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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare (3/13/13)
Author Message
Wallace Witasick Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
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03-14-2013, 12:49 AM

[Image: kQDFZ.jpg]

Wednesday Night Warfare

Benjamin Crane
- vs -
Man Preaching Nothing
- vs -
'The Freak' Mike Rhodes
Triple Threat -- One Fall

"Kryptonite" by Three Doors Down begins to play as Benjamin Crane comes out and looks the crowd over all the way to the ring, walks up the steps, climbs in, throws off his hood and raises both arms in the air.

Ring Announcer: "Coming down the aisle now from Louisville, Kentucky. Weighing in tonight at two hundred and fifteen pounds! Benjamin Crane!"

As papa roach hits the pa system mike slowly walks threw the curtain and stands on the ramp looking out into the crowd with both hands on his hips. looking from side to side of the arena he has a grin on his face of discussed he makes his way down the aisle he makes pit stops from left to right mocking the crowd. he walks up the steps of the ring he enters and off to the far right side of the ring he steps up on the second turnbuckle and raises both arms into the air. the crowd in unison boos Rhodes. mike then jumps down and stands in the middle of the ring looking into the camera with a evil grin slowly slits his throat.

"Now introducing the second participant in this match! Hailing from Detroit, Michigan! Weighing in at two hundred and seventy five pounds! The Freak, Mike Rhodes!"

Man Preaching Nothing comes to the ring slowly, eying the crowd and the ring. He begins smiling and laughing, yelling "There is no answer!" as he makes his way down the ramp to the ring to take on his opponents.

"And now, for the final participant of this opening bout. Hailing from Burlington, Iowa with a weight of two hundred and twenty pounds! Man Preaching Nothing!"

The three men in the ring look at each other, waiting for someone else to make the first move. Rhodes steps forward into the middle of the ring, and gets met with a dropkick from Crane! The Freak stumbles back a bit, right into a dropkick to the knee from MPN! Rhodes drops face first onto the mat and rolls under the bottom rope to the outside of the ring, trying to regain his composure.

The two men in the ring stare each other down. Crane sarcastically offers his hand to MNP, who grabs it and pulls The Monolith right into a clothesline! As soon as Benjamin hits the mat, Man Preaching Nothing drops an elbow right across his chest! This guy is controlling this one in the early moments!

Rhodes slides under the ropes back into the ring, and walks up behind MNP, who's taking the time to work the crowd while Crane gets to his feet. The Monolith leaps to his feet unexpectedly, causing MNP to jump back in surprise! More surprises are in store for the man who was just in control backs up right into the other participant in this match!

Rhodes turns the arrogant man around and lifts him up in powerbomb position!

One powerbomb!

Two powerbombs!

Three powerbombs!

Four powerbombs? This is just getting ridiculous. Crane makes his way to the top rope, ready to pick up the scraps of this onslaught!

Five powerbombs, and finally Rhodes is satisfied! Wait a second though, Crane's ready to fly!

FOR ASGARD! Crane just landed his patented shooting star press! He goes for the pin while an unaware Rhodes yells at a fan in the front row!


Rhodes begins to realize what's going on!


He's diving to break it up...

THREE's and odd number, just like how it is was that Rhodes managed to break up the pin! He almost handed Crane the match there!

Crane's getting in Rhodes' face! This isn't a good idea Benjamin...

The Freak's right hand shoots forward and grabs The Monolith by his throat! He lifts Crane up!

NO! He's not going to do this, is he?


Rhodes may have just killed that man!

What's this? Man Preaching Nothing crawls over to Mike! Rhodes isn't paying attention...


ROLL UP! Man Preaching Nothing is going for the surprise pin to steal this match!




He's done it!

Man preaching nothing has stolen the show here tonight and come away with a major first victory!

Winner: Man Preaching Nothing

In it for the Fans as usual!

Pendulum Slam blasts over the P.A system and Chris Macbeth walks out onto the entrance ramp with Mic in hand.

Loud Boos can be heard from around the arena.

“Oh here he comes, again this week on warfare. His match isn’t until later.”

“No doubt hes out here to ruffle some feathers shall I say”

“Or insult some more XWF fans”

The crowd are really making it quite clear how they all feel about Chris Macbeth.. So much so that the loudness of there boos and jeers is drowning out what Macbeth has began to say.

Annoyed Macbeth pulls the mic away from his moth and gestures to the packed out crowd to shut up.

The crowd eventually relent and Macbeth holds the mic back up to his mouth.

Macbeth: Nebraska, Here I am.

Macbeth holds his hands out by his side with a cocky smile on his face.


Macbeth: I don’t understand why you are booing, me being out here has just improved this night 10 fold. I mean coming on this is going to be the most exciting night of your little lives, that’s very disrespectful actually. Treating the person who has come all the way to Nebraska to save you from the boredom of your pathetic little lives.

The crowd boo loudly again.

Macbeth: See, that’s rude. Why cant you see it like the rest of us can, I am here for you… To make your night the most exciting night you have ever had since your fellow Nebraskan years and years ago decided that oral clensiness his key and decided to invent the toothbrush.

Macbeth has been slowly walking down to the ring while speaking and now climbs in and leans over the ropes towars the announce table.

Macbeth: Did you guy’s no that?

“No, I didn’t know that but… what exactly are you getting at Chris?2

Macbeth: Nothing, I am hurt that you thought I may have had some other agenda here.

The announcer nods.
Macbeth: Well there is no hidden agenda, I am just out here trying to show these great people who invented the toothbrush that tonight I am here to entertain them.

Macbeth nods the crowd boos again.

Macbeth: I’ll tell you what though, I must admit I was shocked when I found out the toothbrush was invented here in Nebraska, I honestly thought it may have been in Japan or somewhere. On reflection though it makes sense that the toothbrush was invented in this fine state of Nebraska, because if it was invented anywhere else it would have been called a TeethBrush not just a toothbrush.

