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Monday Night Madness (3-3-14)
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-03-2014, 06:25 PM

[Image: madness3.png]

Date: March 3, 2014
Arena: First Niagara Center
City: Aleppo, Syria

10 Minutes Before Madness Begins:

John Madison is passed out, face down on his desk in the GM's office, an empty bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label is still in his hand.

The phone on his desk starts ringing and Madison springs to life, he quickly picks up the phone...

JOHN MADISON: "Madison's Morgue, you kill em' we chill em'."

A female's voice is on the other end...

WOMAN: "Mr. Madison an urgent package was delivered out front. It is marked "For John Madison Only."

JOHN MADISON: "Bring it into my office."

John slams the phone down just as the door to his office opens and Big Tit's Secretary "Whatshername" walks into the office with the package in her hand. He recognizes the wrapping as similar to that of the package he received the the night Sebastian Duke was brought back into The Black Circle.

As was the case last time John rips open the package to reveal a plain white DVD case. Written in what looks like black sharpie is:

What to do in the event that I am dead, and had my head cut off, and then had my brain removed and placed into the body of Weapon:Ashen

JOHN MADISON: "You have to be kidding me."

On the screen...

[Image: 52b435bf2266258da290e7f44ff04aa7.jpeg]

Shane .

Shane begins to speak: "John, I know what you're thinking. How the hell is this happening. In time, you will understand. For now, if you are watching this recording it is because my brain has been put into the body of Weapon:Ashen."

Madison continues to stare at the screen as if to say "How the fuck is this happening?"

Shane continues: "Now that Weapon:Ashen has possession of my brain things could get very interesting for you. Follow these instructions in order to secure the survival of my The Black Circle, John.

"The answer lies with the one they call Enigma, he is the final piece. A man that has been with us all along but until recently no one was aware of his existence."

JOHN MADISON: "Who the fuck is Enigma?"

Shane contines: "I know what you are thinking John, Who the fuck is Enigma?"

"To answer that you must speak to his master, to our recently returned brother Sebastian Duke."

fades out on the television screen. Madison picks up his phone and dials a 9 digit phone number.

JOHN MADISON: "Duke, it's me.... Listen, do you know an do.........he is?............He's had how many matches?..........Where the fuck have I been?..........Good point. Because I just received another one of those messages from Shane........... I have no idea how he's doing it but Shane says its time to bring him in.......Yes, bring him to me, I'll call NAZI."

Madison ends the call and the scene fades out.

As the show begins we pick up the scene in the back hallways of the arena where we see Iron the camera pans around we see that his mask is lifted and he is speaking to...


Theo sees the camera and says something to Iron Man who quickly lowers the mask to conceal his face again and takes off down the hall.

JOEY STYLES:"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another edition of Monday Night Madness and boy was that an interesting opening. The Black Circle has a new member, one of the XWF's newest Superstars, Enigma. And on top of that Theo Pryce apparently knows the identity of the masked Avenger that has been attacking various members of the XWF roster for months now. I wonder how long he has known?"

DON GROSS: "The guy seems to always be one step ahead so I would guess he's known all along."

JOEY STYLES: "Very true Joey. Anyway it's great to be back here for another week of Madness."

DON GROSS:"And we have an interesting show for you all. Two matches, the winners each get a title shot."

JOEY STYLES:"And to top it all off, Theo Pryce will be here to fill us all in on the stipulations surrounding next week's huge Pay Per View - World War X. And now without further adieu let's kick off the show."

We Own it by 2 Chainz and Wiz Khalifa plays

JOEY SYLES: "Simon Lee Nash is first to the ring."

Headstrong by Trapt plays

JOEY STYLES:"Coming to the ring next is the upstart Kristy Jackson."

115 by Elena Siegman plays

JOEY STYLES: "And now making his XWF debut Super Mutant Dogerlord!

Trouble by William

JOEY STYLES:"And the last to join them is the XWF's favorite Crimson Dong.

Simon Lee Nash
- vs -
Kristy Jackson
- vs -
Super Mutant Dogerlord
- vs -
Crimson Dong
X-treme Rules
Winner receives an X-treme Title Shot

The bell sounds and the match is underway.

