Karl Kamikaze
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03-08-2014, 09:38 PM
Wear I come from the way you make a name for yourself is to find the baddest guy around, face him man to man, and beat each other to a bloody pulp until only one man is standing. I don't care if your big,small,gay,strait,Chinese,Japanese,left handed or, French Canadian. If you feel like taking off your skirt and high heels long enough to get your ass beat, I'll be waiting.
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Mr. Radio (03-08-2014)
Karl Kamikaze
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03-09-2014, 01:59 PM
Well then Mr. Radio, if you are as good as Sid Feder says you are, maybe you ought to face me and prove it. I didn't come here to sit on the sidelines and "Make Friends" I came here to make an impact. I'm the biggest bad ass here and I am to prove it, I'm Calling you out Out! Grow a PAIR and accept my challenge or show everyone that Theo picked a pussy as his right hand man.
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John Samuels
Whatever you are, be a good one.
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03-09-2014, 02:22 PM
"Look here, Mr. Alliteration, I'm going to do you a big favor since I'm feeling generous for once. Big ol,' mean ol' Sid here pulled a little prank on you. Mr. Radio is not the guy you want to face, for a couple reasons:
1. Theo picked Radio to go first because he's about as useless as any dumb bitch that would name her son Karl. With a 'K.'
2. He'd still beat your ass.
Now, what I'm thinking is that you start off with somebody a little more your speed. A guy by the name of Griffin MacAlister. He might be a pile of lint. Or a hemorrhoid. I'm still not quite sure. But he'd make an EXCELLENT target for your first match.
Work your way up to the Radios, John Blacks and Calibans of the world."
1X - GOAT.
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Karl Kamikaze
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03-09-2014, 02:41 PM
oh i see. A harmless joke on the new guy. Makes me feel real welcome. I look forward to the day where my crowbar and i can thank Sid personally. As far as my first match is concerned, anyone with the guts to stand in front of me can come down and ill beat their fucking face in. I thought this was a wrestling federation, not a clown college
Sid Feder
Saving myself for you
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03-09-2014, 02:53 PM
Don't fall for this hypocrite's lies, man -- he's fuckin' with ya.
Need proof? Go look at the stipulations for the pay per view. The person who Theo Prince puts into round 1 is the most important person in the entire match because if that person loses in round one, the entire team is at a huge disadvantage.
Also, that first round match is for the United States Championship.
Now, take a look at Theo Prince; he's the king of the XWF, which for some stupid reason is the federation's TOP title. Does he sound like he's going to put an idiot in round 1 and also give that same idiot a shot at the US Title? If Theo's team loses round 1, there is no way they can come back from that when you consider the lackluster bunch he has on that team.
John Samuels is part of that team, which means, son, he's jealous that Theo picked Radio over him. John has held championships in the past and believed he should have been the one to set his team right up with an early win and claim the US Championship in the process.
Karl -- He even made fun of your name. You're going to believe him over a guy like me who came to ya out of the goodness of my heart to point ya in the right direction?
If Radio was thrown in round 1 because he's trash, then that means Theo Prince is the biggest fuckin' idiot alive because he would be forfeiting the entire match by giving up round 1 so easily.
Radio is, quite frankly, the man to beat. I mean that in so many ways, Karl, and if you're smart you will go beat him too. If you can.

*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*
SiD FedeR
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03-09-2014, 04:29 PM
You've got no chance with Radio. End of it. Move on. Fight Justin Jones, that's one you can handle.
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03-11-2014, 11:09 AM
Look, limp dick here can't even fight me himself. Only match I've one singles is against Dyson, and won a tag against Callaway and Mizu, that's all, and he's afraid to face me. He wants people to fear him but he won't actually face anyone himself. What a fucking joke. And not a good one, either.