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Monday Night Madness (3-10-14)
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-10-2014, 05:21 PM

[Image: madness3.png]

Date: March 10, 2014
Arena: U.S Airways Center
City: Phoenix, Arizona

Madness opens up and we see Paul Heyman walking the halls and speaking to one of the new members of the XWF roster, trying to give him some advice on the do's and dont's of the XWF. Suddenly out of nowhere a flying cinder block hits Paul Heyman in the back of the head before he could finish!

It's Sid Feder!

He runs up to the fallen Heyman, pulls him up and hits a sick ass DDT right into the broken up remnants of that same cinder block.

He gets up and holds his elbow--

Dang, man, I cut the shit outta my fuckin' arm doin' that DDT. Ah well; shit happens.

He hobbles away with a very friendly smile on his face, nodding to randoms who pass him by and winking at the camera before exiting view.

JOEY STYLES: “Whoa!!! Sid Feder clearly did not take too kindly to Paul Heyman trying to weasel his way into his business transaction with "The Professional."

DON GROSS: "Sid Feder is not someone to be trifled with.

JOEY STYLES: "Absolutely Don. And tonight both Heyman and Sid will be in the ring to get "The Professional's" final answer. One of those men will not be walking out of here, that is "The Professional's" guarantee. But now ladies and gentlemen, our opening match is going to be an XWF First. A plastic pool with the dimensions that match the ring have been lowered down onto of the mat. The pool is filled with thick brown mud as well as various weapons including bats, chairs, kendo sticks and others. The winner of this match will be the first person to draw blood from their opponent, by any means necessary.

DON GROSS: “It should be a good one Joey.”

This Is War by 30 Seconds To Mars plays

Fog fills the arena, and when the beat drops, it evaporates and Liz comes out and pumps up the crowd. She then gets on her knees, punches the ground twice, does the cross symbol on her chest, and then gets up. She walks to the ring, pumping the crowd up.. She then points to the crowd, and throws up a peace sign. She then starts trudging around in the mud, awaiting her opponent.

Drinks On Me by Millionaires plays

The arena blacks out, red and white lights flash and Micah walks out. She looks around for a minute before she smiles and runs down to the ring. She pauses for a minute before stepping into the mud and staring across the ring at her opponent.

Liz Hathaway
- vs -
X-treme Mud Wrestling - First Blood Match

The match starts off quickly…sort of. Both women try and charge at each other but the mud makes that rather hard. Instead Minxs lunges at Hathaway knocking her backwards into the mud which almost covers her completely. Minxs get’s ontop of Hathaway, using her knees to pin her opponent down by the shoulders and with both hands starts pouring mud down Hathaway’s through. Hathaway’s legs are flailing about, her arms doing the same. Hathaway is now searching for something in the mud as Minxs continues to shovel mud onto her opponents face and down her throat.

JOEY STYLES: “This is not looking good for Liz Hathaway.

Suddenly Hathaway’s arms starts lifting up and in her hand is an object, it’s exact identity is unknown as it is covered in mud. With one master stroke Hathaway is able to drill Minxs in the head with whatever object was in her hand. Minxs body goes limp and she flops over to the side, allowing her opponent to roll over and start coughing up mud. Hathaway gets to her feet and puts a boot to Minxs throat, pushing her face down and into the mud.

JOEY STYLES: “A bit of a reversal of fortunes here."

DON GROSS: “Many reversal. Much wow.”

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell was that?”

DON GROSS: “Don’t worry about it Joey.”

Back in the ring Minxs was able to get a hold of Hathaway’s leg and twist it with enough force to momentarily weaken the hold Hathaway on her opponent’s throat. It’s enough of an opening to allow Minxs to roll out from under Hathaway’s boot and then quickly get up to her feet, bringing what appears to be a mud covered kendo stick up with her. She swings once but Hathaway is able to duck, however doing so leaves her exposed and Minxs counters with a kick to Hathaway’s mid section which doubles Liz over…


Minxs just knocked Hathaway into next week with a kendo stick shot to the side of the face.

Hathaway falls back into the mud, Minxs wastes no time and using a fistful of Hathaway’s pulls her back up to her feet and then promptly plants her back into the mud with a DDT. Followed up by a leg drop right on to the throat of Liz Hathaway.

Minxs gets up and starts fishing through the mud trying to find a weapon of her choosing, Coming up with nothing that she really likes. With her back turned Hathaway gets up, creeps behind her opponent and then puts her down with a running bulldog. Minxs head smacks off the bottom of the pool but it doesn't seem to really phase her as she rolls over and gets back to her feet.

Hathaway charges at Minxs who sidesteps her and hits Hathaway with an elbow to the side of the head. Minxs reaches down and picks up the Kendo Stick and swings it with all her might...


Hathaway get's cracked in the back by the Kendo Stick, which is now starting to splinter. But that doesn't stop Minxs as she continues to deliver shots to the back....




The Kendo Stick shatters in two pieces. One piece flies off into the crowd, the other half remains in Minxs hand, now resembling a prison shank. Minxs walks over to Hathaway who is slumped over grabbing at her back. Minxs pushes her down into the mud and then rolls her over. Again she get's on top of Hathaway and raises the pointed end of her Kendo Stick in the air and with all of her might swings her arms down right above Hathaway's heart....