Nash and Jackson are locked up starting things off. Dogerlord attempts to go after Crimson Dong who upon seeing this immediately climbs out of the ring and runs to the back.

DON GROSS: "I guess the Dong got scared and decided to shrivel up and hide."

JOEY STYLES: "Looks that way Don."

Unsure of what to do next Dogerlord stares down both his opponents and unleashes a ferocious..


Stopping both Kristy and Nash dead in their tracks. After a second of contemplation Kristy and Simon both lunge at Dogerlord taking him out with a leg chop and a clothesline. The two then lift Dogerlord back up and deliver a double suplex. Nash and Jackson are back to their feet and locked up. Jackson get's the upper hand but is quickly countered by a gut punch by Nash. Nash follows it up by whipping Kristy towards the ropes. Kristy ducks an attempted clothesline and before she can hit the back ropes is meet by a big boot from Dogerlord.

Jackson goes down in a heap and Dogerlord pounces on Nash essentially tackling him down to the ring. Kristy rolls out of the ring grabbing at her face in pain. Back in the ring Dogerlord is on top of Nash and delivering repeated blows to the face.




JOEY STYLES: "Kristy lifts up the ring apron and is looking for a weapon of some kind."



DON GROSS: "Looks like she's found one to her liking.

JOEY STYLES: "Looks like a metal baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire."

Back in the ring Dogerlord is still throwing punches...



Kristy slides back into the ring, creeps up behind Dogerlord...


Takes aim...



Kristy Jackson destroys Dogerlord with a violent blow to the head. Dogerlord yelps in pain and then runs over to the corner pawing at his head. The barbed wire from the bat managed to get stuck in his hair.

Jackson covers Nash for the pin...




Simon Lee Nash got the leg up at the last second and the match will go on. Jackson gives a quick glance to Dogerlord who is still in the corner literally licking his wounds. Jackson brings Nash to his feet and attempts a headlock only to be countered by a kick to the mid section followed by a snap DDT. Nash back to his feet and then lands an elbow drop to Kristy's throat.

The crowd erupts...

JOEY STYLES: "Looks like the Crimson Dong has decided to come back after all."

Don Gross: "And he's brought a sack of goodies with him. Is that a penis pump in his hand?"

JOEY STYLES: "Looks like it could be,"

Dong races down the entry way and slides into the ring. He carefully places his sack of toys in the corner before coming up from behind on Nash and choking him with the cock pump. Nash's eyes are almost popping out of his head. His face is turning blue...Dogerlord suddenly leaps out of the corner and....

he's humping Dong's leg. The Super Mutant Dogerlord is actually humping Crimon Dong's leg.

JOEY STYLES: "This is unbelievable."

DON GROSS: "Believe it."

Nash is still being choked out by Dong. Dong is still being humped by Dogerlord. This gives Kristy Jackson the opening she needs as she kips up and then launches herself off the ropes, hiting Nash in the face with a flying elbow. The momentum of that move sends both Nash and Dong stumbling backwards and forces Dogerlord to release his hold on Dong's leg. Now all three of them are staring down Kristy Jackson. Dogerlord is the first to make a move as he leaps in the air to pounce...Jackson hit's him with an upper cut that lands flush on his chin. Crimson Dong opts to go into the corner and dig through his sack of tricks. That leaves Nash and Kristy to go toe to toe.

Jackson ducks under an attempted clothesline from a charging Simon Lee Nash. Before Nash can turn around Jackson reaches back and drops him with a neckbreaker and then rolls on top for the cover.




JOEY STYLES: "What the hell was that?"

DON GROSS: "It looked like one of those fake vagina's."

JOEY STYLES: "Dong just broke up a pin attempt by hitting Kristy Jackson in the head with a fake vagina? I've seen it all"

Crimson Dong: DAT PUSS!! DAT PUSS!!!

Dogerlord leaps back up and pounces on the fake vagina, ripping it to shreds. The Dong is insessed by this and attacks Dogerlord. Kristy Jackson slides out of the ring, lifts the ring apron and pulls a long silver ladder out from underneath the ring. She then slides it into the ring just as Nash is getting to his feet. Dong is throwing punches to the back of Dogerlord's head who is swinging the now ripped to shreds fake vagina. Completely unphased that Dong is on his back and punching him.