“That is insulting again Macbeth”

Loud boos from the crowd as Macbeth laughs hysterically slapping his knee.

Macbeth: What a joke.

The crowd boos carry on with some venom as Macbeth looks out into the crowd be for raising his hand and pointing somebody out.

CM: Hey can somebody come out and help this guy..

"What, what's happen over there"

"I don't know, I’m trying to see"

CM: Can someone help him please; he was laughing so much his false teeth just fell out.

More boos

CM: Please someone come and help him find his false teeth... Oh don't worry the person next to him has found them and picked them up for hi... Urgh that's disgusting... That guy just whiped them of and popped them into his own mouth.

Some groans from around the arena, you can tell this crowd have had enough of Chris Macbeth.

CM: You guys really like to share everything don't you? Anyway now that's all out the way it time to get down to business. Last week on warfare I was cheated, cheated out of my match with Crimson Cobra. How you ask, he made you tap out fare and square you ask. Well you’re wrong, I had been detracted earlier in the night by, well I don't know who by but rest assured I am going to find out who's sending me this Thirteen message.

"Well I have been hearing that the message wasn't even for Macbeth, just a coincidence."

CM: Or how about whoever sent that little message, grow some nuts and bring yourself out here and face me Man to man.

Macbeth waits for a few seconds but no response.

CM: No, that's what I thought. So looks like no distractions tonight so that means only one thing, Flynn, Nightmask and World-1, tonight in this very ring your going to feel what it's like to be in the ring with Greatness and feel what it's like to be thrown over that top rope and to hit that hard floor

Macbeth drops the mic and climbs through the ropes and back up the ring as Pendulum - Slam plays.

- vs -
World-1 International
- vs -
Chris Macbeth
- vs -
Mark Flynn
Xtreme Rules Battle Royal

Liz Weinberg: KnightMask, Chris MacBeth and World-1 International are waiting in the ring…which is littered all around with weaponry of all kind…for the arrival of the man who holds around his waist the single most valuable title in all of wrestling, Warfare’s United States championship…which will mean the beginning of this Xtreme Rules, over the top rope battle royal…you can win one way and one way only…throw your man over the top rope and make his feet touch the outside! That’s the only way…no DQ’s, no pinfalls, no submissions….anything and everything goes!

Steve Sayors: And here comes the champ himself, to the tune of the Beetles’ “Eleanor Rigby”...a look of disgust on his face, as if he’s insulted by having to share the ring with these three other competitors tonight.

Liz Weinberg: He’s got every right to feel that way, Sayors! He’s the champ and he deserves opponents more worthy of his attention…just like I deserve a broadcast colleague with more backbone!

Steve Sayors: Who needs backbone when you’ve got a pocket knife and a can full of mace? That’s right, Liz! I’m not messing around. And neither is anyone in this ring tonight. Whether the champion likes it or not, each one of these men means business and the fact is that anything might happen here in this battle royal…

Liz Weinberg: Flynn’s in the ring…he’s handing his belt to the referee…and there’s the bell, we’re off!

Steve Sayors: Flynn tosses KnightMask a chair, inviting the masked grappler to strike him with it! KnightMask balks, holding steadfast, it seems, to his promise not to utilize any weaponry or tactics he deems underhanded in the contest…Flynn shrugs his shoulders and dropkicks the chair into the self-styled superhero’s face! Chris MacBeth comes somersaulting off the top rope…into a frog-splash—he’s intercepted by a perfectly-timed Pele kick from World-1 International! World-1 International has just saved his friend from the jaws of defeat…! Flynn has picked up a baseball bat…he swings, World-1 leap frogs over the blow…Flynn tries again…strike two! World-1 is quicker than a hiccup…Flynn swings one more time…World-1 leap frogs up again…but Flynn faked the swing…and now he levels World-1 with a bunt..the United States champion is looking dominant in the early going!

Liz Weinberg: Of course he is, Sayors! What else would you expect from Flynn against these no-name losers? Hopefully Wallace terminates their contracts after this beatdown…I deserve better than sitting ringside watching this garbage! Speaking of which, looks like Flynn is taking the garbage out! Flynn Irish-whips World-1 International off the ropes…right into a back-drop to the outside! Bye-bye, loser…! Wha--?!?

Steve Sayors: I can’t believe it…World-1 landed feet-first right onto our commentary booth! He….he just…hey, mister, what do you think you’re….? He just stole my mace…! Security…! Someone call security! That’s my personal protection he just took!

Liz Weinberg: I told you these guys were lowlifes, Sayors! World-1 International leaps from the commentary both to the ring apron in a single bound, while inside the squared circle, Flynn is intent on choking the life out of Chris MacBeth with the baseball bat he’s acquired…

Sayors: MacBeth fights back with a low-blow…and a roundhouse to the head as the champion is reeling! MacBeth, at 155 even, is the smallest man in this bout…but he still packs a punch, or should I say, packs a kick! World-1 sprays my mace at MacBeth, but MacBeth ducks…and instead it’s Flynn who catches a face full! MacBeth kicks the mace out of World-1 International’s hands, catches it…toss it here! Toss it here!

Liz Weinberg: Now MacBeth nails World-1 International the face with it…and follows up with a Pele kick! That’s a little bit of revenge for earlier!
Sayors: KnightMask is getting to his feet, its him and MacBeth now…squaring off for the first time…these two come from similar submission-oriented backgrounds, KnightMask the former submission-wrestling world champion, MacBeth, undefeated in the world of mixed martial arts…KnightMask leaps across the ring at the smaller man, taking him down with a flying scissor and immediately going for a leg-submission, his specialty…but MacBeth blocks the attack, sitting up as he cross-faces KnightMask and looks for the mount position…KnightMask manages to snake his legs up, though…he’s still looking for that leg-submission…MacBeth spins out of danger and goes for an straight arm-bar on KnightMask…the former submission-wrestling world champ rolls out…now he’s got the top position…MacBeth kicks him away and pops to his feet! What a clinic by these two athletes! KnightMask nods in appreciation of MacBeth’s skills, extends a hand…MacBeth accepts it…and pulls him into a spine-buster!

