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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Checkmate Brah (#5 Gladness)
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Scorpio Offline
Dick Of Doom

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(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-25-2014, 05:14 AM

Peter, Peter, Peter once again you just had to go and outsmart yourself didn't you? I knew, I FUCKING KNEW that shit would eat at you and you just wouldn't be able to let it go. I knew it would get a reaction out of you, I just fucking knew it. It was something so simple but it bothered you so fucking much that you had to dedicate a good portion of your last promo to doing damage control because of it even though it was fucking meaningless. By the way brah let me let you in on a little secret, IT WAS FUCKING BAIT! I did it just to show how much in control of you that I am because had you let it go and not even mentioned it then I bet nobody would have realized how much I was mentally fucking with you. However of course I leave everything up to you and you didn't disappoint me since you just had to defend your precious Maria Brink. By the way for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I knew that Gilmour had a thing for this nasty bitch in some band nobody gives a shit about so yes, I got another nasty bitch that looked like the original nasty bitch and put her in my Gillyonette promo. I didn't mention who she was supposed to be or anything, to anybody watching she was just some random ugly bitch. Yet it bothered this fuckhead so much that not only does he mention it he actually goes out and talks to the real woman and shows my promo to her while inserting his tongue as far up her ass as humanly possible to make up for bad old Scorpio using a look alike of her.

[Image: giphy.gif]

You don't understand how deep the shit is that you're in brah and it's hilarious. I mean it's not that you're playing Checkers and I'm playing Chess, it's that you're playing Checkers and I'm beating you at it . However at the same time I'm also playing Chess, Sorry, Monopoly, Scrabble, Risk, Stratego, Clue, Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, Boggle, Operation, and Hungry Hungry Hippos. Also in case you didn't know, I'M BEATING YOUR ASS AT ALL OF THEM! Mostly because you're so focused on the Checkers game that you're losing that you don't notice anything else going on around you. I told you the answer, I told you how to stop the bleeding and yet you continue to sweat the little things and let stupid shit that doesn't even matter get to you. The match is already over brah, I've got in won because I can control myself and you can't, it's as simple as that. Yet since I already tried to show you mercy and you were too stupid to figure out that you should take my advice, I have no problem kicking you while you're down. As a matter of fact brah I'm going to enjoy the fuck out of this. Pete let's talk about the fact that no matter what you do I'm always going to be the second hand on the clock while you're the minute hand. I'm just going to keep passing you over and over again because you never make a move until you see me passing you by. You don't make a move until you see me make a move, you know, like this one.

(02-16-2014, 11:34 PM)Mizuki Tsukasa Said: "How is your lawyer going to take on a whole Yakuza? He'll end up dead. I can beat you Peter. It won't be hard."
(02-16-2014, 11:39 PM)Scorpio Said: Scorpio emerges from the shadows which he has been doing a lot recently, does he fucking live there? Anyway...
Scorpio: You can beat me, and it will be hard! Scorpity, Scorpity, aww right!
(02-17-2014, 12:49 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: U can beat me and I'll like it
(02-17-2014, 12:52 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: What would Rose say? And are you sure you'd like it? I think she's naturally a woman.
(02-17-2014, 12:54 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Rose loves to beat me in bed ;)

Hold on now Pete was that you taking a joke that a Steve Borden wannabe made and then using it not once BUT TWICE? Bitch, how the fuck are you gonna rip off a rip off of a rip off after calling him out for being a rip off? Yes I said that I was a rip off of a rip off because one of the things you seem to forget brah is that Steve Borden is one of the biggest rip off artists in the business. He started as Flash Borden, see what he did there? That was before teaming with the Ultimate Warrior as a couple of Road Warrior clones, then he named himself after Sting the singer, after that he moved on to ripping off The Crow, and finally decided that he would try to capitalize off of Batman's success by using The Joker's face paint. See Pete being a rip off doesn't bother me because it's all part of the business and some of the best in the business have been rip offs. Besides Sting, off the top of my head, Ric Flair wasn't the first Nature Boy, Hulk Hogan was such a fucking Jimmy Valiant rip off that it's unreal, Dolph Ziggler is Billy fucking Gunn and the list goes on and on and on and on! It's the nature of the business but the fact is rip off or not you still have to get in that ring and you still have to be good. Brah I think even you would agree that there's a little bit of a difference between a rip off like Ric Flair who is a legend and a rip off like The Renegade who fell flat on his fucking face because he couldn't wrestle his way out of the Ultimate Warrior's jock. Now brah I'd like you to look at my list of accomplishments here in the XWF then look at yours and get back to me on which category each one of us falls in. Oh and in case you didn't catch that Pete, yes, I just called you a rip off. Not that it matters to me all that much, I just know for a fact that you don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to calling somebody else out for ripping something off when you've done it so much. Oh what, thought I forgot how you used to run around calling yourself "the devil's favorite demon"?Yeah okay there Kane. Also let's not forget what I just showed you a second ago where you just reused a joke that I made. It doesn't end with that because it's not just me you did that to, let's look at how you copied Theo for example....