Nash picks up the ladder with one swift motion drills almost beheads Kristy Jackson with the top of the ladder. Jackson spits up some blood and possible a tooth or two as she falls backwards, head smacking off the mat. With Dogerlord and Dong distracted in the corner Nash throws down the ladder and goes for the pin....




Crimson Dong pulled a pink dildo out of his back pocket and flings it at Simon Lee Nash hitting him right in the head. The distraction allows for Kristy to get her shoulder up. Dogerlord swings his body around so violently that the motion sends Dong flying in the air....and into the waiting arms of Simon Lee Nash who spins him around and delivers a Spinebuster onto the ladder almost snapping the Dong in half.

DON GROSS: "No one wants to see a broken in half Dong."

Nash with the pin....




JOEY STYLES: "What the hell is Dogerlord doing?"

DON GROSS: "It looks like he is taking a piss in the ring, probably marking his territory."

Simon Lee Nash picks up the ladder and swings 360 degrees as fast as he can, nearly taking Dogerlord's head off as he does but instead Dogerlord ducks under and then hits Nash with a drop kick. The ladder lands on top of Nash.

Crimson Dong picks up his pink dildo and starts hitting Kristy Jackson in the legs with it repeatedly. Jackson rips the dildo out of Dong's hands and jams it into his mouth and then....EUROPEAN UPPERCUT!!!

Crowd: HOLY SHIT!!


Jackson's uppercut sent the head of the dildo through the back of Crimson Dong's skull. Dong is down and he looks completely limp.

Dogerlord picks up the ladder and wildly swings it again at an unsuspecting Kristy Jackson....


Dogerlord slipped on bis own puddle of piss and fell flat on his back, the ladder landing on top of him. Jackson sees this and quickly runs up the turnbuckle and leaps off....

SUICIDE ATTACK!!!!!! (Swanton Bomb)

Swanton Bomb right onto the ladder. Jackson uses the weight of the ladder to pin Dogerlord...




JOEY STYLES: "How the hell did he kick out of that?"

DON GROSS: "No idea."

Kristy Jackson looks bewildered. She thought it was over. Dogerlord is quickly back up to his feet. He grabs a still half conscious Simon Lee Nash and demolishes him with MUCH PAIN - MANY POWERBOMB. 5 In fact. While Dogerlord is having his way with Nash Kristy Jackson is kicking the every living shit out of Crimson Dong, who can only cower in the corner and take his beating like a man?

Repeated boot shots to the Dong's face and he is now crying hoping someone will save him from this beating. Kristy lifts him up and quickly plants him with a DDT. She runs up the turnbuckles and delivers a backwards Swanton Bomb. She then goes for the cover...




Dogerlord broke it up at the last second. Jackson quickly gets up and before she can attack Dogerlord she is met with a Big Boot to the face that sends her toppling over the ropes and to the hard cement floor.

Dogerlord picks up Crimson Dong and hits him with MUCH PAIN - MANY POWERBOMB on top of the ladder.

Dogerlord places his boot on the now broken Dong for the pin...




Winner: Super Mutant Dogerlord

JOEY STYLES: "A fantastic opening match."

DON GROSS: "Absolutely. We got to see it all. Cock Pumps, Fake Vagina's and Pink Dildo's. How can you not love the XWF?




Kristy Jackson, by her lonesome in the ring, is surrounded by thousands of used banana peels. WHAT COULD THIS MEAN?!


Unaccustomed to hearing bird calls, Kristy Jackson turns to expect the noise stepping right onto a banana peel causing her to slip and slide directly into the turnbuckle.

"In This Moment" by Ryan Gilmore plays

Guppy steps onto the stage and walks down the ramp tailed by his master of red deceit, stopping in front of a woman decked-out in bird watching gear. Parsh flicks through the contents of his wallet before handing the outdoors-woman a twenty dollar bill.

Guppy smirks, wickedly, as Kristy Jackson lays still and perpendicular to the turnbuckle in a pile of fruit skin.

