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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
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Anonymous Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-31-2014, 10:55 AM

.::[ Anonymous is standing by a window in some large building wearing all black clothes, sunglasses, and no face paint on. ]::.

"Out there is what you live for. Devin.. Nash.. you two have stumbled upon a golden ticket and you don't even know what it's for. I'm not here to play games with either of you. I'm here to to be serious, if only for a moment. You see, I wasn't always like this. I wasn't wild and crazy. There are some things in my past that I don't wish to revisit. I think we all have skeletons in our closest that we wish to never see the light of day. We all have made mistakes. My mistakes, well, I've paid for some of them and I have a feeling I'll pay for the rest sooner rather than later. I apologize for the mean nasty things I've said about you Devin. I don't know you. I can't judge a person I don't know. Sometimes I can a bit of a wild zoo. I get these feelings all bunched up and when it's time for the cage to be opened it just goes everywhere! It's not me. This.. this is me. "

.::[ Anonymous walks over to a desk and sits behind it. He removes his sunglasses and takes a deep sigh.. ]::.

"I'm not here to make enemies, or friends. I'm here to set you all free. I'm here to be the face on everyone's mind. So, I just want you to know that what happens tonight is no hard feelings. The crazy, the chaos, the unsettled version that you may see isn't me. It's not me. "

.::[ He opens up a drawer and reaches for something. He lowers his head and brings his hand out of the drawer and starts rubbing his face. He starts to laugh and looks back up at the camera. ]::.

"Hahahaha.. haha.. It's not me. Or is it? Sometimes you think you know a person, then BAM! It's someone completely different. I'm not different with the paint than I am without it. If I placed a gun to your chest and pulled the trigger.. I could do it wearing the paint or being as normal as the next guy. It makes no difference to me because I am the same. Call me crazy.. Crazy? I was crazy once! They locked me in a room, a room with rats, rats that drove me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once! They locked me in a room, a room with rats, rats that drove me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once.."

"ANONYMOUS! You're in a loop again.."

"... sorry about that. My mind tends to focus on something and away it runs! And about what I said earlier, I lied. This is a game. We're all in this together and we're all going to play. Tonight, you get a chance of a lifetime. You could end up laying on your back, seeing stars, and getting humbled. That's possible. Or you could win a trip to some location you've always dreamed of going to like Rome with a special someone. I'm pretty sure the latter isn't in your favor, so don't make any promises to that special someone. That advice is free. See you tonight. Tah Tah, for now."

[Image: 8l5h8A9.jpg]
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