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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » World War X-treme (March 16th) PPV RP Archive
My Fathers Projects: RP 2
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-10-2014, 07:57 AM

Monday, March 10, 2014 – 10:18 AM EST – The Compound – Old Saybrook, Connecticut

I'm awake and alert and unhappy, which is typically the case. I head downstairs to the library with my son in my arms. He's happy today. Smiling and giggling at just about anything, inanimate or otherwise. I walk into the library and realize that only Jacob is there. No Matthew. No Asmodeus.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Where is everybody?”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “Matthew and Father Asmodeus are down at the cottage.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Doing what?”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “I have no idea. Father just told Matthew to come with him. They had work to do.”

My curiosity has been piqued.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You mind watching Thaddeus for a little bit?”

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “Give him here.”

I hand Thaddeus over to Jacob. There's something about this kid that makes all of the men around here turn into little boys that want to play.

JACOB, THE MESSENGER: “Come to Uncle Jake, little man.”

After I hand him off to Jake, I head out of the library and out of the building. Within just a few moments, I've reached the cottage. I open the door and realize the living area is empty. No Matthew. No Asmodeus.

As I look around, I notice the carpet the covers the hatch on the floor is rolled to one side. They must be in my fathers secret lair. The hatch leads to an underground room. Actually, it's about four times the size of Asmodeus' cottage. I lift open the hatch and head down the steep ladder to the concrete floor. I look through the window of a sealed, heavily secured door and see Matthew and Asmodeus hovering over a table in my fathers laboratory.

I place my thumb on the lime green security pad on my right. A slight beep from the pad confirms my identity and allows me to enter as the doors slide open. Asmodeus and Matthew both look my direction as I enter.

ASMODEUS: “Ahh! Sebastian! Come in my son.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What are you two up to?”

MATTHEW: “We're playing with the bunnies!”

He says it with perhaps a little too much excitement as I reach the table.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What is the purpose of these things, anyway?”

ASMODEUS: “They're genetically engineered bunnies, Sebastian.”

Genetically engineered bunnies..... bunnies.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What's the purpose of these things? You've been down here tinkering with them for about a year.”

ASMODEUS: “Well, they're for Mr. Idenhaus.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “NAZI? I don't get it. What do you mean?”

Asmodeus lifts up one of the rabbits. It's a white one. It's right ear points out, similar to a Heil salute. Cuffed around that ear is a red Nazi armband. This simple little rabbit even has dark hair on its head. It's combed over down toward the rabbits left eye. The little bastard even has a slight dark colored mustache below its nose.


ASMODEUS: “I've been working with these bunnies for quite some time. In secret of course. In time, they'll all be a gift to Americas favorite NAZI.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Why is this one different from the rest?”

ASMODEUS: “Well, look at them.”

I look on the lab table and I realize that every rabbit, all of them white, sits perfectly still. They sit in perfect order. There must be two hundred of them. All of their ears lay flat along the top of their heads. Asmodeus sits down the dark haired rabbit down in front of the others, facing them. The dark haired, Hitler looking rabbit twirls his right ear and rests it in salute position while emitting one high pitched squeak. The other near 200 rabbits in front of him all emit one high pitch squeak in unison, twirl their right ears, and salute the Hitler looking one.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Did they just...”

ASMODEUS: “Yes. They heiled!”

Asmodeus smiles with joy then lifts the Hitler looking one back off the table and rubs him gently.

ASMODEUS: “This one leads the rest. His name is Adolf.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “This is the most unreal, yet most fascinating thing I've ever seen.”

ASMODEUS: “Our work is not yet complete, though.”

Asmodeus sets Adolf back on the lab table. He hops over to the others and again, the heiling begins. Over and over.

ASMODEUS: “It's taken me a year to train them all to do this.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What's their purpose? I mean, other than to put gigantic smile on Nathaniels face?”

ASMODEUS: “When my mission is complete, these rabbits will play a vital role in Nathaniel's war on diversity. When they've completed their training, each one of them will be able to carry miniature tactical nuclear weapons into any Jewish Synagogue, Muslim mosque, Christian church or any other ethnic gathering place.

“No one would suspect a thing. After all, they're bunnies. Who thinks of bunnies as evil?

“They'll be able to go wherever they want undetected, drop a miniature weapon, then evacuate before time is up.

“The bomb will blow and bring down whatever gathering place he's chosen and all inside will be incinerated by the small, yet extremely powerful blast.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Holy shit.”

ASMODEUS: “Would you like to see the weapon?”

I nod my head and leads me over to a small, aluminum case on a shelf. He opens the case and inside are hundreds of tiny capsules. Almost like a Tylenol cold and flu capsule.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What the hell are those?”

ASMODEUS: “The weapons. Inside those capsules are miniature nuclear bombs.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Aren't you worried about radiation leaking from them?”

ASMODEUS: “No. The capsules themselves are lined in lead. If any of them would leak, they'd be contained by the lead.”

He locks the case again and replaces it on its shelf.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Who developed the weapon?”

ASMODEUS: “Well, I did the design. But, my hands are too unsteady these days to do the intricate work required to put them all together.”

Matthew comes over to us.

MATTHEW: “I did the work, sir.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Did you really?”

MATTHEW: “Yes, sir.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Good work.”

MATTHEW: “Thank you, sir.”

We walk back over to the rabbit table where they're all standing at attention and listening to Adolf squeak over and over.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What the hell are they doing now?”

ASMODEUS: “Adolf is giving one of his many motivational speeches.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What's he saying?”

Asmodeus stares at me dumbfounded.

ASMODEUS: “How the hell should I know? I don't speak bunny.”

Good point.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “So, what about the Cardinal?”

ASMODEUS: “What about him?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What are your plans for him?”

ASMODEUS: “I've not yet decided.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What are your options?”

ASMODEUS: “There's only one option.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Then why haven't you done it yet?”

ASMODEUS: “Because hanging a high profile Catholic Cardinal in Saint Peter's Square is a logistical nightmare.”


SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You don't have any back up options?”

ASMODEUS: “No. One day, when I can work out the logistics of such a feat, Cardinal George will swing by his neck from that obelisk monstrosity right outside the Basilica.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Damn, Dad. That's gutsy.”

ASMODEUS: “It is.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “And way too risky.”

He stares at me and says nothing.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Choose something else.”

ASMODEUS: “I will not, Sebastian. This is your gift to me and I will not be told how to utilize such a gift. Cardinal George will hang.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Fine. Hang him, but you can't do it in Saint Peter's Square.”

Asmodeus slams his fist down on the lab table. The rabbits keep on listening to Adolf.

ASMODEUS: “You will not order me!

“Cardinal George will meet his fate and his maker in the heart of Vatican City! Do I make myself clear!?”

I give out a deep sigh.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Yeah, Dad. Perfectly clear.”

I begin to make my exit. Just as I reach the door I hear hundreds of high pitched squeaks simultaneously. I turn toward the rabbits and they heil Adolf and salute him over and over. He must have concluded his speech. I then exit the room and head back to my son.

Fade to Darkness.
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