Liz Weinberg: What a moron! What does he think this is, kindergarten? Somebody please eliminate this moron quick…

Sayors: MacBeth slams KnightMask to the canvas, showing incredible strength for a man of his size…and…whoah, KnightMask…spins from guard into a knee-bar…he’s determined to get a leg-submission on MacBeth! MacBeth is out of dodge in a hurry…now the men are both back on their feet…their exchanging blows in the middle of the ring! This is MacBeth’s world right here, he’s got highly, highly educated hands and feet...KnightMask is hanging in there but MacBeth is picking him apart! KnightMask changes levels for a shot, right into a knee from MacBeth…

Liz Weinberg: Across the ring, World-1 International and Mark Flynn have somehow found one another in spite of being effectively blind…that’s some strong mace you’ve got, Stevie…

Sayors: Its police grade, Liz…and if it’s damaged, you can bet I am going to fully expect World-1 International to foot the bill!

Liz Weinberg: Right now he’s footing, well, a foot to the face from Flynn…he staggers back…and they’ve lost each other again…both men, groping around…World 1 nearly trips over…what is that, a kendo stick? He picks it up…he’s swinging it around, actually, he’s got some skill with it…I guess there are some kendo classes somewhere in his background…either that or a lot of time in front of the TV watching ninja flicks…anyway, Flynn’s also found a toy…it’s a sledgehammer…! Look at the fear on the referee’s face…!

Sayors: MacBeth has finally dropped KnightMask with a flurry of kicks and punches…but I don’t think he knows quite what to do with these to blind and heavily armed individuals…! He pulls KnightMask up, he figures eliminated the masked man to be a simpler, or at least safer matter…whoah! The referee nearly got beheaded by that swing from Flynn…World-1 isn’t facing anyone in particular, but as he drew back for a blow, he inadvertently smacked MacBeth…! KnightMask is getting to his feet, groggy, still…and he’s back down again…nothing personal I’m sure…for all World-1 knew, that was Flynn he just nailed…

Liz Weinberg: World-1 charges towards the sound of moving feet…and both Flynn and World-1 International simultaneously smash the referee with their respective weapons!

Steve Sayors: And now they've just leveled one another! All for men are down and out...all five, including the referee...

Liz Weinberg: The referee might as well have been decapitated at the hands of Flynn and World-1.

Steve Sayors: Mark Flynn is beginning to stir as does MacBeth. I do think that the referee and World-1 got the worst of it if you consider that they took a sledgehammer to the face.

Liz Weinberg: No doubt about it, Steve.

Steve Sayors: Flynn is inching his way towards the Kendo stick which is nearest to him. Meanwhile, Knightmask just go this hands on the sledgehammer that Flynn used to destroy World-1 and the referee with. Mark is trying to get up now-- But wait! MacBeth just used the sledgehammer to smash Mark Flynn's Kendo stick to pieces!

Liz Weinberg: Sledgehammer always beats stick.

Steve Sayors: Flynn is looking down at whats left of his Kendo stick and he doesn't look pleased. Knightmask has that sledgehammer, and he drives it into the chest of Mark Flynn!

Liz Weinberg: I don't mean to interrupt, but we really need another referee out here.

Steve Sayors: I agree, the one we have now is incapacitated.

Liz Weinberg: World-1 attacks Knightmask from behind! He's giving him some punches, slowly backing him towards the ropes.

Steve Sayors: World-1 comes off the ropes and goes for a crossbody, but Knightmask catches him. Knightmask follows up with a rib breaker, and he maintains his hold on World-1. What's he got planned for this little Asian bastard?

Liz Weinberg: The strength of this man is impressive!

Steve Sayors: Knightmask lifts World-1, and drops him over his knee again. He's carrying him over to the ropes now, and tries to throw him over. But World-1 lands back-first on the apron.

Liz Weinberg: W-1 is holding on for dear life while Knightmask lays into him with stomps stomps.

Steve Sayors: But wait, World-1 is back up to his feet now as him and Knightmask trade punches. Knightmask hits him harder though, and World-1 is teetering on the apron. OH-- World-1 just threw a well-place left to the side of Knightmask's head. World-1 should be able to reenter now--

Liz Weinberg & Steve Sayors: Whoa!

Steve Sayors: MacBeth just dropkicked World-1 off the apron! Macbeth has eliminated World-1. I didn't even see MacBeth coming, and neither did World-1.

Liz Weinberg: Knightmask doesn't even realize what just happened. It was all so quick.

Steve Sayors: The referee did sit it just in time to catch the action though. The referee witnessed both of World-1's feet touch the floor.

Steve Sayors: MacBeth pounds his chest in celebration. But turns around and OH! a running knee directly to the face of MacBeth. Flynn has MacBeth up for another move, what could he be going for here?

Liz Weinberg: Wait-- Knightmask has the sledgehammer! He swings it at Flynn--

Steve Sayors: He hits Macbeth instead! Mark Flynn ducked the attack and MacBeth took a sledgehammer shot to the head. MacBeth is out cold.

Liz Weinberg: Flynn attacks Knightmask from behind and runs him into the ropes. He shoves Knightmask over, but is struggling to push him to the outside.

Steve Sayors: The referee is still down and out. Knightmask manages to free himself by kicking at Flynn. He's grappling with Flynn now, and throws him across the ring with a Northern lights suplex. He's transitioning... and locks in a Kimura lock! Knightmask has that hold locked in to perfection as he pulls back on his wrist to put pain on the arm of Flynn.

Liz Weinberg: Wait a minute, Steve. What is Flynn doing with his free hand?

Steve Sayors: Oh no, he's reaching into his tights for something... BRASS KNUCKLES! Flynn has brass knuckles in his free hand! He's armed, and now he's punching Knightmask repeatedly in the head with the loaded fist. Flynn is free from the Kimura.

