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Interview: Mark Flynn
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Sayors Offline
XWF Official Interviewer

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03-14-2013, 07:42 PM

Steve Sayors wipes some turkey sandwich off of his face from an earlier encounter that he hopes to forget about. He turns to the camera and smiles.

Sayors: Good evening folks! It's time yet again for one of my interviews. Tonight I have the privilege of bringing to you the United States Champion, fresh off of his victory on Wednesday Night Warfare. Please join me in welcoming Mark Flynn!

Steve reaches his hand out to offer a handshake to Mark Flynn who walks onto the interview set...

(what will Flynn's first reaction be to Steve and will he shake his hand or insult him?)

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03-14-2013, 08:19 PM

Flynn blows by Sayors, not acknowledging his outstretched hand.

He reaches the seat opposite Sayors and closes his eyes as he sits.

There's an awkward moment of silence between the two parties...

Flynn's arm extends out and begins snapping at Sayors.

"Questions, vermin. Now."

He snaps again and stares coldly.
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Sayors Offline
XWF Official Interviewer

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03-14-2013, 09:29 PM

Sayors: Uh, ooooo k then...

Steve looks down at his un-shaken hand and lets out a sigh.

Sayors: Well I guess the first question should be how do you feel about what went down during the battle royal on Wednesday? Do you feel satisfied with the questionable way in which you were declared the winner even though you were eliminated in front of everyone?

Steve keeps his distance and looks ready to try and block an attack after asking that question.

Sayors: Remember I'm armed with a pocket knife so don't get any funny ideas, please...

He searches his pants pocket for the pocket knife and can't seem to find it as Flynn glares at him.

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03-14-2013, 10:12 PM

Flynn cracks a smile.

"Steven, please. We've played this game before."

He leans back comfortably in his chair.

"I hope you don't think a pocket knife is enough to prevent me from gutting you, should you err and offend me."

Flynn then strokes his chin pondering the question.

"Well. First off, congratulations on winning your $500 bet."

"Second. If these half-wits think their minor league whining and moaning matters, they can check the win-loss column. It reads, Flynn W. Rookies L."

"Why do college basketball centers lose their first tip off when they make it to the NBA? They're legitimately surprised when they catch an elbow to the jaw on their way up."

"Welcome to the big leagues, kids. You don't like it, you're welcome to go back to working $15 a night on the Indy circuit. If you ever pass through Battle Creek Wrestling's Hallowed Halls, tell them all to keep calling Hell home. From the one who made it out."

Flynn stops a moment as if he's done answering the question. When Sayors tries to continue, Flynn goes off.

"See, this is the problem with rookies. They're idiots. Screaming under an accelerating foot about how immortal they are."

"You want proof that these rookies have minds that have the same consistency and quickness as vanilla pudding? Ask any of these chimps who the top of the XWF is, as you have."

"Sebastian Duke? Mister Mystery? Cyren?"

"It fills me with the deepest disgust seeing these heathens worship their false idols."

"Let me hit you with facts, Sayors."

"Undefeated in Singles Competiton since January 31st."

"Only man currently employed by the XWF to hold two different 'Top Titles.'"





"So, if these mud-covered peasants want to pretend one of their filthy inbred kin is their true aim, the highest level they can imagine."

"Fine. They're allowed to be wrong."

"Makes about as much difference when they enter the ring with me as Tyrone does when he tries to figure oUt how to do instant replay on his iPad."
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Sayors Offline
XWF Official Interviewer

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03-14-2013, 11:17 PM

Steve Sayors waits several more seconds through some uncomfortable silence as he glances back and forth between the camera and Mark Flynn.

Sayors: I see... Well thank you for that input and yes I did have a cash bet on you to win that match. Luckily it doesn't matter how the win happened for me to get my winnings so as far as my wallet is concerned it was a great victory for you. You make some valid points and brought up some facts that cannot be argued but now let's look to next week... you're going to be main eventing Warfare in a tag team match standing across from a man you are no stranger to... Angelus. You'll be teamed with Benjamin Crane while Angelus is teamed with Chris Hartt. There are some people out there who are expecting Hartt or Crane to steal the spotlight in this, yet other people are claiming it will all come down to you and Angelus in the end. What are your thoughts? How do you think you and Crane will coexist and do you feel Angelus and Hartt are a viable threat? Not only that but Angelus is the X-treme Champion which, as we all know, means his title is ALWAYS on the line. Will you be seeking to not only win this match but also claim the X-treme title by pinning or making Angelus submit in the process?

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03-15-2013, 12:07 AM

Flynn smirks.

"Well, well. A surprisingly competent question from the mouth of Steve Sayors."

"Did you sneak in a journalism class at your local community college? Because that question was actually one that people should know the answer to."

"Bravo, Sayors."

Flynn ponders a moment.

"I have to, in the same breath however, question your sources of information."

"What sort of slack-jawed monkeys banging on typewriters are telling you in their monkey language that Hartt and Crane are going to steal any show?"

"Hartt, let's get this out of the way, is a non-factor. Some halfwits cite his 3-1 record. I'd prefer to note his three wins were against nobodies and his one loss was against Sebastian Duke. He's a lucky kid who fell head first into the main event and is about to break his neck falling against the brick wall that is Mark Flynn."