At the last possible second Hathaway uses both of her arms to block Minxs attempts to stab her. Hathaway is able to shift her weight to the left and in doing so reverses positions and now she is on top of Minxs and is now delivering repeated blows to Minxs face.

JOEY STYLES: "Minxs face is fully submerged in the mud so I have no idea if she is even conscious after that barrage of fists.

Hathaway climbs off of Minxs and goes searching for a weapon. She senses that Minxs is weakened and now it's time to end this match. Hathaway is now rummaging through the mud. Minxs is still laying in the mud, not moving at all. Hathaway is still looking for a weapon...

still searching...

Minxs is starting to stir...

Hathaway looks over at her opponent and sees some slight movement, Liz now speeds up her search...she reaches down and pulls up, what looks to be a lead pipe. She then quickly turns her attention to her opponent...but she isn't there anymore...

"Hey you"

Hathaway turns around...


Hathaway and Minxs both crash into the mud, a lot of which is splashed up into the air and lands all over the first row of fans seated right across from the ring. Minxs is the first up. She grabs the lead pipe out of Hathaway's hand and starts taking repeated whacks at Hathway's knee. Hathaway is now screaming in pain.


A glass bottle that was just thrown into the ring from one of the now pissed off mud covered fans smashes into Minxs back and shatters into pieces. Minxs turns around and picks up the bottle, Liz Hathaway stumbles to her feet, trying not to put any pressure on her now bruised right knee. Minxs swings the bottle at Hathaway but fails to connect. Instead Hathaway unexpectedly moves in closer, removing Minxs advantage and instead delivers a massive headbutt that sends Minxs stumbling backwards. Hathaway puts her opponent down with a dropkick and then limps over and tries to lift her opponent but Minxs counters with a kick to Hathway's weakened knee. Just as Liz bends down to grab the knee Minxs plunges the piece of broken glass into the side of Liz drops of blood start to fall and land into the mud.

The ref is now signaling for the bell.

Winner: Minxs

JOEY STYLES: "What a fantastic first match here on Madness. And now we will head to our first commercial break of the night.

As we return from commercials...

"My name is Craig Adams."

Those words fill the cold and derelict room, filling it with some atmosphere and relieving it from it's once emotionless state. The feeling of apprehension lingers in the air, as the camera blankly looks into pure darkness.

"I'm here to cause a little, how can I put this elegantly, CHAOS."

The loud words from this unknown yet rather intriguing character continue to echo, bouncing off the walls and filling the room with energy again. However, once the word "chaos" escapes his lips, a small flicker of light appears from the corner of the room and slowly a face appears.

"In case you didn't hear me, my name is Craig Adams and I'm here to cause a little chaos."

His face forms an arrogant smile and it is now that the audience finally sees Craig Adams. His face is cracked and pale, covered in scars from his past battles with reality and the ring. He pushes his blonde strands of hair away from his forehand, sighs and continues to speak.

"I'm here for one reason: to hurt everyone you love. Everything you have let seep into your heart and play with your emotions will be gone. Everything you love will be gone. Everything you thought would never disappear will just fade away and in due time, I will take EVERYTHING from you people."

He scowls at the camera and once again pushes the blonde strands of hair from his forehand before cracking his neck.

"You are stuck in an illusion. You people have become deluded by these men you see. Everything these people said was to make you smile. Everything they do is just to put your asses into a seat and make sure they get their oh so lovely paychecks. However, I'm here now. I'm here to save you. It might sound crazy and it might sound like I'm preaching about nothing; but in due time..."

Craig stops for a second and blows out the candle. The flickering light fades away and Craig becomes one with the darkness before finishing his last sentence.

"...everything will become VERY clear."

Time by Pink Floyd plays

The lights in the arena go dim and the sounds of multiple clocks can be heard ticking away through-out the arena. Finally the alarm sounds and the beginning to Time by Pink Floyd begins to play. Out steps John Austin from beyond the curtains. He stands atop of the stage with his hands held to his hips and surveys the arena. He makes his way down to the ring, greeting a few fans along the way.

Contact by Trocadero

The lights in the arena fade to black as "Contact" by Trocadero begins to play over the loudspeakers. Small flashes of white light pierce the darkness at random intervals, until the lights explode back to life as the vocals begin. It is at this point when Jessie emerges from the back, making her way to the ring. During the walk, she doesn't once look up from the ground. Upon reaching the ringside area, she rolls under the bottom rope and gets back up. She brushes herself off before heading to her corner.

John Austin
- vs -
Jessie-ice Diaz
T-L-C Match
Falls Count Anywhere

The bell rings and the the match is underway.

The two circle each other. Austin offers his hand for a test of strength, but it is kicked away by Diaz. Austin smirks and mouths the word ‘bitch,’ which only causes Jessie to nod in agreement. Austin lunges in and the pair lock up. Austin muscles Diaz into the corner and unloads on her with punches to the midsection, sending Diaz to one knee. John Austin climbs to the second turnbuckle and points to a ladder laying at ringside, eliciting a cheer from the fans.

DON GROSS: “I think the fans here in Phoenix are big fans of industrial scaffolding equipment!”

As Austin hops down he is meant with a vicious kick to the knee.

JOEY STYLES:“Oh right in the bad right knee of Austin!”