Liz Weinberg: That bastards sneaked in brass knuckles like he did last week against Cobra.

Steve Sayors: Knightmask is in bad shape right now.

Liz Weinberg: Over on the other side, MacBeth and the referee are beginning to regain their footing. But MacBeth is dangerously close to the ropes as Flynn measures him up. Flynns got that fist with brass knuckles ready to go. He charges after MacBeth, but MacBeth ducks and Flynn KNOCKS OUT THE REFEREE WITH THE BRASS KNUCKLES!

Steve Sayors: The ref had just recovered, but is knocked out for a second time! OH MY GOD!


Steve Sayors: NO WAY!

Liz Weinberg: MacBeth tossed Mark Flynn over the top rope!

Steve Sayors: The crowd is going nuts. Macbeth cannot believe it either! This rookie has just eliminated the United States Champion!

Liz Weinberg: Look out! KNIGHTMASK charges into MacBeth and knocks him out of the ring now! Knightmask wins the match!

Steve Sayors: Wait just a minute, Liz... I don't think the referee saw Mark Flynn's feet touch the mat. Mark just sneaked back into the ring!

Liz Weinberg: What the hell are you talking about? MacBeth tossed him over!

Steve Sayors: I know that, but the referee was out cold while that happened. He did wake up in time to witness Knightmask eliminate MacBeth though. But Mark is back in the ring behind Knightmask with the brass knuckles still equipped.

Liz Weinberg: This is bull!

Steve Sayors: Wait a minute, Co-General Manager, Tyrone is on his way out here!

Liz Weinberg: Hell yeah! Correct this injustice right now Tyrone!

Steve Sayors: Knightmask has his arms raised in victory, but the referee is looking at him like he's crazy. Meanwhile, Tyrone is at ringside trying to inform the referee of what just went down. The referee is shaking his head. He's saying that he didn't see MacBeth throw out Mark Flynn because he was down. But he did see Knightmask eliminate MacBeth.

Liz Weinberg: I think Tyrone has the power to overturn this though, Steve. He's trying to show the referee a replay of what happened with his Samsung Galaxy tablet.

Steve Sayors: I think his fingers are too fat for the touchscreen though. D*** those touch screens. He's struggling to get the replay to pop up.

Tyrone: MOTHA F***A

At that moment, Knightmask turns his body to face Mark Flynn...

Liz Weinberg: Mark knocks Knightmask out with a running punch with the brass knuckles! D*** it. MacBeth should have had that elimination, this is such bull s***!

Steve Sayors: The referee didn't see MacBeth eliminate Flynn and couldn't make the call though. Knightmask is knocked out again. Mark is picking up what's left of Knightmask, and he throws him over the top rope. Knightmask grabs a hold of the rope though and is holding on my a thread while Tyrone has finally managed to start the replay on his Samsung Galaxy for the referee.

Liz Weinberg: I think GM Tyrone's Samsung Galaxy tablet is defective. He's having trouble pulling up the replay. Hurry Ty, before it's too late!

Steve Sayors: Tyrone finally gets the replay going... But Flynn is punching Knightmask repeatedly in his back with the brass knuckles. Knightmask can't hold on any longer, and he falls to the outside. D*** it!

Yet another, exciting match with another exciting ending here in the XWF as Mark Flynn fights off some very stiff competition in that battle royal. As much as he may not like to admit it, these rookies sure gave him one hell of a fight out there. None the less, your winner....


Interview with 'The Paladin'

Backstage, Steve Sayors is poised, microphone in hand, before a special area with the XWF backdrop.

"Ladies and gentlemen, with me now is our newest recruit who's really lighting up the ring, 'The Paladin' Chris Hartt."

Hartt steps up to Sayors and his mic.

"Hi, Steve. How are you?"

"Chris, tonight you're facing off against Sebastian Duke. He's a very dark, but impressive performer. Any thoughts before you head out into this match?"

"Steve, I've lamented over this match for the last week. It's been the biggest thing on my mind. This has to be the biggest match I've had, not only since I've come to the XWF, but in my career, overall. This is a match for everything I've ever stood for. Dark vs. Light, Good vs. Evil, Sith vs. Jedi.

This match is my biggest so far because it means so much. There's more to go after this, but if this isn't the time to step up and fight for what I believe in, then I'm just done.

Sebastian Duke will know for sure that I am who I say I am and I have the skills to back it up. All the prayers to dark gods and hopes and beliefs in demons and fallen angels will all fall in comparison to me, a man with full and total belief in himself and his abilities. He is a very large man and he's intimidating and powerful, but if you have to pray to outside forces, especially ones that are known for not answering those prayers, you are simply just masking your own insecurities in yourself. And yes, the irony of all of this and who is saying it is not lost on me.

I don't count on anyone but me to come through in the end. Isn't that all we can really do, Steve? I'm going out there to win this match and it will all be because of my belief in myself and the abilities I have. Sebastian Duke can pray all he likes to his dark lords, but when I stand tall and he's left wondering why, everyone will know just who The Paladin Chris Hartt really is!"

Hartt walks off, as Sayors wraps up.

"Thank you, Chris! I have a good feeling that all of the XWF crowd will be behind you."

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Owen Crooks
Standard match

“You Could Easily Have Me” by Metronomy plays and Owen Crooks makes his way to the ring in his usual polo shirt and jeans.

Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one FALL! NOW entering the ring! From Wolverhampton, England! OOOOWWWEEN! CROOOOOKSS!

Owen’s music cut and a new song played over the X-Tron. The different sounding female lyrics of “Daddy’s Fallen Angel” by In This Moment played and one half of the tag team champions Peter Gilmore walked out from the back. The arena lights are dim but then fade to fully black out the arena. Red strobe lights begin to search the crowd then finally make their way to the entrance ramp. With the first scream of the lead singer we see Rose Smith walking out in her always sexy out fits.