Guppy darkly sashays forward a few steps more stopping in front of a banana salesman a few seats down from the bird watcher. Guppy hands him a five-dollar bill in exchange for a ripe banana.

Slithering like death on a Popsicle, the Guppy rolls into the ring and stares down at the piano of a bombshell. With the monkey's fruit tight in his formerly doctoral grip the Parsh stacks a pile of skins as Jackson uses the ropes to get to her feet. Before she can get too comfortable Guppy grabs her by her favorite ear and quickly lodges the banana inside of it.

Peter Gilmour's Racist Remarks: DO IT.

Guppy pulls Crispy Jackass in between his legs by her least favorite ear and spikes her head through the stack of banana skins...STRIKEDEATH~

Guppy wickedly sadistically smiles evilly at his destroytive handiwork of death, before picking up a peel and smacking himself with it repeatedly.

As we come back from commercial break, we are treated to a view of a beautiful lake. The birds fly overhead, the sun barrels down upon the water, just one of those calm relaxing views ya know? ...Suddenly a normal sized boat comes up into view and we see John Austin behind the wheel. The boat stops and we see John putting on the brakes so to speak.

JOHN AUSTIN: You know, it comes a time in everyone's life when you have to step away and enjoy some serenity. Normally I would be the work horse that I am and be entertaining you great folks tonight but I am resting up.

You see, there is a war on the horizon. A war that places good versus evil. You see, its no secret, Eli James is running this company into the ground but that's all about to change. You see here soon, I will be going into battle with Theo Pryce and his group of soldiers as we take out this dirty tyrant once and for all.

I think what the other side seems to forget is that I hold a victory over our so called "glorious" leader. I know his secret and here soon, him and his so called followers that lead him into battle will fall at the hands of Theo Pryce and Company....See you boys soon.....

John starts the engine back up and speeds off into the distance as our scene comes to a close.

JOEY STYLES: "Oh My God!! Theo Pryce knows the identity of the masked Avenger that has been attacking various members of the XWF roster for months now. I wonder how long he has known?"

DON GROSS: "The guy seems to always be one step ahead so I would guess he's known all along."

JOEY STYLES: "Well that would be something but now it's time for our final match of the night.

It's Not Unusual by Tom Jones

JOEY STYLES: "And here comes Swagmire Swaggins as he does the Carlton Dance while making his way to the ring.

DON GROSS: "How can you not love this dancing fool?"

JOEY STYLES: "No idea Don."

Not Alone by Calvin Harris

JOEY STYLES: "And here comes his opponent Ambrose Helios making his debut in the XWF.

DON GROSS: "Should be a good one Joey."

Amrbose Helios
- vs -
Swagmire Swaggins
Standard Rules
Winner receives a TV Title Show next week on Madness

Ambrose goes right after his opponent underestimating SwagMire’s maneuverability. SwagMire rolls out of an attempted clothesline only to be met with a few knees to the midsection which causes SwagMireto fall backwards into the turnbuckle. Ambrose backs away a few steps and then chages at SwagMire, landing a massive SPLASH on the oppoent sending him dazed and confused to the ring floor. Ambrose lifts SwagMire and delivers a punch to the abdomen, Swagmire is doubled over giving Ambrose the opportunity to place him between his legs head first, before he can lift his opponent up for the powerbomb SwagMire uses all of his strength and flips Ambrose up and over sending Ambrose crashing to the mat. Swagmire takes a second to compose himself and delivers a knee drop right to his opponent’s abdomen.

SwagMire with the cover…




SwagMire lifts Ambrose up by his shaggy long hair and whips him towards the ropes, Ambrose ducks an attempted big boot to the face and bounces off the far side ropes only to be dropped with a FLYING ELBOW right to the chops. SwagMire quickly get’s Ambrose back up and whips him into the corner. Ambrose smacks into the turnbuckles chest first. SwagMire follows Ambrose to the corner and hits him with a clothesline to the back of the head. Ambrose bounces off the turnbuckles and then falls to the mat landing flat on his back.

SwagMire dances his way over to Ambrose and then goes for the cover…




JOEY STYLES: “SwagMire might have gotten the pin if he didn’t waste a few precious seconds dancing.”