Austin winces and tries to grab Diaz, but she grabs hold of the back of his head and tosses him over the rope. Diaz jumps down to the floor and grabs a chair leaned up against the ring. She turns to Austin and is met with a Superman punch that knocks the chair into her face! Austin shakes off his hand and quickly grabs the reeling Diaz into a powerslam right onto the chair. Diaz cries out in pain as Austin sets up a table next to the ring. He pulls Diaz up onto the apron and lifts her high above his head


As Austin was about to drop Diaz she counters and DDT’s him onto the apron. Austin rolls right onto the table as Diaz approaches a standing ladder nearby. Seeing her climb, Austin quickly rolls back into the ring and runs up the turnbuckles where he leaps onto the ladder, right underneath Diaz. Looking down and noticing he is below her, Diaz shrugs and tilts the ladder to the side, sending them both to the floor.

DON GROSS: “She’s nuts!”

They both stir simultaneously. As Austin makes it to his feet he is quickly rolled up from behind



....Kick out!

Diaz quickly grabs Austin’s right leg and stomps at his knee. Austin reaches up at the announce table and claws his way up as Diaz holds onto his leg.

DON GROSS: “Hi John!”

Austin turns and begins firing punches at Diaz, who weaves out of their way before taking him down with a dragon screw, sending Austin crashing against the table. Diaz climbs up onto the announcer's table and leaps

Right through the table!

JOEY STYLES: “Austin hobbled away at the last second!”

Wincing, Austin pulls Diaz away from the wreckage and lifts her up for a gorilla press slam before dropping her into a HUGE EUROPEAN UPPERCUT!

Austin falls on top of Diaz



Diaz lifts a shoulder up.

Austin slaps the ground in frustration, grabs Diaz and throws her back inside the ring. Diaz begins to stir as Austin grabs the ladder and tosses it over the top rope, landing right on Diaz’s back. Austin slides in with a chair in hand and begins savagely beating the ladder, crushing Diaz with each hit. He kicks the ladder off and goes for another pin



Diaz with a foot on the ropes.

Austin throws the chair down at Diaz before he begins setting the ladder up in the center of the ring. As he turns to pick Diaz up, she manages to hit him in the knee with the ladder, dropping him in pain. Diaz slams the chair onto Austin’s head and steps on his face as she makes her way to the ladder and begins to climb. Diaz drags the ladder closer to Austin before she begins a slow ascent to the top. Austin makes his way to his feet with the chair and slams Diaz in the back with it. Austin begins playing to the crowd as he makes his way to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top.

JOEY STYLES: “This could be big!”

Austin leaps off with a dropkick but his right leg goes right between the runs! He hangs there for a moment writhing in pain before Diaz reaches up over the top of the ladder and pulls him up over the top, his leg still pinned.


JOEY STYLES: “Ladies and gentleman, that’s a first for me! She’s choking John Austin out on top of the ladder!”

Austin swings wildly with his free arm, punching any piece of Diaz he can find, loosening her grip. In a superhuman feat of strength, Austin lifts Diaz up over his head and backwards, sending her tumbling down into the turnbuckles! Austin struggles to make his way down the ladder, holding his throat. As he makes his way to the bottom he pulls Diaz away from the corner and pins




DON GROSS: “How!?”

Austin falls backwards against the mat, exasperated.He leaps to his feet and grabs Diaz. He punches her once, and she sways backwards, then back into another punch from Austin.

JOEY STYLES: “You’ve got to think that after that fall, she’s nothing more than a punching bag.”

As Austin connects with a third punch Diaz stumbles backwards against the ropes and rebounds with a kick to Austin’s stomach. He grimaces in pain before Diaz begins kicking him in the abdomen. She connects with several kicks and then winds up for another, aiming at Austin’s head she swings and Austin ducks, catching her in a rear waistlock.

German suplex!!

And another!

And...NO! Diaz counters with a flying arm drag sending Austin across the ring!

The two stand and stare each other down. Diaz reaches down next to the apron and grabs a chair propped up against the ring. Austin grabs the chair next to the ladder and the two meet in the center of the ring, both holding their chairs ready to strike. Austin reacts first...


Austin swung and missed as Diaz ducked the attempted decapitation and counters by dropping her own chair and hitting Austin with a standing drop kick that propels the metal chair into Austin's face. Diaz get's back up grabs Austin and....DDT onto the chair. The metal is now bent under the weight of both Diaz and Austin. Diaz pulls Austin back up,..looks out at the crowd...


Diaz has Austin locked in...

he's fighting it....

still fighting....

HE TAPS!!!!!

Winner: Jessie-ica Diaz

We come back from commercial break and find the lovely Alexandra Callaway sitting backstage, talking with a crew member. In from behind walks a tall man dressed in riot gear from head to toe. He is wielding a black night-stick in his right hand.

COP: Miss Callaway, may I have your attention for just one second.

Alexandra turns around and is hit across the face hard with the night-stick. She goes down hard to the concrete floor as the man in riot gear starts to put the boots to her. In walks a couple of real security guards and they try to pry the man off of her. The unknown man hits one of the security guards in the stomach with the nightstick and gives the other a hard right hand to the jaw.

He picks up Alexandra and throws her into the catering table, sending food flying everywhere. The man in black bends down next to Callaway and takes off his mask to reveal that is was none other than John Austin.

