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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
This is War *Part 1*
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Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-18-2014, 03:46 PM

OOC: For the last picture you are going to have to use some imagination on faces lol.

I always had found it funny how when you go to graveyards, the mood and weather begin to change almost instantly. Rain fell from dark clouds that covered the sky in sorrow and hurt. Perhaps it was just the way I looked at them. I closed my eyes, the rain hitting the window filled my head and danced between my ears. The chill from the rain had left my body the moment I had gotten back into my car, along with it, I felt my humanity slowly drifting. There was one thing keeping me like this, Jason. With his disappearance, I knew I couldn't leave this world knowing he could be dead. I was fighting for him, for humans like him, why fight for something that was no longer there? I had to find him, make sure he was ok, and I would move on to what I knew I had to do.

The rain covered my already damp body as I walked to the door of the old house, that was still broken on the inside. I opened the door to see Tilly laying out the couch, tossed in blankets and fast a sleep. Arthes looked up from her, watching my every move as I closed the door and walked to him. I knelt down looking over the cut body of Tilly. A friend, at least that is what she used to be. I picked her up and laid her body across my shoulders.

What are you doing?

I ignored his question as I made my way to the door and opened it once more taking her out into the rain. It covered the both of us as I opened the door to the back of my car and laid her in it. The rain had soaked into her bandage causing blood to now show through. I walked back to the house with a black bag in my hand. Arthes watched on seeing no expression to cover my face as I made my way up the stairs.


I sat the black bag down. I had no thoughts in my mind other than finding Jason, then Helen. I had no time to talk to Arthes or to explain my actions. I started to place things into the black bag before Arthes put his hand on a gun that I was putting into the bag.

What are you doing?

I looked into his eyes for a moment only to rip them away and look down at the bag on my bed. A stock of guns and bullets covered the bottom of it before I placed a blanket over the top of them all. I pulled the bag over my shoulder, now ignoring Arthes once more, and made my way back down to the ground floor. I looked back at the old place and felt every ounce of what was left of the girl who lived here fade away. The days of me being a human, the days of picking on Jason and his perverted ways, the girl that said she was a sister and a mother. Soon, I would no longer be human. What bound me to this world would be gone and along with it, I would be gone.

I walked out of the house and to my car once more. Setting the bag in the floor next to where Tillys body laid I looked up to find Arthes standing next to me. Rainwater ran from his hat as he looked in on a motionless Tilly.

You could have killed in, you almost did. The cuts she sustained where deeper than you thought, than what I though. Mandii, I've never seen you attempt to fully kill someone, even when it was asked of you.

Still, no reaction to his words. I pushed him to the side and walked around the car before getting in the drivers seat. Arthes made his way into the passenger's seat and looked down at the floor. Pain washed over his face, I couldn't understand why. I was the one who would lose everything, not him.

I thought we were to stay here. You have work do you not? Where are we going.

The car let out a hiss sound as it started and I looked straight ahead, muttering the first words I had since getting back here from the graveyard.



The slam of the door behind me sent out a hint of not only rage but determination. I felt heat run into my body as the sun beat down on my back. My hair still hung in strains from the rain as I made my way to the house that all the girls were staying at. I swung the door open and made my way to the back room. The girls were sitting around laughing and talking, that all stopped once I made entrance.

Hey Mandii...

I walked to Nerobel before pulling her up and sending her across the room. Her back hit the wall hard and sent a crack out into the air. I watched as she started to lift up. My body sent a seaver surge of heat though my blood and I darted to her, picking her up the rest of the way and sending her into the ground. Her head bounced off as she looked up at me, now on her chest and pulling up on her shirt.

What are you doing!

Where is he!

I pulled her up again and sent her head back down into the floor before picking her up and pushing her into the room just out of the room we were just in. She smiled at me as blood ran down her face . Slowly, the cut along the top of her head began to heal as she stood flat on her feet.

He who?

Mandii stop!

Leave her alone Miranda...

I pulled Nero up by her shirt and sent her across the room again. As I darted to her, I felt a hand push me back and up into the ceiling. Nero smiled before letting my body drop to the ground. She pulled me up by my hair before sending me into the counter full of glasses. Glass shattered everywhere and shards made there way into my face. Once again, my body was lifted from the ground, but this time it was tossed to the wall making a louder crack. I looked up and watched as Nero ran to me. I grabbed her by her wrists and pulled myself up before kneeing her in the belly and sending her head into the wall. I pulled her out and gripped my hand around her throat.