DON GROSS: “That’s what he does though.”

SwagMire gets to his feet and starts doing another dance, it looks like a combination of the robot and the sprinkler.

Meanwhile Amborse is slowly getting up after surviving that series of moves by the opponent. Seeing that SwagMire is more concerned with dancing then wrestling he quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle and crouches down waiting…

SwagMire slowly turns around to check on his opponent…


Ambrose with the pin...




SwagMire get’s his shoulder up just in time. Ambrose pulls up Swagmire up by to a sitting position and immediately puts him in a headlock. SwagMire is fighting it and fighting hard….before Ambrose can really put the pressure on SwagMire he instead decides to release the hold and plant SwagMire with a DDT.

Kip up by Ambrose who immediately pulls SwagMire to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Ambrose with a Cross Body that hits nothing but air. SwagMire was able to avoid the move all together and now has the advantage. SwagMire get’s mounts Amrbose and attempts a choke hold instead Ambrose counters with his own variation ofa triangular chokehold. He has SwagMire locked in and he is not letting go.

The ref is looking for a tap…

…it’s not coming.

SwagMire is fighting it, trying to get his footing in a desperate attempt to try and get to the ropes. SwagMire has one free arm and he is trying desperately to get a hold of something, anything to try and break the hold. SwagMire is starting to turn purple...this might be it...


JOEY STYLES: "Wow I didn't see that coming."

DON GROSS: "Me either Joey."

SwagMire was able to use both arms to lock around Ambrose left knee and uses all of his strength to lift him up in the air and then slams his body back onto the ground with enough force to force Ambrose into breaking the hold. The move took everything out of SwagMire.

Ambrose rolls over and manages to get an arm onto the chest of SwagMire. The ref slides in to make the count...




SwagMire kicks out. Ambrose in infuriated. Ambrose pulls SwagMire....

Russian LegSweep, back up...a punch to the mid section and then a swinging neckbreaker. Back up...Ambrose goes for a German Suplex but SwagMire blocks it. Ambrose attemps it again...another block. SwagMire with an elbow to Ambrose face...and another...

Ambrose breaks the hold and then takes down SwagMire with a cross body block. Another pin attempt...




Ambrose is quickly back to his feet, he runs to the ropes and uses the middle ropes to propel him up and backwards...


Ambrose's moonsault backfired. SwagMire was able get both of his knees up just in time. Ambrose bounces off SwagMire's knees and flops down to the mat, grabbing at his chest in pain.

Both men are down and not really moving. The ref starts a 10 count...




SwagMire rolls over...



SwagMire get's a knee up...


Now the second...


SwagMire is up and the ref stops the count.

SwagMire yanks Ambrose to his feet and quickly moves in with a punch to the face which momentarily stuns Ambrose, long enough to allow SwagMire to put his opponent down with a Powerbomb. But he's not down. He pulls Helios up and sets him up for another but Amrbose isn't having it. He grabs the back of SwagMire's legs to prevent him from lifting up...


Ambrose turned an attempted powerbomb into a SPINEBUSTER that rocked the ring.

Ambrose walks around and lifts SwagMire's neck up leaving the opponent into a seated position. He wraps his arms around SwagMire's head and locks him into....

The Last Breath(Sleeper Hold).

SwagMire is fighting it...

Still fighting it...

The ref lights SwagMire's hand...

it falls straight down...

he checks again....

same result....

SwagMire's eyes are starting to roll into the back of his skull...

Last time...

SwagMire's out...the ref quickly signals for the bell and Ambrose releases the hold.

The ref raises Helios's hand in victory.

Winner: Ambrose Helios - #1 Contender to the TV Title

JOEY STYLES: " Great match by both men and now Ambrose will have a shot at the TV title next week, right here on Monday Night Madness.

Amrbose climbs out of the ring and starts to head to the back...

Greenback Boogie by Imarobot plays

JOEY STYLES: "And now the moment we have all been waiting for. Theo Pryce, the King of the XWF and captain of his team is here to tell us all what the stipulations are for World War X."

DON GROSS: "This should be interesting but I'm also curious as to who he is going to find to replace fellow Company member Neonero.