JOHN AUSTIN: Sorry beautiful, this is just business. You could have sided with Theo Pryce but this is the price you pay for being involved with Eli James.

John bends his head down next to her face and plants a small kiss on her lips. More security is starting to make their way towards John as he retreats back into the darkness.

Conquistador by 30 Seconds To Mars plays

Mr. Radio comes out from the backstage area and walks down to the ring, eyeing up some of the female fans as he does.

God Gives Head In Heaven by AEON

The Lights dim for a brief moment a faint sound of the wind...or so you thought! Grand Belial's Key - Fecal Parturition blasts over the PA as Morbid Angel comes from the Back stage area storming down to the ring looking for blood and death!

EXTREME TITLE MATCH(Not to be confused with X-treme)
Mr. Radio
- vs -
Morbid Angel © - Sort of
X-treme Rules
Crucifix Match - (You win by nailing your opponents hands to a Crucifix and raising it above the ring.)
If Morbid Angel wins, Mr.Radio must take him back in time to meet Jesus Christ.
If Mr.Radio wins he will receive a fake title(The EXTREME TITLE) because Morbid Angel did not lose last week, because Morbid Angel does not lose. #VICTORYFOREVER

The bell rings, and the match is underway! The crucifix rests ominously at the top of the stage, casting a disturbing forbearing for what'll happen by the time the match is over!

Radio looks up to the top of the stage, smirking before turning his attention to Angel. Casually strolling to the center of the ring, he calls for Angel to meet him halfway, which Angel suspiciously obliges. Radio sticks out his hand for a handshake? Angel doesn't quite know how to respond, but it seems sportsmanship has taken ahold of him, as he accepts the shake! Wait, no! Morbid pulls him in, going for a lariat, that Radio ducks under! He drops to the mat anyway and sweeps around, knocking Morbid off his feet!

Morbid's back to his feet just as quick as he fell, catching a closed fist to the face on the way up for his trouble. He shakes the blow off and regards it as unimportant before throwing a massive punch of his own: a low aimed uppercut that connects with Radio's stomach. Radio recoils intensely, immediately feeling the effect of that massive blow. He hunches over and Morbid wastes no time in applying a front headlock before ripping Radio's arm from his side and placing it around the back of his neck. Suplex!

Radio, upon hitting the mat, shoots into a sitting position, grabbing at his lower back while pushing himself off the mat. Morbid tries to peel him off the mat, but Radio is quick to react, throwing a forearm at Angel's diaphragm. Coughing, Angel backs up. Radio gets back to a vertical base and continues on with his attack, hitting a kick to the gut that manages to catch Angel off guard and double him over! Snapmare, followed by a stiff looking kick to the back! Morbid's body falls from a seated position to a laying one on the canvas. Radio, laughing, presses his boot slightly against the cheek of his opponent and tells him off.

This only makes Morbid angry, and you don't like him when he's angry. Morbid grabs Radio by the ankle and shoves him off, exploding upwards at an alarming rate for a man of his size. Smacking the mat with his hands, he growls with great intensity before launching himself towards Radio with an arm outstretched, going yet again for a massive lariat! Radio, taken slightly aback by the response still, doesn't see what's happening until a split second too late but by that point, his head is almost removed from his shoulders by the sickening might that is Morbid Angel! Radio flips through the air and lands face first on the mat! Morbid now takes the time to do a little bit of showboating, screaming out the crowd his trademark phrase: "VICTORY FOREVER!"

Radio, shaking away the cobwebs and reassuring that he is in fact not decapitated struggles to his feet, before finally returning full way to the land of consciousness by the time he reaches his knees. Up to his feet mere seconds after that vicious lariat is a jarring sight for Morbid Angel. A small trickle of blood comes from Radio's lip, which he wipes away before charging right in against his opponent. Dropkick to the knee! Morbid falls to his other knee, and throws another punch that connects where his previous body blow landed! Radio backs up a couple inches, and Morbid lets loose a flurry of lefts and rights that connect with their targets with varying amounts of success. In the flurry, Radio finds himself on his knees as well, and decides to join in the exchange. Both men not willing to give an inch, take turns throwing punches at each other until the other drops.

Radio with the right hand right as Morbid hits with a left! Both men are down! Radio slips under the ropes and falls against the barricade, hoping to be able to catch his breath for a brief moment. Morbid however, is right on the chase! With Radio already against the barricade, he wastes no time before delivering a hellish chop that causes Radio to spaz out with his arms draped over the crowd side of the separating wall. Morbid delivers two more, beginning to turn Radio's chest a shade of red. On the fourth however, Radio blocks! Morbid backs up, clutching his now hurt arm as Radio steps out of his predicament and delivers a jumping headbutt to the chin! Morbid stumbles back further, ultimately ending up with his head adjacent the ring post. Radio sizes him up, and gets a running start, looking to dropkick Morbid's temple into the post!

No! Morbid dodges at the last second, and the post splits Radio's legs apart until...