"Crane? If he shows up and pulls out a decent game, I'll let him stomp Hartt for a couple minutes of precious screen time. As long as he keeps track of who's running the show."

"And finally Angelus."

Flynn awkwardly clicks his tongue against his teeth a moment in thought.

"I'd prefer to keep my personal opinions in my promos where they belong..."

"so instead... Let's get a couple of necessary statements out of the way."

"Angelus is, more likely than not, the only real competition I have on Warfare. A viable threat? Certainly... If he had a competent partner."

"Angelus and I, have an odd feud going on... Despite our best efforts, we've never pinned or tapped each other out in official competition."

"He pinned me for the X-Treme Title in an unsanctioned ambush."

"While I, in a more technically impressive manner, choked him unconscious to win the United States Title."

"We've met in four different matches. Soon to be, five."

"And still. There's been no definitive end to our ongoing feud."

"Let me assure you, I plan to start it on this coming Warfare."

"When I become the first man to ever force Angelis to submit."

"And become a 4-time X-Treme Champion."

Flynn stretches, smiling, relaxed.

"Go on, Sayors. You've put me in a good mood. Hit me with another one."
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Sayors Offline
XWF Official Interviewer

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03-15-2013, 12:47 AM

Steve Sayors seems very relieved that Flynn appears to be in good spirits at this point.

Sayors: Well next Wednesday will be very interesting to watch as we all see whether or not you can actually live up to those words because as I'm sure you'd agree... it's easier said than done when it comes to things of that nature when a name like Angelus is in the mix. Let's talk for a minute about some recent comments you've directed at another man, though... at one Mistery Mystery. It seems as though you've recently spoken directly to him as though he is, in fact, Sid Feder under the mask. We've all seen on numerous occasions that there have been times he's claimed to be Sid, yet there have been other times more recently in which he flat out claims to not be Sid. It's obvious when we look at a man like Mister Mystery that he's not exactly "normal" so do you actually believe it IS Sid Feder under the mask and he's playing some kind of mind game? Or do you believe that perhaps he's just completely lost his mind and doesn't know who he is? Or could it be that he is in fact a different person altogether, considering the offensive moves he has displayed are much more power-based than the arsenal Sid Feder seemed to possess in the past? In addition to that, how likely do you think your attempt at turning him against Donathan will be? You spent a considerable amount of time addressing him earlier in the week and it seems clear that he is a significant part of whatever plan you've got building in that brain of yours. Tell us a little more about all of that...

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03-15-2013, 12:12 PM

Flynn's smile... Slowly slides off his face.

"Let me tell you something, Sayors. You address me, you do it respectfully. You cross that boundary again, I take your head off and twist your headset around your throat like piano wire..."

Before Sayors can ask how he offended Flynn, Flynn begins anew.

"But to answer your riddle. If you think I'm going to reveal details of an overarching plan before the pieces come into place that make it impossible to prevent."

"Then, you're clearly the idiot I'm familiar with having to conduct an interview around."

Flynn angrily stares daggers into Sayors.

"Consider this your second strike, Sayors. But these people shouldn't be punished for your incompetence, so I'll try to answer your questions as much as I can without spoiling the fun."

"Whether or not Mister Mystery is biologically Sid Feder. That's just a feeling I have in my gut."

"Sid Feder mentally? This oafish buffoon isn't half the mastermind Sid Feder is. He's a bleating sheep following in the footsteps of Tyler Decker, a man who's been ripping me off since I beat him in October..."

"Really, Decker? Walking to the ring in a large coat not making eye contact with anyone? How'd you come up with that one, Diet Mark Flynn?"

"And Donathan. A man who I put a lot of stock and confidence a long time ago. And boy, was that a mistake"

Flynn sneers, any semblance of warmth gone from his smile.

"If you want to talk about planners, Donathan can even give me a run for my money."

"The only difference between his and mine?"

Flynn leans over the edge of his chair.

"My plans change the world..."

Flynn coldly stares into the camera.

"I'm not calling out to Mister Mystery to defeat Donathan's Frightful Four."

"I'll leave that to John Black or 'X-Tremist' Bryce or whoever fans desperately pretend to enjoy on Shove-It."

"I'm calling out Mystery so he wakes up and truly sees the world around him."

"Donathan's pointing at lines on the ground and calling the smallest chunk of lifeless concrete possesses his turf."

"I want Mystery to open his eyes, to pull the territory lines off the map to see truly how limitless the possibilities are..."

"The end of the world he wants to bring to the XWF.."


"And ends..."

"With me."

Flynn doesn't compliment Sayors this time. He just keeps his eyes on the camera.
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Sayors Offline
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03-15-2013, 12:19 PM

Steve touches his ear piece and his eyes get wide with excitement!

Sayors: Oh my... forgive me but we have breaking news I'm being informed of. It seems that the next XWF pay per view has just been announced and is scheduled to take place in Wembley Stadium on March 31st! It's going to be a roster wide gauntlet that sees the winner crowned King of XWF! I'm pleased to be able to ask you first hand... will we be able to count on Mark Flynn entering the gauntlet in London, England?

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03-15-2013, 04:15 PM

Flynn leans back a moment.

And smiles, confidently... hatefully as his eye brows crawl, his eyes squinting as he pulls the audio equipment off.

He taps his wrist twice quickly towards Sayors.

And leaves...
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