Ring Announcer: The Opponent now entering the ring. Accompanied by Rose Smith….. One half of the XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! PPPPPEEEEETTTER GIIIILLLLLMOUR

Peter follows in his black vest, black tights that have PBK on the sides and is holding Rose’s hand. The both make their way to the ring entering it and get into the center as a flash of a “X” symbol of fire erupts from the turnbuckles. They pose before Owen makes his way back into the ring and the match is ready to start.


The swift sound of the bell starts the match!

Peter exploding out of the gate with a powerful clothesline sending Owen to the mat. Owen winches in pain holding the area of his back that had landed hard on the mat. Peter rushes him and grabs a handful of hair pulling him to his feet. Peter then wrapped himself around Owen arm over the neck and left leg locked in between the feet. Peter swings his foot forward

And comes CRASHING down with a Russian leg sweep. Owen lays flat on the mat obviously not in good shape for this contest. Peter again pulls Owen up by his hair and flings him to the ropes.



Peter grabs Owen across the shoulders and spins with the momentum of the run and slams Owen down HARD into the mat!

DOOMSDAY! Doomsday connects and looks devastating putting Owen Crooks in his place and possibly giving him a concussion. Peter for the pin.



No my god! Owen just stay down! A kick-out. Peter smiles at the little amount of fight left in the already broken opponent. He lays back down for another pin without even attempting another move.



Peter lifts Owen’s arm up off of the mat for him as it looks like Owen has passed out. Peter smiles at this again and now stands. With impressive strength he lifts Owen up all the way to his shoulders and pushes him up into mid-air.

Peter moves his body and…..

KILLSWITCH! It looks as if Owen’s body has actually been broken. Peter Gilmour has absolutely ripped this man a new one. Owen is bleeding out of his nose and a few cuts that have been placed over his eyes. Peter thinks it’s time to end the fun and lays down for the obvious three count.



3! A quick count.

The referee wanted to end this match and get Owen some medical attention. A stretcher is wheeled out and being prepped for Owen as Peter stands over the broken man holding his title and smiling for the flashing cameras.


Sebastian Duke
- vs -
'The Paladin' Chris Hartt
Standard match

Ring Announcer: The Following Contest is scheduled under one fall.

‘Unbreakable’ by Fireflight blares throughout the arena. Chris Hartt makes his way out from the back, while video images of Hartt's past matches and victories play in time with the music. Hartt greets fans on is way down to the ring, climbs inside and mounts a turnbuckle, holding his arms out straight in a cross gesture.

Ring Announcer: Now making his way to the ring “The Paladin”! Chris Hartt!

Ring Announcer: And his opponent “The Angel of Darkness”! Sebastian Duke!

The lights go out in the arena. Wind is heard momentarily in the background before Johnny Cash's 'Gods Gonna Cut you Down' is heard. The steel frame of the X-Tron bursts into flames and the crowd boos instantaneously. 6 of Sebastian Duke's hooded followers make their way to the aisle carrying lit torches. 3 of each to either side of the aisle lighting the path for their Leader, the Angel of Darkness, Sebastian Duke and the High Priest, Asmodeus. He proceeds down the aisle at a constant methodical pace never once allowing his eyes to deviate from the ring. He makes his way up the ring steps and into the ring when the lights come back on.

The bell rings and both men meet up in the center. Sebastian looking into the soul of Hartt but Hartt trying to stare right back. A running powerslam starts the match off with Sebastian slamming Chris into the mat.

Chris slaps the ground and his body bounces right back up. He punches Sebastian Duke in the face making his wild hair go flying backwards along with his head. Another right hand followed by a left leaves Duke staggered.

Hartt delivers some stiff chops to the chest of Duke. This leaves the big man's chest glowing red. Hart then takes Duke over with a vertical suplex. And a pin attempt.



Duke kicks out.

Hartt goes back to work on Duke with a sleeper hold applied.

It doesn't take long before Duke is able to rise up with Hartt still attached to his back. Duke does the only thing he can do, and backs into a corner. He whips himself backwards as Hartt's back bounces off the turnbuckle. He does this multiple times before Hartt lets go. Duke then clotheslines Hartt into the corner. He wraps his arm around Hartt's neck, and gives him a running bulldog. Duke covers Hartt.



A kick out by Hartt.

Duke drags Hartt over to the bottom rope and begins to choke Hartt with his foot. Duke proceeds to shift all 275 pounds of his body down onto the neck of Hartt until the referee breaks up the hold.

The devil worshiper goes to work on Hartt by stomping him into the mat. Hart tries to crawl away, but Duke stops him with an elbow drop. Duke then picks him up and drops him right back down with a Hangmans neckbreaker. Duke pins him again.



Another kick out from Hartt.

Duke picks up Hartt and throws him into a back breaker, and holds him over his knee for a submission. He pushes down on the throat of Hartt while holding him in place with the other hand. Hartt is in a lot of pain from this hold, but he's pushing through it. He begins to comeback with some punches to the face of Duke while the hold is still applied to him.

Duke begins to lose his grip on Hart as the punches rock his head back.

Hartt lands an elbow strike to the jaw of Duke that finally frees him.

Duke is dazed from that elbow as Hartt sizes him up.

Hartt hits Duke with an inverted atomic drop. He then goes around Duke and delivers a German suplex. The back of Duke's head hits the mat as Hartt bridges for a pin attempt.



Kick out by Duke.

Hartt takes Duke and throws him into the ropes. He jumps into Duke for what looked like a DDT attempt, but Duke blocked it and pushed him away. Hartt then ran after Duke again, but Duke simply lifted his foot and dropped Hart with a big boot.

Duke put Hartt into the ropes, and tried to catch him with a powerslam, but Hartt shifted his weight and landed on his feet to the side of Duke. Hartt threw some punches, followed by a series of chops to the chest of Duke.




Hartt runs off the ropes again, this time for a clothesline, but Duke catches him instead with a Bossman Slam. Duke makes the cover.



Kick out just in time by Hart!

Duke is done now. He raises his hand up high in the air as he stalks his prey. Once Hartt has regained his footing, Duke plops his hand down on the throat. It may be chokeslam time.