BAM! Radio's junk collides with the post in question! He falls to the concrete moments later so Angel is incapable of capitalizing too much on the predicament, though the damage was already done most would argue. Morbid drops the big elbow across Radio's chest, further knocking the wind out of him. He stays in that position for a few moments, driving the crook of his elbow downwards into Radio's stomach. Radio, with fight somehow still in him, manages to get a knee up that connects with Morbid's temple and then a couple more which finally succeeding in removing the mass of humanity that was crushing his sternum off of him and as far away as he possibly could while still nursing his hurt nads. Struggling to get up to his feet, he stands up to see Morbid with a steel chair in hand! Morbid swings for the fences, but Radio ducks under and knocks the chair out of his hand! The chair slides across the floor and in anger, Morbid hits a strong punch that backs Radio up right near the weapon. Morbid continues his approach and runs into a kick to the gut and Radio manages to hook him in a headlock long enough to drop him face first with a DDT onto the chair!

Morbid's head bounces up, revealing a small cut forming under his eyebrow!

Radio pulls Morbid's head back up from the seat of the chair and delivers a few peppering shots on the open wound, opening it up further and causing blood to pour out. He slams Morbid's face back into the chair and nails Morbid in the ribs, knocking him over onto his back. He leans in and tries to get the bigger man back up to his feet so he can drag him up the ramp, but Morbid places one hand on his chest and pushes him off before getting to his feet himself. Morbid reaches out as Radio tries to advance again, and tosses him against the barricade! Radio coughs as he slumps to his knees, held up by his arms hanging off the top of the barricade. Morbid measures him up and hits a forearm strike to the jaw, jacking Radio up to his feet and sending him stumbling along the perimeter of the barricade. Grabbing Radio's head, he turns him around so he's facing the barricade before raking his forehead against the rough metal before slamming him face first into the same spot! Radio stumbles back, before Morbid's hand around the back of his head is about to repeat the act.

About being the key word. At the last second, Radio gets his hands on the barrier. He then takes the time to throw some elbows and strike the diaphragm once more and cause Morbid's grip to be loosened. A spinning kick to the knee! Morbid drops to his knees and Radio hits a superkick! Morbid's down once more! Radio doesn't waste a moment and drops the knees on his face, splitting the wound open even more. Radio then tries to follow it up with an elbow drop, but Angel rolls out of the way! Radio's on the ground, holding his arm and Morbid back to his feet, hardly able to see from the blood in his eyes peels Radio back up and haphazardly drags him up the ramp, all the while Radio's fighting back, trying to break the grip.

Stomps the foot! Morbid hops up and down on his good foot before shoving Radio.

Radio responds with a corkscrew neckbreaker! Onto the ramp! Both men look to have taken some pain from that move however, as they're both a little slow getting back to their feet!

Radio's up first and doesn't waste time trying to get Morbid up, he's rushing for that cross! Morbid's slower to his feet, getting up after Radio makes it to his destination and stumbles towards the area, wiping blood from his eyes so he can see clearly Radio running and leaping through the air with a cross body!


Tombstone Piledriver!

Radio looks to be out! Morbid pulls Radio up with all of his might and carries him to the cross! He lays him against the crucifix, spreading his arms out and grabs the ropes! He ties one arm, and goes for the other!

Radio's back to life! He struggles like an animal in a trap! Doesn't appear to do much good however, as Morbid forces his arm back against the wood and ties the two together.

Winner: Morbid Angel #VICTORY FOREVER

JOEY STYLES: “ John Austin with a surprise attack there on Ally Callaway. Trying to set the tone for the Pay Per View. But nevertheless. It is now time for our Main Event. A Television Title match in which the challenger Ambrose Helios a relative new comer will take on the champion and Congregation member Elisha. This is a casket match, but not just any casket. This casket is filled with dead animal’s.”

DON GROSS: “Typical Elisha.”

I’m Not Alone by Calvin Harris plays

As Amrbose’s theme song echoes throughout the arena the crowd erupts into cheers. The suave competitor, Ambrose Helios steps out from behind the curtain and as he does so he removes his sleek red leather jacket. He swaggers down the ring and slides into the ring before waiting for the match to begin.

Push It by Static X plays

Elisha stands, crouched, on the stage and begins twitching his head violently. His hood falls off to reveal his mask, and he runs to, then slides into the ring while the XWF Owner Eli James makes his way down to ringside.

The match starts off fast and furious, with Elisha delivering a European Uppercut that momentarily stuns Ambrose, allowing Elisha to follow up with a T-Bone Suplex. Elisha rolls ontop of Ambrose, pinning Helios’s shoulders to the mat while gripping his opponent’s neck with both hands and strangling him.

The ref moves in trying to force Elisha to break it up but Elisha just shoves him away with one hand and then goes back to choking Amrbose. Ambrose legs are flailing about, his face starting to lose color. Elisha tightens the grip a little bit more before suddenly releasing. Elisha looks down at his opponent as he grasps for air and cracks him with an elbow to the side of the face.

Elisha rises up, looking over at Eli James who has a sheepish grin on his face.

Elisha looks back over at Ambrose and pulls him up by his head and then Irish Whips him into the corner and then follows up with a ferocious splash. Ambrose stumbles out of the corner and into the waiting arms of Elisha....


JOEY STYLES "That looked like it might have broken Ambrose in half.

DON GROSS: "That wouldn't be good for business."

JOEY STYLES: "That wouldn't be good for anybody.

Elisha has now crawled out of the ring and walked over to the casket filled with dead animals. He flips the lead, starts rifling through trying to find the perfect carcass.

After a few seconds of rifling Elisha gets frustrated, pounds his chest, punches himself in the head and then tips the casket over and dumps the dead animals all over the floor, letting out a stench that makes anyone within a 100 foot radius immediately dry heave. Elisha is now standing over the pile of dead animals, still trying to find the perfect....