JOEY STYLES: "Maybe we will get an answer to that as well Don."

Theo Pryce makes his way out of the back followed by the other 16 members of his team. Company members Mr.Supernova, Scorpio and Dr. Zero are right behind Theo and following them is the rest of the team. Michael McBride, "The Senator" John Samuels, John Austin, Smoke Man, Mr. Radio, Hank Lane, Andrew Morrison, Liz Hathaway, Cam Lang, Christine Nash, Super Mutan Dogerlord, the lone exception being Ashen.

Theo and Ambrose lock eyes for a second. Ambrose looks concerned as a member of the opposing team but Theo continues to just walk past him and instead opts to help the last member of his team SwagMire Swaggins to his feet.

All 17 members of the team are now standing in the ring as Theo is handed a microphone from the ring announcer.

THEO PRYCE:"Ladies and Gentlemen, the lines have been drawn, the teams have been selected and two Sundays from now the War for the XWF will reach it's climax."

"So now allow me to outline the stipulations for the event, where everything is truly on the line."

"If Team Eli wins he will be given full and total control of the XWF. The Administrative Network will be legally removed from the equation and The Company will be disbanded."

"It Team Theo wins, Eli will give up his shares of the XWF to the Administrative Network which will then select someone to run the XWF. Eli James will go back to being a wrestler and leader of the Congregation and nothing more. What happens to The Company after that will be left up to the members of The Company to decide."

"But that's not all. In addition for whatever team wins, their Captain will be able to give out Briefcases to any two members of their team that they deem worthy. Those briefcases can be used to cash in on any singles title, including the Crown at any time of the case holders choosing. Now as for the rules of the event..."

Soma Demo by Project 86 plays

JOEY STYLES: "Well it looks like we won't have to wait until the 16th to see what these two teams are going to do to each other."

Eli James IV steps out onto the stage and makes his way down the entry ramp. Completely unphased that he is stepping into the ring outnumbered 17 to 1 he elects to get right in Theo Pryce's face.

ELI JAMES IV: "Theo Pryce, you arrogant, misguided prick. You think that after what I did to Shane and The Administrator that I would put all of that on the line in some match when I am just 1 of 30 plus competitors? Do you really think I would do that?"

THEO PRYCE: " No Eli, I don't. Not willingly. But you see, you don't have a choice in the matter. The contracts have been signed. Your reign as the head of this company will end in two weeks and it will be because of the people you see standing in front of you. Now, turn around and walk out of here before you end up being wheeled out on a stretcher."

Eli takes a step closer to Theo, bringing them only a few inches from each other, neither man is backing down. Eli takes a step back, looks at everyone around him and decides that retreat would be the smart move. Before he can make it out of the ring Andrew Morrison attacks Eli from behind. Eli's face smacks off the middle turnbuckle as he stumbles forward and Morrison starts delivering repeated kicks to the back of Eli's head. Some of the other team members look at Theo unsure of what to do but Theo's demeanor remains unchanged.

Suddenly the crowd reacts and the rest of Eli's World War X team starts running down the entry ramp. Elisha, Morbid Angel, Griffin MacAlister, Sid Feder, Mandii Rider, Lazarus, Jebediah James, Alexandra Callaway, Ann Thraxx, Lucena, DarkJayRider, Tri Bute, Dimalisher, Ambrose Helios, and Justin Jones all storm the ring.

Fists and bodies are flying everywhere. The two team Captains are locked up in the corner.

Other members of the two teams are going at it in the ring, outside of the ring, on the entrance ramp.

SwagMire and Ambrose have decided to to engage in an encore of their match by going at it in the stands.

Scorpio, Dr. Zero, and Mr. Supernova are exchanging blows with varying members of the Congregation.

"The Senator" John Samuels and Lazarus are fighting over near the announcers table.

With Theo and his team out numbered by one Theo Pryce finds himself on the business end of a 2 on 1 beat down at the hands of Eli James and Griffin MacAlister.

JOEY STYLES: "This is not looking good for the King. Everyone else on his team is too preoccupied to notice that he is being taken apart.

