Flynn's smile... Slowly slides off his face.
"Let me tell you something, Sayors. You address me, you do it respectfully. You cross that boundary again, I take your head off and twist your headset around your throat like piano wire..."
Before Sayors can ask how he offended Flynn, Flynn begins anew.
"But to answer your riddle. If you think I'm going to reveal details of an overarching plan before the pieces come into place that make it impossible to prevent."
"Then, you're clearly the idiot I'm familiar with having to conduct an interview around."
Flynn angrily stares daggers into Sayors.
"Consider this your second strike, Sayors. But these people shouldn't be punished for your incompetence, so I'll try to answer your questions as much as I can without spoiling the fun."
"Whether or not Mister Mystery is biologically Sid Feder. That's just a feeling I have in my gut."
"Sid Feder mentally? This oafish buffoon isn't half the mastermind Sid Feder is. He's a bleating sheep following in the footsteps of Tyler Decker, a man who's been ripping me off since I beat him in October..."
"Really, Decker? Walking to the ring in a large coat not making eye contact with anyone? How'd you come up with that one, Diet Mark Flynn?"
"And Donathan. A man who I put a lot of stock and confidence a long time ago. And boy, was that a mistake"
Flynn sneers, any semblance of warmth gone from his smile.
"If you want to talk about planners, Donathan can even give me a run for my money."
"The only difference between his and mine?"
Flynn leans over the edge of his chair.
"My plans change the world..."
Flynn coldly stares into the camera.
"I'm not calling out to Mister Mystery to defeat Donathan's Frightful Four."
"I'll leave that to John Black or 'X-Tremist' Bryce or whoever fans desperately pretend to enjoy on Shove-It."
"I'm calling out Mystery so he wakes up and truly sees the world around him."
"Donathan's pointing at lines on the ground and calling the smallest chunk of lifeless concrete

possesses his turf."
"I want Mystery to open his eyes, to pull the territory lines off the map to see truly how limitless the possibilities are..."
"The end of the world he wants to bring to the XWF.."
"And ends..."
"With me."
Flynn doesn't compliment Sayors this time. He just keeps his eyes on the camera.