Now you decide to kill?...I thought you would wait until after the war.

Each word was watered down by her struggle to breath. I tossed her to the other side of the room before sending my boot to her face. By this time, the girls had backed up along the walls trying to not get in the middle of all of this. Most looked on with horror, I watched them as they tried to fight back the words to call out to me.

That was before you took my brother, backstabber.

I pulled her up, sending her into the ground again, and then sending her onto a bed. I held my breath as I jumped up, putting a hand on her chest, but being pushed off onto the floor and her body wearing down on mine. She cracked a smile before sending another piece of glass to my face, forcing a healing cut open. I pushed her off and broke off a piece of wood from the bed forcing it to the side of her face. Tears filled the room now, a moment of helplessness to the chaos that was unfolding for no known reason, yet. I pulled Nerobel up before she grabbed me and sent us both out of the window, hitting the ground had below.

Backstabber? Now why would I backstabber my own sister?

I don't know Nero, you tell me.

She smiled and sent her foot into my side before tossing me to the air. I felt my body begin to drop, my eyes closed, then I felt Neros hand on my back forcing me harder into the dirt. I rolled over, feeling a hand on my throat. Suddenly, my eyes changed a golden brown and I sent Nero into the air with just a push. Once she came back down, she landed on her feet smiling. Looking around for me, she stood up and turned around right into my hand. I gripped her throat again before pushing her against the side of the house.

Where is he!

Her breath was shallow causing her words to be low and drawn out.



Your brother?

No my pet fucking monkey, where is he.

How the hell should I know.

I gripped tighter feeling her neck cave in at my grip. Was this what it was like to feel nothing? To be a monster? I sent my other hand to the side of her face before loosening the grip. I showed her the necklace that was missing from her chest.

I found this in my blooded up house, the one you tried to kill me in. Jason was gone but his blood was everywhere along with Glass. Someone hasn't been full faithful to us all and since you are the one who seems to have personal belongs laying around, I think it was you!

I gripped harder. Nero's eyes began to grow dark and lifeless. It was one way to kill us, cut off our air and we can't sing nor can we breath. However, it took someone of high strength to cut off all air, someone of the same class, another Siren.

Let her go Mandii.

Amaryllis voice called from behind me. I turned my head, letting out almost a hiss. She walked close to me causing Miranda to whimper in worry of me hurting her.

[Image: IjTAU3u.jpg?1]


Because, Helen took that necklace off me when she was here.

Helen was here? Why should I believe you?

You don't have to...Ask anyone.

It's true, Helen was here and she took Nerobels necklace. She came to warn us that she isn't going to wait much longer! Please let her go...

I dropped Nero, gripping my hand tight around the air. I turned back to Amaryliss.

Nerobel didn't take your brother, nor has she been the one to deceive you. It was me, I was the one who lied to you Mandii. I am your backstabber.

Gasps filled the air and covered over Miranda crys. I stared on for what seemed like hours, looking at Amaryllis. Nero started to get back to her feet, her eyes fixed on Amaryllis.


My mother thought Mandii would not agree, so, if she didn't I was to save her from my mother's grasp and thus earning her trust. I was to report back to her often and tell her everything you had planned.

How could you!

I had no other choice Miranda, she is my mother! This was Mandii's fault anyway you look at it. You could have saved the ones you loved if you had chosen to follow my mother Mandii, none of this would have happened. Now because of you many have had blood spilled and lives have been lost. Because of your hand, the blood of the supernatural has run on the ground of those who do not deserve to be here.


I ran to Amarillis before feeling myself being pulled away. She stuck her hand out, and with a smile, pushed me away before even having to touch me. I looked up at her as I laid on the ground.

But in my time spent with you I saw the wrong in my mother. I remember the life I once lived before she turned her back on the human race. I watched you stand up for what you thought was right, and now, you have made the choice to die at the hand of one of us so you do not turn into a monster. You showed me that my mother was not right, so, I stopped. I drifted from her and thus she came here. I may have had my back on you at the beginning of this all but, now I will stand with you with a full heart to do what is right. I am sorry for my actions and no amount of sorrow I express to you will be enough. I understand none of you will trust me but, I ask that you allow me to fight with you.

I stood to my feet. The heat was unbearable running in my body.

Let her fight.

I turned to see Cameron leading in human form four other wolves. I turned back to Amaryllis, seeing her eyes dance over each one of their faces. Cameron began to walk next to me, his hand crossing over my back. I pushed him away before feeling my breath become heavier.