The crowd erupts and Neonero comes sprinting out of the back. and starts pushing his way through the sea of people. He grabs Griffin by the head and plants him with a reverse DDT. Nero picks Griffin up and tosses him outside of the ring and then quickly follows him out there. Nero lifts the ring apron and looks looking for a weapon of some sort. As he does so Griffin starts getting back up.

Nero finds what he is looking for, a glass sheet. He gets up and turns around looking eyes with Griffin, before Griffin can react Nero throws the glass sheet at him and then delivers a kick that shatters the glass in Griffin's face.

Eli James hears the sound and looks down to see Griffin's face all cut up from the glass shards. The momentary distraction is enough for Theo to hit Eli with punch to the groin area sending Eli down to his knees right in front of a now ascending Theo Pryce. Theo looks down at Nero the two give each other a nod.

JOEY STYLES: "Well this is interesting, previously Nero had taken his name out of the Pay Per View, perhaps he has changed his mind and decided to aid the Company in taking down Eli James."

DON GROSS: "That's certainly what it looks like."

Nero turns his attention back to Griffin and Theo chases after Eli James who is weaving through all the people. Theo catches Eli by the back of the hair and tosses him out of the ring and then climbs out of the ring after him.

Theo and Eli are locked back up, Eli gets the early advantage and throws Theo into a metal barrier. Pryce slams into it hard and immediately grabs at his back. Eli grabs Theo Pryce and powerbombs him onto the hard cement floor and then stands over The King and starts mocking him.


Out of no where...

Weapon: Ashen comes out from the back and pulls out a long choke wire that is looped similarly to a giant "zip tie" and he comes up begind Eli, quickly dropping the loop over Eli's head and YANKING back as hard as he can to lock the choke wire in place around Eli's throat! Eli's arms start flailing around, his knees are getting weak and Ashen just stares at Eli's red face. At this point, Ashen doesn't even need to hold the wire or make contact with Eli due to the wire being locked in place!

Theo is finally getting up and as soon as he realizes what's happening, he starts yelling at Ashen to release the wire from around Eli's throat!

THEO PRYCE: "This is not how we do things, we will end this in two weeks but not like this."

ASHEN: "This is not how you do things."

THEO PRYCE: "For the moment, you are on my team, and you will stop this, now!"

Ashen just looks at Theo and laughs.

ASHEN: "You want this to end then you free the pig yourself."

Ashen reaches into his belt and pulls out a dagger. He throws it down at Theo's feet, it lands about 2 inches from Theo's left foot. Theo picks up the dagger and cuts the wire, releasing Eli from a certain death. Ashen laughs at Theo and then rips the dagger out of Theo's hand and then stabs Theo in the right thigh.

Pryce screams out in pain and bends down clutching at his leg.

Ashen then shoves Eli into Theo, the two men's heads smacking into each other.

ASHEN: "Have it your way... CAPTAIN! HA!"

As Ashen turns to leave A few dozen embers of XWF security in full riot gear pour out of the back and start suppressing both teams trying to break up the mayhem.

JOEY STYLES: "We are all out of time here folks, but things are just heating up in time for the Pay Per View, join us next week on Madness where the battle for the XWF will continue to wage on."

[Image: gK2ywkE.jpg]
Sunday March 16, 2014
"Everything is on the line."

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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(03-03-2014), (03-03-2014), (03-05-2014), AlexandraCallaway (03-03-2014), Ambrose Helios (03-04-2014), Andrew Morrison (03-03-2014), Archie Lawson (03-03-2014), Cam Lang (03-05-2014), Guppy Parsh (03-03-2014), John Austin (03-03-2014), Liz Hathaway (03-03-2014), Morbid Angel (03-03-2014), The Enigma (03-03-2014)
Ambrose Helios Offline
Forever Trapped.

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-03-2014, 07:02 PM

"Well fought SwagMire. It's a shame I had to give you your Last Breath and I do apologize... but, I am here with a point to prove and I intend on making that point quite clear next week when I face Elisha for the Television Championship."

[Image: QQEmwiZ.jpg?1?3692]
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Kristy Jackson Offline
The Joan Of Charisma

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

03-03-2014, 07:12 PM

OCC: I am so confused; what happened after my match again?