Quote:Nero's Games February 10th 2014

THOMAS JONES: Thank you Mr. Pryce. Mr. Gilmour, I have with me a document, naming you as the defendant in a class action lawsuit against you. The entirety of the XWF Roster has come together and they are suing you for "Sexual Harassment". Generally in cases like these the Administrative Network, specifically me, would be your counsel but I have been told that you were previously warned by Mr. Pryce here to stop using the phrase "Suck My Dick" which is the basis for the legal action being taken against you. As a result of that you will be required to retain your own counsel, on your own dime or you can opt for the "Pro Se" version.

(02-16-2014, 07:53 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: i got tested for all the sex ive had with Rose and OTHER WOMEN! I was never raped by Frodo the small dick hobbit fucker. it never happened and im making my final stand on that so all you can suck my dick. See this is why im going to sue this company for harassment because of all the remarks about me and rose being gay when there is no fuckin proof!!

see u all in court. when i win, u will all pay the reaper!

(02-16-2014, 07:08 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: I'm suing u all now.

(02-14-2014, 09:42 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: if u wanna go there I could sue you for rape and sodomy

(02-16-2014, 07:09 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Hey chink why don't I rape u
(02-16-2014, 07:12 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: That's very offensive Peter. What would Rose say? And does she know about us?
(02-16-2014, 07:13 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Yeah and she's suing u

I mean what a coincidence right? I make a joke and you reuse the same joke twice. Theo has his lawyer deliver the news that you're being sued and suddenly your big threat to people becomes "I'll sue you" but being a rip off is a bad thing. Yep, I should just go hang myself because I borrowed a look and some moves, which I execute better than the guy I took them from by the way. On the other hand it's completely okay for you to rob from people right Pete? THIS IS WHY PEOPLE THINK YOU'RE FUCKING ! Oh and just so you know, I caught that part of your last promo where you said that I'm obsessed with you and for this week YOU'RE GOD DAMN RIGHT THAT I AM! As you can tell by how many times I just showed you saying that you were going to sue somebody, my attention has been focused on you, you, and nothing but you all week brah. All this week I've done nothing but analyze every statement you've made, I've watched your recent matches multiple times to diagnose every move you've made, and most importantly of all I've been mind fucking you since this match got booked. THIS IS WHAT I FUCKING DO BRAH! More importantly this is what you're supposed to do, any motherfucker in the XWF watching this right now, THIS IS HOW THIS SHIT IS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE! If you make any kind of mistake, I don't care if you're out at dinner and you try to fart but some shit comes out, guess what? If you're booked against me that week, I'M GOING TO FUCKING KNOW! Any other week I don't give a damn about any of you assclowns but as soon as you see my name put across from yours on a card then you better believe I'm out looking for dirt on you and I'm going to find enough to bury you with.

[Image: kill.gif]

Now Gilmour let's get back to you because there is one more thing you said that I'd like to address before I call it a day.

Peter Gilmour Said:It's funny though, he held the XTreme and that other title yet just recently he had the Ark of the Covenant or whatever its name is these days and then lost it right away. I guess he's losing his sting huh?

Really brah, REALLY? You're going to try to pull that card on me, YOU? That's almost as bad as you trying to call me out for being a rip off when you have no room at all to talk. Let me tell you something shitdick, you have to be clever to win the name changing title and even more clever to keep it. Which is exactly why in spite of trying to win it multiple times YOU'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO DO IT! So to recap I came back to the XWF and won the name changing title for a record 11th time but lets throw out the other ten times I've won it. I've been here for two weeks and was able to win it once, that's one more time than you've been able to win it in you entire XWF career. I don't want to hear any bullshit about you not caring about it either because like I said you've tried to win it MULTIPLE times but failed each and every time. Yet a couple weeks is all it took me to pull it off once and I'll tell you something else brah, I bet you a million motherfucking dollars that I'll win that title again within the next month. But go ahead and brag about how I lost it even though you've never actually been able to hold it, that makes a ton of sense.

[Image: aliengilly.jpg]

[Image: Scorpin.png]


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(02-25-2014), Mr. Radio (02-25-2014), Theo Pryce (02-25-2014)

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