[Image: u8QeFKn.jpg]

You, you betrayed us. That's why all this time Helen has known where we are, and now you want to help?!

Amaryllis head dropped to the ground. I stood breathing heavy, watching every move she made. Suddenly, I looked away from her. Tilly and Cameron standing in front of the wolves. Teakkin leaning on the side of the house. Nerobel standing in front of Miranda and Hadassa, and for once, Arthes stood only inches from me in the face of danger. I looked back at Amaryllis before seeing her extend a hand. My breathing stilled, this was my army.

I took her hand and shook before turning back to everyone. They all had eyes on me, watching, waiting. I turned back to Amaryllis.

I'm done running, I'm over being the cat in this game of cat and mouse. If Helen wants a war so bad then let's give her a war. We leave tonight.


My black bag hug around the side of a chair as every gun I could find was laid out on the table. Nerobel sat at the table cleaning most of them off while bullets shattered the counter in the kitchen. Blue flowers coated over parts of the counter and a boiling pot of water was sitting on the stove. I watched as everyone coated each bullet in the hot water that now was blue from the pigment in the flower. I myself sat picking each out and wrapping it in smooth petals before packing them in clips.

You don't expect these to kill them do you?

I looked up to Nerobel packing clips. She stopped to look up at me.

The bullets are coated with the flower and what's in it. This flower has the power to send human cells into our blood and fight the Siren cells. It means if you shoot us enough with these, you have enough human cells in your body to be able to die. You could also always just aim for the heart.

How is one shot to the heart going to do anything?

Once the bullet hits the heart, what's on it will then be pumped into the body causing the cells to make their way through the body faster and multiply. It will turn you into a human within five minutes and kill in one from blood loss. In other words, aim for hearts.

I started to pack the clips again before hearing Cameron make his way in the back door. Four Sirens, six wolves, a puppet master, and a time teller. I knew that wasn't enough, I knew they would not all make it out of this war. I also knew that having them wouldn't make us win, no matter their strength. What would is me becoming a full blooded Siren, to have the power of an original.

I pulled away from the table and gripped Cameron by the hand, pulling him into another room. Once we got to the room and I grabbed my bag and sat it on a bed in the far corner. Cameron looked on with confusion in his eyes.

We almost have every weapon needed to take down Helen.


But I need you to do me a favor.

I searched in the bottom of the bag before pulling out a leather pouch. I open it up revealing a Dagger before looking over at Cameron.

[Image: kq9kuLT.jpg?1]

This has already been soaked in the flower. When the time comes, when the war is over, I need you to stab me in the heart.

No, I won't.

Cameron I need you to do this.


I won't live a monster, I won't turn into Helen.

You won't.

I grabbed Camerons hand hand put the dagger into it.

That's why I need you to do this, you are the only one strong enough to do it. Please Cameron.

He looked down at the blade before looking into my eyes. He sent out a nod in my way before putting the blade away.


The moment was here. I wasn't going to run anymore, I wasn't going to wait this out and just let Helen think she had everything in her hand. She had already began the spill of innocent blood and I was not going to allow anymore.I was done running and being the mouse. It was a war that Helen wanted and it was one she would soon have.

[Image: 8z2diGl.jpg?1]

The sun was fading away into the night sky as Miranda, Hadassa, Nerobell, and Amaryllis walked with guns and following behind them was Teakkin. They walked along side dirt walls making their way out to a watered place. It was open, the perfect place for a war. No where to hide, nowhere to run. Suddenly gasps hit the air to the sight of Helen and the same girls from the first time I met Helen standing next to her. My girls stood in a line as more people followed behind Helen, we were outnumbered.

Hello ladies.

Helens voice called out. I watched as the girls froze in fear. I stilled my breath, watching Helens army seemingly grow bigger. I closed my eyes and tried to control the heat rushing into my body.

This is all? This is the great army by Mandii Rider? Ha! Is she even here?

I'm up here bitch!

Helen turned and everyone with her. I stood tall with a sniper held in my hands. Anger rushed into Helens face as she turned back to the girls.

And we are not the only ones.

Suddenly Tilly and Cameron followed behind the girls with the four wolves following them. Helen looked back up at me before her mouth began to open. I smiled cutting her off with my words.

Bring it bitch!

A single bullet was sent by me hitting one of Helens girls, that I had saw in the City where I met Miranda and Hadassa, sending her down to the ground with blood pouring from the wound.

[Image: Eqb9dkH.jpg?1]

This is war.

To Be continued...


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