[Image: ifPzIwv.gif]

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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-03-2014, 07:29 PM

(03-03-2014, 07:12 PM)Kristy Jackson Said: OCC: I am so confused; what happened after my match again?

I'll let the man who submitted the segment elaborate but it looks like he gave you a piledriver onto some banana skins. For what reason I have no idea other than for lol's.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Kristy Jackson Offline
The Joan Of Charisma

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

03-03-2014, 07:31 PM

(03-03-2014, 07:29 PM)Theo Pryce Said:
(03-03-2014, 07:12 PM)Kristy Jackson Said: OCC: I am so confused; what happened after my match again?

I'll let the man who submitted the segment elaborate but it looks like he gave you a piledriver onto some banana skins. For what reason I have no idea other than for lol's.

Oh ok because I was reading it and I was really confused.

[Image: ifPzIwv.gif]

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Guppy Parsh (03-03-2014)

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-03-2014, 07:39 PM

(03-03-2014, 07:02 PM)Ambrose Helios Said:
"Well fought SwagMire. It's a shame I had to give you your Last Breath and I do apologize... but, I am here with a point to prove and I intend on making that point quite clear next week when I face Elisha for the Television Championship."

It was a good match, and I hereby extend my hand in congratulations. You're a good man, and I really have nothing negative to say about you.

Swagmire extends his hand out to Ambrose. Will he take it?
Ambrose Helios Offline
Forever Trapped.

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-04-2014, 11:47 AM

Ambrose accepts the hand and pulls SwagMire closer.

"I accept your kindness, but next weekend when we're on opposite teams, there will be no such thing as kindness."

[Image: QQEmwiZ.jpg?1?3692]
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Weapon:Ashen Offline
The only true WEAPON of the Gods

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-04-2014, 10:53 PM Music  Monday Night Madness (3-3-14) -->

Shall I smash your faces together so you can latch tongues, Swag and Ambrose? Transparent scum...

[A twitch of the eye as he starts to turn away, then shoots his left eye back at the camera as his voice raises in pitch...]

Madison, you drunken fool... Who in the name of the almighty potato was that in that taped recording pretending to be me? PRETENDING TO BE SHANE ! I know you feel blame; I know you're mad; waggle bagga the shit out of my legacy, will you? The world saw me turn on The Black Circle just moments before I was murdered... I had no plans of guiding them anywhere but hell yes, HELL YES! ...beLIEve in that footage, you insatiable swine! Swallow it whole and digest it as your innards weep with delight!

Call upon the Enigma and be led to the slaughter - for it is Ashen's CLONE under that disguise Enigma wears! Yes, it is AMON DANTE; originally known as Weapon:Reign. Now rain for me, Black Circle. RAIN BLOOD FOR ME! And then run down my blade and drip off of my hilt as the impostor's wish is granted.

On to smaller matters...
Captain:Pryce and Target:James; two birds of a feather, both hidden in the same bush, clacking their heads together, not realizing I've already crushed the fragile body of the bird in my hand - not realizing that bird was their mother. I am
a little CHOKED UP... HA! Choked up by this vat of cloned DNA all around me... How many have claimed to be "EVIL" or to follow the darkened path when it was I, Judas Iscariot, who paved the WAY of the original lie with but a kiss.
Impostors, XWF.

How many over the years and even in the last twelve months have claimed WEAPONHOOD? Has there been a more commonly faked tactic? What started with the likes of the impostor called Weapon:Extreme a decade ago has blossomed into mechanics, pharaohs and even Irishmen thinking they have what it takes to be a pure instrument of destruction. They claim imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so please allow me to return the favor when I become all of you on the road to worldwide war.
Impostors, XWF.

And now this TAPE! A tape of ME?!?!? Do you feel like wolf kabob ranch dressing? I AM THE ONLY SHANE ! Or am I? Is it any wonder that The Black Circle cannot hope to exist without me? Is it any wonder that 'the father' has abandoned all hope of the Circle fulfilling its intended destiny? Is it any wonder that we now have SHAM appearing via video to dictate their next failure?
Impostors, XWF.

All of you.

Believe in the lie, live in disbelief, and trust only in none
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