Elisha had his back turned for too long and Ambrose just took him out with a suicide dive through the ropes. Elisha's face smacks off the hard wooden sides of the casket, blood now pouring out of the sides of his mouth.

Ambrose is also down as he smacked off the floor pretty hard.

DON GROSS: "That had to hurt."

Still bleeding from the mouth Elisha grabs a dead snake from the pile, walks over to Ambrose, wraps the snake around his neck and starts choking him out. Ambrose starts scrambling as his face starts losing color.

Elisha is manically laughing, Amrbose is gasping for air. He's reaching around blindly trying to find something...anything he can use...


Ambrose picked up the severed head of a unicorn and smashed it into the side of Elisha's head.

DON GROSS: "Was that a unicorn's head?"

JOEY STYLES: "Unicorns don't exist Don."

DON GROSS: "Well it's either that or a horse's head with a horn glued on."

JOEY STYLES: "Well this is Elisha after all."

Ambrose get's up and stands over a knocked out Elisha. Ambrose bends down and picks up the snake that Elisha had been using and starts whipping Elisha with it...





DON GROSS: "Well that's no good."

As Amrbose reared back for another shot to Elisha's face the dead snake broke apart. One half sailing into the crowd a trail a blood and guts come spewing out the opening as it flies through the air.

Ambrose drops the other half on the ground just as Elisha delivers a kick to the stomach of his opponent. Amrbose is doubled over as Elisha gets to his feet, knees Ambrose in the face and then puts him down with a face buster right onto the hard cement floor.

JOEY STYLES "Looks like Ambrose is now busted open thanks to that face first date with the floor."

DON GROSS: "Everything has blood coming out of it Joey."

Elisha is quickly back up, pulling Ambrose up with him and then almost takes his opponent's head off with a European Uppecut which sends Ambrose stumbling backwards a few steps. Elisha quickly closes in and puts Ambrose down with a T-Bone Suplex. onto the pile of dead animals. Elisha now makes his way around Ambrose Body delivering a Garvin Stomp to various extremities. While Ambrose is grabbing at his knee Elisha climbs onto the rings apron and leaps off....

Connecting with a flying Elbow drop that is placed perfectly onto Amrbose's neck. The Challenger immediately grabs at his throat trying to grasp for air.

While he does this Elisha walks over to the casket and places it upright while also opening the lid.

Elisha walks back over to Ambrose and pulls him upto his feet. Ambrose counters with a low blow and then as soon as he gets upto his feet follows up with a clothesline.

Ambrose reaches into the pile and pulls out a severed cow's leg and immediately starts using it as a baseball bat, hitting with it repeatedly while Eli James just stands there unsure what to do.

JOEY STYLES: "You just know that Eli wants to get involved to help out one of his soldiers but he needs Ambrose for the PPV."

DON GROSS: "Stuck between a rock and a hard place Joey."

JOEY STYLES: "Excellent commentary as always Don."

DON GROSS: "You know it.

Amrbose now throws the cow's leg down as it is now all mangled to hell having been used a dozen times on Elisha. Ambrose grabs a wad of Elisha's dark hair and rips him up to his feet...


Elisha just blew some type of mist into Amrbose face which causes Helios to immediately cover his eyes. As he does so Elisha grabs Ambrose by the head and walks him over to the casket. which is still lying on the floor. He delivers a series of kidney shots and then throws Ambrose into the casket. He tries to shut the lid but at the last second Ambrose reaches out and grabs the lid, forcing it to stay open. With one arm on the lid Elisha starts hitting Ambrose with a few more kidney shots, weakening his opponent but not enough to allow the lid to close. Finally Elisha reaches down and grabs the Unicorn's head. He snaps off the horn and stabs Ambrose in the abdomen with it. Blood immediately starts squirting out all over Elisha's mask. But it doesn't matter as the puncture wound does the trick and Ambrose releases his hold on the lid of the casket shutting it on himself.

Winner: Elisha - retains the TV Title

JOEY STYLES: "An excellent match by both competitors."

Eli James walks over to the announcers table and grabs the TV title and places it over Elisha's shoulder as the two of then head towards the back. Paramedics are rushing down the ramp to check on AMbrose's injury.

JOEY STYLES: "We will be right back after this advertisement for World War X."

[Image: gK2ywkE.jpg]
Have you chosen your side?

Paul Heyman's Theme Song plays

The original ECW music hits as Paul E. Heyman makes his way down towards the ring. The smug look on his face betrays his confidence as he makes his way down towards the ring. The smile falters however as...

"The Lone Horseman" theme

As Sid Feder makes his way down towards the ring, waving around a bundle of money in his hands and shouting obscenities towards the ring. He slides into the ring and grins at Heyman the man he brutally attacked earlier in the night. Heyman to his credit, seems to maintain his composure. Though he noticeably keeps his distance from the other man he's sharing the ring with. Feyer makes a run at Heyman, in response, Heyman flinches and covers his head with his arms. Heyman stops a couple feet short and starts pointing and laughing at the terrified rotund man.

His laughter is cut short and all eyes snap to the entrance ramp as...

Survive If I Let You begins playing.

