that your own search for brutality will bring you peace and happiness! It can’t. Nothing can, sir. I’ve preached before and I’ve preached again, there is no answer; no reason the planets spin, no reason the sun comes up, and no reason humanity exists altogether. When that first cell appeared 3.5 billion years ago it led to a mish mash of chaos that humans millions of years later tried to call “reason,” for no reason at all.

Once you admit that to yourself, once you begin to see things my way, you can surrender your own aggression. Making yourself submit psychologically is the answer, Duke. It’s not about assault, not about destruction - it’s about peace of mind knowing that there is no reason any of us stand on this planet.

Suddenly, MPN waves his hand towards a nearby bush and a group of three people emerge near the campfire. One is a young girl in her 20s, blonde, not looking too different from current WWE talent Kaitlyn. The other two are young men, one blonde, one with black hair, both good looking in their 20s. The man with black hair and the young woman are holding hands and the man with blonde hair stands behind them. All three almost look zombified, no emotion. They sit down on a log next to wear MPN is seated, all with white T-shirts that say “Nothing” on them.

MPN: Sebastian Duke, you must let go of your urges, your wants. They will lead you into eternal darkness; for years these three young people were headed that same direction. One wanted to be an attorney, one a doctor, one a businesswoman. Two of the them, young Jessica and her boyfriend Kevin loved each other. But see, they believed and were taught by society that they had something to live for - each other. That if they married and had a family, their answer to emptiness and life’s problems would be each other. But see, just as with you, they failed to recognize that there was…no…answer. Until they met me.

I broke them up. And how? Take a look…

Kevin, Chris…show them what I taught you…

Suddenly, in a display of unorthodox behavior for the professional wrestling world, Kevin and the other young gentleman, Chris, begin making out. Jessica watches on, seemingly happy by what she’s witnessing. Both men seem completely at ease and without worry as they participate.

MPN: Neither of these men are gay, by the way…they don’t love each other. Chris had a girlfriend himself back at home but also left her after hearing my words.

See, Jessica, Chris and Kevin finally realized after hearing my words that there is no answer! And so, by bringing Kevin away from Jessica and by default into the arms of Chris, I was able to destroy the “chemistry” that society teaches us is there between two lovers. I forced together two people with no care for each other and in the process destroyed any false hope they had in the idea that there is an answer to anything!

Duke, when I beat you Wednesday I will be doing the same thing. Finally proving to you that your love of winning matches, injuring people and making them tap is all useless.

I…am the Man Preaching Nothing…

MPN smiles into the camera as the scenes fades out, Chris, Kevin, and Jessica all smiling behind him.
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(03-19-2013), Wallace Witasick (03-21-2013)

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