Duke goes to lift Hartt up for a chokeslam, but Hartt gives Duke a kick to the gut.

Hartt goes for a bulldog on Duke, but Duke counters and shoves Hartt into the ropes. He catches Hartt as he bounces back with a powerslam. Duke is winding up now for the Soul Shot as he stalks Hartt again. Hart recovers, Duke goes in for the kill, but Hartt reverses the attack into an armbar! armbar! But wait-- Duke maintains his stance. Hartt can't quite take the big man down. Duke reverses the armbar attempt into a sidewalk slam on Hartt.

Duke waits for Hartt for a third time. He really wants to use the Soul Shot, but he hasn't been able to connect yet.

Hartt stands up.

Duke runs towards him...


Hart ducked it.

But he turns around and Duke gives him a stiff shot to his throat. Duke then bounces off the ropes and finally hits the Soul Shout (Clothesline From Hell).

Duke pins Hartt.



3! Duke finally puts 'The Paladin' down for the three count.

Winner: Sebastian Duke!

As Chris Hartt slides out of the ring....


[Image: christian_bale_1358048.jpg]

SLEEP NOW IN THE FIRE!! by Rage against the Machine blares over the Xtron, the fans and the entire XWF world knows that none other than Warfare General Manager Wallace Witasick and his goon Tyrone, along with any member of the Administrator Network

Tyrone is carrying some sort of massive golden trophy attached to a plaque with Sebastian Duke's name on it. Duke gives a very disgruntled look at the pair as all three now stand in the middle of the ring.

Wallace Witasick: Sebastian, Sebastian, Sebastian.... The two of us have had more differences than agreements in the past but one thing we both can agree upon is that Warfare is the greatest wrestling promotion in the galaxy.

The fans scream with excitement.

Wallace Witasick: I am here to proudly announce for the third month straight Wednesday Night Warfare has represented the December Star of the Month -- Peter Gilmour. January -- Angelus. and now that brings to our three-peat performance here tonight. That is why I am proud to present to you, personally, from the offices of Dickbag Shane , the XWF February Star of the Month honors!

The fans roar again as Tyrone cautiously hands the trophy over to Sebastian Duke. Duke looks at the trophy very awkwardly and attempts to inquire to Wallace why no other stars of the month were given a trophy before Witasick can speak before him.

Wallace Witasick: Now, I may not agree with you on how you lost your last chance at the United States Championship title in the tournament a few months ago. I can agree that you more than earned a chance to reclaim that belt by winning the number one contendership and becoming February Star of the Month! When I had to take desperate measures to make sure that the laws and rules governed by the Administrator Network were upheld in the ring that night you faced Angelus in the semi-finals. I understand your point of view; however, taking any means necessary to obtaining the most coveted item on Warfare and any wrestling promotion across the world. The XWF United States Championship.

Wallace Witasick: What you fail to realize is that night, by your foolish decisions you lost your chance to hold both titles around your waists, seeing as you lost your first title to Angelus that night, the Xtreme Championship that he still holds to this day. Here's how I'm going to make it up to you Sebastian because I'm a reasonable man since I realized you saw the errors of your ways, and also because I hate Mark Flynn with a passion!

The fans agree with a loud cheer and a

Mark Flynn Sucks chant!

As of right now we know that your # 1 Contendership match is signed to take place on the March 27th episode of Warfare against Mark Flynn. I ensure you that IF you beat Mark Flynn then you will also get your shot at Angelus to get your Xtreme Title back as well. No US Title on the line, you keep that no matter what! A chance to get both titles back.... Can you do it Sebastian.... Can you??

All you have to do is beat Mark Flynn and than subsequently Angelus...

No problem right?

Witasick laughs and as he turns his back Duke sees a prime opportunity to strike.

Tyrone was paying no attention.

Witasick's head was turned...


Duke just took out Tyrone in a blindsides shot with the trophy!

Tyrone is down on the mat while Witasick turns around to see Tyrone squirming on the ground in pain. He looks up at Duke who just shrugs his shoulders, drops the chair, and exits the ring...

The scene fades as we prepare for tonight's main event....

Xtreme Title Match

- vs -
Crimson Cobra
Xtreme Rules

RING ANNOUNCER: “The following X-Treme Rules match is our Main Event, and it is for the XWF X-Treme Title! Introducing first, the challenger…”

The lights in the arena take a deep red color as a lighting strike is herd over the PA system. Crimson Cobra breaks the silence of the audience as he emerges from the black curtain hiding the backstage from the inner arena.

The entrance music begins to play with the drums and guitar starting to pick up. Cobra is making his way down the entrance ramp and holding his hands out to the adoring fans who he takes such pride in having. The vocals pick up in the song and Cobra starts to bounce around the steel steps leading up to the ring, as if he were a boxer or MMA fighter.

A slight smile approaches his mouth and he runs up the stairs and along the apron of the ring stopping in the middle to look out to all of the screaming and cheering fans. Cobra takes a deep breath and closes his eyes lifting his head and a smile crossing his face. His chest puffs out from the deep breath and he sits there for a moment to embrace the feeling before he lifts his leg and darts into the ring. He approaches one of the four corners and jumps up showing his athleticism off already as he barley touches the top rope with his hands and lands with his feet on the top rope.

It takes a slight second for him to maintain his balance then he pops up and rises his arms almost in a Randy Orton like style, yet slightly less cocky. He jumps down and starts to bounce like a fighter once more as he awaits the approach of his opponent.

RING ANNOUNCER: “From Aurora, Colorado. He represents The Crimson Crest: Crimson COBRA!!! And his opponent… He is the reigning XWF X-Treme Champion…”

The opening guitar wail of "This Fire" by Killswitch Engage plays as Angelus' logo (A taped bloody fist) appears on the X-Tron. There's a sudden chill that sweeps through the crowd as Angelus takes one good, long, look around the arena. He starts to walk backward towards the ring with his arms extended wide as he looks toward the ceiling. Angelus slides in on the apron and pops up. He then turns around and runs to the turnbuckle, jumping up to the top rope and extending his arms wide again as he yells to the crowd as they cheer back with him. He points around the arena, then back to himself.