Down the entrance ramp walks an unfamiliar new wrestler, his impeccably tailored suit is a stark contrast to the pale blue surgeon's gloves and smiling clown mask that he is sporting. He takes his time getting to the ring, grabbing a microphone from the ringside area before stepping between the ropes. As he enters the ring, both Feder and Heyman make the smart decision of keeping their distance from the man. The stranger slowly raises the mic to the unmoving lips of his mask.

???"For those of you uninitiated, my name is Michael Sullivan. But you will all come to know me as The Hitman. I have no morality. I have no no pity. I have no sense of justice. I have no mean streak. I have no hatred for anyone of any creed, race, or religion. What I DO have, are a very valuable set of skills. Skills that I have honed over years of traveling the world, years of doing despicable deeds, years of tearing my body apart in death matches. And these skills are always for sale."

He pauses for a second as he gestures towards the two other men occupying the ring

THE HITMAN "Within a few hours of joining the XWF, I received a contract from one mister Sid Feder. Shortly thereafter, I received another offer from mister Heyman. Upon learning of that offer, Feder decided that he would pay to keep me from joining The Axis. After a short dispute, I offered a solution, both men would make me an offer. The one with the better deal gets a handshake. The other gets beaten within an inch of his life."

Sullivan slowly makes his way over towards Heyman. Heyman at first grins and offers an outstretched hand to The Hitman, looking for a handshake. As he gets closer however, it becomes clear that he isn't going to take Heyman's hand. Heyman's smiles dies on his lips, and he raises up both of his hands, beginning to plead with the masked man. The Hitman roughly takes hold of Heyman's tie and pulls him close. Meyer gets closer, wanting a better view and laughing manically.

THE HITMAN"In case you haven't figured it out Heyman, I'm not working for you."

Sullivan drops the microphone and reaches into his suit jacket, pulling out an extendable baton. He snaps the weapon to its full length and raises it above his head.

He then spins around and smacks the baton right across Feder's mouth. Stunned, Feder stumbles back a step as the ring starts shaking...

JOEY STYLES: "What the hell is this?"

Suddenly an armored truck with a spiked ramming bumper smashs through the fans, running over many of them and sending blood flying as it speeds straight toward its targets. This vehicle has no trouble ramming right through the ringside barricade and then smashes into the ring so hard that the entire ring is sent crashing down to ground level. The truck then hits the gas full blast and goes right over the fallen ring ropes and smash into Heyman and The Hitman.

JOEY STYLES: "OH MY GAWD!!! It must be a counter attack! Sid was probably ready for something like this!"

Heyman and The Hitman are both spiked by the front of the vehicle sending them flying backwards into the air, blood coming out from all over their body as a result of armored truck striking them.

The doors to the truck open and two men wearing completely black jumpsuits and red nylons over their heads jump out with rifles in each of their hands and immediately open fire Sid's attackers. The bullets aren't real but rather large rubber bullets. A few of them end up striking Heyman and The Hitman in the head, knocking them both out.

Sid dust's himself off as he is handed a 2 liter bottle of what looks like Coca Cola however instead of kicking back and enjoying a fresh beverage he instead shakes the bottle up and then tosses it in the air...

...the bottle lands hard right where next to where Heyman and The Hitman are laid out. When it hits the ground it explodes and a burning acid is now all over the victims, instantly waking them back up from their slumber and leaving them screaming in agony as their flesh feels like it is being burned off of their bodies. The acid is strong, and starts eating it's way through the men's clothing. Seeing this Sid instantly orders his two masked assistants to bring out the hose, at which point a fire hose is pulled from the back of this armored truck and starts spraying all over the victims to ensure they do not suffer permanent damage or death -- Sid clearly does not want his would be attackers permanently damaged but rather he wants them screaming in agony . The power of the hose is so strong that it shoots them back up against the ring barricade and the power from the hose is now keeping them there. Next, Sid orders for the aim of the hoses to be raised and the powerful stream of water starts smashing into Heyman and The Hitman's faces, their heads smacking back into the barricade repeatedly which once again knocked them unconscious.

Sid then walks up to survey the damage and make sure nobody is still being burned by the acid. He then unzips his pants and starts urinating all over them. With the fans right there, Sid turns around and starts wagging his dick violently at fans which results in them getting peed on as well. Sid then zips his pants back up and looks back down at the fallen attackers and grab a microphone--

Sid: Did you fucking really think I'd announce my presence here days in advance and not be ready for something like this? Looks like you rookies have a lot to learn about this ol' man.

Sid looks down and smiles at the results of his efforts.

Sid: Hey, Pro; or should I say fuckin' cockblowing ? Did you really think I was going to fall for your horse shit? All of a sudden when we talked the other day you sounded just a little too sure that you wanted to do business with me. That sudden increase in your willingness to meet with me in person today told me a lot of things, friend, but most of all it told me I was coming here to fuck you up royally and give you your official welcome to the XWF. Now you know a very valuable lesson that you will never forget -- you. do. not. fuck. with. Sid. Feder. -- Period.

Sid and his men get back into the truck and drive back through the fans, hitting many more of them before finally exiting the arena.

Backstage we see Theo Pryce sitting in an office with Mr. Supernova, Dr. Zero and Scorpio watching the the events that just unfolded on the television.

SCORPIO: "You ok Theo? You look a little angry."

THEO PRYCE: "On the contrary."