RING ANNOUNCER: “From Boston, Massachusettes, please welcome ANGELUS!!!”


We’re set to go, both men stare each other down, and neither wastes any time going after the other. They’re both hitting each other with rights and lefts, non-stop. The referee is just letting these two go at it. It’s X-Treme Rules so anything goes. This should be a great main event.

Angelus gets the upperhand on Cobra with a few hard elbows to the head. Angelus kicks Cobra in the ribs and that move knocked the wind out of Cobra who’s doubled over as Angelus starts to lay the boots to him.

Cobra rolls out of the ring and tries to get his wind back, Angelus is right behind and chases Cobra to the barricade wall that is front of the timekeeper. Cobra turns just as Angelus clotheslines him up and over the barricade--!!

Angelus is fishing around and grabs a steel chair and high tosses it into the ring. He drags Cobra back over the small barricade wall and pushes Cobra back into the ring. He reaches down under the ring and pulls out a kendo stick much to the crowd's delight.

Back in the ring now, Angelus winds up and -- CRACK! -- goes the kendo stick over the back of Cobra who winces in pain.

Angelus kicks Cobra over onto his back and then drives the kendo stick right into his gut and Cobra is in some real pain now.

Angelus pulls Cobra back to his feet, irish whips him into the ropes, takes a swing with the kendo stick and -- misses!

Cobra wisely sneaking to the outside to regroup and shake off some of the cobwebs. He smirks to the crowd and points at his head.

But here comes Angelus and he gives chase as the two run around the corner of the ring. Cobra slides in under the ropes, Angelus follows, and as Cobra tries to dart his way Angelus lays him out with a flying clothesline.

Angelus is breathing heavy, he might be dealing with ring rust tonight. Keep in mind that he had two weeks off.

He's got that kendo stick in his hands again, he raises it over his head and -- CRACK! -- it goes again over the back of Cobra who screams out with pain.

Angelus drops the stick and picks up the steel chair and props it up inside the turnbuckle in the far corner. As he's walking back to the center of the ring Cobra is there to greet him and he gives a healthy chop to the throat.

Angelus stumbles back but here comes Cobra with a running dropkick that takes the champ off his feet and he rolls out onto the apron.

Now it's time for a little payback. Cobra seizes the kendo stick and CRACKS Angelus across the ribs. Not missing a beat Cobra goes running, leaps to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick--!!

Angelus is down now outside the ring. Cobra follows and goes to work on Angelus with some punches. He picks Angelus up by his waist and drops him shoulder first over the guardrail and as the champ is stumbling away Cobra grabs his head in one fluid motion and slams it off the ring apron.

No mercy being shown by Crimson Cobra.

Cobra now with the irish whip and Angelus goes sailing over the timekeeper's barricade--!!

Cobra circles around and there are those hard right fists again. Angelus, on a second wind, suddenly blocks a punch and sends Cobra sprawling across the announcer's table!

But Cobra comes right back and headbutts Angelus and that knocks him to his knees. Cobra rolls the champ back into the ring and while Angelus is recovering Cobra heads over to the turnbuckle and removes the padding. What's he doing?

Cobra sidles back over and drops an elbow onto Angelus' back. Angelus tries to get to his feet, and actually starts to battle back with those lethal kicks of his.

Backed into the corner now, Angelus attempts to irish whip Cobra across the ring, but it gets reversed, and then quickly Angelus sends Cobra right back into the corner.

He comes running looking for that high knee and -- misses! -- badly, and he falls hard to the outside of the ring.

Cobra slips to the outside and like a snake stalking his prey he closes in on Angelus and kicks him hard in the ribs. He grabs the champ by the hair and smashes him face first into the barricade.

Angelus is down now as Cobra goes under the ring to retrieve another item.

What is he getting now… A TABLE!!

What the hell does Cobra have in mind by bringing that out here?

Cobra sets the table up the long way against the announcer's table.

Angelus has recovered by the time Cobra is done setting that table up.

Angelus catches Cobra from the side with a punch. He gives Cobra another back heel kick to his gut, and then slams Cobra’s face into the top of the table.

Angelus drags Cobra to the top of the ring apron so that they’re both looking down at that same table. What does Angelus have in mind here?

Angelus throws Cobra up into a fireman’s carry and holds him up on his shoulders.

Oh no! Not on the table!

Angelus jumps off the apron with Cobra and puts him through the table with a Rolling Fireman’s Carry Slam--!!!

Both men are down at the moment. Cobra took most of the damage from that move, but Angelus also took some that was self-inflicted. That’s the risk you gotta be prepared to take for these types of matches.

Angelus finally makes it to his feet. He’s holding his shoulder as he starts to dismantle the Spanish announce table.

Cobra is crawling on his hands and knees and Angelus places him between his legs like he's going to powerbomb him or something onto the announce table -- but no -- Cobra quickly reverses and back-body-drops Angelus onto the ringside mat.

Cobra walks over and picks up one of the fallen monitors and cracks it over Angelus' back as he yells in pain.

Crimson isn't done yet! He picks up some of the table debris and takes a healthy looking piece left after the crash and cracks that over Angelus' back. Is either of these men going to have anything left??!

Back in the ring now, Cobra goes for the cover --



KICK-OUT! by Angelus. Very close call!

Cobra isn't to be deterred though and he applies a chin lock while driving a knee into the back of the Xtreme Champion.

The crowd starts to get behind him now, and they're chanting: "Angelus! Angelus! Angelus!"

Angelus rolls out of the chin lock and hits Cobra with a side suplex!

Needing to catch a breather, Angelus rolls to the ring apron, but Cobra isn't done long enough and he closes back in. Angelus reaches out and grabs Cobra by the head and snaps his neck off the top rope sending the other man sprawling back into the center of the ring.