DR. ZERO: "You sure, because you haven't stopped starring at the screen since Sid brought out his riot squad."

MR. SUPERNOVA: "Yeah I thought we were going to go out there at some point?

THEO PRYCE: "We were. This was all supposed to go very differently. But that's fine. Sid was fucked before tonight, now they are really fucked. That show that Sid just put on, even more motivation for the newest member of our team at the PPV.

SCORPIO: "The fat man with the pony tail is going to be wrestling on our team at the PPV?"

THEO PRYCE:"No, not him. The Hitman. The guy Sid just destroyed out there. Sid has no idea the world of pain he just opened himself up to. The ABSOLUTE last thing you want to do is leave a professional Hitman alive, and yet a smart guy like Sid did exactly that. I almost feel bad for him...almost."

Madness Ends.

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[-] The following 4 users Like Theo Pryce's post:
John Austin (03-11-2014), Morbid Angel (03-10-2014), Sid Feder (03-10-2014), ZakMisery (03-10-2014)
Ambrose Helios Offline
Forever Trapped.

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-10-2014, 05:33 PM

Later on in the night.

A severely wounded Ambrose Helios approaches a worn out Elisha.

"You won tonight, but this week we fight together... In victory or defeat."

Ambrose puts a hand forward and nods at Elisha, signalling for him to shake his hand...

[Image: QQEmwiZ.jpg?1?3692]
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Sid Feder Offline
Saving myself for you

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-10-2014, 05:40 PM

(03-10-2014, 05:21 PM)Theo Pryce Said: THEO PRYCE: "We were. This was all supposed to go very differently. But that's fine. Sid were fucked before tonight, now they are really fucked.

What a fuckin' idiot.

Sid were fucked before tonight? Sid were fucked? Did you get knocked so silly when your pappy realized who his whore wife gave birth to that ya still can't talk straight in 2014? Yeah bud; Sid were fucked before tonight alright, but it doesn't stop there! Oh no!--

Quote:THEO PRYCE:"That show show that Sid just put on, even more motivation for the newest member of our team at the PPV."

Uh oh! Somebody get in here and remind him that even though I'm twice as good as any other performer, I still only put on one show!

Quote:THEO PRYCE:"No, not him. The Hitman. The guy Sid just destroyed out there. Sid has no idea the world of pain he just opened himself up to. The ABSOLUTE last thing you want to do is leave a professional Hitman alive, and yet a smart guy like Sid did exactly that. I almost feel bad for him...almost."

I don't need the boy dead, son; fact it's quite the contrary -- I want him alive and well so I can watch him suffer the exact fate that I originally outlined to happen to NeoNobody.

You listening, ass Hitman? I'm going to smash you into a toilet filled with the shit of an Indian family and then I'm going to beat your fuckin' teeth in while I tell you what a failure ya are. Some hitman! How much more fuckin' obvious could ya have made it the other day that you're just another lyin' ass, stupid fuckin' loser who thinks they can get over on this nice, kind, good hearted ol' man? Ya got a lot to learn, son -- welcome to the X-treme Wrestling Fageration.

Cockblower. I'll pay you $1k to slit your own throat right now and save my real hitmen the trouble. Amateur.

*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*

SiD    Fede
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XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-10-2014, 05:55 PM

OOC: I sent a segment into Mirand. Guess it didn't fit. :( Oh well.

IC: "Good show, Minx. Too bad a titty didn't pop out in the match. Good show all who won. Ambrose, hope you reconsider your side after what Elisha did to you."[/quote]
Miranda Tigris Offline
It all comes down to one thing: Power

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-10-2014, 06:05 PM

(03-10-2014, 05:55 PM)SwagMire Swaggins Said: OOC: I sent a segment into Mirand. Guess it didn't fit. :( Oh well.

IC: "Good show, Minx. Too bad a titty didn't pop out in the match. Good show all who won. Ambrose, hope you reconsider your side after what Elisha did to you."

OOC: Just to clarify as after seeing this I signed in as Tigris to see two message in my inbox regarding Madness: I am not in charge of Madness aside from posting the card due to Theo's inability to post it himself. For future reference, send nothing to me regarding Madness and forward it all to Theo. Now, if you have something for Warfare, that I can and will be able to help with. Apologies for any confusion.

[Image: Tigris_zpsa877dd35.jpg]
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The Professional Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-10-2014, 06:40 PM

Sullivan cracks his neck and inspects the burns, not too bad. He'd gotten worse over the years, not very many, and few were coming to mind right that second, but he'd gotten worse.

He reached into his duffle bag and pulled out his phone. Tonight wasn't wholly unexpected, you can't attempt to attack Feder without acid being a factor somewhere down the line. He still had Feder's number and he figured sending a message was the least he could do.

The message was short sweet and to the point of course.

Not bad out there. The hose was a nice touch.

He wondered briefly if Feder's head would explode when he realized that the message wasn't filled with profanity laden insults.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes The Professional's post:
Theo Pryce (03-10-2014)
Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-10-2014, 06:53 PM

Frau, die Sie sind nutzlos

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Mia Dim Offline

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

03-10-2014, 08:21 PM

Mr. Feder just showed all of you that he can accomplish more than all of you jackasses with half the effort!

[Image: image-146.png]
I hate people who look different
and if u dont like it then u can leave                                                                                   

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