Back to his feet now Angelus waits for Cobra -- and he pulls up for a springboard clothesline -- but no! -- Angelus didn't see Cobra grab that kendo stick and he catches the champ right in the ribs with it!!

Cobra goes to work now, driving the kendo stick into the small of the back of Angelus.

The crowd is hissing with boos as Cobra continues to lay into Angelus, he pauses momentarily to give the crowd another smirk, but as he looks back down to his opponent Angelus is rolling him up with a small package--!!




Both men stumble back to their feet, but Cobra is a step quicker and hits a running Pele kick to the back of Angelus' head and both men are back down.

Cobra reaches over and covers...




Cobra is back to his feet first, he's arguably a little fresher than Angelus who has been on a hiatus. He yells something to the crowd who returns his words with boos of their own.

As Cobra turns around though he's shocked to see Angelus there who kicks him in the gut and then swings the kendo stick -- CRACK! -- right across the chest of Cobra.

Crimson drops to his knees and Angelus swings again -- CRACK! -- across the back it goes.

On all fours Cobra tries to crawl away but Angelus winds up again and -- CRACK! -- one more time with feeling across the back. No love loss between these two tonight.

Angelus takes Cobra now and irish whips him into the rope and on the rebound he hits a spinning wheel kick!

But out of nowhere Cobra is right back up and Angelus drops him with a clothesline now, but AGAIN, Cobra right back up and finally a swinging neckbreaker takes him down for good.

Angelus can't believe it and he's shaking his head in disbelief.

Both men regroup now and Cobra backs into the corner. Here comes Angelus though and this time he hits the running high knee--!!

Not missing a beat Angelus transitions right into a running bulldog and the crowd is getting to their feet as Angelus signals for Sudden Death (GTS).

He waits for Cobra to get to his feet, scoops him up and --

NO! Cobra elbows his way out and drops Angelus to his back and now he's attempting a Boston Crab.

He tries to turn Angelus, but his legs are too strong, and he corkscrew spins Cobra onto his back.

Not sure where Cobra is getting the energy from but he's running at Angelus now and -- wait -- Angelus catches him right into a powerslam.

He covers --




Angelus and the crowd can't believe it. He goes to the top rope. What's he going to do up there? Apparently nothing as Cobra runs into the ropes and crotches Angelus on the top turnbuckle.

Cobra climbs up to meet Angelus and starts in with those hard right fists of his. He starts to set up for a superplex now and ---

No, Angelus blocks it!

Angelus punches right back and knocks Cobra down to the mat. Angelus slinks down to the second rope and a la Hitman Hart hits a second rope elbow drope right onto the face of Cobra.

He covers --




Angelus has had enough. He scoops up Cobra for the Sudden Death (GTS), but that sneaky snake fights out a second time and plants Angelus with a running bulldog of his own.

Cobra pulls Angelus back to his feet and then slings him head first -- CRASH! -- right into the chair Angelus had wedged into the turnbuckle across the ring. On the rebound Cobra scoops him up for the pin.




Both men are down and groggy, but Cobra gets to his feet and ascends the top rope. Angelus stumbles up only to be greeted by a Whisper in the Wind---!!!

Cobra covers again --




Cobra rakes his hands through his hair. He can't believe it. Well, if he can't get him with a pinfall...

He grabs Angelus' legs and he has that Boston Crab locked on good now and there's now where for Angelus to go.

But he tries to crawl...


He makes it to the ropes! But this is an Xtreme Rules match and the ref can't break the hold for him. Angelus is on his own.

He reaches out and down under the apron... what's he got...?

A fire extinguisher!

WHOOOOSH!!! As the extinguisher blasts Cobra in the face forcing him to break the Boston Crab.

Angelus follows and drives the extinguisher right into the ribs of Cobra. OUCH!

Both men flee to the outside now and Angelus gets another shot in at the ribs with his trusty fire extinguisher and Cobra flops down onto the Spanish announcer's table.

Angelus begins to look around, the crowd chanting his name, and then his eyes move upward...

Seconds later Angelus is up on the top turnbuckle. This can't be good for either competitor. Angelus smirks and yells, "This one is for you, Gilmour. Figure-Four my ass!"

And he's flying --

HUGE ELBOW DROP right THROUGH the Spanish announce table--!!!!

Both men are laid out in a heap now as the crowd is going wild at the performance seen here tonight. What a main event!

Angelus takes Cobra on the long walk back to the ring, rolls him him and covers...




Angelus is going to take a play out of Cobra's book. If you can't pin him, make him tap and he locks Cobra up with the Lion Tamer (Hells Gate).

Cobra screams in pain...

But his hand is moving, not to tap, but to grab that damn kendo stick, and he jabs it into Angelus' head forcing him to break the hold.

Both men on wobbly legs get to their feet, but finally Angelus is there first and he grabs the fallen steel chair and hits Cobra in the ribs with it.

Cobra answers right back and dropkicks the chair right up into Angelus' face. He smiles to himself as an idea crosses his mind.

He picks up Angelus and lifts him up over his shoulder. Is he going to give Angelus his own finisher??

He is! He parades around the ring getting ready to give Angelus the Sudden Death (GTS) -- but no!!

Angelus slips out and yanks Cobra's feet up from under him and he SLING-SHOTS Cobra right into that exposed turnbuckle--!!!

Cobra stumbles forward and -- WHOLE DAMN SHOW (Superkick).

Angelus covers --




What a match ladies and gentleman. Angelus walks away still champ, but Cobra brought everything he had here tonight and put on one hell of a showing.

WINNER: Angelus

Another exciting night here in Nebraska as we look forward to another episode of Warfare Next week.

Same time next week.

Same Administrator Network!
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(03-14-2013), (03-14-2013), C Y R E N (03-14-2013), KnightMask (03-14-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (03-14-2013)
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-15-2013, 02:37 PM

The ending to the battle royal was wild! Thanks!

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